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Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics Original paperVol. 16, No. 3, 2014 DOI: 10.5277/abb140306

Comparison of constitutive models of arterial layerswith distributed collagen fibre orientations


Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic.

Several constitutive models have been proposed for description of mechanical behaviour of soft tissues containing collagen fibres.The model with aligned fibres is modified in this paper to take the dispersion of fibre orientations into account through angular integra-tion and it is compared with the model that is defined through generalized structure tensor. The paper is focused on the effect of fibredispersion on the resulting stress-strain behaviour predicted by both models analyzed. Analytical calculations are used for the comparisonof the mechanical behaviour under a specific biaxial tension mode. The two models have been implemented into commercial finite ele-ment code ANSYS via user subroutines and used for numerical simulation resulting in a non-homogeneous stress field. The effects of thefibre dispersion predicted by both models being compared differ significantly, e.g., the resulting stress difference between both models islower than 10% only in the case of extremely small dispersion of collagen fibres orientation (κ < (0.01 to 0.03)). These results are con-sistent with those of other related literature. The applicability of the model defined through the generalized structure tensor is discussed.

Key words: arterial wall mechanics, collagen fibre orientation, constitutive modelling, fibre distribution, hyperfit software

1. Introduction

Several constitutive models have been proposed fordescription of soft tissue mechanics. Most of soft tis-sues exhibit a strongly progressive character of theirstress-strain relationships that is usually attributed tothe straightening of the (collagen) fibres and oftenmodelled by exponential functions. Several phenome-nological exponential models have been proposed,analyzed and used for description of a variety of softtissues (e.g. [1]–[3] for isotropic models; [4]–[9] foranisotropic forms).

From the micro-structural point of view the fibreconstituents of most soft tissues are significantly dis-persed in their orientations. According to polarizedlight microscopy investigations of arterial layers([10]–[12]) the collagen fibres (as well as smoothmuscle cells) are aligned rather coherently in medialayers whereas the collagen orientation in the adventi-

tia layer is significantly dispersed. The angular distri-bution of fibres (obtained by small angle light scatter-ing method) for aortic valve and bovine pericardiumwas presented in [13]. Recently, the quantitative datarelated to the distribution of collagen fibres of thoracicand abdominal aortas (and common iliac arteries) [14]and of abdominal aortic aneurysms [15] have beenpublished.

A phenomenological model with some structuralparameters has been proposed by Holzapfel et al. [16]specifically for arterial layers. This model distin-guishes the contributions of individual structural com-ponents (non-collagenous matrix and collagen fibres)and assumes two symmetrical families of perfectlyaligned (i.e., non-dispersed) collagen fibres. Gasser etal. [17] proposed a similar model for arterial layersaccounting also for the dispersion of fibre orienta-tions. Several other authors ([18], [19], [13], [20],[21]) presented their proposals of micro-structuralconstitutive models for various soft tissues accounting


* Corresponding author: Pavel Skacel, Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics, Brno University ofTechnology, Technicka 2896/2, 616 69 Brno, Czech Republic. Tel:+420 5 4114 2868, Fax: 420 5 4114 2876, e-mail:[email protected], [email protected]

Received: August 15th, 2013Accepted for publication: February 7th, 2014

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for the distribution of the fibre orientations and/or thedistribution of the fibre crimps, usually based on thework of Lanir [22].

In this paper, two specific anisotropic modelsoriginally proposed for description of passivestress-strain behaviour of arteries (but frequentlyused also for other fibrous soft tissues, e.g.. corneaand skin [23]–[25]) are analyzed. First, the modelwith perfectly aligned (collagen) fibres proposed byHolzapfel et al. [16] and modified recently in [26](using the approach of Lanir [22]) to account for thedistribution of fibre orientations, and second, thefrequently applied model proposed by Gasser et al.[17] accounting for this dispersion in a simplifiedmanner. The effect of fibre dispersion on the re-sulting stress-strain behaviour of both models isinvestigated and compared in this paper. A similarcomparative analysis [26] of these models is ex-tended here for two families of fibres and aimed atparameter values and range of stretches typical ofarterial layers.

