Page 1: Commercial Coffee machines in Perth

Commercial Coffee Machines in Perth –

Boon or Bane

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Do you know over 10.4 million Australians consume coffee in an average week and Australians are forecast to spend $773.5 million on coffee beans compared to $452.6 million spent on tea? This is why Australia is known as a nation of coffee drinkers.

What did you noticed from the results? Yes, coffee keeps half of the nation active. This is why coffee machine is must for an active life. Thus, coffee machines both domestic and commercial are a boon.

Yet, unable to decide whether to invest in a commercial coffee machine or not? Have a look & clarify your doubts,

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Boon of Commercial Coffee Machines

• Coffee at any time

• Time saver

• Low maintenance

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Coffee At Any Time

You and your employees can enjoy your favorite drink any time.

This keeps the energy level of your staffs at the maximum increasing their work performance and give your company an edge over the opponents.

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Time Saver

Commercial coffee machines prevent wasted time spent on making a cup of coffee in the old fashioned way.

You can use it to brew many cups of coffee at the same time.

Increases production by preventing wasted time taken by an employee to go to the nearby shop during work hours for a cup of coffee.

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Low Maintenance

Unlike domestic coffee machines, commercial coffee makers require low maintenance as they won’t spill coffee around.

More durable than domestic machines.

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Amazing isn’t? Want to invest in commercial coffee machines in Perth? Here is an option that won’t break your bank. Perplexed???

Free Office Coffee Machine offers one hundred free coffees at your workplace. Buzz them at (08) 9288 2951


