  • Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian Institute P. O. Box 1252

    Upper Marlboro, MD 20773 United States of America

    1 | P a g e E A H R H I t o I C C r e : R e p u b l i q u e d u C a m e r o u n ( P a u l B i y a )

    August 5, 2013

    Ms. Fatou Bensouda


    International Criminal Court

    Post Office Box 19519

    2500 CM, The Hague

    The Netherlands

    Re: Communication pursuant to Article 15 of the Rome Statute

    requesting the investigation and prosecution of high-level

    Republique du Cameroun (LRC) officials including President Paul

    Biya for war crimes and crimes against humanity that have been

    committed against Anglophones in the territories of Southern

    Cameroons & Bakassi.

    Dear Ms. Bensouda,

    It is with utmost concern that we write to you on behalf of the

    Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian Institute (EAHRHI)

    an organization dedicated to the promotion and defense of human

    rights in Africa. We urge your office to initiate an

    investigation and prosecution of high-level Camerounaise

    officials for the war crimes and crimes against humanity that

    have been carried out in the territories of Southern Cameroons

    and Bakassi in recent months, in accordance with the principles

    of direct and superior responsibility as laid out in Articles 25

    and 28 of the Rome Statute.

    Such is the seriousness of the humanitarian crisis in Southern

    Cameroons, and such is the extent of the crimes that have been

    committed by the LRC gendarmes and affiliated forces, that the

    International Criminal Court is an appropriate and proper forum

    for ensuring accountability for these extremely serious human

    rights violations. For this reason we are providing you with

  • Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian Institute P. O. Box 1252

    Upper Marlboro, MD 20773 United States of America

    2 | P a g e E A H R H I t o I C C r e : R e p u b l i q u e d u C a m e r o u n ( P a u l B i y a )

    this preliminary communication, with a more detailed complaint

    to follow upon direct investigation by our human rights team.

    I. The Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian Institute is

    firmly committed to helping the Office of the Prosecutor in its

    preliminary examination, investigation, and prosecution.

    The undersigned attorney works with and represents the Ebenezer

    Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian Institute, a non-profit

    organization with a worldwide membership that was formed in

    order to counter human rights abuses taking place in Africa and

    promote human rights and civil society in Africa. One of its

    missions is to advocate on behalf of underrepresented

    individuals in the conflict zones of Africa. Its members include

    Africans, the African Diaspora and all concerned individuals and

    organizations. We are all mindful of the pressing need to bring

    human rights offenders to justice and prevention of

    international war crimes, and will commit all available

    resources in aiding the Office of the Prosecutor with its

    preliminary examination, its investigation, its aid to victims

    and its prosecution.

    The Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian Institute is in

    a position to investigate human rights abuses in Southern

    Cameroons and neighboring regions and has a team on the ground

    to collect eyewitness and survivor testimony, to assemble expert

    opinions, and to furnish the type of evidence of widespread

    violations that could prove invaluable in the decision to

    prosecute. The Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian

    Institute members have already been cataloguing human rights

    violations in the earnest hope that their work will prove of

    some value in holding the alleged criminals culpable for their

    crimes, so that these types of crimes can be properly

    investigated and if warranted prosecuted. We are able to work

    directly with all interested civil society parties involved in

  • Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian Institute P. O. Box 1252

    Upper Marlboro, MD 20773 United States of America

    3 | P a g e E A H R H I t o I C C r e : R e p u b l i q u e d u C a m e r o u n ( P a u l B i y a )

    Southern Cameroons including SCAPO (Southern Cameroons Peoples

    Organization), SCYL (Southern Cameroons Youth League), SCNC

    (Southern Cameroons National Council), GoSC (Government of

    Southern Cameroons), UNPO (Unrepresented Nations & Peoples

    Organization), BAMOSD (Bakassi Movement for Self-Determination)

    ,NwS (Nations without States) and OEAS (Organization of Emerging

    African States).

    Recalling that it is within your power to initiate an

    investigation proprio motu under Article 15 of the Rome Statute,

    the Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian Institute is

    willing, able, and determined to assist the Office of the

    Prosecutor in the process of establishing that a reasonable

    basis exists upon which to proceed with an investigation into

    the matter at hand. An extensive complaint is being prepared,

    one which will detail the background to and nature of the war

    crimes and crimes against humanity that have recently been

    committed by the LRC and their allied military groups. Given the

    current situation on the ground, however, a preliminary

    communication was deemed appropriate to alert your office.

    II. The ICC has jurisdiction over the situation presented, and

    is the correct forum for the investigation and prosecution of

    the crimes outlined above.