2. Constitutive models

The model with perfectly aligned collagen fibresproposed by Holzapfel et al. [16] (called HGO modelin this text) is introduced in section 2.1. Using theapproach of Lanir [22] the HGO model can be modi-fied to take the angular dispersion of fibres into ac-count; the resulting model (called AI model ~ AngularIntegration Model, consistently with [26]) is presented inSection 2.2. An equivalent model implementing angulardispersion of fibres is introduced in Section 2.3; it waspreviously proposed by Gasser et al. [17] and is calledGST model in this text (Generalized Structure Tensormodel, consistently with [26]).

The following incompressible formulation is sharedby all the hyperelastic models analyzed




ifg CCC ΨΨΨ , (1)


)( 1 −= Icg CΨ , (2)

where Ψ is the elastic strain energy density; Ψg andΨfiare its contributions related to non-collagenous groundmatrix and to two (i = 1, 2) families of (collagen)fibres, respectively; c > 0 is a stress-like materialparameter related to ground matrix; I1 is the first in-variant of the right Cauchy–Green deformation tensorC = FTF; F is the deformation gradient.

Although the structurally-based approaches for Ψg(reflecting the fibrous nature of elastin constituent)have already been proposed and used by some re-searchers (e.g., [22], [27]), the neo-Hookean model(2) is considered for all the constitutive models com-pared (adopted from [16], [17] and consistent with[26]) although not capable to predict eventual buck-ling of the non-collagenous (elastin) fibres. Moreover,this approach allows us to reduce the number of (gen-erally unknown) material parameters effectively andto focus on the main objective of this paper, namelythe effect of collagen fibre dispersion and differentways of its description by the models compared.

2.1. HGO model

HGO model assumes the following relation for thestrain energy density of fibres


),( 242


1 −−= iif Ikkk

0iACHGOΨ , (3)

CA0i :4 =iI , 0i0i0i aaA ⊗= ,









0ia , (4)

where k1 > 0 and k2 > 0 are stress-like and dimension-less material parameters, respectively referenced to(collagen) fibre properties; I4i is a (pseudo)invariant ofC and A0i associated with the contribution of the i-th(collagen) fibre family and representing directly thesquared stretch of this fibre family. It is supposed thatcollagen fibres are inactive in compression, thereforerelation (3) is used only if I4i ≥ 1. The unit vectors a0idefine the directions of two (i = 1, 2) fibre families inthe reference configuration and are specified by an-gles Θi, Φi related to spherical polar coordinates (seeFig. 1). The model assumes two perfectly alignedfibre families that are mechanically equivalent and

Fig. 1. Characterization of angles Θ, Φ used for definitionof fibre orientation

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Comparison of constitutive models of arterial layers with distributed collagen fibre orientations 49

embedded in the ground matrix. The following mate-rial parameters are required for HGO model: c, k1, k2,a01, a02.

2.2. AI model

In the case of AI model the effect of distributed fi-bre orientation is implemented by summing the con-tributions of fibres in all directions. The approachbased on the superposition principle was originallyapplied by Lanir [22] and followed by many others([19], [18], [13], [20], [21]). In this sense the strainenergy function of the HGO model applied for dis-tributed fibre orientations may take the form

( ) ϖΨρπ


ΦΘΦΘ difiif ∫= ),(41),( ,),( 0i

m0i ACaC HGOAI , (5)

),(),( ΦΘΦΘ 0i0i0i aaA ⊗= , ⎥⎥⎥






),(0ia , (6)

where Θ and Φ are Eulerian angles according to Fig. 1,ϖ is the unit sphere, dϖ = sin(Θ) dΘ dΦ and ρi is theprobabilistic distribution function (PDF) of fibre ori-entation (within the i-th fibre family and normalizedsuch that 1)4/(1 ),( =∫ ϖρπ

ωΦΘ di ). Notice that the

structure tensor A0i is now a function of orientationangles Θ, Φ. To be consistent with GST model (Sec-tion 2.3) the fibres within the given i-th family areassumed to be distributed with rotational symmetryabout a mean referential (preferred) direction m

0ia =[sinΘi

m cosΦim, sinΘi

m sinΦim, cosΘi

m]T. Θim and Φi


are angular parameters defining the mean direction offibres within a given (i-th) family in the referential(undeformed) configuration.

