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Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2005) 2851–2858

of the


Combustion oscillations in a scramjet enginecombustor with transverse fuel injection

Jeong-Yeol Choia,*, Fuhua Mab, Vigor Yangb

a Pusan National University, Busan 609-735, Republic of Koreab The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, United States


A comprehensive numerical analysis has been carried out for both non-reacting and reacting flows in ascramjet engine combustor with and without a cavity. Transverse injection of hydrogen is considered over abroad range of injection pressure. The corresponding equivalence ratio of the overall fuel/air mixtureranges from 0.167 to 0.50. The work features detailed resolution of the flow and flame dynamics in thecombustor, which was not typically available in most of the previous studies. In particular, the oscillatoryflow characteristics are captured at a scale sufficient to identify the underlying physical mechanisms. Muchof the flow unsteadiness is related not only to the cavity, but also to the intrinsic unsteadiness in the flow-field. The interactions between the unsteady flow and flame evolution may cause a large excursion of flowoscillation. The roles of the cavity, injection pressure, and heat release in determining the flow dynamics areexamined systematically.� 2004 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Supersonic combustion; Combustion instability; Air-breathing propulsion; Scramjet engine; Computationalfluid dynamics

1. Introduction

The success of future high-speed air transpor-tation will be strongly dependent on the develop-ment of hypersonic air-breathing propulsionengines. Although there exist many fundamentalissues, combustor represents one of the core tech-nologies that dictate the development of hyper-sonic propulsion systems. At a hypersonic flightspeed, the flow entering the combustor should bemaintained supersonic to avoid the excessive heat-ing and dissociation of air. The residence time ofthe air in a hypersonic engine is on the order of1 ms for typical flight conditions. The fuel must

1540-7489/$ - see front matter � 2004 The Combustion Institdoi:10.1016/j.proci.2004.08.250

* Corresponding author. Fax: +1 82 51 513 3760.E-mail address: [email protected] (J.-Y. Choi).

be injected, mixed with air, and burned completelywithin such a short time span.

A number of studies have been carried outworldwide, and various concepts have been sug-gested for scramjet combustor configurations toovercome the limitations given by the short flowresidence time. Among the various injectionschemes, transverse fuel injection into a channeltype of combustor appears to be the simplestand has been used in several engine programs,such as the Hyshot scramjet engine, an interna-tional program lead by the University of Queens-land [1]. For the enhancement of fuel/air mixingand flame-holding, a cavity is often employed.For example, the CIAM of Russia introducedcavities into its engines [2] and US Air Force alsoemployed cavities in the supersonic combustionexperiments [3].

ute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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From the aspect of fluid dynamics, transverseinjection of fluid into a supersonic cross-flowand flow unsteadiness associated with a cavityare of significant interest due to their broadapplications in many engineering devices. Exten-sive efforts have been applied to study thesephenomena, and much of the results have greatrelevance to scramjet combustors. A comprehen-sive study directly applied to combustor dynam-ics, however, is rarely found. The obstacles lie inthe difficulties in conducting high-fidelityexperiments and numerical simulations to char-acterize the flow transients at time and lengthscales sufficient to resolve the underlying mecha-nisms. The present study attempts to achieveimproved understanding of the unsteady flowand flame dynamics in a realistic scramjet com-bustor configuration employing a transverse fuelinjection and a flame holding cavity. Little isknown about this issue from the previousstudies.

2. Theoretical formulation and numerical treatment

2.1. Governing equations

The flowfield is assumed to be two-dimen-sional for computational efficiency, and can bedescribed with the conservation equations for amulti-component chemically reactive system.The coupled form of the species conservation,fluid dynamics, and turbulent transport equa-tions can be summarized in a conservative vectorform as follows:


otþ oF

oxþ oG

oy¼ oFv

oxþ oGv

oyþW; ð1Þ

where the conservative variable vector, Q, convec-tive flux vectors, F andG, diffusion flux vectors, Fv

and Gv, and reaction source term W are defined inEqs. (2a) and (2b). Details of the governing equa-tions and thermophysical properties are describedin [4]:

Q ¼








3777777775; F ¼


qu2 þ p


ðeþ pÞuqku



3777777775; G ¼



qv2 þ p

ðeþ pÞvqkv



3777777775; ð2aÞ

Fv ¼






3777777775; Gv ¼






3777777775; W¼








3777777775; ð2bÞ

where i denotes species i, ranging from 1 to N.

