Page 1: Community Building for Better Educational Outcomes – Tampa and Jacksonville Maggie Gunther Osborn Conn Memorial Foundation Pam Paul Jacksonville Public

Community Building for Better Educational Outcomes – Tampa and Jacksonville

Maggie Gunther OsbornConn Memorial Foundation

Pam PaulJacksonville Public Education Fund

Page 2: Community Building for Better Educational Outcomes – Tampa and Jacksonville Maggie Gunther Osborn Conn Memorial Foundation Pam Paul Jacksonville Public

The great aim of education is not knowledge but action

Herbert Spencer

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Overview of Tampa and Jacksonville Projects 3:45 – 4:30 Lessons Learned Sustainability & Replication

Table Discussions 4:30 – 5:15 Key Questions for Community Building in Your

Communities Interest in On-Going Learning Agenda

Page 4: Community Building for Better Educational Outcomes – Tampa and Jacksonville Maggie Gunther Osborn Conn Memorial Foundation Pam Paul Jacksonville Public

You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end, each of us must work for our own improvement and, at the same time, share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.

Madame Marie Curie

Page 5: Community Building for Better Educational Outcomes – Tampa and Jacksonville Maggie Gunther Osborn Conn Memorial Foundation Pam Paul Jacksonville Public

The Conn Foundation

Where were we funding historically? What was our goal? We invest in people and leadership

as well as our target population Opportunity to focus and go deep

while acting as a catalyst

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New way of looking at social change

Sulphur Springs Community Initiative

Existing Assets Indigenous Leadership & Ideas Anchor or Central Point

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Sulphur Springs Community Initiative

Community Building

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It Takes All Pieces

Residents & Families ChurchesCooperatives, Clubs & OrganizationsGovernmentPhilanthropySystems- Education/Public ServicesBusiness

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Elements of Community Building

TRUST Presence and investment POWER differential - empowerment Shuttle Diplomacy Comprehensive change Genuine collaboration GRASS ROOTS – Indigenous Leadership TIME

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Honest Broker and Respectful Partner

“I cannot walk in your shoes but I must make an effort to stand beside you and see what you see and listen to what you hear in order to walk with you.”

Page 11: Community Building for Better Educational Outcomes – Tampa and Jacksonville Maggie Gunther Osborn Conn Memorial Foundation Pam Paul Jacksonville Public

Jacksonville Philanthropy’s Education Reform Work

The Community Foundation in Jacksonville as catalyst for reform

Quality Education for ALL Ten Year Investment ($2,000,000) Three-Pronged Strategy

Learning Direct Investment Building Public Will

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Quality Education for ALL Impact After 4 Years

Created Jacksonville Public Education Fund to provide infrastructure and capacity to drive reform

Created Learning to Finish collaborative to focus on dropout crisis

Key player in bringing Teach for America, KIPP and Gates/CLIP to Jacksonville

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Learning to Finish

Unprecedented partnership Duval County Public Schools United Way Jacksonville Children’s Commission The Community Foundation Jacksonville Public Education Fund

Focus on data and candid assessment of the problem

Co-creating new strategies Early Warning System and Strategic Interventions Back on Track Options

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Jacksonville’s Insights

On Collaboration: Neutral and transparent convenor Shared leadership = sharing the work Honest about partner needs and try to meet

them Hold accountable for shared goals Trust-building is an on-going process

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Jacksonville’s Insights

On Systems Change: Start with data Create a strong Theory of Action Work at multiple levels (school and district) Leverage and align existing resources Use foundation resources as a lever Articulate clear goals and measure progress Start small, show success, take to scale Use data and student stories to tell the story Make long-term commitment

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Table Discussion Guidelines

Each table discusses one question (on the tent card)

Choose a facilitator and a recorder Use the flip chart to capture key

discussion points Briefly report out to the full group

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Roundtable Questions

What role(s) do you or can you play based on the environment and your resources to impact educational outcomes in your community?

What barriers to and opportunities for system change exist? How do you as a funder deal with them?

What effect do stimulus dollars, major initiatives, and federal programs have now and in the future? How should philanthropy respond to these current trends?

What are the challenges of developing, replicating and sustaining best practices for improving educational outcomes?

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He who endeavors to serve, to benefit, and improve the world, is like a swimmer, who struggles against a rapid current, in a river lashed into angry waves by the wind. Often they roar over his head, often they beat him back and baffle him. Most men yield to the stress of the current. Only here and there the stout, strong heart and vigorous arms struggle on towards ultimate success.

Albert Pike

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Thank you

Maggie Gunther OsbornConn Memorial

[email protected] Paul

Jacksonville Public Education

[email protected]