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2583 Main Street

P.O. Box 511

Lake Placid, NY


Phone: 518 523-3753

Fax: 518 523-3831

E-mail: [email protected]


Office hours:

9 am-1 pm, Mon. -Fri.

COMMUNICATION CARD Can we pray for you? All requests will remain confidential.

Prayer Requests: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Praise Reports: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please tear off this page and place it in

the offering plate or put in baskets on

columns. Thank you.



Pastor: Rev. John Martin

email: [email protected]

Youth Leaders: Kaysie & Lee Kyler

email: [email protected]

Worship Leader John Pillen

email: [email protected]

Church Secretary: Pam Dreissigacker

email: [email protected]

Chief of Maintenance: Scott Monroe

email:[email protected]

Parish Nurses Judy Grimard Linda Jones

Tuesdays, 10-11 am in the church

Organist 9:00 am service Karen Robards

email: [email protected]

Church Staff





10, 2013


As one called into the path of discipleship, you are called into community (Koinonia). It’s a community of more than simply presence or intellectual assent, but it’s one of owner-ship and activity. It’s a community that can be miraculous, messy and even dangerous! So how does such a community work and how, once within such a community, can the disci-ple continue his or her journey?

LOVE! That’s right, not only did Jesus give this as a new command for his followers, but he told them love of God and humanity formed the foundation of all other commands (Matthew 22:40)!

This Sunday we’ll be looking closely at that new command, and exploring what love might truly look like within our Koi-nonia. Join the conversation, join the community, and join us as we learn to better love God and one another!

Pastor John Martin

“A new command I give you: Love one another.

As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

John 13:34

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What We Believe

...the living core of the Christian faith is revealed in scripture, illumined by tradition, vivified in personal experience, and confirmed by reason.

...the one God we worship exists fundamentally within a com-munity of the three persons of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

…God’s son, Jesus, came to live among us as fully divine and fully human. His life, death, and resurrection points to and fulfills the good news of the freedom from sin and death, which we proclaim.

...we share one mission with Christians throughout time, to make disciples of Jesus Christ. is into community (koinonia) that we have been called to coexist and through this community that we are able to truly manifest the body of Christ.

…wherever you are on your journey, we are here for one another!

“In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In All Things Charity.”

~Rupertus Meldenius (1627)


Thank you for joining our service

We hope you will worship with us again.


9:00 a.m. Traditional service

10:30 a.m. Contemporary service Children’s Sunday school Nursery during 10:30 a.m. service Sunday Evening Youth Group, 6 pm Man Church, 8:00 pm

OTHER OFFERINGS Men’s Breakfast Tuesdays 6:45 a.m., Erdman Hall. All men welcome. Support Ministry Is available, Contact: Rev. Ingrid Johnson, 891-7428 Young Families Group Meets once a month Contact: Crystal Martin, 302-5090 Couple’s Group

Meets the 1st Friday of the month Contact: Lee or Kaysie Kyler, 585-281-2785 Knitting Group Tuesday evenings, 7:00 pm, Various homes . Contact: Jennifer Newhart, 523-3548 Ladies Friday Bible Study Fridays at 4:30 pm, Todd Room 523-3753 for info. MOPS– Mothers of PreSchoolers Meets every other Thurs. morning at 9 am. In Erdman Hall Contact: Amanda Torres at [email protected] Uihlein Nursing Home—Interfaith Service, 2:30 pm. Contact: Mickey Lansing, 523-9835

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Words of Welcome We thank you for joining us for our worship service and making Adirondack Community Church a part of your wor-ship today. We hope you find the worship to be meaningful, the people to be friendly, and your time to be well spent. At Adirondack Community Church we welcome all who are sincerely seeking, regardless of where you find yourself in your journey. We encourage people to come as they are, affirming that God meets us where we are and brings us along the way. Whether this is your first time with us, or this is the church you call your own, we invite you to continue worshipping with us in the future. May God bless you and your loved ones this day and each day going forward!

~Your Friends at

Adirondack Community Church

Please silence your mobile devices!

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Mission Statement: Sharing God’s Love In All We Do.

Vision Statement:

The Adirondack Community Church seeks to love the Lord with all our

hearts, minds, souls and strengths; and to make disciples for Jesus Christ.

Want To Get Connected? This response card is an opportuni-ty for you to communicate with us. We want to hear from you.

Name ________________________

Address _____________________

Home Phone __________________

Other Phone __________________

Email ___________________________

Today’s date _____________________

Please check any that apply: _____ I prayed today, asking Jesus to be

my Lord and Savior I have some questions about the

Christian life, please contact me. I want to be baptized. I want information on church

membership _____ I want to be part of a Bible Study

or fellowship group _____ I have a need in my life. Please

contact me.

We are a United Methodist

Church in Denomination

and a Community Church in


"Sharing God's Love

In All We Do"

Prayer Team

Prayer is available after every worship service at the front of the church. You can also write your

request on the back of this Weekly.

All requests are confidential.

