
Being a teacher

How do different countries train their teachers?

A view to England, France and Germany


To teach in the UK you need to gain qualified teacher status (QTS). The following steps are therefor mandatory:• You need a school degree and a GCSE grade C

or equivalent in maths and English – and science if you want to be a primary teacher.

• You will need to take a professional skills tests. This test is a numeracy and literacy skills tests.


• You need to show that you have done some class observing lessons.• You have to pass an interview with the teacher training program. • You can register for a teacher training program (called ITT), as soon

as you have proven your school degree, you have passed the skill test, taken observing classes and the interview. The ITT takes one year to complete.

• You can always choose where you want to have your ITT and in which school you want to teach later, as long as you have the adequate diploma.

• Besides, an UK teacher has only one school subject. Source:


Example of a QTS Numeracy Test



• To teach in France you need to study 5 years at university.

• Only the last two years prepare for the job. In the end you will have to do some kind of competitional exams, the so called “concours”.

• The fist university diploma you can get, is called “Licence”. If you habe passed the “licence” you can register for a Master.


• The competitional and final exams (concours) are very hard. In 2012 there where 17.400 candidates for 4.601 posts.

• If one has passed the concours, there will be an other year of teacher training. Hereby the trainee can be sent to a school anywhere in France.

• Even when the teacher education is finished, the teacher can’t choose the school where he or she wants to teach.

• Besides, a teacher in France will teach only one school subject.



How to become a teacher in France - infographic



• Each federal state in Germany has its own plan for the education of teachers.

• Mainly, after 3 years of study, you can get a Bachelor of Education. After 2 more years you can get the Master of Education.

• German teachers are perpared to teach between two and three school subjects. There is a presice combination of subjects which can be taken. For example in Bavaria it would not be possible to teach Chemistry, Latin and Sport.


• Having finished the studies, there has to be done a teacher training program. This program varies in time and effort, again depending in which federal state you are applying.

• The teacher training can take between one or two years. The trainee can be send to any public school of his federal state. Sometimes the trainees have to change schools several times during the program.

GermanyFacts about teachers in Germany