Transversely isotropic and π-periodic von-MisesPDF was adopted from [17] that takes the form



4 ),(),( b

bb ii erfi

+= ΦΘ



ρ (7)

where b is the concentration parameter, erfi(x) is theimaginary error function, and χi is the angle betweenvectors a0i and m

0ia (i.e., an inclination angle of orien-tation given by the vector a0i from the mean directionof fibres given by m

0ia for the i-th fibre family).The model contains an equivalent set of material

parameters to the HGO model (c, k1, k2, m01a , m

02a )

extended by the concentration parameter b. For a spe-cific case of perfectly aligned fibres (no fibre dispersion,b = ∞) the model coincides with the HGO model (3).For another specific case of fully dispersed fibres(uniform distribution ρ = 1, b = 0) the model becomesisotropic and independent of the mean orientation m

0ia .The application of the AI model requires integrationover spherical polar coordinates Θ, Φ.

2.3. GST model

The concept of the GST model is based on thedefinition of a generalized structure tensor H[17] that is derived from (classical) structure tensorM distributed through PDF ρ (in an effort to repre-sent the effect of distributed fibres in a continuumsense)


ωΦΘΦΘ d∫= ),(),(4

1 MH . (8)

As shown in [17], for any transversely isotropicPDF the resulting generalized structure tensor can begiven in a compact form 0AIH )31( κκ −+= (where I

is the identity tensor and A0 = m0a ⊗ m

0a is a structure

tensor defined using unit vector m0a specifying the

mean orientation of fibres ~ axis of distribution func-tion ρ). The distribution function ρ is then fully char-acterized only by a single parameter κ, called disper-sion parameter


χ d3

0)( sin

41∫= (9)

where χ is the inclination angle with respect to ρ axis.Gasser et al. [17] replaced the (classical) structure

tensor A0 in the constitutive form (3) of HGO modelby the generalized structure tensor H and proposeda new constitutive model


),( 2*2


1 −−= iif Ikkk

iGST HCΨ , (10)

ii III 41* )31( κκ −+= , CA0i :4 =iI ,


m0i0i aaA ⊗= , (11)

where *iI is a quantity related to C, combining its I1

and I4i (pseudo)invariants and representing a defor-mation measure of the i-th fibre family with meanorientation m

0ia . Similarly to HGO model the aniso-

Page 4: Comparison of constitutive models of arterial layers with


tropic part of *iI is considered only if I4i ≥ 1 (~ if the

strain in the mean fibre direction m0ia is positive).

The GST model has the same set of material pa-rameters (c, k1, k2, m

01a , m02a , κ) as AI model except for

the fact that the dispersion parameter κ is used insteadof the concentration parameter b. Nevertheless, theseparameters are in a direct mutual relation throughequation (9) (see graph in Fig. 2) and one value ofκ ∈ ⟨1/3, 0⟩ always corresponds to each b ∈ ⟨0, ∞⟩, asalready shown in [17]. For a specific case of perfectlyaligned fibres (no fibre dispersion, κ = 0, *

iI = I4i) themodel coincides with the HGO model (3). For anotherspecific case of fully dispersed fibres (uniform distri-bution, κ = 1/3, *

iI = I1/3) the model becomes purely

isotropic and independent of the mean orientation m0ia .

The compact form of the model is beneficial for itsnumerical application. Note that very little formalchange is sufficient to reach GST model definition (10)from HGO model definition (3) – just to replace I4by I*. This often leads to a statement that such a “smallmodification of the fourth invariant is able to repre-sent the dispersion of collagen fibre orientation” (citedfrom [28]). The validity of this statement is analyzedin the following sections through a direct comparisonbetween the GST model and the AI model.

Fig. 2. Relation between the dispersion parameter κand the concentration parameter b

3. Methods and results

The analysis in this paper provides analytical cal-culation and results with respect to conditions typicalof arterial layers with maximum stretch λ up to 1.5.The effect of a specific constitutive model and theeffect of material progressivity parameter (k2) is in-

vestigated. The paper provides also an example offinite element (FE) calculation based on the user sub-routine implementation into a commercial FE code(ANSYS) that proves the FE applicability of the full-integration models.

