Page 1: Common health problems in winters


Page 2: Common health problems in winters

•Some common health probles

like asthama , cold , sore throat

are triggered by cold weather

•Here’s how to deal with them …

Page 3: Common health problems in winters


Runny nose,nasal congestion , sneezing , cough , headache

Can be prevented by washing hands regularly with warm water

Destroys germs

Plenty of fluids , nebulisation , steam inhalation

Keep utensils , towels and other articles clean

Use disposable tissues or clean handkerchiefs

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Caused by viral infection

Suddenly going from warm to cold area

Pain in throat , difficulty in swallowing , cough , hoarse voice , headache

Best remedy is to gargle with warm salty water

Also a spoonfull of honey + ginger juice

Take medicines as prescribed by the physician

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Viral gastroenteritis

Vomiting , diarrhoea , fever , abdominal pain

Occurs due to eating food in hotels schools due to unhygenic conditions

Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration

Also oral rehydration solution

Take light meals like daal+daliya , khichdi

Avoid tea , coffee (increases dehydration)

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Ear infections

Pain in ears , fever , pus discharge

Medicines as prescribed by the physician

Do not put ear bud or any other cleaning stick in ears

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Painful joints

In people with arthritis

Pain and stiffness of affected part

Daily exercise , hot fomentation

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Dry skin

Common during winters

Moisturise skin properly

Drink plenty of fluids

Avoid bathing with too hot water

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Cold air is major trigger

Wheezing and breathlesness

Stay indoors on very cold and windy days

Wear scarf and properly covered clothes

Be carefull with medicines and always keep inhalers ready

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