If you have a need that you would like to be

prayed for we would be pleased to do so.

Rev. Ingrid Johnson at 891-7428, or

Pastor John at 607-725-5696.

Knitting schedule for November

Nov 12 - Jan Maswick 80 Grandview. 523-4956 (home) 588-9690 (cell) Nov 18 - Heidi Roland 127 Hillcrest. 523-9243 (home) Nov 25 - Judy Lundin "Emmy's House" - 121 Balsam St., 523-2153 (home)

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Operation Christmas Child

Bring in your boxes anytime by Nov. 24 and place on the altar so we can watch the stack grow!

Our goal this year: 100-200 shoeboxes

Youth Camp Teens

can help you!

We want to help you! Contact Kaysie Kyler to schedule a date!

607-423-0701 or [email protected]

Call us!

St. Petersburg Men's Ensemble at Saranac Lake Methodist Church

December 9, 2013 7:00 pm

Church St., Saranac Lake, NY

Tickets $10 each For advance sale tickets contact: Lethe Lescinsky, 523-0334

Sun.—Nov 10 Baptism @ 10:30 am service Youth Group@ 6 pm

Mon.—Nov 11 Office closed, Veteran’s Day 5:00 pm—Bell Ringers practice No Boy Scouts tonight

Tues.—Nov 12 6:45 am– Men’s breakfast 10:00 am—Parish Nurse here 6:30 pm—Support Group meets in Todd Room. Topic: Depression 7:00 pm—Knitting group meets, call Jen Newhart for info, 523-3548

Wed.—Nov 13 11:30 am—Community lunch program, 2:30 pm— Uihlein Nursing Home Service 6-9:00 pm—Reason2Smile dinner

Thurs. Nov 14 10:00 am—MOPS play date 6:00 pm—Worship Team practice

Fri. Nov. 15 4:30 pm, Ladies Bible Study, Todd Room 7:00 pm -MOPS Mom’s Night

Sat. Nov. 16 Hand to Plow, 10-4

Coming up!

Nov. 18—ECP meeting 7:00 pm, Todd Rm

Operation Christmas Child, turn in shoeboxes starting now.

Dec. 7 & 8—Craft fair, Christmas Carol sing along, Youth Silent Auc-tion & Dinner, Cookie walk!

Save the Dates!

November Birthdays

11/ 1—Andrew Meister

11/7 —Mark Lessard

11/11—Janet Clark

11/13—Paige Megliore

11/14—Patricia Stubbs

11/14—Bambi Pedu

11/15—Jon Fay

11/17—Taylor Hoffman

11/20—Blake Fay & Jenna Fay

11/22—Sara View

11/23—Karen Meister

11/28—Cassidy Huber

Week of 11/10 Haggai 1: 15b-2:9 Psalm 145 2 Thes. 2:1-17 Luke 20: 27-38

Week of 11/17 Isaiah 65:1-6 Psalm 118 2 Thes. 3:6-13 Luke 21:5-19

Lectionary Readings

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Weekly Calendar


YTD needed (as of 7/1)


YTD rec’d (as of 7/1)


Avg. Weekly Need


Amount Rec’d 11/3


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Youth Group’s 3rd Annual Silent Auction and Dinner

2014 summer work camp trip fundraiser

Sunday, December 8, 5-7 pm in Erdman Hall!

Stay tuned for the auction items list!

If you need more information,


Lee or Kaysie Kyler at: [email protected]

Save the date !

2014 Pledge Campaign Pledge cards and envelopes are in the back.

Please pick one up and prayerfully consider your stewardship role next year sharing in the Lord's work through the many ministries of the Adirondack Community Church. Consistent regular giving is vital. You can return your pledge/sharing cards in the offering plate or mail them to the church. Thank you for your support.

Our heartfelt sympathy to the family of

Kimball W. Daby who passed from this life to his eternal reward with our LORD, October 31, 2013. We are praying for God’s comfort and strength for

them during this difficult time. To send cards to the family: Pat, Mark & Kimball

Mrs. Patricia Daby PO Box 68

Lake Placid, NY 12946

Page 5 Mercy Care for the Adirondacks Survey

Mercy Care for the Adirondacks needs information from caregivers who are or have cared for someone in the past.

The surveys and envelopes are in the back.

If you would like help filling out the survey, Linda Jones or Judy Grimard will be willing to help you.

“SUPPORT MINISTRY”—topic: Depression

Tuesday evenings: Two more sessions, November 12 & 19 6:30 pm -8:00 pm Adirondack Community Church, Todd Room Please call Rev. Ingrid Johnson, facilitator, at 518-891-7428 Hope is the antidote to depression! All are welcome!

REASON2SMILE dinner Wednesday, Nov. 13

6:00 pm –9:00 pm

Erdman Hall

All are welcome to attend this free dinner. Come and learn more about Keela Grimmette and John

DiGiacomo’s trip to Kenya.

Reason2Smile currently supports one school and orphan-

age in Kenya, Jambo Jipya Academy and Children's Home.