2.2. Chemistry model and turbulence closure

The present analysis employs the GRI-Mech3.0 chemical kinetics mechanism for hydrogen–air combustion [5]. The mechanism consists ofeight reactive species (H, H2, O, O2, H2O, OH,H2O2, and HO2) and 25 reaction steps. Nitrogenis assumed as an inert gas because its oxidationprocess has only a minor effect on the flame evolu-tion in a combustor. Turbulence closure isachieved by means of Mentor�s shear stress trans-port (SST) model derived from the k–x two-equa-tion formulation [6]. This model is the blending ofthe standard k–e model that is suitable for a shearlayer problem and the Wilcox k–x model that issuitable for wall turbulence effect [7]. Baridnaet al. [8] reported that the SST model offers goodprediction formixing layers and jet flows, and is lesssensitive to initial values in numerical simulations.

Another important issue is the closure prob-lems for the interaction of turbulence and chemis-try in supersonic conditions. Recently, there weremany attempts to address this issue using LESmethods, PDF approaches, and other combustionmodels extended from subsonic combustion con-ditions. Although much useful advances wereachieved, the improvement was insignificant incomparison with the results obtained from lami-nar chemistry and experimental data, as discussedby Mobus et al. [9]. A careful review of existing re-sults, such as Norris and Edwards [10], suggeststhat the solution accuracy seems to be moredependent on grid resolution than the modelingof turbulence–chemistry interaction. In view ofthe lack of reliable models for turbulence–chemis-try interactions, especially for supersonic flows,the effect of turbulence on chemical reaction rateis ignored in the present work.

2.3. Numerical methods

The governing equations were treated numeri-cally using a finite volume approach. The convec-tive fluxes were formulated using Roe�s FDSmethod derived for multi-species reactive flowsalong with the MUSCL approach utilizing a dif-ferentiable limiter function. The spatial discretiza-tion strategy satisfies the TVD conditions andfeatures a high-resolution shock capturing capa-bility. The discretized equations were temporallyintegrated using a second-order accurate, fully im-plicit method. A Newton sub-iteration methodwas also used to preserve the time accuracy andsolution stability. Detailed descriptions of thegoverning equations and numerical formulationare documented in a previous work [11].

2.4. Code verification

The overall approach has been validatedagainst a number of steady and unsteady flow

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problems including shock-induced combustionoscillation. Good agreement has been obtainedwith experimental data [12,13]. In addition,numerical study was carried out to validate thepresent turbulence modeling and to justify thegrid resolution for simulating transverse gas injec-tion across the supersonic flow over a flat plate.The analysis simulates the experiment describedin [14] with a static pressure ratio of 10.29, forwhich several numerical studies have been previ-ously carried out [15,16]. In this case, chokednitrogen flow is vertically injected through a 1-mm-wide slot located 33 cm behind the leadingedge into a supersonic airflow with a Mach num-ber of 3.75. The present study used the same com-putational domain as that of Chenault and Beran[16]. Computations were carried out for variouscombinations of grid systems having 71–351points near the injection port in the streamwisedirection and 41–251 points clustered near thewall in the transverse direction. Furthermore, aparametric study was performed on the effects ofnumerical and turbulence modeling parameters.The numerical parameters were optimized tomaintain numerical stability and solution conver-gence. The turbulence parameters of the SSTmodel [6] have negligible effects on the solutionsfor the grid systems employed herein.

Figure 1 compares the wall-pressure distribu-tions between the numerical and experimental re-

Fig. 1. Wall pressure distribution of the two-dimen-sional transverse injection across the supersonic flowover a flat plate.

Fig. 2. Scramjet combu

sults. A coarse grid results in a longer separationdistance ahead of the injection port and cannotpredict the pressure picks near the injection port,although the solution seems to better match theexperimental result. The 281 · 201 and 351 · 251grids have nearly identical results within 5% rela-tive error range over the entire wall. In compari-son with previous results, the present turbulencemodel predicts the same separation distance andpeak pressure as the k–� model while maintainingsmooth pressure increase in the front separationregion. Also, pressure variation behind the injec-tor is more closely predicted by the SST model.The 281 · 201 grid was then applied to the scram-jet combustor simulation. The minimum verticalspacing is y+ 6 5, and 21 grid points are employedin the injector port.

3. Scramjet combustor

3.1. Combustor geometry

The supersonic combustor considered in thisstudy is shown in Fig. 2, consisting of a transversefuel injector and a cavity. The model measures aheight of 20 cm and a length of 131 cm. The con-figuration bears a close resemblance to the Hyshottest model, except for the inclusion of a cavity. Aswallowing slot is employed to remove the bound-ary layer from the inlet, and the combustor startswith a sharp nose [1]. A cavity of 20 cm in lengthand 5 cm in depth, with an aspect ratio of L/D = 4.0, is placed at 20 cm downstream of theinjector.

