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Summer 2013



We envision graduates who think critically and creatively, lead with high ethical and professional standards,embody the character and compassion of Jesus Christ, and who thereby are prepared to impact the world.


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Dear Friends,

In many ways, Colorado Christian University is like most colleges and universities. CCU has long been nationally accredited. The university offers both graduate and undergraduate degrees. We have traditional and adult/graduate students, classrooms, syllabi, faculty, fund raising, sports teams, a tree-lined campus, student residences, etc.

But our heart is very different from most institutions of higher education. We champion a conservative point of view in theology, lifestyle economics, culture and patriotism. Our faculty, staff and most students hold a traditional understanding of human nature, right versus wrong and the authority of the Bible.

We are deeply concerned about recent national trends including the breakup of families, sexual permissiveness, drug abuse, the stifling effects of big government and high taxes, abuse of power by the judiciary, disrespect for traditional values and ignorance of Western Civilization.

Our ideals are in stark contrast with the liberal dogma of schools where Jesus is denigrated, the Bible is treated as irrelevant, sexual promiscuity is tolerated or encouraged, drunkenness, recreational drug use and bad manners are prevalent. At such “politically correct” schools, students are fed a diet of left wing notions about life, culture, economics and politics.

By standing up to be counted for Jesus, the Bible, traditional values, sanctity of life, free markets, natural law, original intent of the constitution (and much more). CCU upholds the opinions of tens of millions of Americans for whom faith, family and freedom are bedrock values. By doing so, CCU affords students a rare opportunity for high quality education, exploration of the depth and breadth of crucial ideas and great academic traditions, all steeped in the love of Christ.

Colorado Christian University is different from other universities in another important respect – truth in packaging. Most schools fall somewhere on the spectrum from liberal to ultra-liberal, as documented by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, the National Association of Scholars and numerous surveys of faculty attitudes. Often, however, they conceal their culture, their ingrained values and pretend to be something they are not.

CCU must never do this. We are conservative. And proud of it. We believe God is calling Colorado Christian University to greatness, to be uncompromising in our testimony and teaching. Let us pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit and the power to answer His call.


William L. ArmstrongPresident


Denver Bible InstituteBecomes Denver BibleCollege


Western Bible InstituteEstablished


Denver Bible CollegeBecomes RockmontCollege


Denver Bible Institute Established

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Colorado Christian Connection is a regular publication produced by Colorado Christian University to connect CCU alumni and friends to each other and to CCU. As we build each issue, we strive for complete accuracy, however, we occasionally miss the mark. Please inform us of our errors, and we will address them in the following issue. THIS PUBLICATION IS SPONSORED BY THE OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT AND ALUMNI RELATIONS:Paul J. Eldridge, J.D. Vice President of Development and Alumni RelationsDavid Nye Director of DevelopmentDan Westermann Director of DevelopmentMissy Smith Director of Alumni & Parent RelationsEmma Alsdorf Annual Giving & Foundations Relations CoordinatorKathleen LeCrone Database SpecialistJan Otteman Event Planner and Administrative Assistant

THIS PUBLICATION IS PRODUCED BY UNIVERSITY COMMUNICATIONS:Lisa Zeller Director of University Communications Gabe Knipp CopywriterBethany Applegate Graphic Designer Tim Roesch Graphic Designer

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VALS 2013The Moral Case for Free Enterprise:Unshackling Competition

FAITH|FAMILY|FREEDOMA Campaign for Colorado Christian University




FOR GOD’S GLORYA Story of Humility and Witness




Western Bible Institute Becomes Western Bible College


Colorado BaptistUniversity Established


Western Bible College andRockmont College merge to formColorado Christian College

1989 - Present

Colorado Christian College andColorado Baptist University merge toform Colorado Christian University


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Without fail, students at Colorado Christian University enter into the fray: they are prepared, equipped, encouraged, and called into the public square. In that space, they serve the poor and spread the gospel, they vote their consciences and strive for justice, they engage in apologetics without apology. From Denver to D.C., students inform, influence, and instruct others about what it means to live as a man or woman of unyielding principles—as men and women who are disciples of Christ. In 2012, the annual symposium at CCU covered exactly this topic. For two days in September, students, staff, and faculty convened to listen to speakers and discuss the pressing issue: how we, as followers of Jesus, ought to engage in the public square. Dr. Sid Buzzell, dean of the School of Theology, brought the issue to a flashpoint as he articulated the main aspects of the Manhattan Declaration—a document that calls Christians to support the sanctity of life, traditional marriage, and religious liberty. In doing so, he called for the integration of our so-called private lives and our public lives. He insisted that we cannot support God’s view of marriage publicly if we do not honor our spouse or control our thought-lives privately. Equally, we cannot vow to protect the unborn if we are not also protecting the already born: feeding the hungry, caring for the poor, and pursuing justice. In urging the audience to live uncompartmentalized lives, he called on all to consider their roles as both Christians and citizens of the state. Ultimately, he reminded everyone, “The answer to these moral issues is not legislation. It is redemption.”

