
PowerPoint Presentation

Comparing Islam to Christianity

Olivia Sablar

Pillar IIslamChristianityOne God, one Jesus, many Prophets.Believes in one god Allah, And has one prophet named Muhammad

Pillar iiChristianityIslamPrays 5 times per day ,and has to pray towards Mecca.Encouraged to pray everyday, and prays towards the Eucharist if in Church.

Pillar iiiChristianityIslamEnquired to do Corporal Works of Mercy.Enquired to help the poor.

CHRISTIANITYISLAMDuring Ramandom they dont eat from sunrise until sunset. Lent we abstain from eating meat.

Pillar lV

Pillar VYou would try to visit Mecca if you have enough money to visit it.Go to Heaven in the future.

