Page 1: Comparison between characters and plot in our production

Comparison between characters in our production and real life thrillers.LUKE CAPLOWE: TASK 12

Page 2: Comparison between characters and plot in our production

Rhydian Crabb Vs. Nev Schulman As a conclusion as a group we have chosen our main character, Rhydian Crabb to

be most similar to a presenter called Nev Schulman who stars on a show called catfish aired on MTV, weekly.

We have chosen to compare the two as they are both quite vulnerable people, and the use of technology the use in the psychological thriller catfish can be linked to the equipment used in our opening sequence. In Catfish the movie and our opening sequence both characters are put in a state of disorientation, and are shocked through the use of technology, which puts them in vulnerable situation.

Page 3: Comparison between characters and plot in our production

Catfish the movie (2010) In the film Nev’s mind is tested through the anonymous personality of a

female woman he has met online, he is psychologically disorientated when he comes to the realisation that he has been tricked all along by the fake persona of the girl he has been talking too, this is why I think we can link our character Rhydian Crabb and Nev Schulman. As they are both put into vulnerable situations, being tricked by technology.

The characters are similar in the way we wanted Rhydian to look around this age, we wanted him to be a average character but to also have geeky traits like glasses and the way he holds himself, just like the persona of Nev, and the sterotype of a nerd.

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Fin Moores VS. Humans We thought we could compare our blank character Fin Moores with

most of the male human characters in the sci-fi series humans (2015). We think they compare effectively because of the blank expressions both characters hold, in our ending of opening sequence Fins expressionless face is seen as quite blank and almost robotic so that is why we think we can compare his persona to the vacant robotic humans in humans the series.

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‘iBoy’ (2017)

After an accident, Tom wakes from a coma to discover that fragments of his smart phone have been embedded in his head, and worse, that returning to normal teenage life is impossible because he has developed a strange set of super powers. I wanted to include this in a comparison to our thriller, it is technology taking over the mind of a victim causing him to have irrational thoughts or powers mentally or physically.

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EvaluationTo conclude I think I have made educated comparisons with our thriller opening sequence and the whole plot to our story. I think the in our opening sequence link well with the characters I have displayed.