The symposium also featured such luminaries as Robert Amaya—one of the main actors in the Sherwood Pictures film, Courageous. He spoke of using our talents and gifts to glorify God, and that becoming an actor does not require a loosening of morals—as his films are proof that stories are just as moving without nudity, swearing, or graphic violence. On the second morning, Star Parker related her story of transformation. Jesus helped her move from a woman on welfare to a successful businesswoman. She articulated a need for Christians to raise their voices in the public square: “We need men and women of integrity that

Fulfilling the Call to


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Honor Christ and share the love of Christ on campus and around the world;

Teach students to trust the Bible, live holy lives, and be evangelists;

Be a magnet for outstanding students and prepare them for positions of significant

leadership in the church, business, government, and professions by offering an excellent education in strategic disciplines;

Teach students how to learn;

Teach students how to think for themselves;

Teach students how to speak and write clearly and effectively;

Give students significant opportunities to serve our Lord while they are at CCU

and to help them develop a lifetime habit of such service;

Impact our culture in support of traditional family values, sanctity of life, compassion

for the poor, Biblical view of human nature, limited government, personal freedom, free markets, natural law, original intent of the

Constitution, and Western civilization;

Be seekers of truth;

Debunk “spent ideas” and those who traffic in them;

Ask God to multiply our time and ability to the glory of His great name;

Be a servant of the Church;

Become a great University

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understand very, very deeply that we’re at war, a war that began way back in Genesis.” Ultimately, the symposium led to a greater sense of urgency for students to engage in public life—whether in politics or evangelism, the arts or apologetics. Fortunately, at CCU, those opportunities are almost limitless. For example, the university places great focus on real-life, hands-on experiences to enhance and solidify classroom—or symposium—theory. Political science majors find that this means opportunities to interact with nationally-known speakers, intern in Washington, D.C., or partake in an annual trip to our nation’s capital. During CCU’s Washington Week, students meet with influential thinkers, see the workings of our nation’s capitol, and take time to consider the important role that Christians and faith play in our nation—and its future.

The answer to these moral issues is not legislation.

It is redemption. Indeed, the annual Washington Week is one small example of CCU students going forth into the breach, raising their voices, and learning to live as Christians in the public square. - G. Knipp

Fulfilling the Call to


For the past five years, Washington Week has concluded with a guided tour of the US Capitol by former Senator Hank Brown.

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Star Parker speaks to faculty, staff, and students at the annual Symposium.

“ “

“...render unto Caesar the thing that are Caesar’s;and to God the things that are God’s.”

- Matthew 22:21b

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Colorado Christian University’s 11th annual Values-Aligned Leadership Summit connected almost 300 students with 450 local business executives this April. Exploring “The Moral Case for Free Enterprise,” the event promoted discussion while providing networking opportunities for students—giving them unparalleled access to successful businesspersons as they shared a table and conversed over relevant issues.

Dennis Prager, a nationally syndicated talk show host, offered the keynote speech. “The American trinity of values is on our money,” he declared, “Liberty, ‘In God We Trust,’ and e pluribus unum.” Asserting that we must remain true to such values, Prager reminded the audience, “Only the American DNA is for small government. America is unique in the world.”





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Dennis Prager CCU Alumna Networking at VALS

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DATES: October 8 or 10, 2013 LOCATION: Mount Vernon County Club (24933 Clubhouse Circle, Golden, CO 80401)

TIME: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.The seminar is free, but registration is required.

How to Disinherit the IRSHow to Disinherit the IRS

Go to or call 303.963.3033FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO RSVP.

What some of the 15,000 attendees are saying:“The best I’ve attended.” -Ted “Good learning experience.” - Pete “Clear and concise.” - Rick

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Curt and Nancy Richardson with Dr. Gary Ewen, dean of the School

of Business and Leadership

“The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen,” he quipped, to the applause of the almost 750 in attendance.

The day also illustrated CCU’s connection with the Denver business community. Professor Ron Rex described how Employment Management Services has connected with over 120 local businesses, bringing top students to the workforce—with a 97% success rate.

