Page 1: Compositional Fairness Constraints for Graph Embeddings · Compositional Fairness Constraints for Graph Embeddings Avishek Joey Bose1 2 William L. Hamilton1 2 3 Abstract Learning

Compositional Fairness Constraints for Graph Embeddings

Avishek Joey Bose 1 2 William L. Hamilton 1 2 3


Learning high-quality node embeddings is an im-portant building block for machine learning mod-els that operate on graph data, such as social net-works and recommender systems. However, ex-isting graph embedding techniques are unable tocope with fairness constraints, e.g., ensuring thatthe learned representations do not correlate withcertain attributes, such as age or gender. Here,we introduce an adversarial framework to enforcefairness constraints on graph embeddings. Our ap-proach is compositional—meaning that it can flex-ibly accommodate different combinations of fair-ness constraints during inference. For instance, inthe context of social recommendations, our frame-work would allow one user to request that theirrecommendations are invariant to both their ageand gender, while also allowing another user torequest invariance to just their age. Experimentson standard knowledge graph and recommendersystem benchmarks highlight the utility of ourproposed framework.

1. IntroductionLearning low-dimensional embeddings of the nodes in agraph is a fundamental technique underlying state-of-the-artapproaches to link prediction and recommender systems(Hamilton et al., 2017b). However, in many applications—especially those involving social graphs—it is desirableto exercise control over the information contained withinlearned node embeddings. For instance, we may want to en-sure that recommendations are fair or balanced with respectto certain attributes (e.g., that they do not depend on a user’srace or gender) or we may want to ensure privacy by notexposing certain attributes through learned node representa-tions. In this work we investigate the feasibility of enforcingsuch invariance constraints on (social) graph embeddings.

1McGill University 2Mila 3Facebook AI Research. Correspon-dence to: Avishek Joey Bose <[email protected]>.

Proceedings of the 36 th International Conference on MachineLearning, Long Beach, California, PMLR 97, 2019. Copyright2019 by the author(s).

Figure 1. Overview of our approach: Our goal is to generategraph embeddings that are invariant to particular sensitive at-tributes (e.g., age or gender). We train a set of “filters” to preventadversarial discriminators from classifying the sensitive informa-tion from the filtered embeddings. After training, these filters canbe composed together in different combinations, allowing the flex-ible generation of embeddings that are invariant w.r.t. any subsetof the sensitive attributes.

While enforcing invariance constraints on general classifica-tion models (Chouldechova, 2017; Gajane & Pechenizkiy,2017; Kamishima et al., 2012) and collaborative filteringalgorithms (Yao & Huang, 2017) has received considerableattention in recent years, these techniques have yet to beconsidered within the context of graph embeddings—a set-ting that introduces particular challenges due to the non-i.i.d.and non-Euclidean nature of relational, graph data.

Moreover, in the case of social graphs and large-scale rec-ommender systems, it is often the case that there are manypossible sensitive attributes that we may want to enforceinvariance constraints over. Previous work on enforcinginvariance (or “fairness”) in social applications has gener-ally focused on situations that involve one sensitive attribute(e.g., age in the context of credit or loan decisions; Zemelet al. (2013)), but in the context of social graph embeddingsthere can be an extremely large number of possible sensitiveattributes. In fact, in extreme settings we may even wantto be fair with respect to the existence of individual edges.For instance, a user on a social networking platform mightwant that platform’s recommender system to ignore the factthat they are friends with a certain other user, or that theyengaged with a particular piece of content.

Our contributions. We introduce an adversarial frame-work to enforce compositional fairness constraints on graphembeddings for multiple sensitive attributes. The insight be-








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Compositional Fairness Constraints for Graph Embeddings

hind our approach is that we learn a set of adversarial filtersthat remove information about particular sensitive attributes.Importantly, each of these learned filters can be optionallyapplied after training, so the model can flexibly generateembeddings that are invariant with respect to different com-binations of sensitive attributes. As the space of possiblecombinations of sensitive attributes can be combinatoriallylarge, we demonstrate that our compositional strategy cangenerate invariant embeddings even on unseen combina-tions at test time. Our contribution is at the intersectionof research on (social) graph embedding and algorithmicfairness. We build upon the success of recent adversarialapproaches to fairness (Edwards & Storkey, 2015), disen-tanglement (Mathieu et al., 2016), and transfer learning(Madras et al., 2018)–extending these approaches to thedomain of graph representation learning and introducingnew algorithmic techniques to accommodate compositionalconstraints during inference.