3.1. Analytical calculations

Based on the theory of incompressible hyperelasticsolids, the constitutive models introduced above resultin the Cauchy stress





+−=ΨΨ (12)

where p is the Lagrange multiplier, I is the identitytensor, B = FFT is left Cauchy–Green deformationtensor and A = Fa0

⊗ Fa0. When applied to the AImodel, the stress calculation can be manipulated in thefollowing form (that has to be solved numerically)






0 021




π π





−+++−= ∫ ∫AI


When applied to the GST model, the calculation ofstress σGST (defined by equations (10)–(12)) is rela-tively straightforward using the following responsefunctions


+=∂∂ 2




2 iii EkEkc

IκΨ ,

)exp()31( 221




−=∂∂ , (14)

with the substitution parameter Ei representing a Green–Lagrange strain-like quantity and characterizing theaverage stretch within the i-th family of collagen fi-bres

)1)(31()3(1: 41 −−+−=−= ii IIE κκCH . (15)

A specific deformation (see Fig. 3) defined byF = diag[λ, 1, λ–1] is considered with parameter λrepresenting the stretch ratio in direction x1. This de-formation mode is equivalent to deformation of thecylindrical vessel wall with the fixed axial length andloaded by inner pressure. Two fibre families withmean orientations in x1–x2 plane are considered

.;;2 2121 ϕΦϕΦπΘΘ −==== mmmm (16)

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Comparison of constitutive models of arterial layers with distributed collagen fibre orientations 51

Fig. 3. Scheme of deformation modeconsidered for analytical calculations

Due to the symmetry no shear accompanies the de-formation, and therefore the biaxial stress state σ =diag[σ11, σ22, 0] can be considered. The σ11 compo-nent of stress (that is expected to be dominant andcorresponds to tangential stress in the virtual cylindri-cal vessel) is used for further comparison between thespecific constitutive models. For simplicity, σ22 stressis omitted from the comparison since this component(corresponding to axial stress in the virtual cylindricalvessel) is expected to be minor in comparison with σ11.The Lagrange multiplier p can be eliminated using theboundary condition (σ33 = 0) and then σ11 depends onfive material parameters: c, k1, k2, ϕ, b (or κ). Theconstitutive models compared differ only in fibre-related contributions (which usually dominate athigher stretches), therefore the effect of matrix onstresses can be excluded by c = 0. The resulting (fibre)stresses are then proportional to k1 parameter, there-fore the normalized stress σ* (depending only on three

material parameters k2, ϕ, b or κ) is introduced asfollows and used for the comparison presented.

111* / kσσ = . (17)

A variety of analytical calculations have been per-formed for different combinations of the material pa-rameters.

For a specific case of fully-dispersed (i.e., uni-formly distributed) fibres (b = 0), the stress-stretchrelations should be independent of the mean orienta-tions of fibre families. This fundamental assumption isnot fully met by GST model ( m

0ia vector influencestension/compression status of the whole fibre family)and therefore the application of GST model to uni-form fibre distribution is a priori questionable. In spiteof this fact, the associated stress-stretch responseswere calculated and compared in Fig. 4. It can beclearly seen that AI model exhibits much stiffer be-haviour than GST model. In addition to the greatquantitative differences, there is also a significantqualitative difference – AI model exhibits non-zeroinitial stiffness while it is zero for GST model. Theresponse of HGO model (with perfectly aligned fibresin three different directions) is included in Fig. 4 forevaluation of the dispersion effect on the stress-stretchresponse. The response of AI model is similar to theresponse of a model with perfectly aligned fibres ori-ented in ϕ = 45°.

For non-uniformly dispersed fibres (b > 0), thestress-stretch response depends on the mean orienta-tion angle ϕ – the resulting responses of the modelsare compared in Fig. 5. It is evident that for highlyorganized fibres (b = 20) both the compared models

Fig. 4. Stress-stretch responses of constitutive models for fully dispersed fibres (and for fixed k2 = 1).Note that fibre direction (ϕ) dependent response of HGO model is included (dotted lines)

even though it is unable to describe the fibre dispersion. Comparison of initial stiffnesses is shown in detailed view on the right

Page 6: Comparison of constitutive models of arterial layers with


coincide with HGO model (see Fig. 5B, D, F) asexpected. For the case of dispersed fibres (b = 2)the responses of both models compared exhibit sig-nificant differences from HGO model and also fromeach other (see Fig. 5A, C, E). The results confirman intuitive expectation that for orientation of fibrestransversal to the load (ϕ = 90°), the fibre disper-sion stiffens the material and softens it for theirlongitudinal orientation (ϕ = 0°). The results alsoindicate that the response of GST model tends al-ways to be softer than the response predicted by AImodel.