An annual highlight of VALS is the time organizers take to honor those living ethical, values-aligned lives. Each year, a

CCU student, an alumnus, and an executive from the community is honored for his or her efforts to impact others through business. This year, Caleb Rawson, CCU class of 2013, was given the Values-Aligned Student award; Scott Miller, class of 1991 and current president and CEO of Interstate Batteries, received the Values-Aligned Alumnus award.

Curt and Nancy Richardson, founders of Otterbox and the OtterCares Foundation, were celebrated for their ability to create jobs, help others—and encourage their employees to help others—as Values-Aligned Executives.

The day’s theme of free enterprise was also carried by Dr. Jay Richards, a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute. Richards told of how no system of economics has benefited the world as much as free enterprise. Dr. Jill Vecchio explored implications of the Affordable Care Act, while CCU’s own President Bill Armstrong, Dean of CCU’s School of Business and Leadership Dr. Gary Ewen, and Executive in Residence Kevin Miller also discussed the advantages of a free enterprise system.

“The event was wonderful,” said Karen Ann Young, a longtime attendee. “It gets better every year. This year was like an I.V. infusion of hope for our future and our world.”

Financial planner Joseph Sturniolo will discuss how you can pass on more wealth, reduce capital gains, and maximize charitable giving.

Scott MIller, class of 1991

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At Colorado Christian University, our academics are rigorous and our students are motivated because they see a higher purpose in what we do. We want our values to align with God’s—and as such, we stand steadfast in our faith, support traditional families, and protect and promote freedom.

Our Faith|Family|Freedom Campaign expresses who we are, and who we strive to be. The centerpiece of Phase 1 in the campaign will be a new 43,000 square foot academic building equipped with state-of-the-art classrooms, a multi-purpose hall,

and faculty offices that will provide space for students to live great stories—to be challenged academically and act out their faith. Equipped with the proper tools, these students will become leaders for the 21st century.

Completion of the construction for Phase 1 will begin a momentous new phase in the history of the University, coinciding closely with our centennial in 2014. It will meet a variety of present needs and prove to be a crucial first step toward a dramatically transformed campus.

The 8-10 year total campus redevelopment project will cost in excess of $120 million with $55 million anticipated from charitable gifts. Many friends have already shown their support for the project through various means. CCU has received gifts of stock, real estate, IRA distributions, shares in a limited partnership, and several charitable gift annuities have been established—demonstrating the range of creative methods supporters use to increase the impact and size of their gifts.

School of Education, School of Business and Leadership, and other University offices move into temporary buildings.

Begin construction of infrastructure. (New perimeter road, upgraded entrance, parking lots, etc.)

CCU’s 100th Anniversary.

Completion of infrastructure construction. Move into Academic Building.

Demo and remove School of Education and Life Directions Center buildings. Begin construction of Academic Building.

June 2013 October 2014

Summer 2014Fall 2013

May 2013






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* The milestones listed represent the anticipated timeframes and are subject to modification during construction.

May 2013

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faith |family |freedom

redCMYK: 32/98/100/45RGB: 111/18/16# 6F1210

blueCMYK: 100/98/37/40RGB: 28/26/75# 1C1A4B

tanCMYK: 31/41/73/5RGB: 174/141/89# AE8D59charitable

support needed $18,775,000 current gifts& pledges$14,121,286


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Dear Friends,

What a wonderful weekend! We are so glad you are participating in Colorado Christian University’s Fourth Annual Western Conservative Summit.

As you can see from this edition of the Colorado Christian Connection, there are many outstanding things happening at Colorado Christian University. It has been another fantastic year at CCU!

Our students are being taught to impact our culture in support of limited government, personal freedom, free markets, natural law, original intent of the Constitution, and Western civilization. These are not partisan concepts. Rather, they are timeless principles.

Unfortunately, these principles are being taught and embraced by far too few universities today. CCU’s commitment to the promotion of traditional, conservative principles integrated intentionally and comprehensively with biblical truth is a key distinctive that sets CCU apart from other institutions of higher education.

To further the pursuit of the strategic objectives outlined on page four, Colorado Christian University has launched the Faith|Family|Freedom Campaign to completely redevelop the Lakewood campus. CCU’s existing physical structures are simply insufficient to meet the present needs of the campus. Through a dramatically transformed campus, the physical plant will visibly communicate the University’s commitment to continued academic excellence, ongoing growth, and world-class opportunities to engage with key ideas of our day.

If you like what you’ve seen at the Western Conservative Summit, if you’ve enjoyed hearing from our CCU students, if you’ve been encouraged by the timeless principles discussed here this weekend, then I encourage you to give a gift to the work of Centennial Institute and/or to the campus redevelopment project at Colorado Christian University.

