  • 8/6/2019 Common Manage Mental Problems of Pets and Game Birds_med-304 Final



    MED-304 (Pet, Lab & Zoo Animal Welfare & Management)


    Submitted To:


    Submitted By:

    ALTAF HUSAIN 08-arid-282

    AHSAN SALAM 08-arid-281

    ZINAT GULSAN 08-arid-279

    ZEESHAN AZHAR 08-arid-278

    DVM 6th


    Pir Mehar Ali Shah

    Arid Agriculture University


  • 8/6/2019 Common Manage Mental Problems of Pets and Game Birds_med-304 Final




    P A i l

    Pets provi e people with companionship, comfortand love and offerthem a way

    ofmaking contactwithothers. Many people see their pets as a natural extension of, or a

    replacementfor, a family. People ofall ethnic groups, ages and abilities may have pets.

    There is no limit to the type of person who may have a pet and benefit from that


    Traditional domestic pets include dogs, cats, rabbits, rodents and budgerigars

    but, more recently, there has been a trend for people to keep exotic species such as

    invertebrates, snakes and otherreptiles and birds. The increase in number and variety

    ofspecies kepthasimplicationsfor bothhuman and animal welfare.

    Common P Animal


    Cats are the second most common pet in the UK and they require less livingspace than dogs. They are more independentand lessrelianton theirowners. This cancause problemsfor local authorities and otherhousing providersin termsofowned catsstraying, spraying, soiling and producing unplanned litters. Ho wever, with properplanning and an insistence on responsible petownership, these issues can be overcome.

    Although cats need a safe domestic area where they feel comfortable, they areusually happiest roaming around freely. However, some people choose to keep cats

    indoors because ofsafety, illnessor age; cats keptin flats above ground level need to be

    keptindoors and provision made fortheirsafety. As partoftheir natural behavior, cats

    will scratch and claw; thismay cause damage to property. This problem can be resolved

    easily by insisting as part of the tenancy agreement that residents provide a suitable

    facility, such as a scratching post. Indoor cats in particular need mental and physical

    stimulation and may settle better in pairs. However, as with dogs, the company of

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    another catis nosubstitute forthe company ofpeople. When deciding on how many cats

    should be kept in a home, factors to be considered include; the size of the

    accommodation, whether it comes with a garden (either private or communal) and

    whetherthe accommodation has a balcony and, ifso, whetheror notthe balcony issafe

    and secure.

    Whetheror notthey have outdoor access, all cats need a littertray (atleastoneper cat) and should be encouraged touse ittominimize the problemsofcatfouling in

    other peoples gardens and window boxes. Housing providersshould insistthatall cats

    male and female are neutered. This will eliminate sexually-related behavior problems,

    such asroaming and caterwauling by females when in season. Micro chipping should

    also be encouraged to identify straying catssothatthey can be quickly re-united with

    the owner.


    From a housing providers pointofview, fish are probably the mosttrouble-free

    pet. There are a huge variety ofavailable species. The only issue relevanttohousing is

    the volume of water required to provide enough space for large species or large

    numbersofsmall species. Even the smallestaquariumshould contain no lessthan 30 to

    40 liters of water and is therefore relatively heavy: 1 liter of water weighs

    approximately 1kg. Therefore, very large aquaria will weigh even more and sohousing

    providersmay wishto limittheirsize.


    The common perception ofrabbits as a cheap, easy tomaintain childrens petcould notbe furtherfromthe truth. Rabbits are highly social animalsthatrequire carefulfeeding and care to live a full and healthy life. Neutering isrecommended to preventinadvertentbreeding and fighting.

    There are twomain waysto keep rabbits properly.First, they may live in small

    neutered groupsin a hutch with an attached exercise area.

    Second, rabbits can also be keptashouse pets. They can be easily trained touse

    a litter tray and, like dogs and cats, can have free run in the home. It is acceptable to

    have justone rabbitin situations where they will enjoy a lotofcontactwithhumans, but

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    it is preferable tohave a second rabbit to keep them company. Rabbits are, however,

    prone to chewing inanimate objects to control tooth growth; electric cables are

    therefore a significantrisk and fixtures and fittings will also need some protection.


