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Community Rights

 And WelfareCommittee

Joint Proposal Prepared by

CSWCD Representative Audrey Antoniano

USC Councilor Mico Pangalangan

University Student Council


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Community Rights and Welfare CommitteeJoint Proposal Prepared by

CSWCD Representative Audrey Antoniano

USC Councilor Mico Pangalangan


The history of the University of the Philippines-Diliman was molded by a rich tradition of

serving the Filipino people. Throughout the decades, the student movement in UP Diliman

has proven that there is no dichotomy between the struggles of the Iskolar ng Bayan and

the different sectors of our society. In fact, during the dark days of Martial Law, the student

movement in UP Diliman initiated community exposures and integrations at peasant

communities, picket lines, indigenous peoples communities, urban poor communities, and

fisherfolk communities in able for them to firmly grasp the different facets and forms of

oppression and injustices perpetrated by the State and its allies. Through their serious

engagement with the said communities, they were able to build people’s organizations,

alliances, and networks that served as the people’s voice for the change that they stronglypursue.

Up to this day, the student movement continues to engage in the people’s struggles

particularly in the UP community. In the recent years, the UP community was threatened

by demolitions (CP Garcia, Pook Arboretum), contractualization and low wages for our

workers (staff, REPS, janitors, security guards), oil price hikes and unjust requirements

that burdened our jeepney drivers, and the eviction of our UP Maninindas (2005) However,

in the midst of these issues, the student movement, led by the University Student Council,

reaffirmed its loyalty to the UP community by actively participating in their campaigns and


Given this mandate of integrating our struggles with the UP community and the Filipinopeople, it is vital for us to have a committee that will stand and protect the University’s

public character amidst the neoliberal policies imposed by the State. Now, more than ever,

it is crucial for the USC to have a committee that promotes a genuine sense of solidarity

among the members of the UP community. This committee should persevere in promoting a

participatory learning process between the Iskolar ng Bayan and the sectors of the UP

community which strives for unity and empowerment.

From the people, for the people; we must not forget the fact that the members of the UP

community are major stakeholders in our university. Thus, there should be a committee in

the USC that will effectively serve as their voice in the ranks of the studentry and the UP

 Administration. Serving as a bargaining unit and representative, the CRAW committeeshould exhaust all its efforts to pursue a University of and for the people.

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 VisionCRAW envisions a united UP community that pursues personal and social transformation

through genuine solidarity and effective participatory governance. CRAW seeks to break

the boundaries of an academic institution that seems to forget its mandate to the UP

community. CRAW believes that the learning process should not be limited to the academe

alone, but rather it must be extended to the immediate community.

MissionThe Community Rights and Welfare Committee commits itself to serve the people through

the enrichment of the student’s awareness and involvement in the different community

endeavors, to initiate campaigns and advocacies on community issues and concerns,

consolidate a united front of students and members of the UP community , and to advance

the struggle for social justice and progress.

Goals and Objectives:•  CRAW aims to solidify the ties between the Iskolar ng Bayan and the rest of the UP


•  Forward the community issues and concerns to the student body.

•  Serve as an effective representation of the UP community in the ranks of the studentry

and the administration.

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Committee Structure

Powers, Functions, and Duties of CRAW Committee Officers:

Committee Heads 

1.  Preside all the meetings of the Committee.

2.  Exercise supervision over the Committee.

3.  Represent the Committee in his capacity where the USC needs representation.

4.   Assure the participation among his Committee and volunteer corps.

5.  Coordinate the Heads of all existing Committees within the USC for unification of


6.  Sign all resolutions, communication, and papers of the Committee.

7.  Perform other functions as may be delegated by USC Chairperson.

 Assistant Head

1.   Assume the function of the Committee Head in the event of the latter’s absence or


2.   Assist the Committee Head in all matters where his or her assistance is required.

3.  Perform other functions as may be delegated by the Committee.


1.  Keep the minutes of Committee’s meeting which will be given to Secretariat

Committee if the Committee needs it.

2.  Keep all pertinent documents, papers, and correspondence.


Note all the transactions or communications released or accepted by the Committee.4.  Handle the volunteer corps.

5.  Perform other functions as may be delegated by the Committee.

Finance Officer

1.   Act as the custodian of the funds of the Committee.

2.  Keep track of the expenses of the Committee.

3.  Submit and present a monthly financial report to the Finance Committee.







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4.  Request funds for the budget needed by the Committee.