2. Related WorkWe now briefly highlight core related work on (social) graphembeddings and algorithmic fairness, which our researchbuilds upon.

2.1. Graph Embedding

At the core of our proposed methodology is the notion oflearning low-dimensional embeddings of graph-structureddata, especially social data. Graph embedding techniqueshave a long history in the social sciences, with connectionsto early research on “sociograms” (small hand-constructedsocial networks) and latent variable models of social in-teractions (Faust, 1988; Majone, 1972). In more recentyears, the task of embedding graph-structured data has re-ceived increasing attention from the machine learning anddata mining communities (Cai et al., 2018; Hamilton et al.,2017b). Generally, the goal of these works is to map graphnodes to low-dimensional vector embeddings, such that theoriginal graph can be reconstructed from these embeddings.Traditional approaches to this problem include Laplacianeigenmaps (Belkin & Niyogi, 2002) and matrix factorizationtechniques (Ng et al., 2001), with recent years witnessing asurge in methods that rely on random-walk based objectives(Grover & Leskovec, 2016; Perozzi et al., 2014), deep au-toencoders (Wang et al., 2016), and graph neural networks(Hamilton et al., 2017a; Kipf & Welling, 2016).

Learned graph embeddings can be used for a wide varietyof tasks, including node classification, relation prediction,and clustering (Hamilton et al., 2017b). Here, we focuson the relation prediction task, i.e., using the learned rep-resentations to predict previously unobserved relationshipsbetween the input nodes. The relation prediction task isexceptionally general—for example, it generalizes basic rec-

ommender systems, knowledge base completion, and evennode classification (ibid.).

2.2. Algorithmic Fairness

Unlike previous research on graph embedding, in this workwe focus on the challenge of enforcing fairnes or invarianceconstraints on the learned representations. Recent work onfairness in machine learning, including work on fairnessin collaborative filtering, involves making predictions thatare balanced or invariant with respect to certain sensitivevariables (e.g., age or gender) (Chouldechova, 2017; Gajane& Pechenizkiy, 2017; Kamishima et al., 2012; Madras et al.,2018; Zemel et al., 2013; Yao & Huang, 2017). Formally, inthe standard “fair classification” setting we consider a datapoint x ∈ Rn, its class label y ∈ Y , and a binary sensitiveattribute a ∈ {0, 1} (e.g., indicating gender). The high-levelgoal is then to train a model to predict y from x, whilemaking this prediction invariant or fair with respect to a(Madras et al., 2018). There are many specific definitions offairness, such as whether fairness refers to parity or satisfy-ing certain preferences (see (Gajane & Pechenizkiy, 2017)for a detailed discussion). In the context of fair machinelearning, our core contribution is motivating, implementing,and evaluating an approach to enforce fairness within thecontext of graph embeddings. There are a number of com-plications introduced by this setting—for instance, ratherthan one classification task, we instead have thousands oreven millions of interdependent edge relationships.

3. PreliminariesWe consider the general case of embedding a heterogeneousor multi-relational (social) graph G = (V, E), which con-sists of a set of directed edge triples e = 〈u, r, v〉 ∈ E ,where u, v ∈ V are nodes and r ∈ R is a relation type. Wefurther assume that each node is of a particular type, T ⊆ V ,and that relations may have constraints regarding the typesof nodes that they can connect.

Relation Prediction. The general relation prediction taskon such a graph is as follows. Let Etrain ⊂ E denote a set ofobserved training edges and let E = {〈vi, r, vj〉 : vi, vj ∈V, r ∈ R} \ E denote the set of negative edges that are notpresent in the true graph G. Given Etrain, we aim to learn ascoring function s such that

s(e) > s(e′),∀e ∈ E , e′ ∈ E . (1)

In other words, the learned scoring function should ideallyscore any true edge higher than any negative edge.

Embedding-based Models. In the context of graph embed-dings, we aim to solve this relation prediction task by learn-ing a function ENC : V 7→ Rd that maps each node v ∈ Vto an embedding zv = ENC(v). In this case, the signature

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Compositional Fairness Constraints for Graph Embeddings

of the score function becomes s : Rd × R × Rd 7→ R,i.e., it takes two node embeddings zu, zv ∈ Rd and arelation r ∈ R and scores the likelihood that the edgee =< u, r, v > exists in the graph. Generally, the intuitionin embedding-based approaches is that the distance betweentwo node embeddings should encode the likelihood thatthere is an edge between the nodes. Following standardpractice, we consider the optimization of these scoring func-tions using contrastive learning methods that make use ofa corruption distribution such as noise contrastive estima-tion (Dyer, 2014; Mnih & Teh, 2012) and similar variants(Bose et al., 2018), where the loss over a batch of edgesEbatch ⊆ Etrain is given by:∑


Ledge(s(e), s(e−1 ), ..., s(e−m)), (2)

where Ledge is a per-edge loss function and e−1 , ..., e−m ∈ E

are “negative samples”, i.e., randomly sampled edges that donot exist in the graph. Loss functions of this form generallyattempt to maximize the likelihood of true edges comparedto the negative samples.

