
Computer components By Liam East


•CPU – Central processing unit

•The CPU is the brain of the computer and controls what the computer does.

•Sometimes referred to as the processor.

•A CPU uses a ZIF connector.

•A CPU can generate a lot of heat due to the amount it does.


•RAM stands for Random Access memory

•It allows the computer to do more than one thing at a time. For example, all windows you have open on your computer are stored in the RAM, the more RAM you have, the more you have, the more you can do at one time

Hard Drive

The hard drive (HDD) is a fundamental internal component for a computer, this is where all documents, music and movies are stored.

It is what is known as a storage device

The units used for the amount a hard drive can hold is GB (gigabytes)

Hard drives are connected using SATA cables

Heat Sink

A heat sink is what is applied on the CPU to stop it from overheating

The heat sink has a fan on the top of it

Warm air is made up by the CPU but then it is pushed out of the vents on the base unit.

The heat sink is applied on to the CPU with a layer of thermal compound

Thermal compound is a substance that allow