    The most commonly kept of the domesticated rodents are hamsters, mice,gerbils, rats and guinea pigs. All can be keptindoors (although, space permitting, guineapigs are bestkeptoutdoors).

    Domestic rodents do not need much living space but their accommodation,

    whether a cage or a stacked housing system, should be the rightsize forthe species and

    numbers kept. The animals need to have appropriate outlets for physical and mental

    stimulation, such as digging and nestbuilding; a running wheel alone is notenough. The

    accommodation should also be well-maintained and alwayshygienic.

    Reptiles, amphibians andinvertebrates

    Reptiles have long been kept as pets, particularly tortoises and terrapins. In

    recentyearsthere has been increasing interest in varioussnakes and lizards. Some of

    these, like geckos, are small butothers, such assome iguanas, can grow up totwometers

    in size. Many people also enjoy keeping amphibian animals and invertebrates, whether

    frogs stick insects, giant African land snails or spiders. Reptiles, amphibians and

    invertebrates can provide a fascinating hobby while also providing much of the

    companionship normally associated withrabbits, cats and dogs. Ifcared for well, many

    of these species can live a long time: some species of spiders and lizards, such as

    iguanas, can live for 15 yearsormore.stickinsects, giantAfrican land snailsorspiders.Reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates can provide a fascinating hobby while also

    providing muchofthe companionship normally associated withrabbits, cats and dogs. If

    cared for well, many ofthese species can live a long time: some speciesofspiders and

    lizards, such asiguanas, can live for 15 yearsormore.

    As with fish, birds and domestic rodents, this group includes a wide variety ofspecies, each withitsown particular needs. Thismakesitimpossible to provide detailedguidelines. In general, the environmentin which any animal is keptshould be designed

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    and constructed by someone with knowledge oftheir natural behavior. Thisis astrueforspiders asitisfor dogs.

    Many exotic animals and reptiles (such as iguanas, lizards, snakes, terrapins,snails and spiders) naturally carry bacteria and diseases that are transmissible and

    harmful to man. These can include salmonella, cryptosporidium, e.coli 157,campylobacter and meningitis.

    Many owners do notknow enough aboutexotic animals and so cannotcare for

    them properly: as a result, mostonly live a few months, instead ofseveral years.


    Depending on theirsize, all horses, ponies and donkeysrequire atleastone totwo acres ofgrassland to graze upon each. More space is also needed if they are notridden orregularly exercised away fromtheirhome premises. They also need constantaccessto a roofed shelter.

    Asmost housing providers will be unable to offer residents this kind of spaceand because oftheir needsin general, housing providersshould notallow residentsto

    keep equines as pets.

    The role ofpets in society the benefits and the drawbacks

    Perhaps dogs and cats are the mostobvious pets because they are the ones we

    usually see outand aboutwith their owners. However, many other species are kept,

    such as guinea-pigs, rabbits, goldfish, hamsters, budgerigars and even horses. Some of

    these animals are keptindoors and some are outdoor pets. Justasvaried are the typesof

    people who are petowners.

    According to legislation in differentcountries legal requirementfor petownersto ensure their pethas:

    a proper diet(food and water) protection from pain, suffering, injury or disease the ability to exhibitnormal behavior patterns a suitable environmentto live in withor apartfromother animals

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    Dog Shelter Requirements A name. To be clean and dry. No dog should have to endure being wet, dirty or

    uncomfortable. A bed even if they chew it, use itas toilet, or never use it, every dog should

    have the choice ofsomething soft, comfortable and dry to lie on.

    Toys shelters can be a highly stressful environmentfor dogs and toyshelp tostimulate them, release tension and encourage natural play behavior. Dogs needsafe thingsto chew! (Do notuse bones, wood orothermaterialsthatsplinterorbreak easily.)

    To have positive human contact every day, which will help to socialize them,therefore increasing their chancesofa successful adoption.

    If they live outside, they need to come inside each day (which will helpsignificantly when the dog isrehomed).

    Ifthey live inside only, they need to gooutside each day. Exercise even justa short walk each day makes a big difference to a dogs

    mental health. Tosleep deeply each night, withoutbeing disturbed by brightlighting or noise.