Fairness. In order to incorporate the notion of fairness intothe graph embedding setup, we assume that for exactly onenode type T ∗, all nodes of this type, i.e. all u ∈ T ∗, haveKcategorical sensitive attributes, aku ∈ Ak, k = 1...,K, andfor simplicity, we assume that there are no other features orattributes associated with the nodes and edges in the graph.1

The challenge in enforcing fairness is thus to ensure thatthe learned node embeddings, zu, are not biased or unfairwith respect to these sensitive attributes—a point which weformalize in the next section.

4. Invariant Graph EmbeddingsWe first motivate and argue in favor of a particular form of“fairness” (or rather invariance) within the context of graphembeddings. Following this, we outline our compositionaland adversarial approach for enforcing these invariance con-straints on graph embeddings.

4.1. Pragmatic Fairness as Invariance

In this paper we consider a simple, user-centric formulationof fairness within the context of social graph embeddings.Using gender as an example of a sensitive attribute andmovie recommendation as an example relation predictiontask, our approach is guided by the following question: Ifone gives a user a button that says “Please ignore my genderwhen recommending movies”, what does a user expect fromthe system after this button is pressed? Here, we accept itas non-controversial that the expectation from the user isthat recommendation does not depend in any way on their

1Though this assumption can easily be relaxed.

gender, i.e., that the recommendation would be the sameregardless of their gender. Formally, given a user u, thisexpectation amounts to an assumption of independence,

s(e) ⊥ au ∀v ∈ V, r ∈ R (3)

between the recommendation—i.e., the score of the edge,s(e) = s(〈zu, r, zv〉)—and the sensitive attribute au.

One issue in directly enforcing Equation (3) is that thereare many (potentially millions) of possible edges that wemight want to score for every node u ∈ T ∗, making itintractable to enforce independence on each of these deci-sions individually. However, if we assume that the scorefunction s(〈zu, r, zv〉) depends on u only through u′s’s em-bedding, zu, then we can guarantee the independence inEquation (3) for all edge predictions by enforcing what wecall representational invariance:

zu ⊥ au, ∀u ∈ V. (4)

In other words, we require that the mutual informationI(zu, au) is 0.

Generalizing to the setting of multiple sensitive attributes,for a given set of sensitive attributes S ⊆ {1, ...,K}, wewould require that

I(zu, aku) = 0, k ∈ S,∀u ∈ V, (5)

which amounts to the assumption of S independent invari-ance constraints on the S distinct sensitive attributes.2 Im-portantly, we assume that the set S is not fixed (e.g., differentusers might request different invariance constraints). In thelanguage of algorithmic fairness, the representational invari-ance of Equation (5) implies that traditional demographicparity constraints are satisfied on the sensitive attributes andrecommendations.

4.2. Model Definition

In this work, we enforce representational invariance con-straints on the node embeddings (Equation 5) by introducingan adversarial loss and a technique to “filter” the embed-dings generated by the ENC function. Note, again, thata unique challenge here is that S—the set of sensitive at-tributes we want to be invariant with respect to—is not fixedacross nodes; i.e., we may want to enforce invariance ondifferent sets of sensitive attributes for different nodes.

Note also that the framework presented in this section isquite general and can function with arbitrary combinationsof base node embedding functions ENC and edge-predictionlosses Ledge (see Equation 2). We discuss three concreteinstantiations of this framework in Section 5.

2Note that this does not necessarily imply “subgroup fairness”on the joint distribution (Kearns et al., 2017).