5.  Perform other functions as may be delegated by the Committee.

Publicity Officer

1.  Ensure that activities of the Committee are made known to the student body and

the USC.

2.  Ensure the dissemination of information within the Committee and coordinate with

the Mass Media Committee.

3.  Perform other functions as may be delegated by the Committee.

Sectoral Liaison

1.  Provides updates from UP sectors (i.e., reps/staff, maninindas, drivers, and

barangay communities) regarding certain issues and activities.

2.   Act as a means for the Committee to communicate with the UP sectors.

3.  Perform other functions as may be delegated by the Committee.

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RISE UP: General and Specific Plans of Action 

 Amidst the explicit state abandonment of education by the current Aquino regime and the

UP administration’s attacks on the UP community, there is no alternative left but to RISE

UP for community rights and a university of the people!

Representation by effective participation 

•  Unite MSA   – ensure the active participation of the different organizations

composing the UP Multi-Sectoral Alliance to help them in planning, monitoring, and

evaluating their future campaigns. (In cooperation with the Peoples Struggle


•  May Say ang MSA! – Conduct consultations, forums, focused class discussions, org-

to-orgs, and educational discussions regarding the pressing issues faced by the UP

community. (In cooperation with EdRes, Peoples Struggle) This plan of action will

also ensure the democratic participation of the MSA in the decision-making process

by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs.

Immersion for Transformation•  TALI (Tayo at Ang Lipunan)  – this is an opportunity for the students and

organizations to integrate with the UP community and extended communities

(Balara, San Roque). Given a chance, CRAW can also initiate immersions in peasant

communities, worker’s unions, among others.

•  Komyu Fair  – A community fair that will be launched by local Student Councils,

Organization, Fraternities, and Sororities to promote their advocacies and projects.

•  Kulturang Komyu  - This will showcase UP students’ talents while creating ties

with the communities. It will serve as a venue for UP students to present their

artworks and cultural performances, and at the same time, the community members

also share their own.

Service towards Empowerment•  Transformation towards Mitigation (TM)  – given the context of having

devastating natural disasters for the past years, there is a necessity to promote a

culture of safety, security and preparedness, and transform each member of the UP

community into well-informed, well-organized individuals and groups, through drills

and seminars. (In cooperation with CSWCD’s DRRM cluster, EnviComm)

•  G na G for Gender Sensitivity  – an initiative to equip the members of the UP

Community with the basic awareness of SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender

Identity) and to be informed about the different gender-related issues today. This

will be conducted through gender sensitivity trainings, workshops, and seminars. (in

cooperation with Diliman Gender Office, GenderComm, OASH)•  Sulong, Gabriela!  –  An awareness-raising campaign about the rights and

welfare of women and the issues currently facing the women’s sector (in

cooperation with DGO, GenderComm., Center for Women’s Studies)

•  Kalusugan sa Pamayanan – an initiative to provide basic knowledge about

first-aid and other health concerns, and medical missions during weekends .

(In cooperation with SpoHFi, UHS, and Pre-Med Organizations)

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•  Green UP – A community clean-up drive participated by the students and all of

the sectors of the communities. (In cooperation with EnviComm, Environmental

Organizations, and NSTP Coordinators)

Education through community learning

•   AdVox  (Advocate your voice) – A monthly campaign series highlighting theadvocacies of the UP community. 

•  Teacher Isko  – a call for volunteers to teach out-of-school youth or elementary

students the basics of reading, writing, math, and making artworks. (in cooperation

with CCA, orgs) 

•  Community Security  – given the context of having security issues in the

university, we should have a series of dialogues with the organizations of the UP

Community and the UPD Police so that we can resolve these conflicts as a collective.

Unity through struggle•  Huntahan sa Diliman – a series of forums, educational discussions and org-to-org

discussions regarding the different national issues that affects the students and the

sectors of the UP community (in cooperation with EdRes)

•  MSA sa ALC! – an initiative to involve the representatives of the organizations in

the UP community during the All-Leaders Conference. This should serve as an

avenue for them to air out their concerns directly to us students.

People-centered University•  University of the People  – conduct series of campaigns for higher state subsidy

for UP and other SUCs, oppose commercialization of UP education, and defend the

rights of the UP community.
