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Page 1: Combination Evaluation

Combination Evaluation

Music Video And Ancillary Products

Page 2: Combination Evaluation

My Product

Music Video And Ancillary Products

Page 3: Combination Evaluation

The front cover of my album is shown on the advert which has the same font and photo. However the size of the cover

on the advert has been stretched to fit the page of the advert.

Advert Front Cover

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The text that is used in the advert has the same colours as the album cover that link both products together by a consistent colour

scheme. Advert Front Cover

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The colour of the font used for the track listening's is the same colour as the bottom banner of the album advert, however both have different shades of the colour as the advert is darker than the back cover.

Advert Back Cover

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For the front cover and the back of the back cover I've used a continuous theme as I’ve used the same clothes and the same background for both

photos. However the pose is different as the front cover shows all of the artist while the back of the back cover shows the artist in his element as he is

shown playing a guitar that will be cover by the CD in side the case and will be reviled when the CD is taken out of the case.

Front Cover Back of Back Cover

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Both photos show instruments that are used to create the pop rock music of the tracks on the

album, the same guitar is use for both photos to show consistency.

Back of Front Cover Back of Back Cover

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The copyright of the album is shown on both parts of the album in the bottom of the page as its conventional for the copyright of the album to be out of the way and at the end of the root of the eye as its less significant to the reader of

the album.Back of Front Cover Back Cover

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All parts of the album other that the back of the front cover, have the same background theme as I've used the same wall for all of the photos that are shown.

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The same costume has been used for the album and the music video to keep with the same style. However

the costume looks slightly different because of the lighting used.

Music Video Front Cover

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The same props and costume has been used for the music scene of the music video as the

albums back of the back cover. Music Video Back of Back Cover

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A similar costume has been used for the narrative and the music scenes of music video as the artist is

wearing the same just a different t-shirt.

Music Video Music Video

Page 13: Combination Evaluation

Comparing Combination

My products to existing products.

Page 14: Combination Evaluation

The photo/image used for the advert is the same image that is used for the album front cover. This is

used as it makes it easier to notice the album.

My Product Existing Product

Page 15: Combination Evaluation

My Product Existing Product

The style of font that is used on the album is also used on the advert. This is used to keep to the house style of the product.

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The background of the photos used for the front and back cover have the same theme and setting that keeps with the house style.

My Product Existing Product

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Both of the back of the front cover and the back of the back cover are linked together by the same use of props. There's a drum set in the Mcfly album and

there it the use of a guitar in mine.My Product Existing Product

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The photos of the artist through out the album wear the same costumes to keep with the house style of the album and to show their background

class.My Product Existing Product

Page 19: Combination Evaluation

The copyright of the album is shown at the bottom of the back cover and the back of the front cover as it

copies itself into the same place however the colour of the text has change to fit the background of the page.

My Product Existing Product

Page 20: Combination Evaluation

The costumes used in the music scenes and the narrative are similar or the same

as each other.My Product Existing Product

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The costumes used in the music video are similar/ the same as the costumes warn on the album cover, as this continues with the house

style.My Product Existing Product