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Compositional Fairness Constraints for Graph Embeddings

Compositional Encoder. The first important insight inour model is generalizing the ENC embedding function tooptionally “filter” out the information about certain sensitiveattributes. In particular, for every sensitive attribute k ∈{1, ...,K} we define a filter function fk : Rd 7→ Rd thatis trained to remove the information about the kth sensitiveattribute. If we want the node embedding to be invariantw.r.t. some set of sensitive attributes S ⊆ {1, ...,K}, wethen generate its embedding by “composing” the output ofthe |S| filtered embeddings using a compositional encoder:

C-ENC(u, S) =1


fk(ENC(u)) (6)

To train C-ENC(u, S) we sample a binary mask to deter-mine the set S at every iteration. In this work, we samplethe binary mask as a sequence of k independent Bernoullidraws with a common fixed probability p = 0.5; however,other application-specific distributions (e.g., incorporatingdependencies between the attributes) could be employed.Sampling random binary masks forces the model to produceinvariant embeddings for different combinations of sensitiveattributes during training with the hope of generalizing tounseen combinations during inference time — a phenomenathat we empirically validate in Section 5.2.

Adversarial Loss. To train the compositional encoder, weemploy an adversarial regularizer. For each sensitive at-tribute k ∈ K, we define a discriminator Dk : Rd ×Ak 7→[0, 1], which attempts to predict the kth sensitive attributefrom the node embeddings. Assuming we are given an edge-prediction loss function Ledge (as in Equation 2), we canthen define our new adversarially regularized per-edge lossas

L(e) =Ledge(s(e), s(e−1 ), ..., s(e−m))

+ λ∑k∈S


log(Dk(C-ENC(u, S), ak)), (7)

where λ is a hyperparameter controlling the strength of theadversarial regularization. To optimize this loss in a mini-batch setting, we alternate between two types of stochasticgradient descent updates: (1) T minibatch updates minimiz-ing L(e) with respect to C-ENC (with all the Dk fixed), and(2) T ′ minibatch updates minimizing −L(e) with respect toDk, k = 1...,K (with C-ENC fixed).

Theoretical Considerations. For clarity and simplicity, weconsider the case of a single binary sensitive attribute, withthe theoretical intuitions naturally generalizing to the multi-attribute and multi-class settings. Assuming a single binarysensitive attribute ak, by simple application of Proposition2 in Goodfellow et al. (2014), we have:3

3Theorem 1 holds as a consequence of Proposition 2 in Good-fellow et al. (2014) if we simply replace the task of distinguishingreal/fake data by classifying a binary sensitive attribute.

Theorem 1. If c-enc and Dk have enough capacity, T ′ islarge enough so that Dk is allowed to reach its optimum on−L(e) (with c-enc fixed), and c-enc is optimized accordingto L(e) (with D fixed), then I(zu, au) → 0,∀u ∈ T ∗ asλ→∞.

That is, if we increase the weight of the adversarial reg-ularizer to infinity, the equilibrium of the minimax gamein Equation (7) occurs when there is zero mutual informa-tion between the sensitive attribute and the embeddings. Ofcourse, as λ→∞ trivial solutions to this game exist (e.g.,C-ENC simply outputting a constant value) and in practicesetting λ <∞ leads to a tradeoff between performance onedge prediction and representational invariance.

5. ExperimentsWe investigated the impact of enforcing invariance ongraph embeddings using three datasets: Freebase15k-2374,MovieLens-1M5, and an edge-prediction dataset derivedfrom Reddit.6 The dataset statistics are given in Table 1.Our experimental setup closely mirrors that of (Madras et al.,2018) where we jointly train the main model with adver-saries, but when testing invariance, we train a new classifier(with the same capacity as the discriminator) to predict thesenstive attributes from the learned embeddings.

The goal of our experiments was to answer three questions:

(Q1) The invariance-accuracy tradeoff. What is thetradeoff between enforcing invariance and accuracyon the main edge prediction task?

(Q2) The impact of compositionality. How does the per-formance of a compositional approach, which jointlyenforces fairness over a set of sensitive attributes,compare to a more traditional model that only en-forces fairness on a single attribute?

(Q3) Invariance on unseen combinations. In settingswith many sensitive attributes, is our approach able toenforce invariance even on combinations of sensitiveattributes that it never saw during training?

Throughout these experiments, we rely on two baselines:First, we compare against baselines that do not include anyinvariance constraints, i.e., models with λ = 0. Second, wecompare against a non-compositional adversarial approachwhere we separately train K distinct encoders and K dis-tinct adversaries for each of the K sensitive attributes inthe data. This non-compositional adversary is essentially anextension of Edwards & Storkey (2015)’s approach to thegraph embedding domain.

6Using data from, a previously existing dataset collected by

Jason Baumgartner. The authors and their institutions were not involved in the data collection.

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Compositional Fairness Constraints for Graph Embeddings

5.1. Setup and Datasets

Before describing our experimental results, we first outlinesome important properties of the datasets we used, as wellas the specific encoders and edge-prediction loss functionsused.