    In accordance with Article 5 of the Rome Statute, the conduct in

    question constitutes criminal activity within the jurisdiction

    of the Court, meeting the criteria for classification as war

    crimes and crimes against humanity, those most serious crimes

    of concern to the international community [which] as a whole

    must not go unpunished. Article 7 of the Rome Statute provides

    for jurisdiction over crimes against humanity, which may include

    acts like murder, extermination, deportation or forcible

    transfer of population, rape, persecution against any

    identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial,

    national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender, and other

    inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing

  • Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian Institute P. O. Box 1252

    Upper Marlboro, MD 20773 United States of America

    4 | P a g e E A H R H I t o I C C r e : R e p u b l i q u e d u C a m e r o u n ( P a u l B i y a )

    great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or

    physical health, when committed as part of a widespread or

    systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with

    knowledge of the attack. The LRC and its proxies have committed

    all of the above acts, as discussed above, and as will be

    demonstrated further in the forthcoming complaint.

    Under Article 8(1) of the Rome Statute, meanwhile, the Court

    shall have jurisdiction in respect of war crimes in particular

    when committed as part of a plan or policy or as part of a

    large-scale commission of such crimes, the likes of which has

    been pursued by LRCs President Paul-Barthelemy Biya bi Mvondo.

    Article (8)(2)(a) includes such acts as willful killing,

    torture or inhuman treatment, willfully causing great

    suffering, or serious injury to body or health, extensive

    destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by

    military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly, and

    unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement

    within the definition of war crimes.

    Article (8)(2)(b) likewise includes intentionally directing

    attacks against the civilian population as such or against

    individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities and

    intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, that

    is, objects which are not military objectives as further

    examples of war crimes. These are acts that, as we have shown

    and will continue to show, have taken place on a daily basis in

    Southern Cameroons as carried out by LRC forces.

    The ICC has jurisdiction over the conduct in question, in

    accordance with the Statute's preconditions to the exercise of

    jurisdiction contained in Article 12(2)(a) and (b). Cameroun has

    accepted the jurisdiction of the court.

  • Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian Institute P. O. Box 1252

    Upper Marlboro, MD 20773 United States of America

    5 | P a g e E A H R H I t o I C C r e : R e p u b l i q u e d u C a m e r o u n ( P a u l B i y a )

    As will be set forth in far greater detail in subsequent

    communications, there is ample evidence demonstrating that high-

    level Camerounaise officials have been orchestrating the

    commission of widespread human rights abuses with an eye to

    crushing any Southern Cameroons political movements. The war

    crimes and crimes against humanity that have taken place are not

    the result of misfeasance but of outright malfeasance, and must

    be addressed as such. For far too long have these individuals

    and those under their command been able to operate with

    impunity. Owing in no small part to the potential jurisdiction

    that the ICC can exercise over them, there is hope that their

    actions can be brought to an end.

    III. War crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed,

    and continue to be committed, by the LRC forces and its allies

    in the regions of Southern Cameroons and Bakassi

    Bakassi Region

    On April 4th, 2013, the Government of Southern Cameroons (GoSC)

    declared a State of Emergency in Bakassi after Camerounaise

    (LRC) gendarmes launched a massive attack on unarmed civilians

    at the town of Efut Obot Ikot. There were several dozen

    casualties and deaths and over ten thousand refugees crossed the

    border into Nigeria. The Camerounaise gendarmes went on a

    rampage of summary execution, rape, arson, and looting with the

    object of further terrorizing the populace. EAHRHI and its

    partners have dispatched teams to take victim statements,

    provide humanitarian aid and assess the damage however our

    people are subject to summary arrest and imprisonment should

    they be intercepted by the Camerounaise military.

    The unprovoked attack in Bakassi is but a prelude to the larger

    ethnic cleansing we fear will come. The Bakassi Peninsula is

    thought to be oil-rich and La Republique du Cameroun has signed

    contracts with Addax Petroleum, a division of the Sinopec

  • Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian Institute P. O. Box 1252

    Upper Marlboro, MD 20773 United States of America

    6 | P a g e E A H R H I t o I C C r e : R e p u b l i q u e d u C a m e r o u n ( P a u l B i y a )

    Company. Our investigation is not yet complete; however we are

    attaching some of the raw affidavits we have been able to obtain

    in the field indicating an organized effort to ethnically

    cleanse Anglophones from Bakassi and depopulate areas in advance

    of oil exploration.

    University of Buea Southern Cameroons

    An unknown but significant number of striking students most of

    them of Southern Cameroons origin have been summarily executed

    assaulted and detained by LRC gendarmes this year. The students

    have been branded criminals and are treated as such by military

    forces when in fact they are only seeking academic freedom. An

    estimated 4 dozen students have been detained and are being

    processed as criminals or civil miscreants and at least one or

    more murdered by police, and some sentenced to prison terms a

    process which lacks the very tenets of innocent until proven

    guilty. A typical affidavit collected by EAHRHI from student

    witnesses is attached.