    Tohave their physical and emotional needs addressed on a daily basis. Problems Due Pets

    Issuesofbothhealth and safety potentially compromise

    Human welfare Injury through bites from dogs and scratches from cats are all causes for


    Even small mammals can cause problems by escaping and chewing wiring,causing a potential fire hazard.

    The noise and smell of pets can also disturb neighbors and all of these aretherefore issuesforhousing providers.

    The benefits ofpet ownership

    Life is lived ata muchfaster pace and there has been a dramatic change in our

    working lives, withmany ofus changing jobs and locationsseveral times during our life.

    This has led to a fracturing of the family, with the family unitbecoming smaller and

    more physically distantfromrelatives, such as grandparents, brothers and sisters. This

    in turn has led to a general decrease in social supportmechanismsforsome people and

    an increase in social isolation. Over the same period, pet ownership has increased

    substantially and people from all sectionsofsociety are now petowners.

    In children, petownership underresponsible adultsupervision can help developsocial skills, social and moral responsibility, empathy and a caring and nurturing

    attitude toothers. Pets can provide a child with a friend and confidantand can increase

    confidence and selfesteem. They can also actas an ice breaker, giving the child a shared

    interestwiththeirfriends and soincreasing theirsocial supportnetwork.

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    Drawbacks ofpet ownership

    Pet ownership also has disadvantages. These can take various forms, but arebasically related to the concept of responsible pet ownership. The responsible petowner will take a numberofstepsto ensure a pets well-being.

    They will ensure that the pet fits in with their lifestyle, physical abilities andenvironment: for example, a dog would notbe a suitable petforsomeone whoishousebound butfish, a rabbitor a budgerigarmay well be.

    They will house their petproperly and securely, for example in a cage, tankorgarden.

    They will keep the animal in a manner that ensures its physical andpsychological well-being, sothatitis notstressed when leftalone and thereforedoes notcreate a noise nuisance or become destructive.

    They will not have so many pets that there are issues of overcrowding withpotential healthimplicationsfor both animals andhumans.

    They will also ensure that an animal is appropriately trained this isparticularly important in the case of dogs and that the training takes into

    consideration the feelings of others, for example by training the dog not toapproach anyone without permission and then to sit rather than jump up ingreeting.

    Withsome thought, consideration and informed advice, there is noreason why petownership cannot be a pleasure for the owner and a neutral, if not pleasurable,experience forthe wider community.

    Perhapsthe only drawbackofresponsible petownership isthatpetstend to live

    shorter lives than humans. The exceptions to this are parrots and tortoises, which

    regularly reach 80 yearsofage.

    Common pet managementissues

    Dog fouling

    This is a problem most housing providershave to deal with and is one of themain reasons why many housing providers are reluctantto extend their petpolicestodogs in flats. However, many local authorities and housing providers are now tacklingthis problem head on by working together through education, awareness andenforcement campaigns. Under the Clean Neighborhoods and Environment Act 2005,failure to clean up after a dog is an offence subjectto a level 3 fine. Many local authorityenvironmental health departments now employ enforcement officers to issue on-the-spotpenalty notices to deal with fouling as part ofa larger issue to tackle anti-socialbehavior.

    Housing providersshould considerthe following when dealing with dog fouling.

    Link up with the local authorities: if you are a local authority, considerinterdepartmental working groups.

    Make sure visible signs aboutpenaltiesforfouling existin problem areas, suchas parks, land nearhousing estates and popularfootpaths.

    Ensure information regarding fouling and new enforcementpolices and fines areregularly sentto petowners and residents as partofothermailing initiatives.

    Highlightthe healthrisks (toxocara) associated with dog faeces.

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    Make sure areasoutofboundsto dogs are clearly marked. Provide dog exercise areas that are out of bounds to others; provide enough

    disposal binsin these areasthatare regularly emptied.

    Ifownersrefuse to clean up aftertheir animalsthen youmustenforce and beseen to enforce strict penalties: for example, in resident newsletters and onwebsites you could name and shame those fined orserved fixed penalty notices.

    Make sure all staffknows aboutenforcement procedures and who to contactwith complaintsfromstafforresidentson thisissue.

    Stray dogs are often culprits so should be reported to the dog wardenimmediately.