In all experiments, we used multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs)with leaky ReLU activation functions (Xu et al., 2015) asthe discriminators Dk and filters fk. The Appendix con-tains details on the exact hyperparameters (e.g., numberof layers and sizes) used for all the different experiments,as well as details on the training procedures (e.g., numberof epochs and data splits). Code to reproduce our resultsis available at:

FREEBASE15K-237Freebase 15k-237 is a standard benchmark used for knowl-edge base completion (Toutanova et al., 2015). In this work,we use Freebase 15k-237 as a semi-synthetic testbed toevaluate the impact of adversarial regularization. Taking theentity attribute labels from Moon et al. (2017), we used the 3-most common attribute labels (e.g., /award/award nominee)as “sensitive” attributes. The goal in this dataset is to per-form the standard knowledge base completion task, whilehaving the entity embeddings be invariant with respect tothese “sensitive” attribute labels. While synthetic, thisdataset provides a useful reference point due to its pop-ularity in the graph embedding literature.

For our encoder and edge-prediction loss function, we fol-low Ji et al. (2015)’s TransD approach, since we found thisapproach gave significant performance boosts compared tosimpler models (e.g., TransE). In this model, the encodingof a node/entity depends on the edge relation being pre-dicted, as well as on whether the entity is the head or tailin a relation (i.e., the edge direction matters). In particular,the embedding of the head node (i.e., the source node) in anedge relation is given by:

ENC(u, 〈u, r, v〉) = (rpu>p + Id×d)u, (8)

where u,up, rp ∈ Rd are trainable embedding parametersand Id×d is a d-dimensional identity matrix. The encodingfunction for the tail node is defined analogously. The scorefunction for this approach is given by

s(〈u, r, v〉) = −‖ENC(u, 〈u, r, v〉)+r

−ENC(v, 〈u, r,v〉)‖2,

where r ∈ Rd is another trainable embedding parameter(one per relation). Finally, we use a standard max-marginloss with a single negative sample per positive edge:

Ledge(s(e), s(e−)) = max(0, 1− s(e) + s(e)−). (9)

MOVIELENS-1MOur second dataset is derived from the MovieLens-1M rec-ommender system benchmark (Harper & Konstan, 2016).This is a standard recommender system benchmark, wherethe goal is to predict the rating that users assign movies.However, unlike previous work, in our experiments we treatthe user features (age, gender, and occupation) as sensitiveattributes (rather than as additional feature information forthe recommendation task). Following Berg et al. (2017)we treat this recommendation task as an edge predictionproblem between users and movies, viewing the differentpossible ratings as different edge relations.

For this dataset we use a simple “embedding-lookup” en-coder, where each user and movie is associated with aunique embedding vector in Rd. As a scoring function, wefollow Berg et al. (2017) and use a log-likelihood approach:

s(〈u, r,m〉) = z>uQrzv − log(∑r′∈R


The relation matrices Qr ∈ Rd×d are computed as:

Qr = ar,1P1 + ar,2P2,

where ar,1, ar,1 ∈ R and P1,P2 ∈ Rd×d are trainableparameters. In this case, the loss function is simply thenegative of the log-likelihood score.


The final dataset we consider is based on the social me-dia website Reddit—a popular, discussion-based websitewhere users can post and comment on content in differenttopical communities, called “subreddits”. For this dataset,we consider a traditional edge prediction task, where thegoal is to predict interactions between users and subredditcommunities.

To construct the edge prediction task, we examined all com-ments from the month of November in 2017, and we placedan edge between a user and a community if this user com-mented on that community at least once within this timeperiod. We then took the 10-core of this graph to removelow-degree nodes, which resulted in a graph with approxi-mately 366K users, 18K communities, and 7M edges. Giventhis graph, the main task is to train an edge-prediction modelon 90% of the user-subreddit edges and then predict missingedges in a held-out test set of the remaining edges.

Reddit is a pseudonymous website with no public user at-tributes. Thus, to define sensitive attributes, we treat cer-tain subreddit nodes as sensitive nodes, and the sensitiveattributes for users are whether or not they have an edgeconnecting to these sensitive nodes. In other words, thefairness objective in this setting is to force the model to beinvariant to whether or not a user commented on a particularcommunity. To select the “sensitive” subreddit communities,

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Compositional Fairness Constraints for Graph Embeddings

Table 1. Statistics for the three datasets, including the total number of nodes (|V|) and number of nodes with sensitive attributes |T ∗|, thenumber of sensitive attributes and their types and the total number of edges in the graph.