    Summary Arrest and Detention of SCNC Activists at Kumbo,

    Southern Cameroons

    On Saturday 27th July 2013 at about 2.30 pm a combined contingent

    of armed gendarmes and policemen invaded the premises of Mama

    Monica in Kumbo where over 120 delegates from the National

    Territory of Southern Cameroons were attending an SCNC National

    Council Meeting, chaired by Nfor Ngala Nfor, the Acting National

    Chairman of the Southern Cameroons National Council (SCNC). The

    meeting had barely begun when the Security Men swept on the

    attendees and ransacked the home of Mama Monica. Nfor Ngala Nfor

    was recovering from surgery and requires emergency medication

    and nutritional support in the recovery process.

    The SCNC Members who were taken to different directions were

    finally dropped at 3 different locations for incarceration. At

    one prison, 30 men and 20 women have been cramped into one tiny

  • Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian Institute P. O. Box 1252

    Upper Marlboro, MD 20773 United States of America

    7 | P a g e E A H R H I t o I C C r e : R e p u b l i q u e d u C a m e r o u n ( P a u l B i y a )

    cell with no ventilation and water. The detainees were assaulted

    and tortured.

    Amongst the arrests is Pa Solomon Ngong (age 82) who is sick

    with no medical attention since his arrest. Mme Evelyn Angum who

    is heavily pregnant and under distress because of the tight room

    and poor sanitary facilities. We fear she may loose her baby if

    urgent medical attention is not provided.

    So far the Security and Administrative Authorities have not made

    any statement. It is a common phenomenon that each time such

    wanton arrests are made; members of the SCNC and other Southern

    Cameroons Movements and Organizations are usually subjected to

    many weeks or months of detention without charge or trial and

    held incommunicado.

    The meeting in question was organized to fill vacant positions

    in the National Executive Committee (NEXCO) and to organize a

    memorial mass at the St. Theresa Catholic Cathedral in Kumbo to

    honor Southern Cameroons activists who have dedicated their

    lives and work to the restoration and sovereignty of the

    Southern Cameroons nation.

    The Southern Cameroons National Council has made it their

    mission to bring autonomy to the Southern Cameroons nation and

    seek restitution for the ongoing persecution at the hands of the

    Camerounaise central government. Exactions by the State against

    the SCNC are numerous and recurrent, and often result in

    indefinite detention periods and postponed court hearings.

    The SCNC has obtained the names of eight detained Southern

    Cameroons activists, not including Mr. Nfor Ngala Nfor.

    1) Ntungia Michael, SCNC Northern Zone Chairman.

    2) Tita Joseph, SCNC National Treasurer

    3) Amadou Ndam

  • Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian Institute P. O. Box 1252

    Upper Marlboro, MD 20773 United States of America

    8 | P a g e E A H R H I t o I C C r e : R e p u b l i q u e d u C a m e r o u n ( P a u l B i y a )

    4) Priscilia Khan [Her father was previously arrested, brutally

    tortured, falsely imprisoned, his toes chopped-off and left to

    die in jail without medical attention.]

    5) Divine Dzekem

    6) Pascaline Kinyuy Ndi

    7) Steven Mounyo

    8) Vivian Tangwa

    It is expected that some of the detainees will not survive the

    ordeal. The SCNC is a strictly non-violent organization whose

    motto is Force of Argument not Argument of Force and is of no

    threat to civil order. The SCNC however is one of several

    organizations and movements that advocate on behalf of Southern

    Cameroonians in a peaceful manner and is being persecuted for

    its belief that Southern Cameroonian Anglophones are entitled to

    equal civil and political rights.

    IV. Conclusion

    Since 1960, Southern Cameroonians have been discriminated

    against and subject to arbitrary arrest, torture, and murder at

    the hands of the Camerounaise governments military. The African

    Commission on Human and Peoples Rights has previously offered

    its good offices to settle the dispute but has been turned down

    by LRC. (See ACHPR case no. 266/2003 Re: Kevin Ngwane Ngumne)

    In recent months the worsening situation in Southern Cameroons

    has intensified; due to internal Camerounaise political issues

    there is grave danger that the LRC government will initiate

    increased police actions against the Southern Cameroonians

    unless checked by international pressure. Additionally there are

    complicating factors in Bakassi in which the nationals of

    Southern Cameroons and Nigeria who call the Peninsula their Home

  • Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian Institute P. O. Box 1252

    Upper Marlboro, MD 20773 United States of America

    9 | P a g e E A H R H I t o I C C r e : R e p u b l i q u e d u C a m e r o u n ( P a u l B i y a )

    have been given a deadline to accept Camerounaise citizenship or

    be forcefully deported from the stretch of islands.

    All inquiries, communications, and notices in this regard may be

    made through the undersigned counsel. Thank you in advance for

    your attention to this increasingly urgent matter.


    Dr. Jonathan Levy, PhD. Attorney for:

    Ebenezer Akwanga Human Rights & Humanitarian Institute

    International Criminal Bar/ Barreau Pnal Member No. 100465

    Brimstone & Co.

    Attorneys & Solicitors

    1629 K Street NW Suite 300

    Washington DC 20006 USA

    Tel/Fax 1-202-318-2406

    [email protected]