    Cat fouling represents another issue that requires attention from localauthorities and housing providers. However, there is nospecific legislation thatrelatestofouling by cats. Although catstend nottofoul public areas as dogs do, they dofoul inprivate gardens, which can cause as much of a problem to other residents. Ownersshould provide properfacilities, such as a regularly cleaned littertray fortheir cat.

    Local authorities and housing providersshould considerthe following measures:

    Highlightthe healthrisks associated with catfouling. If ownersrefuse to clean up after their animals, you need to enforce and be

    seen to enforce the rules and apply the stated penalties. Ensure all staff know about the enforcement procedures and who to contact

    with complaintsfromstaff/residentson thisissue. Tell residents how to discourage cats from toileting on their properties: Cats

    Protection have factsheetsthatinclude the following suggestions: eliminate food sources install electronic motion sensorsthatemita high-pitched sound audible

    only to cats install an automatic garden spray build a high, close-boarded fence nextto a hedge, making itdifficultfor

    catstovisit Cultivate shrubs closely to preventcatsfrom finding a place to dig and

    coverthe ground using stone chippings, pebblesorsmall rocks.


    Residents should be told how to avoid common noise disturbances from pets

    (such as barking): thisis available from animal welfare organizations. Residentson low

    incomes may also qualify for help from some animal welfare charities that provide

    subsidized veterinary care, behavior advice and information on local training classes.

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    Persistent offenders should be referred to the local authority environmental

    health department, which has a legal duty to investigate complaints. The housing

    managershould liaise withthe department.

    Faeces ManagementUncollected dog faeces are a problem for health, the environment and for

    amenity reasons. Under the Companion Animals Act, owners are required to removetheir dogs faeces and properly dispose ofthem. In practice, thisis extremely difficulttoenforce. Some irresponsible dog owners allow their petstoroamofftheir property earlyin the morning and late atnightto avoid ranger patrols. The animalsthen defecate andthe owner does nottake responsibility forthe collection ofthe faeces. Ifcomplaints arereceived regarding known dogs, warning letters can be issued by Council tothe ownerofthe animal. On the Spotpenalty notices can also be issued foroffencesobserved byCouncils Rangers, or where evidence is provided tosupporta formal action by a thirdparty.

    Roaming / straying animals

    Stray dogs and other animals can be a dangertomembersofthe public and areoften responsible for persistent fouling. A dog owner must take all reasonableprecautionsto preventa dog escaping fromthe property on whichitis kept.

    However, animalsmore often stray orroam because ofchanged circumstances

    thatmean thattheirowner can no longer cope withthem. Any potential casesofneglect

    or cruelty to animalsshould always be investigated.

    Abandonment / neglect

    Any member of staff or resident who suspects that an animal has beenabandoned or neglected should contactthe local authority dog warden. They will makeinitial enquires and may suggestrehoming. Underrecentanimal welfare legislation itis

    an offence to cruelly abandon any animal, either temporarily or permanently, or tocause any unnecessary suffering to any domestic or captive animal.

    Damage to property

    Damage to property should be rare as long as pets are cared forresponsibly (as

    specified in your petpolicy) and owners do notkeep inappropriate pets. Justas a tenantis liable forother damage, however, your policy should make itclearthatthey are also

    liable for any damage caused by their pets. Any reports ofdamage should always be

    investigated as itmay be a resultofa petbeing neglected by being leftalone for long


    Never allow animalsto be tethered on residential property: itcan lead toinjury

    and even death. Tethered animals can also be a dangertothe public asthey can become

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    stressed and even aggressive. Animals that are tethered are often isolated from both

    human and animal company, do not receive adequate exercise and, if approached by

    predators, are unable to escape.


    A huge range ofbirds are keptas pets. These vary fromsmall finches weighing afew grams to parrots weighing several hundred grams and with a wingspan over300mm.

    Itis illegal to keep a bird in a cage in whichitcannot fully stretchits wings inevery direction. It is unreasonable to keep a bird in such a restricted environmentexcepton a temporary basis. Where more than one bird is kept in one enclosure it isessential that there is enough space for all birds to perch at the same time. Birds

    environments can also be enriched by placing objects, such astoys and mirrors, in theircages.