FB15K-237 14,940 14,940 3 168,618√

×MOVIELENS1M 9,940 6,040 3 1,000,209

√ √

REDDIT COMMENTS 385,735 366,797 10 7,255,096√


25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200Epochs


Gender AdversaryAge AdversaryOccupation AdversaryCompositional AdversaryBaseline No Adversary

Figure 2. Performance on the edge prediction (i.e., recommenda-tion) task on MovieLens, using RMSE as in Berg et al. (2017).

we randomly sampled 10 from the top-100 communities bydegree.7 Note that this setting represents the extreme casewhere we want the model to be invariant with respect to theexistence of particular edges in the input graph.

As with MovieLens-1M, we use a simple “embedding-lookup” encoder. In this case, there is only a single relationtype—indicating whether a Reddit user has commented ona “subreddit” community. Thus, we employ a simple dot-product based scoring function, s(〈u, r, v〉) = z>u zv, andwe use a max-margin loss as in Equation (9).

5.2. Results

We now address the core experimental questions (Q1-Q3).


In order to quantify the extent to which the learned em-beddings are invariant to the sensitive attributes (e.g., afteradversarial training), we freeze the trained compositionalencoder C-ENC and train an new MLP classifier to predicteach sensitive attribute from the filtered embeddings (i.e.,we train one new classifier per sensitive attribute). We alsoevaluate the performance of these filtered embeddings on theoriginal prediction tasks. In the best case, a newly trainedMLP classifier should have random accuracy when attempt-ing to predict the sensitive attributes from the filtered em-beddings, but these embeddings should still provide strong

7We excluded the top-5 highest-degree outlying communities.

10 20 30 40 50Epochs









BaselineNon CompositionalHeld Out CompositionalNo Held Out Compositional

Figure 3. Performance on the edge prediction (i.e., recommenda-tion) task on the Reddit data. Evaluation is using the AUC score,since there is only one edge/relation type.


Non Compositional

No Held Out Compositional

Held Out Compositional









Figure 4. Ability to predict sensitive attributes on the Reddit datawhen using various embedding approaches. Bar plots correspondto the average AUC across the 10 binary sensitive attributes.

performance on the main edge prediction task. Thus, forbinary sensitive attributes, an ideal result is an AUC score of0.5 when attempting to predict the sensitive attributes fromthe learned embeddings.

Overall, we found that on the more realistic social recom-mendation datasets—i.e., the MovieLens-1M and Redditdatasets—our approach was able to achieve a reasonabletradeoff, with the near-complete removal of the sensitiveinformation leading to a roughly 10% relative error increaseon the edge prediction tasks. In other words, on these twodatasets the sensitive attributes were nearly impossible topredict from the filtered embeddings, while the accuracy onthe main edge prediction task was roughly 10% worse than

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Compositional Fairness Constraints for Graph Embeddings

Table 2. Ability to predict sensitive attributes on the MovieLens data when using various embedding approaches. For gender attribute thescore is AUC while for age and occupation attributes the score is micro averaged F1. The columns represent the different embeddingapproaches (e.g., with or without adversarial regularizatin) while the rows are the attribute being classified.









GENDER 0.712 0.532 0.541 0.551 0.511 0.5 0.5AGE 0.412 0.341 0.333 0.321 0.313 0.367 0.141OCCUPATION 0.146 0.141 0.108 0.131 0.121 0.126 0.05

Table 3. Ability to predict sensitive attributes on the Freebase15k-237 data when using various embedding approaches. AUC scoresare reported, since all the sensitive attributes are binary. The meanrank on the main edge-prediction task is also reported.





ATTRIBUTE 0 0.97 0.82 0.77ATTRIBUTE 1 0.99 0.81 0.79ATTRIBUTE 2 0.98 0.81 0.81MEAN RANK 285 320 542

100 101 102 103 104







AUC Compositional Gender AUC

Gender Baseline AUC

Figure 5. Tradeoff of Gender AUC score on MovieLens1M for acompositional adversary versus different λ

a baseline approach that does not include the invariance con-straints. Table 2 and Figure 2 summarize these results forthe MovieLens data, where we can see that the accuracy ofclassifying the sensitive attributes is on-par with a majority-vote classifier (Table 2) while the RMSE degrades from0.865 to 1.01 with the compositional adversary. Figures 5and 6 illustrate this tradeoff and show how the RMSE forthe edge prediction task and ability to predict the sensitiveattributes change as we vary the regularization strength, λ.As expected, increasing λ does indeed produce more invari-ant embeddings but leads to higher RMSE values. Figures3 and 4 similiarly summarize these results on Reddit.