3.2. Operating conditions

The incoming air flow to the combustor is setto a Mach number of 3 at 600 K and 0.1 MPa.This inlet condition roughly corresponds to aflight Mach number of 5–6 at an altitude of20 km, although the exact condition dependson the inlet configuration. Gaseous hydrogen isinjected vertically through a chocked slot of0.1 cm in width to the combustor. The fuel tem-perature is set to 151 K. The injector exit pres-sures are 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 MPa, and theoverall equivalence ratios are 0.167, 0.33, and0.5.

stor configuration.

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Fig. 3. Magnified plot of computational grid around theinjector and the upstream part of the cavity.

2854 J.-Y. Choi et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2005) 2851–2858

3.3. Combustor conditions

A total of 936 · 160 grids are used for themain-combustor flow passage, and 159 · 161 gridsfor the cavity. The grids are clustered around theinjector and near the solid wall. Fifty four gridpoints are included in the injector slot, and theminimum grid size near the wall is 70 lm. Allthe solid surfaces are assumed to be no-slip andadiabatic, except for the upper boundary, whichis assumed to be a slip wall due to flow symmetriccondition. Extrapolation is used to extract flowproperties for the exit boundary. The time stepis set to 6 ns according to the minimum grid sizefor a CFL number of 2.0. Four sub-iterationsare used at each time step. Figure 3 is a magnifiedplot of the computational grid around the injectorand the fore part of the cavity marked by thedashed line in Fig. 2.

Fig. 4. Instantaneous temperature fields at 5 ms for non-reacting flows without a cavity.

Fig. 5. Time history of pressure for non-reacting flowswithout a cavity.

4. Results and discussion

Numerical simulations were carried out for 12cases, including both non-reacting and reactingflows, with and without the cavity, for three differ-ent injection pressures of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 MPa.The following sections will discuss the results foreach case. All the calculations were performedfor 6 ms from the initial condition, which is longerthan the typical test time of ground based experi-ments. The instantaneous flowfields shown in thefollowing were taken at t = 5 ms.

4.1. Non-reacting flows without cavity

Figure 4 shows the instantaneous temperaturefields for the non-reacting flows without a cavity.For the injection pressure ratio of 5.0, the flow-field around the injector seems to be quite stable,but a flow disturbance is observed at the locationaround 40 cm where the first reflected shock waveinteracts with the shear layer between the fuel andair flows. The disturbance propagates upstreamthrough the shear layer, but does not reach the

injector. The injector flow thus remains stable,and the fuel flow is located very close to the lowersurface. The mechanism of the shear layer insta-bility, which is triggered by the impinging obliqueshock wave, seems to be the one studied by Papa-moschou and Roshko [17].

For the injection pressure ratio of 10.0, distur-bance was generated during the early stage of thecomputation in a manner similar to the case of theinjection pressure ratio of 5.0. It, however, propa-gates upstream and triggers the injector flow tobecome unstable. As a result, a large portion ofthe flow area becomes subsonic and the injectorflow oscillates strongly. The unstable motion leadsto a higher fuel penetration and substantially en-hanced fuel/air mixing. This injector flow instabil-ity mechanism has previously been observed byPapamoschou and Hubbard [18]. Ben-Yakaret al. [19] found essentially the same phenomenonin their supersonic combustion experiment. As theinjection pressure ratio further increases to 15.0,the injector flow instability is getting strongerand flow oscillations take place in the entire com-bustor. The fuel penetrates to the middle of thecombustor and the mixing with the air is greatlyenhanced.

Figure 5 shows the temporal variation of thepressure at the location of x = 59 cm from theleading edge of the lower surface. This location

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Fig. 6. Frequency spectra of pressure oscillations fornon-reacting flows without a cavity.

Fig. 8. Temporal variation of pressure for non-reactingflows with a cavity.

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is 5 cm downstream of the cavity, and is selectedbecause of its reflection of all the instability char-acteristics discussed above. The curve for theinjection pressure ratio of 5.0 shows oscillationsgenerated by the interactions between the shockwave and boundary layer. Similar results are ob-tained for the high injection pressures. The flow-field, however, becomes considerably unstable at1.8 ms for the pressure ratio of 10.0 and at1.0 ms for the pressure ratio of 15.0. Steady oscil-lations are then reached, after a transitional peri-od of 1–2 ms. Figure 6 shows the frequencyspectra of the pressure oscillations. A dominantfrequency exists around 15 kHz for the injectionpressure ratios of 10.0 and 15.0.