Δσ is introduced as a relative stress differencebetween the models analyzed










1111 (18)

where superscripts GST and AI denote the stresses(and normalized stresses) related to GST and AI mod-els, respectively. Figure 6 shows the summary of thestress difference Δσ as a function of λ, κ (or b) and ϕ(for fixed k2 = 1). The effect of parameter k2 is pre-sented separately in Fig. 7 and shows that even higher

Fig. 5. Stress-stretch responses of constitutive models for various amounts of dispersionand for various orientation angles ϕ of fibres (fixed k2 = 1)

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Comparison of constitutive models of arterial layers with distributed collagen fibre orientations 53

Fig. 6. Stress difference Δσ between GST and AI models as a function of stretch ratio λ (left column)and/or as a function of dispersion parameter κ (right column), (fixed k2 = 1)

Fig. 7. The effect of k2 parameter on stress difference Δσas a function of dispersion parameter κ, (fixed ϕ = 0°)

Fig. 8. The effect of dispersion parameter κ on stress σ∗predicted by different constitutive models (fixed ϕ = 45°, k2 = 1)

Page 8: Comparison of constitutive models of arterial layers with


stress difference Δσ is associated with the increasedparameter k2. Moreover, while the relative differ-ence Δσ is nearly independent of the stretch ratio(see Fig, 6B, D, F), this dependence is becomingmore pronounced with increasing k2 value.

Figure 8 compares directly the effect of dispersionon the stress predicted by both of the models ana-lyzed. This figure clearly demonstrates that qualita-tively different predictions (with respect to fibre an-gular dispersion) can be provided by the constitutivemodels analyzed.

3.2. Finite element calculations

Finite element (FE) simulation of uniaxial tensiletest performed with iliac adventitial strips (see Fig. 9)was previously used in [17] to demonstrate the influ-ence of angular dispersion of fibres on the resultingmechanical responses of the GST model. The sameanalysis is used in this paper with equivalent aims– to demonstrate the differences related to AI model,to prove its numerical applicability and to verify theabove analytical results indicating a significant dis-crepancy between the predictions of the two modelscompared. Geometry parameters (referential lengthl = 10.0 mm, width w = 3.0 mm, thickness t = 0.5 mm),material parameters (c = 7.64 kPa, k1 = 996.6 kPa,k2 = 524.6, ϕ = 49.98°, κ = 0.226 or b = 1.084),FE mesh density (4 × 20 × 40 = 3200 elements) andloading (tensile load T = 0 to 1 N) were adopted from[17]. All the constitutive models analyzed were im-plemented as user subroutines into commercial FEcode ANSYS 12.0.

Fig. 9. Scheme of uniaxial tensile test on an adventitial stripused for FE numerical simulation

AI model is more time-consuming for FE cal-culations (due to the numerical integrations relatedto equation (5)) – time of FE iteration was approx.5 times longer than for GST model (however, thisratio cannot be generalized). Lebedev quadrature[29] was used for numerical integration over thesphere domain ω. The accuracy of the numericalintegration used was proved to be within 1% ofstress error. Details regarding the efficient numeri-cal integration methods suitable for the specific AImodel are currently being published in the separateanalysis [30]. The results of FE simulations relatedto different constitutive models are depicted in Fig.10 and Fig. 11. The same output quantities as usedin [17] and the same contour colours were inten-tionally chosen for Fig. 10 comparing both inde-pendent FE solutions (FEAP versus ANSYS). Theresults show that the strong anisotropy causedby perfectly aligned fibres (HGO model) results ina non-realistic deformation with significant trans-versal expansion in the radial direction of the wall,while both implementations of fibre angular disper-sion (HGO and AI models) lead to a qualitativelyacceptable deformation response of the specimen.Nevertheless, the results of GST model are stronglydifferent from the results of AI model. The differ-ence visible in Fig. 10 is attributed to the muchstiffer and more homogenous response of AI model,as depicted in Fig. 11, which compares the influ-ence of fibre dispersion on the global force-displacement (T–u) response predicted by GST andAI models.