Interestingly, we found that on the Freebase15k-237 datasetit was not possible to completely remove the sensitive in-formation without incurring a significant decrease in accu-

100 101 102 103 104






Compositional AdversaryBaseline RMSE

Figure 6. RMSE on MoveLens1M with various λ.

racy on the original edge prediction task. This result isnot entirely surprising, since for this dataset the “sensitive”attributes were synthetically constructed from entity typeannotations, which are presumably very relevant to the mainedge/relation prediction task. However, it is an interestingpoint of reference that demonstrates the potential limita-tions of removing sensitive information from learned graphembeddings.


In all our experiments, we observed that our compositionalapproach performed favorably compared to an approachthat individually enforced fairness on each individual at-tribute. In fact, on the MovieLens-1M data (and the syn-thetic Freebase15k-237 data), the compostionally trainedadversary outperformed the individually trained adversariesin terms of removing information about the sensitive at-tributes (Table 2). In other words, training a model to jointlyremove information about the sensitive attributes using thecompositional encoder (Equation 6) removed more infor-mation about the sensitive attributes than training separateadversarially regularized embedding models for each sen-sitive attribute. This result is not entirely surprising, as itessentially indicates that the different sensitive attributes(age, gender, and occupation) are correlated in this dataset.Nonetheless, it is a positive result indicating that the ex-tra flexibility afforded by the compositional approach doesnot necessarily lead to a decrease in performance. That

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Compositional Fairness Constraints for Graph Embeddings

said, on the Reddit data we observed the opposite trend andfound that the compositional approach performed worse interms of its ability to remove information about the sen-sitive attributes (Figure 4) as well as a small drop on theperformance of the main edge prediction task (Figure 3).


One of the key benefits of the compositional encoder is thatit can flexibly generate embeddings that are invariant toany subset of S ⊆ {1, ...,K} of the sensitive attributes ina domain. In other words, at inference time, it is possibleto generate 2K distinct embeddings for an individual node,depending on the exact set of invariance constraints. How-ever, given this combinatorially large output space, a naturalquestion is whether this approach performs well when gen-eralizing to unseen combinations of sensitive attributes.

We tested this phenomenon on the Reddit dataset, since ithas the largest number of sensitive attributes (10, comparedto 3 sensitive attributes for the other two datasets). Duringtraining we held out 10% of the combinations of sensitive at-tributes, and we then evaluated the model’s ability to enforceinvariance on this held-out set. As we can see in Figure 4,the performance drop for the held-out combinations is verysmall (0.025), indicating that our compositional approach iscapable of effectively generalizing to unseen combinations.The Appendix contains further results demonstrating howthis trends scales gracefully when we increase the numberof sensitive attributes from 10 to 50.


In all of the above results, we used the ability to classifythe sensitive attributes as a proxy for bias being containedwithin the embeddings. While this is a standard approach,e.g., see Edwards & Storkey (2015), and an intuitive methodfor evaluating representational invariance—a natural ques-tion is whether the adversarial regularization also decreasesbias in the edge prediction tasks. Ideally, after filtering theembeddings, we would have that the edge predictions them-selves are not biased according to the sensitive attributes.

To quantify this issue, we computed a “prediction bias”score for the MovieLens1M dataset: For each movie, wecomputed the absolute difference between the average ratingpredicted for each possible value of a sensitive attribute andwe then averaged these scores over all movies. Thus, for ex-ample, the bias score for gender corresponds to the averageabsolute difference in predicted ratings for male vs. femaleusers, across all movies. From the perspective of fairnessour adversary imposes a soft demographic parity constrainton the main task. A reduction in prediction bias acrossthe different subgroups represents an empirical measureof achieving demographic parity. Figure 7 highlights theseresults, which show that adversarial regularization does in-

Gender Age Occupation0.00








n B


BaselineSingle AdversaryCompositional Adversary

Figure 7. Prediction Bias for different Sensitive Attributes underthree settings in MovieLens1M.

deed drastically reduce prediction bias. Interestingly, usinga compositional adversary works better than a single adver-sary for a specific sensitive attribute which we hypothesizeis due to correlation between sensitive attributes.

6. Discussion and ConclusionOur work sheds light on how fairness can be enforced ingraph representation learning—a setting that is highly rele-vant to large-scale social recommendation and networkingplatforms. We found that using our proposed compositionaladversary allows us to flexibly accomodate unseen combi-nations of fairness constraints without explicitly trainingon them. This highlights how fairness could be deployedin a real-word, user-driven setting, where it is necessary tooptionally enforce a large number of possible invarianceconstraints over learned graph representations.

