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Shooting details

Location: Priestley college (sports field)

Time/Date: 28th November/ 3:20 pm

Lighting Conditions: Autumn, Mid afternoon, Clear skies

Camera: Canon EOS 1100D

Aperture: F16

Shutter Speed: 1/250

I asked the model to stand up to the tree behind him and place on foot on the tree with my guitar. Made the model feel comfortable whilst I took his photographs by making casual conversation with him. I experimented using different apertures and shutter speeds to get a decent photo and then when I finished taking his photo I could then pick out my favourite photographs.

I had to crouch down to get the right angle and height to this kind of photograph. I had to have the camera on a slight slant to get the angle I wanted of the model.

This photograph gives a good emphasis and nothing too much going on so it makes it look quite calm and peaceful

This photograph represents Anecdote as its to do telling a story and referring to something and the whole music based subject links to it as people compose based around and the song tells a story.

There are some faults with the original photograph:

-colour editing-motion editing

Shooting Details

Location: Priestley College (sports field)

Time/Date: 22nd November / 3:25pm

Lighting Conditions: Autumn / Mid afternoon /Clear skiers

Camera: Canon EOS 1100D

Aperture: F22

Shutter Speed: 1/400

I asked the model to stand up against the tree and look relaxed whilst he was doing so and lift up one of his legs and have it resting against the tree. I took the picture facing away from the sun I had the model lit up by the sun. I had to experiment with different apertures and shutter speeds to get a photograph that I would use in my brochure.

The photograph gives quite a chilled out and calm emphasis as there isn't much going on in the photograph apart from the model playing guitar.

There are some faults with the original photograph;

-red block on the photo which isn't supposed to be there and was needed to get rid of.-didn’t want the goal posts which are in the back ground of the photo.

Shooting Details

Location: Priestley College (sports field)

Time/Date: 22nd November/ 3:32pm

Lighting Conditions: Autumn / Mid afternoon /Clear skiers

Camera: Canon EOS 1100D

Aperture: F22

Shutter Speed: 1/40

This photograph I had the camera facing down the neck of the guitar so we could see exactly what the model was doing with the guitar. With the camera in the song I had to keep changing the aperture and shutter speed to get the photograph I wanted to get with my camera.

This Photograph I have taken here is different to the because it has a long depth of field and the focus is at the top of the guitar in this photograph.

There are some faults with the original photograph:

- Changed the opacity- I changed the blending options on the photograph as well.

Shooting Details

Location: Priestley College (sports field)

Time/Date: 22nd November/ 3:32pm

Lighting Conditions: Autumn / Mid afternoon /Clear skiers

Camera: Canon EOS 1100D

Aperture: F22

Shutter Speed: 1/40

This photograph is one of the ones I wanted to use the most because of how it turned out as its long depth of field comes out quite well as the focus is on the neck of the guitar and the models left hands, and the guitar body and models right hand is out of focus.

This photograph, when I took it I had to get to close to the model and take close up photos of what he was playing on the guitar and I changed the different apertures to get the right photograph.

There were some faults with the original photograph

-Changed the opacity-Colour overlay

Shooting Details

Location: Priestley College

Time/Date: 22nd November/ 3:32pm

Lighting Conditions: Autumn / Mid afternoon /Clear skiers

Camera: Canon EOS 1100D

Aperture: F5.6

Shutter Speed: 1/60

This photograph, I asked Liam to read through a score (music piece) and to be sat underneath a light so it just surrounded Liam and his work on the table. I had Liam, moving the whole time to make it more realistic instead of him looking as though he was posing for the camera.This picture as though he is at home writing music on his score with his guitar by his side.

When I was taking this photo I stood away from the table and zoomed in to get the right photograph, and I kept changing to aperture and shutter speeds to get the right photograph I needed.

Location: Priestley College

Time/Date: 22nd November/ 3:32pm

Lighting Conditions: Autumn / Mid afternoon /Clear skiers

Camera: Canon EOS 1100D

Aperture: F5.6

Shutter Speed: 1/60

This photograph I say Liam down with a score going through it all, and I got the light shining over him, so I got behind my model with the light over the top of the table. I had my model moving all the time going through the score and reading through to give him something to do and make him feel more natural whilst I was taking photographs of him.

I was changing the settings on the camera most of time to get the right picture I needed to get a good foreground and background photograph.

Location: Priestley College

Time/Date: 22nd November/ 3:32pm

Lighting Conditions: Autumn / Mid afternoon /Clear skiers

Camera: Canon EOS 1100D

Aperture: F4.5

Shutter Speed: 1/60

I got my model on the photograph stand in front of the black infinite wall, so it had no background and all the focus was on the model in the photograph. The photograph is meant to represent the model to be doing a performance with his guitar, so I had my model move around as if he was playing a performance and change the camera settings so it would capture his moving with motion blur on photographs.

There were some faults with the original photograph-colour overlay-gradient overlay

Location: Priestley College

Time/Date: 22nd November/ 3:32pm

Lighting Conditions: Autumn / Mid afternoon /Clear skiers

Camera: Canon EOS 1100D

Aperture: F4.5

Shutter Speed: 1/60

On this photograph this photograph i got my model to act as though he was performing on stage with a guitar and I changed the aperture and shutter to get the right picture I wanted for my brochure so that I would have no motion blurs or anything that I would have to edit out.

The lighting was from both sides of the room so it would all focus on my model and nothing else and that’s why I used the infinite wall.

Location: Priestley College

Time/Date: 22nd November/ 3:32pm

Lighting Conditions: Powerful lights (overhead lights)

Camera: Canon EOS 1100D

Aperture: F4.5

Shutter Speed: 1/60

This photograph, I had my model sat down underneath the overhead lamps whilst I took his photographs just playing guitar, he wasn’t sat still I made make movement so I could get a different range of photographs.

I had the lamp over the top of my modal just to make it look more humanised without the editing.

Location: Priestley College (sports field)

Time/Date: 22nd November / 3:25pm

Lighting Conditions: Autumn / Mid afternoon /Clear skiers

Camera: Canon EOS 1100D

Aperture: F22

Shutter Speed: 1/400

This photograph was taken outside on the Priestley playing field. The photograph here, wasn’t planned like most photographs. I had my model feeling comfortable and acting as himself whilst I was taken photographs of him to have it more humanised.

This photograph gives quite a chilled emphasis because in the photograph there isn't much going on and all the focus is on the model, because the background hasn’t got much to it on the sky and the tree in the background.

There were some faults with the original photograph.Inner shadow was addedMade the photo with less opacity to the blending.