    Further advice on keeping specific typesofbirds can be obtained fromspecialist

    groups and specialistvets, who can be located either by contacting your local veterinary

    surgeon orthe British Small Animal Veterinary Association (see the contacts directory

    for details).

    There are many reasonsfor propagating game birds. Some fanciers keep birds as

    pets, ortostudy the unusual feather patterns, for a "backto nature" feeling orforsome


    Other growers produce birds for the meat market. A limited market for gamebirds existsin the hotel and restaurantbusiness.

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    Requirements of Game Birds

    Housing andpenning When birds are housed or penned, the accommodation should be well

    constructed and managed and of sufficient size to ensure good health andwelfare. This is bestachieved by:

    1. good design, including adequate facilities for the inspection of the birds, andtheirremoval where necessary;

    2. protection from adverse weather conditions, extremes of temperature andpredators;

    3. appropriate size, stocking densities and facilities, including appropriateenvironmentenrichment, to ensure good health and welfare;

    4. flooring appropriate to the species kept, designed to avoid foot injury andmanaged to preventthe ground becoming toosoiled;

    5. Adequate lighting, heating and ventilation.Lighting should enable the birdsto beinspected without difficulty, and should be available at all times to allow forinspection of the birds should this prove necessary. Fixed artificial lighting

    should have a dimming facility to allow birdsto prepare for darkness and there

    should be a minimum continuous night-time dark period of6 hoursin every 24

    hours. Housing should be capable ofbeing maintained in a clean and hygienic condition

    to avoid the riskofdisease transfer.Fortemporary housing, clean ground and a

    location away from poultry or livestockshould be selected and bothhousing and

    equipment used should be kept in good repair to avoid injury, escape and


    All housing and penning should be located so astominimize disturbance tothebirds and should be equipped with an inside and outside run ( whereappropriate) ofsufficientsize to allow themto exhibitnormal behavior patterns.

    Consideration should be given to incorporating handling facilities when

    constructing pens.

    All housing and penning for laying birdsshould have sufficientshelterto provideprotection for all birds during periodsofadverse weather.

    Where a dry litter material is not available naturally, non-toxic, non-irritantmaterial should be provided and maintained in a clean and tangle-free formto

    allow for dustbathing and the dilution ofdroppings.

    Sufficientperching should be provided for all birds, as appropriate to age andspecies.

    All housing should be cleaned and d isinfected between differentbatchesofbirds. Game bird breeders and rearers installing new systems and equipmentshould

    assess whetherthey can be managed in waysthatmeetthe full requirementsof

    this Code. Ifthey, or existing systems, cannot, they should notbe used.

    Where gas heating is used it is important to ensure that the equipment isregularly serviced and isfunctioning correctly to avoid the riskoffire, build up

    of toxic gases and to ensure that the correct temperature is maintained in


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    All automatic systems should be regularly checked to ensure that they areworking and a back-up systemshould be available in case ofsystemfailure.

    Barren raised cagesfor breeding pheasants and small barren cagesfor breedingpartridgesshould notbe used. All laying systemsused forthe housing ofbirds

    should be designed and managed to ensure the welfare ofthe birds. Any system

    should be appropriately enriched.

    Game bird keepers should explore possible methods ofenrichment with theirveterinary surgeon or other suitable adviser.Laying birds should be provided

    with nestareassufficientforthe numberofbirdshoused.

    ManagementDevices The use of management devices or practices that do not allow birds to fully

    expresstheirrange ofnormal behaviorsshould notbe considered asroutine and

    keepers should work towards the ideal of management systems that do not

    require these devices. Such devices and practices include mutilations such as

    beaktrimming, proceduresto preventor limitflightsuch as brailing (placing a

    band on a wing to prevent extension of the wing), trimming of non-sensitive

    flight feathers and the use of bits, spectacles and hoods to prevent feather

    pecking, egg eating or aggression. Theiruse should be justified on a flock by flock

    basis and regularly reviewed in the flockhealth and welfare plan. Any device

    thatis designed to pierce the nasal septummustnotbe used.

    Bird breeders and rearers and those employed by them should be sufficientlyknowledgeable to be able to demonstrate competent levels of management in

    respect of bird husbandry. Bird welfare should not be compromised by the

    speed ofoperation in applying a managementdevice.

