
Come to the Feast/Ven al Banquete Bob Hurd

Glory to God Mass of Colour David Lockwood & Jeffrey Bonilla

Gospel Acclamation Mass of Renewal Curtis Stephan

Psalm 110 PJ Anderson

Holy Mass of Creation, Marty Haugen arr. by David Lockwood

Mystery of Faith Mass of Creation, by Marty Haugen Arr. by David Lockwood

Amen Mass of Creation, by Marty Haugen Arr. by David Lockwood

Lamb of God Mass of Creation, by Marty Haugen Arr. by David Lockwood

St. Monica remains dedicated to the spiritual and emotional well-being of our parishioners.

Your care and support ensures we can continue in the midst of these challenging times.

Make your offertory gift online:

We are so grateful for your generosity which is so vital to our mission.

Thank you!

Better Pat Barrett

Father, Let Your Kingdom Come Palmer, zach, Wardell, Vice, and Phillips

Daily Masses will be celebrated via Livestream at 12:10pm.

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 2 9:30am & 5:30pm via Livestream.