A gift to Centennial Institute will allow the Institute to continue to sponsor research, events, and publications that enhance public understanding of the most important issues facing our state and nation. By proclaiming Truth, the Institute aims to foster faith, family, and freedom, teach citizenship, and renew the spirit of 1776.

A gift to the campus redevelopment project will provide a foundation—literally and physically—that will impact not only individual students, but our society as a whole, as our students graduate from CCU and positively affect America and the world.

May God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.

Best regards,

Paul J. Eldridge, J.D.Vice PresidentDevelopment and Alumni Relations

School of Education, School of Business and Leadership, and other University offices move into temporary buildings.

Begin construction of infrastructure. (New perimeter road, upgraded entrance, parking lots, etc.)

CCU’s 100th Anniversary.

Completion of infrastructure construction. Move into Academic Building.

Demo and remove School of Education and Life Directions Center buildings. Begin construction of Academic Building.

June 2013 October 2014

Summer 2014Fall 2013

May 2013






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* The milestones listed represent the anticipated timeframes and are subject to modification during construction.

May 2013

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CONTACT THE OFFICE OF DEVELOPMENT:303.963.3330 or [email protected] CONNECTED

P.S. Giving online is quick and easy at

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Join the Dean of the School of Business and Leadership, Dr. Gary Ewen, and Executive in Residence, Kevin Miller, on the second Friday of each month, beginning September 13, 2013.

Challenging, thought-provoking seminars begin at 6:45am, followed by Q & A + networking opportunities.

Visit for more information.

THE WONDERS OF WASHINGTONRebekah Brown, Class of 2014

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This past May, twenty-five students from Colorado Christian University boarded a plane bound for Washington, D.C. This trip, known as Washington Week, was a three credit course and was a trip unlike any other.

Class trips to D.C. usually involve touring the various memorials, museums and federal buildings. To be sure, we did plenty of that. Yet under Greg Schaller, CCU professor of political science, we got to see a side of D.C. that most others don’t—the leaders and thinkers that drive American politics.

Over the course of the week we toured the Cato Institute, the American Enterprise Institute, the Institute for Faith, Work and Economics, and the Heritage Foundation. At each of these major think tanks, we had the privilege to hear from people like Doug Bandow from CATO, Christina Hoff Sommers from AEI, Hugh Wechel from

IFWE, and David Azerrad from Heritage, as well as many other of the nation’s top thinkers. Topics ranged from the deficit to illegal immigration to moral values, and CCU students were given an opportunity to engage one-on-one and ask questions of these intelligent men and women.

As if meeting with these leaders wasn’t enough, former Senator Hank Brown gave us a personal tour through the Capitol Building, allowing us access to parts of the Capitol closed off to regular tour groups, as well as giving us a chance to learn about his years in the U.S. Senate. Washington Week was truly an experience none of us will ever forget. The opportunities CCU provides are unique and unlikely to be found anywhere else.

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If you listened to the radio for any length of time in late January, you may have heard Colorado Christian University unveil its Believe Campaign, highlighted by radio spots airing on top stations in the Front Range area. The spots advertised a scholarship promotion and encouraged prospective students to believe in themselves.

“The economy has beaten people up. We see students who have been laid off five or six times in the last few years. You can’t help but wonder about yourself when that occurs.” said Chuck Klijewski, assistant vice president of enrollment and marketing for CCU’s College of Adult and Graduate Studies.

And, the Believe Campaign corresponds with what happens in classes. Unlike traditional undergraduates at CCU, CAGS does not require students to sign a statement of faith, and classes often become evangelistic tools—places where non-believers get a high quality education while understanding the gospel and experiencing it through the dedication of professors, support staff, and peers. As students encounter the gospel, they end up seeing their own lives with new enthusiasm and purpose.

“Our growth has been driven by a number of actions, but the overall initiative that has increased growth—and retention—has been our focus on helping students,” said Klijewski. Examples of focusing on the student first include a long-term atriculation agreement that CCU has formed with every community college in the state of Colorado; a tiered approach to degree programs, so a student often can earn a certificate and associate degree before her bachelor’s, thus increasing earning power and decreasing debt; new degree offerings such as criminal justice, and health care administration that tap into growing job sectors; and ensuring that every student receives a rigorous Christian education.

“Integrating faith and academics means we refuse to water down Scripture,” mentioned Klijewski. “We’re not Christian only if you want us to be. Instead, a Christian education means approaching the material with a different worldview.

