
Site Analytics

Track your website traffic easily with Comidor. Monitor your website

visitors and set events in Comidor to get the full picture of the flow.

Gather information of your website visitors moves and conduct

advanced analysis to extract valuable results.

Open the “Site Analytics” app from the

applications menu. “Site Analytics” app

is part of the CRM module.

The 1st time you enter in the

application there are no records. You must set up the parameters.


Generate Script

The first thing you should do in “Site Analytics” app is to put a script in

your website in order to get the appropriate information. Click the

“Generate Script” button.

A new window appears

with the embed script.

Copy the script and paste it

in your own website.



As soon as you put the script in your website, you get automatically

information about the sessions (visits) from your visitors in the main

screen of “Site Analytics”.

For every new session you can instantly see information about the date

of the session, the browser used, the IP address, the Country and more.

Click on the folders area on a

specific day and view the channels

that visitors came from.


Click the “Settings” button

to manage make advanced

settings. Add IPs you want

to exclude from the

results, exclude ISP bots

and Referrers. Click the

“Save” button to continue.


In the “Events” tab you can create specific actions you want to monitor.

E.g. Visit to a specific page or click on a specific button. Click the “New”

button to create a new event.



A new form appears where you can add the details of the event.

Event name: Give a title to the event

When a person: Select when you want to capture the event. Choose

between “Visits a URL” and “Clicks On”

The URL is: write (or copy&paste) the preferable link

Clicked element: Give the id of the class or the method id

Active: Check this box to activate or de-activate the event

Description: Give a short description of the event

If Triggered: Select the way you want to be notified about this event.

Choose between “Send Email” and “Send SMS”. Then complete the

email address or the phone number.

Click the “Ok” button to store the event.


You can conduct advanced

analysis to the data of the visits.

On the main screen of “Site

Analytics” click the “Analytics”

button to begin your analysis.

(You can find more details in the

manual: Advanced Analytics)

Map analysis

Get a map with all the visits from the Analytics option. In the “Select

View” choose “Default View” from the dropdown list and in the

“Analysis Type” field choose “Map”.


Instantly you get a map with the locations of your visitors.


You have successfully set the parameters to monitor your website

visitors. In Comidor there are different reports to get the results of the


Data Report

Click on the “Data Report” button to get a detailed report about landing

pages, visitors, events and more.

1. Date range: Select a specific period of time to get the results

2. Event Metrics: View the number of visits for every event you


3. #Requests: View the number of total visitors per day

4. #Events: View the number of total events per day

5. Most Active People: View the IPs of the most active visitors. Click

on any IP and see the full history of visits

6. Top Event-Landing page Relations: For every event view from

which pages the visitors made the specific event

7. Popular landing sites: View the website pages with the higher

number of visits

8. Top Referrers: View the top 5 Referrers and Sites that lead traffic

to your website



Funnel Report

Click on the “Funnel Report” button. Create a new Funnel Report and

monitor the flow of visitors for any sequence of events.

Create a Funnel Report

Click the “Create Funnel Report” button to create a new funnel report.

A new window appears. Give a name and

click the “Save” button.

For every event you can see the number of visitors and the channel they

came from.










Select a Date Range and click the “Run” button in order to execute an

existing report for this specific period of timer or create a new one.

Click on the big (+) button to add an event to the funnel.

Choose an event from the dropdown

list and click the “Save” button.

The event is now in the first column

and you can see the number of

visitors which did this event.

Click the (+) button again to

add a new event.

Now you can see the number and the percentage of visitors that went

from the first event to the second.

In the last row you can

monitor the channels

that these visitors came

from for every event.

You can add as many events as you like in the funnel and monitor the

flow of the visitors in your website.