In terms of limitations and directions for future work, oneimportant limitation is that we only consider one type ofadversarial loss to enforce fairness. While this adversar-ial loss is theoretically motivated and known to performwell, there are other recent variations in the literature (e.g.,Madras et al. (2018))—as well as related non-adversarialregularizers (e.g., Zemel et al. (2013)). Also, while weconsidered imposing fairness over sets of attributes, we didnot explicitly model subgroup-level fairness (Kearns et al.,2017). Extending and testing our framework with thesealternatives is a natural direction for future work.

There are also important questions about how our frameworktranslates to real-world production systems. For instance,in this work we enforced fairness with respect to randomlysampled sets of attributes, but in real-world environments,these sets of attributes would come from user preferences,which may themselves be biased; e.g., it might be morecommon for female users to request fairness than male userspotentially leading to new kinds of demographic inequalities.Understanding how these preference biases could impactour framework is an important direction for future inquiry.

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The authors would like to thank the anonymous ICML re-viewers for their helpful comments. In addition we wouldlike to thank Koustuv Sinha, Riashat Islam and Andre Cian-flone for helpful feedback on earlier drafts of this work. Theresearchers also thank Jason Baumgartner for his creationand curation of the Reddit data. This researchwas funded in part by an academic grant from MicrosoftResearch, as well as a Canada CIFAR Chair in AI, held byProf. Hamilton.

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Compositional Fairness Constraints for Graph Embeddings

A. Implementation DetailsWe implement each discriminator and adversarial filter asmulti-layer perceptrons (MLPs) with a leaky ReLU non-linearity between layers, and we use the Adam optimizerwith default parameters. Unless otherwise specified we useλ = 1000 for all experiments and datasets. For fair compar-ison our discriminator during training time and subsequentsensitive attribute classifier share the same architecture andcapacity. Finally, for every step performed by the mainencoding model the Discriminator is updated 5 times. Wefound that this was necessary to provide a sufficient super-visory signal to the main encoding model.

B. FB15k-237 DetailsTo generate negative triplets we randomly sample either ahead or tail entity during training, with a ratio of 20 nega-tives for each positive triplet. The TransD model is trainedfor 100 epochs with an embedding dimension of 20, se-lected using cross-validation, while the sensitive attributeclassifers are trained for 50 epochs. The discriminators, sen-sitive attribute classifier and adversarial filters are modelledas MLP’s with 4,4 and 2 layers respectively. Lastly, we usethe training, validation and testing splits provided in thedatasets.

C. MovieLens1MAs with FB15k-237 we use model the discriminators andsensitive attribute classifiers are modelled as MLP’s but 9layers with dropout with p = 0.3 between layers while theadversarial filter remains unchanged from FB15k-237. Wefound that regularization was crucial to the performanceof main model and we use BatchNorm after the embed-ding lookup in the main model which has an embeddingdimensionality of 30. As only user nodes contain sensitiveattributes our discriminators do not compute losses usingmovie nodes. Finally, to train our sensitive attribute classi-fier we construct a 90% split of all users while the remaininguser nodes are used for test. The same ratio of train/testis used for the actual dataset which constains users,moviesand corresponding ratings for said movies. Finally, we trainthe main model and sensitive attribute classifiers for 200epochs.

D. RedditLike FB15k-237 we generate negative triplets by either sam-pling head or tail entities which are either users or subredditsbut unnlike FB15k-237 we keep the ratio of negatives andpositives the same. We also inherit the same architecturesfor discriminator, sensitive attribute classifier and attributefilters used in MovieLens1M. The main model however

Table 4. Average AUC values across top-k sensitive attributes forReddit. The results are reported on a Held Out test of differentcombinations of attributes.



uses an embedding dimensionality of 50. Similar to Movie-Lens1M only user nodes contain sensitive attributes and assuch the discriminator and sensitive attribute classifier doesnot compute losses with respect to subreddit nodes. Also,our training set comprises of a 90% split of all edges whilethe the remaining 10% is used as a test set. To test com-positional generalizability we held out 10% of user nodes.Lastly, we train the main model for 50 epochs and the sensi-tive attribute classifier for 100 epochs.

E. Additional Results on RedditTo the test degree of which invariance is affected by the num-ber of sensitive attributes we report additional results on theReddit dataset. Specifically, we report results for the Heldout set with 20, 30, 40, and 50 sensitive attributes. Overall,these results show no statistically significant degradation interms of invariance performance or task accuracy.
