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Commitments WorkThe Power of Commitments for Small Businesses

Global Trust Levels - 2015It is evident by studies being done by Edelman Trust Group that Trust Levels are painfully low.

Why do you think India and China are so high?

Based on Edelmen Trust Data - 2016Respondents want to see a shift in CEO focus from short-term results and lobbying to job creation (49 percent) and positive long-term impact (57 percent). They want business leaders more visible in discussions of income inequality and public policy (80 percent). (Critical Finding for all businesses)

Despite an increase of one point to 42 percent globally, government remains the least trusted institution for the fifth year running.

Trust in NGOs went up in 81 percent of the countries surveyed with the most dramatic jumps occurring in China (17 points) and Mexico (11 points).

Globally, family-owned companies (66 percent) remain most trusted, trailed by public (52 percent) and state-owned (46 percent) businesses. (Critical for our group)

For the fifth consecutive year, search engines (63 percent) and traditional media (58 percent) remain the two most trusted sources for general news and information. Online media jumped 8 points to 53 percent and is now the third most trusted source, followed by owned media, which is up 3 points to 46 percent and social media (44 percent).

Intentional Leadership is Key!Education & communications are vital to the perception of trust.Are you authentic at all levels?The Gap here is between an informed and participative public vs mass population.How well you keep commitments can determine your gap.

Family, FriendsPersonal, CriticalLeaders, Associates, SuppliersBiz, CriticalCustomers, Clients & SeekersBiz, CriticalWho Do You Make Commitments With?Your selfPersonal, Biz, Hyper-Critical


Customers, Clients or Seekers Biz/CriticalWhat % of your customers are repeat customers, how do you know?How much time do you spend on getting new customers?How well do customers perceive you handle complaints.


Yourself Hyper CriticalHow much time do you spend on self-development?Do you track your commitments today? If so how?Are you a perfectionist or do you allow yourself to make mistakes.Do you know what Intentional Leadership and do you believe it?

Choose Your Direction

Top 10 Pitfall Areas where commitments fail! These are the top 10 on the failure hit parade. All of them are what I call Two-Way failure opportunities.All of them can be either profitable or time-wasters You are the one who makes the choice!

Phone calls, messages & callbacksEmail Reponses, spam & toneMeeting guffawsNetworking issuesLack of GratitudeCulture misalignmentListening rather than respondingLack of follow-upIgnoring complaints from employees, customersIgnoring sustainable practices

Tools you can use TODAY!Here are 10 concepts you can use to develop a path to healthy relationships.Potential tools available by sending me a request via email to [email protected] all start with YOU making the decision.You are the one who makes the choice!

Trust Seed for growing healthy relationshipsIntentionality Keep it top of mindFocus Helps keep you from strayingConscious Discipline - RequiredIntegrity F.D.A Full Disclosure AlwaysAuthenticity Be a humble, confident you, not a jerkTrack your commitments Start with high valueUse video interactions for building rapport.Use CRM tools to track contact activityUse a documented SM & promotional calendar

PE-ER Tool coming this summerSaaS application that is meant to help you track your commitments.Ideal for solopreneurs, entrepreneurs and medium sized companies.Will take effort to make it work but will pay off in the end.Talk to me for more information.

Summary, Practice these DailyIn summary, the choices are yours, no one else should do them for you

It really helps to understand & lock on to your values & principles FIRST!

Too often we let others expectations set a path that we know is not right for us but we want to take an easy route. Wrong Answer.

Ron [email protected]

PO Box 939Batavia, IL 60510Website: http://tlgcoach.comLinkedIn: Information?