4.2. Non-reacting flows with cavity

Figure 7 shows the instantaneous temperaturefields for non-reacting flows with a cavity in thechamber. In general, the cavity generates distur-bances which propagate upstream and in turntrigger the injector flow instability, even for thecase with a low injection pressure ratio of 5.0.Thus, the flowfields exhibit considerable oscilla-tions for all the injection pressure ratios consid-ered here. The fuel penetration and subsequentmixing with air are greatly enhanced by the cavi-ty-driven flow oscillations.

Fig. 7. Instantaneous temperature fields at 5 ms for thecase of non-reacting flows with a cavity.

Figure 8 shows the pressure–time histories atthe location of x = 59 cm. For all the three injec-tion pressure ratios, the injector flow instabilitystarts to occur at 1 ms, which is around the halfof the value for the cases without a cavity. Also,the pressure fluctuation is much stronger with itsmean value maintained slightly higher than thecases without a cavity. Figure 9 shows the fre-quency spectra of pressure oscillations. Unlikethe case without a cavity, the dominant frequencydecreases from 15 kHz to around 1.5–2.5 and 4–6 kHz. The specific value depends on the injectionpressure ratio. The intrinsic frequencies of thecavity oscillation predicted by a Rossiter�s semi-empirical formula and discussed by Ben-Yakarand Hanson [20] are 1.9 kHz for the first modeand 4.5 kHz for the second mode based on theflow conditions considered in this study. Thus,the present computational simulations give quitesatisfactory results, considering the complex flowstructures involving shock waves and fuelinjection.

Fig. 9. Frequency spectra of pressure oscillations fornon-reacting flows with a cavity.

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Fig. 11. Pressure–time histories for reacting flows with-out a cavity.

Fig. 12. Frequency spectra of pressure oscillations forreacting flows without a cavity.

2856 J.-Y. Choi et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2005) 2851–2858

4.3. Reacting flows without cavity

Figure 10 shows the instantaneous temperaturefields for reacting flows without a cavity. For theinjection pressure ratio of 5.0, combustion occursin the frontal separation region, but is not fullyestablished along the shear layer. This separationregion contains a pool of radicals and acts as apreheating zone. The flame is not anchored there,but in the region containing shock-wave/shear-layer interactions where the instability occurs.Downstream of this location, heat release fromchemical reactions takes place, accompanied withlarge vortices convecting downstream. The overallphenomena seem quite similar to a typical turbu-lent diffusion flame generating large vorticities. Itis thought from this result that chemical reactionsdo not intensify the disturbance to an extent suffi-cient for triggering the instability of the injectorflow.

The temperature fields exhibit different charac-teristics for the injection pressure ratios of 10.0and 15.0. As a consequence of the large heat re-lease, the pressure behind the injector builds upand leads to a Mach reflection across the combus-tor. A large subsonic region is thus formed down-stream of the injector, and the injector flow nolonger shows a structure comprising of a leadingoblique shock wave, a frontal separation region,etc. Instead, the fuel is injected though a narrowwidth of a subsonic port, but can penetrate muchdeeper. The frontal separated flow region, whichacts as a radical pool and a pre-heater, still existsfor the injection pressure ratio of 10.0, but disap-pears for a higher pressure ratio of 15.0 due to thefully subsonic environment near the injector. Thefrontal separated flow region and the obliqueshock wave extend to the leading edge of the com-bustor and are stabilized there by the fixed inletboundary condition.

Figure 11 shows the temporal evolution of thepressure for the reacting flows without a cavity.For the injection pressure ratio of 5.0, the finalpressure is slightly higher than that of the non-re-acting case and the pressure builds up very slowly.In contrast, the results for the pressure ratios of10.0 and 15.0 indicate that the injector flow insta-

Fig. 10. Instantaneous temperature fields at 5 ms forreacting flows without a cavity.

bility is triggered around 1 ms and the pressurelevels off at approximately 0.5 MPa around 3 msfor the pressure ratio of 10.0, and at 0.6 MPaaround 1.5 ms for the ratio of 15.0. Figure 12shows the frequency spectra of pressure oscilla-tions. Unlike the non-reacting cases, no dominantfrequency is observed, and the spectra are widelydistributed.