    The use ofbitsin young pheasantsforshortperiods (3 to 7 weeks) to preventinjurious behavior should be justified and closely monitored on premises. Bits

    should be made ofsuitable material appropriate tothe size and age ofthe bird

    and fitted and removed only by trained and experienced stockmen.

    'Bump' bits should not be used except in r esponse to a specific need inconsultation with a veterinary surgeon and only with particular care.

    Beak trimming should notbe practiced in game birds except in circumstanceswhere there is an overwhelming need to protectthe welfare ofthe birds.

    Plastic spectaclesfitted tothe beakto preventfeather pecking or egg eating maycause significantdamage tothe nasal septum and should notbe used exceptin

    response to a specific need in consultation with a veterinary surgeon. Any type

    designed to pierce the nasal septumisillegal in birds.

    Anti-aggression masksorshroudsshould notgenerally be used as a formofbirdmanagement.

    Outer primary feathers may be clipped torestrict flightbut trimming growingfeathers ('blood quills') must be avoided if it constitutes interference with a

    sensitive tissue and would, therefore, be a mutilation, whichis an offence under

    section 20 ofthe Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act2006.

    Brailing one wing torestrictflightshould only be done with extreme care by askilled operatororunder close supervision and brailsshould be ofthe correct

    size for the birds concerned. Brails are usually only necessary in open pens.

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    Theiruse in covered pens needsto be closely monitored and justified on a case

    by case basis. Any brail mustbe removed before release.


    CannibalismAnotherserious problemin the game bird businessis cannibalism. Thisoccurs

    among chicks, growing birds and mature birds. Heavy death loss can result from a

    severe outbreakofcannibalism. Cannibalismisusually sporadic and can be the resultof

    toe picking, feather pulling orfighting for breeding territory. Itisfrequently possible to

    watch a flock develop cannibalistic behavior.

    Though it is normal for one or two of the larger birds to dominate the other

    birds according to a well established social systemor "pecking order", this can lead to


    Cannibalism is generally thought to be caused by too much or too little ofsomething, such as too much heat or light, overcrowding or lack of water. There are

    probably many other causes.

    Cannibalism Control

    There are several ways to control cannibalism. If cannibalism seems to be a

    problem, firstcheckthe feed-be sure you're feeding the rightfeed and birdshave food in

    frontofthem all the time. Make sure birdshave enoughfeederspace thatthey can all eat

    atthe same time. Ifthisis notpossible, they will startfighting forfeederspace.Fighting

    draws blood and starts cannibalism.

    Crowding can also contribute to cannibalism. Crowding starts to become aproblem in birds four weeksofage and older. Breeding males also fight for territory.

    Pheasantsshould be given asmuchroom as possible atbreeding time.

    Another control method is beak trimming. However, beak trimming detracts

    from the bird's appearance. Beak-trimmed birds have had the top beak cut off or

    removed abouthalfway between the tip and the nostrils, and the bottom beakremoved

    about a quarter of the way from the tip to the nostrils. Poultry producers use an

    electrically heated knife that cuts offand sears the beak at the same time to prevent

    bleeding. Chickens are beak-trimmed ata very young age, usually in the firsttwo weeks


    Cannibalism is also controlled through the use of specks. Specks look like

    reading glassesforthe bird. They fitoverthe beak with a plastic pin attached through

    the nostril. They differ fromreading glasses in thatthey are blinders, made ofopaque

    plastic. The bird can see to the rightor left, up and down, butnotstraightahead. The

    bird becomes quite adept at finding its way around the pen. The specks are easily

    removed by clipping the plastic pin.

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    No single predator gets more blame than coyotes, but research overseveral

    decadeshas proven thatcoyotesfocustheirforaging on rodents and rabbits and do not

    take adultpheasantsor nests asfrequently asthe othermammalian predators (red fox,

    striped skunk and raccoon). In addition, the largerhome range and territorial nature of

    coyotes can actually result in lower populations of these other, more destructive

    predators. Predation accountsforthree-fourthsofunsuccessful nests, and nearly all of

    adult mortality (excluding hunting) is directly predator related. The problem can be

    exacerbated when insufficient habitat and severe weather make pheasants more
