Page 1: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D



Page 2: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles

(1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E):

Paragraph A

Paragraph B

Paragraph C

Paragraph D

Paragraph E

1. poor service

2. false claims

3. the product

4. money back

5. diet programme

6. poor quality

Page 3: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

Read the letter. Classify the underlined

linking words and expressions.






so, as ifdespite, unless, if

as though, not to, however

in order to

since, as

Linking Review

Page 4: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D




relative pronoun


after, just as, when, as soon as

as well as, not only, either, also

that, which

Page 5: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

1. I was worried. I went to the doctor.

I was so worried that I went to the


Combine the two sentences

using linking words.

Page 6: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

2. I receive a positive reply within the

next three weeks. I intend to take

further action.

Unless I receive a positive reply

within the next three weeks, I intend

to take further action.

Page 7: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

3. I stayed at home. It was raining. I stayed at home because it was raining. Because it was raining, I stayed at home It was raining, so I stayed at home.It was raining, therefore, I stayed at home. I stayed at home due to the rain. Because of the rain, I stayed at home.

Page 8: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

Language points

1. as soon as possible: 尽快 e.g. You should put on your clothes

as soon as possible when you get up.

2. pay for: 偿还;赔偿 e.g. You should pay compensation f

or the injuries that I have received.

Page 9: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

3. the more…, the more…:

越……,越…… e.g. The more, the better.

越多越好。 The harder you study, the better

your marks will be.


Page 10: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

4. in contact with: 与……取得联系 e.g. I have been in contact with Poli

ce Station for the accident.

5. look forward to doing something:

期望做某事 e.g. I am looking forward to hearin

g from you.


Page 11: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

投诉信是写信人对产品或服务表示不满的信件。 【结构要点】书信的主体部分一般包括三部分:1. 说明自己投诉的事件。2. 详述具体的情况,可以是不愉快的事情发生的过程,也可以是造成的不良后果。3. 提出解决的方法,明确指出希望对方所做的事情,并表示感谢。

Page 12: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

【注意事项】1. 描述事实应客观、准确、简洁。2. 写信时应冷静,对收信人要礼貌、不失风度,即使收信人就是直接责任人也应如此。3. 明确表达解决问题的方式和期待的心情,这是非常重要的。Directions: Suppose that you ordered a refrigerator but later found a worrying problem. Write a letter of complaint to describe the matter and require settlement. Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using“Michael Walton”instead.

Page 13: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

Dear Sir,    I am happy that the refrigerator we ordered last week has arrived on time. But it is a great pity that we find there is something wrong with the refrigeration facilities.   After we used it for several days, we found that food stored in the refrigerating compartment turned bad quickly. When we finally decided to take the temperature in it, we were surprised to find it was around 15 , far from the standard ℃temperature range from 0 to 9 .℃ ℃  

Page 14: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

This problem has affected our normal life. Would you please let me know whether or not you can send a repairman as soon as possible? I hope that my problem will get your kind consideration.                                               Yours faithfully,                                                  Michael Walton

Page 15: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

 假如你是李华,请就本校食堂服务( canteen service )的状况给校长写一封信。内容包括:优点 不足 建议

食堂干净 价格偏高 尽快解决问题

饭菜可口 种类偏少

服务态度好 等候时间较长

Page 16: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

Dear Mr. principal, I am a senior student of our school. I’d like to say something about the canteen service in our school.

Yours sincerely, Li Hua

Page 17: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

Dear Mr. principal, I am a senior student of our school. I’d like to say something about the canteen service in our school. I’m so glad, for we have a clean and tidy canteen where meals served are delicious. Besides, the workers working here are very kind to us, making it a pleasant place to enjoy the meals. However, I also feel sorry that it often takes us a long time to wait in queue to take the meal, the price of which is so high that the students from the poor family can’t afford it. What’s worse, we can only have a limited variety of dishes with little change every week so that many of us aren’t interested in them any longer. Therefore, may I suggest something be done to solve the problems, leaving us a better canteen to have a meal? Thanks for your consideration. Yours sincerely, Li Hua

Page 18: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

Dear Mr. principal, I am a senior student of our school. I’d like to say something about the canteen service in our school. There is no doubt that the canteen service has many advantages, owing to the hard work of all workers. For example, the canteen is always clean and tidy, which makes it possible for us to be protected from some diseases when dining in it. Then the courses supplied by the canteen taste delicious, making us enjoy our meals every time. Besides, the good service put us in a happy mood, for the workers are kind and always gives us a smile while serving. However, there are also some disadvantages, which many students complain. First , we consider the price a little higher than we can afford, especially for those who come from poor family. Secondly, the courses should be more various so that we can have more choices. Finally, it is a waste of time for us to wait in that a long queue. In a word, I suggest that all the problems mentioned in the letter be solved as soon as possible. Best wishes Yours truly, Li Hua

Page 19: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D

Dear Mr. Principal,   I am a senior student of our school. I’d like to say something about the canteen service in our school.   In general, the service is satisfactory. The hall is clean and tidy. The dishes look inviting and taste delicious as well. What’s more, the workers there treat us as their friends, which makes us feel very happy.   However, we feel the price of the meals is a little too high. Besides, we can only have a limited variety of dishes with little change every week. In addition, we often have to stand in line for a long time before we can get the meal. You could understand how precious time is to us students. Therefore, may I suggest something be done to solve the problems so that we can all enjoy our meals at school?   Thanks for your consideration.   Sincerely yours,   Li Hua

Page 20: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D
Page 21: Communication Workshop. Exercise 1. Read the letter. Match the titles (1-6) with the paragraphs(A-E): Paragraph A Paragraph B Paragraph C Paragraph D


1.Write a letter of complaint.

2.Review Perfective Verb Forms.