To demonstrate the FE applicability of AI modelunder large deformation, its material parameters wereadjusted (k1 = 24.7 kPa, k2 = 13.7) so that the AImodel exhibits practically identical uniaxial stress-strain behaviour as GST model (see Fig. 12). Struc-tural parameters ϕ and b (and matrix-related pa-rameter c) were considered as fixed. A specific pur-pose software HYPERFIT (commercially availableat was used to fit the AI modelon the response of the GST model. This approachsimulates the (practical) situation when both constitu-tive models are fitted to the same experimental data.Figure 12 shows that AI model is able to approxi-mate well the macroscopic stress-strain response ofGST model, when needed. The resulting deformationand stress distribution of the FE calculation can beseen in Fig. 13 that documents the more homogenousstress field of AI model (compared to GST model)even under large deformation with macroscopicallyequivalent response.

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Comparison of constitutive models of arterial layers with distributed collagen fibre orientations 55

Fig. 10. Contours of Cauchy stress (kPa) in the direction of the applied load (circumferential)for different constitutive models (at T = 1.0 N)

Fig. 11. Load-displacement (T–u) responsefor different constitutive models

Fig. 12. Comparison of uniaxial tensile stress-stretch responsesof constitutive models used for FE calculation

Page 10: Comparison of constitutive models of arterial layers with


Fig. 13. Contours of Cauchy stress (kPa)in the direction of the applied load (circumferential)

for AI constitutive model with modified material parameters(k1 = 24.7 kPa, k2 = 13.7, κ = 0.226, at T = 1.0 N)

4. Discussion

The relations between the two approaches consideredto constitutive modelling (GST and AI) have beengenerally discussed in [31] and the specific modelsintroduced above have been compared recently in[26]. That study concludes that there is an enormousdifference between GST and AI model predictions,and there are no other publications (known to theauthors of this paper) proving these results directlyfor the specific constitutive models. Moreover, theirresults related to the transversely isotropic PDF werepresented only for simple tension and equi-biaxialtension conditions (both with a single fibre family)and results for two fibre families with this PDF aretotally absent. In addition, their results were obtainedfor fixed material parameters (k1 = 5 MPa, k2 = 30)and limited strain range (20%). The analysis in thispaper provides results for conditions more typical ofarterial layers (two fibre families under a specific de-formation mode with maximum stretch up to λ = 1.5).Moreover, the effects of the (progressivity) materialparameter (k2) and the effect of neglecting the fibredispersion can both be viewed in this paper. Thisanalysis provides also an example of finite elementsimulation of a realistic testing procedure that

proves the applicability of the AI models and pro-vides a comparison of GST and AI models on thebasis of a non-homogenous stress field.

Despite the differences outlined above, both stud-ies reached consistent conclusions. Study [26] speci-fied the restriction on the dispersion parameter κ asso-ciated with the acceptable stress difference (10%) atthe stretch level of λ = 1.2 and concluded it to be ap-prox. κ < 0.03 = κmax. The results of this paper showsimilar values of κmax at that stretch level and evenlower values of κmax at higher stretches typical of vas-cular tissues “in vivo” (e.g., κmax ~ 0.01 for λ = 1.5,k2 = 10, ϕ = 45°, see Fig. 7). The results presenteddemonstrate that even a very low value of dispersionparameter κ (ranging roughly between 0.01 to 0.03)leads to significant (>10%) stress differences that riseprogressively for higher values of κ. Such a low dis-persion, however, needs not be taken into considera-tion (dispersion can be neglected and the GST modelcan then be approximated via HGO model). Theseresults are a natural consequence of progressivelynon-linear (exponential) fibre stress-strain responseand are also consistent with the theoretical considera-tions [31]. Therefore the GST model analyzed shouldnot be understood as (computationally efficient) ap-proximation of AI model.

Both models are clearly based on different funda-mentals. AI models are based on the assumption ofindependent contributions of individual fibres to thetotal strain energy function. In the case of stronglyprogressive mechanical response (typical of soft tis-sues) this approach leads to inhomogenous distribu-tion of tension among the differently oriented collagenfibres. No re-modelling of fibres is considered and themodel is considered as perfectly elastic, which maylead to unrealistically high stress carried by individualcollagen fibres (this may be viewed as a limitation ofAI model). On the other hand, GST model is based onan average stretch of all fibres that may (in somecases) be viewed more credible from biomechanicalpoint of view, especially if remodelling of collagenfibres (adjusting their reference length) is taken intoaccount.