4.4. Reacting flows with cavity

Figure 13 shows the instantaneous temperaturefields for the reacting flows with a cavity. For theinjection pressure ratio of 5.0, combustion is fullyestablished over the cavity, which acts as a flameholder or a radical pool. The chamber pressurereaches around 0.3 MPa, much greater than thecase without a cavity. For the injection pressureratios of 10.0 and 15.0, the pressure builds up rap-idly and eventually leads to thermal chocking inthe chamber. The Mach reflection continuouslydevelops and is finally disgorged out of the inlet.The pressure–time history shown in Fig. 14 indi-

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Fig. 14. Pressure–time histories for reacting flows with acavity.

Fig. 13. Instantaneous temperature fields at 5 ms forreacting flows with a cavity.

J.-Y. Choi et al. / Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 30 (2005) 2851–2858 2857

cated that the combustion is established much ear-lier than the cases without a cavity for all theinjection pressure ratios. This may be attributedto the mixing and combustion enhancement bythe cavity, a phenomenon that can be understoodby comparing the pressure variations in Figs. 8and 11. The frequency spectra in Fig. 15 exhibita broad distribution without any major dominantharmonics, similar to the cases without a cavity.

Fig. 15. Frequency spectra of pressure oscillations forreacting flows with a cavity.

5. Conclusion

The non-reacting and reacting flow dynamicsin a scramjet combustor was carefully studied bymeans of a comprehensive numerical analysis.The results show a wide variety of phenomenaresulting from the interactions between the injec-tor flows, shock waves, boundary layers, and cav-ity flows. Major findings are summarized asfollows:

1. Strong unsteady flow characteristics were iden-tified for a scramjet combustor. The workappears to be the first of its kind in the numer-ical study of combustion oscillations in asupersonic combustor.

2. Large flow disturbances can be generated byshear layer instability that may be triggeredby the interactions with shock waves.

3. For all the cases studied herein, flow oscilla-tions caused by the cavity override thoseinduced by the interactions between shockwaves and boundary layers.

4. Transverse injected jet can be triggered tobecome unstable with disturbances arisingfrom a shear layer or a cavity. The disturbedjet can penetrate deeper into the cross-flowand improve the mixing with air. A moredetailed study is necessary to characterize thestability of a transverse injected jet.

5. The roles of the cavity as a source of distur-bance for the transverse jet oscillation, fuel/air mixing enhancement, and flame-holdingimprovement were clarified.

6. Unstable flow characteristics for the reactingcases bear a close resemblance to those ofnon-reacting flows except for a rapid chamberpressure build-up to a higher level.

7. When the combustion takes place throughoutthe entire chamber, an unstable Mach reflec-tion is formed above the injector due to theflow unsteadiness and results in a strong pres-sure fluctuation on the upper wall.

8. As an extreme case of high pressure build-up,thermal choking occurs in the combustor,which may result in the combustor unstartdue to the forward-running strong shockwave.

9. The present study can be extended to a morerealistic combustor configuration, but furtherinvestigations are required to achieve betterunderstanding of detailed fluid and flamedynamics in a scramjet combustor.


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In-Seuck Jeung, Seoul National University, Korea.Would you comment on the application of boundarylayer control on the isolator area to mitigate the largeseparation region due to the pre-combustion shock-boundary layer interaction? Would you suggest thisboundary layer control might reduce the strength ofthe flow unsteadiness?

Reply. The flow unsteadiness observed in the pres-ent study can be classified into two categories: intrin-sic flow instabilities and thermo-fluidic instability. Theintrinsic flow instabilities include supersonic cavityflow oscillations and Richtmyer–Meshkov instabilityin shock-wave/shear-layer interactions. The thermo-fluidic instability is caused by combustor choking forlarge-heat-addition cases. The results show that theintrinsic flow instabilities have high-frequency low-am-

plitude oscillations but the thermo-fluidic instabilitycauses only large-scale motions. A large separation re-gion ahead of the injector was present in every caseconsidered, but was irrelevant to intrinsic instabilities.We are not sure whether the boundary layer controlcan reduce the strength of the flow unsteadiness in-duced by intrinsic instabilities, although we agree thatit may mitigate the large separation region. On theother hand, the thermal choking is caused by theoverall thermodynamic balance in the combustor,rather than a local flow dynamics. Therefore we couldnot expect that the boundary layer control can miti-gate the flow unsteadiness induced by thermal chok-ing. Though not shown in the paper, a precursorshock wave that progresses forward due to combustorchoking will blow off the large separation regioneventually.