Generally, it is very difficult to prove which modelis more credible for description of the effect of fibreangular dispersion. As shown in Fig. 12, both modelsare capable to follow the same single stress–straincurve even if the dispersion parameter b is known(e.g., determined histologically). In this case, how-ever, the other structural parameters (k1, k2) have toreach quite different values to fit the same experi-mental data, although these parameters represent thesame stiffness of the reinforcing fibres in principle.

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A respectable approach to verification of the constitu-tive models would require a credible prediction of theoverall stiffness of (collagen) fibres in the tissue (i.e.,the amount of fibres, their cross-section area and ma-terial properties) based on microstructural analysesand on tests performed with the fibrous constituents.These data are, however, not currently available withan adequate credibility.

Direct observation of the effect of fibre angulardispersion on the resulting mechanical response isalso hardly feasible because such an experimentalvalidation would require material samples with differ-ent fibre arrangements but without varying other me-chanical properties of fibres (as already discussed in[28]). These conditions are hardly realizable in thecase of biological tissue.

Although the model validation is not a straight-forward problem in these kinds of material, themodel(s) may be validated through its overall de-scriptive and predictive capability for the specificmaterial by using the results of multiple mechanicaltests (with different deformation mode, and preferablyalso combined with microstructural investigation).This approach (but without the histological analysis)have already been used, e.g., in [33], [34] for valida-tion of a specific AI-class model on 3D experimentaldata of porcine arterial media layer.

5. Conclusion

Two constitutive models, initially proposed forsoft tissue, are compared, both based on exponentialmodel for collagen fibres [16] and both accounting forthe dispersion of their orientation. Although the twomodels share the same (or equivalent) material pa-rameters, the analytical and numerical comparisonspresented show significant differences in their predic-tions of the influence of fibre dispersion on the re-sulting macroscopic stress-strain response.

In contrast to AI model, the dispersion parameter κof GST model cannot be understood as a purelystructural parameter representing the true dispersionof fibre orientations, and therefore the GST modelshould be considered more phenomenological inview of the fibre dispersion. Thus, a frequent char-acterization of GST model as a simple extension ofHGO model by the effect of fibre angular dispersion(e.g., in [28]) suffers from oversimplification; itshould be considered as a model approximating thiseffect with a very limited accuracy. This issue isimportant especially under consideration of the fact

that GST model has been implemented into widelyused commercial FE packages (e.g., material optionlabelled as “Holzapfel–Gasser–Ogden” in ABAQUS).

The only disadvantage of the AI model is its reducedcomputational efficiency resulting from the necessity ofnumerical integration. The AI model is, for instance,capable of credibly describing the compressive behav-iour of fibres based on the exact stretch of each fibrerespecting its individual orientation (in contrast to GSTmodel that controls the behaviour of the whole fibrefamily on the basis of the stretch in its mean orientationonly). AI model is applicable for a general PDF of fibreorientation (in contrast to GST model that is limited inthis aspect). AI model can also be expanded easily byany additional mechanical features of individually ori-ented fibres (e.g., waviness, viscoelasticity).

A significant limitation for applicability of bothmodels compared with distributed fibre orientations isthe lack of quantitative three-dimensional histologicaldata related to distribution of (collagen) fibre orienta-tions in biological materials. Although some data havealready been published in literature, they still seem tobe rather limited with respect to the complexity of theproblem (distribution seems to depend strongly on thespecific type of the vessel, on the specific location inthe vessel and also on the specific layer of the vesselwall). As was used in many studies (e.g., [17], [20],[21], [32], [33]), the structural input data (collagenfibre distributions) can be estimated based on macro-scopic mechanical data (stress-strain response) of thetissue instead of histological analyses. This approachis, however, relatively ill-conditioned and requiressufficient mechanical data. It would be beneficial topay more attention to this issue in experimental inves-tigation to eliminate the lack of input data and, con-secutively, to support the application of AI-type con-stitutive models in the arteries.


This work was supported by the Czech Science Foundation,research projects No. 106/09/1732 and 13-16304S.


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