And, the theme running through all our programs is that of transformation. Students encounter Jesus; they find purpose and begin to make a difference in the world. The stories are overwhelming.”

For students in CAGS, transformation may start with something as simple as a radio commercial and the nagging question of what might be possible.


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“We make decisions based on a student’s interest rather than our bottom line. Not every school is doing this in our industry today.”


CAGS is now one of the top 100 online schools in the U.S. by volume; associate degrees have increased over 500% in three years; overall growth is at 40% compared to last year—this while higher education numbers are shrinking nationally.

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JANUARY - Homecoming 2013 brought over 200 alumni and guests to campus for an all alumni indoor cookout, basketball games, a heritage alumni prayer breakfast, and more.

World Changers Scholarship Weekend brought 118 academically gifted students to campus; three of them were awarded full-ride scholarships.

AUGUST - The 2012 Weekend of Welcome provided five days of orientation and enjoyment for new students. The largest freshman class in CCU history joined the community by building relationships, preparing for classes, and worshipping together with current students. This marked a record enrollment for CCU —now over 5,000 total students in the undergraduate, adult, and graduate programs.

JULY - Dr. Janet Black, associate professor of English at CCU, was named a Fulbright Scholar for the 2012-13 school year affording her the opportunity to lecture and research at Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda, while acting as a “literary ambassador for America.”

Dr. Angela Henderson joined CCU as a new assistant professor of biology. Dr. Henderson’s appointment helped enable the School of Humanities and Sciences to launch a pre-medical profession major and a health sciences major in the fall.

NOVEMBER - The School of Music presented Jesus Trip as the fall play at CCU’s Music Center.

CCU’s think tank, the Centennial Institute presented, “What’s Next, Conservatives?” a post election look at voter response in Lakewood and Grand Junction.

SEPTEMBER - The annual President’s Circle Dinner was held in honor of the University’s core supporters. At the President’s Circle Dinner, the Faith|Family|Freedom Campaign for the redevelop-ment of CCU’s Lakewood Campus was launched.

OCTOBER - The American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) ranked CCU in the top 2% of colleges nationwide. CCU and the United States Air Force Academy were the only two universities in Colorado to be ranked in the top 2%.

Over 140 alumni and their guests joined us for the Natalie Grant Concert on October 11.

YEAR in REVIEWBy a unanimous vote, the Lakewood City Council formally approved the University’s rezoning plans allowing CCU to expand by 10 acres and providing the first step in the Faith|Family|Freedom Campaign for the Lakewood campus re-development.


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MARCH - CCU’s Debate Team, in just its second year, won the National Finals of the National Christian College Debate Tournament, “edging out Wheaton, Cedarville, Liberty, Cal Baptist and all the rest.”

The University Band Tour began on March 20 with performances in various locations in Arizona, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.

Dr. Chris Leland was promoted to the position of assistant vice president for Academic Affairs in the College of Undergraduate Studies.

The School of Music presented the Music Man as the spring play at CCU’s Music Center.

APRIL - Dr. Sarah Dallman announced her retirement as dean of the School of Education. CCU celebrates and thanks Dr. Dallman for her faithful service in this position since 2001.

MAY - Students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of CCU gathered at the Lakewood Campus for a Site Dedication Celebration of the first new academic building in the Faith|Family|Freedom Campaign.

On May 11, over 400 graduates were recognized at CCU’s commencement ceremony. This year’s event featured Hank Brown, former U.S. senator and U.S. representative, as a speaker.


AUGUSTSummer Play - FoolsAugust 28 – 31 | 7:30 p.m. CCU School of Music

SEPTEMBERPresident’s Circle DinnerSeptember 16 | 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. CCU Event Center By Invitation Only

CCU Symposium - Understanding the Times: Restoring America’s Christian HeritageSeptember 17 -18 CCU Event Center

OCTOBER Jefferson County Prayer BreakfastOctober 4 | 7:00 – 8:35 a.m. Marriott Denver West

Visit for more upcoming events

Scan this code to visit the CCU events page

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Benefits of a CCU Charitable Gift Annuity.

1. ATTRACTIVE RATES. When you compare our gift annuity rates with what you might receive from a certificate of deposit you will be pleasantly surprised. (Rates average between 4%-9%.)*

2. REGULAR PAYMENTS. When you establish your gift annu-ity, you decide how often you want to receive your payments (with certain restrictions).

3. FIXED INCOME. Your payment rate will be locked in at the time you obtain your gift annuity.

4. LIFETIME BENEFIT. Gift annuities are for life. And if you have a two-life gift annuity, when one person dies, the other can continue to receive the same amount for the rest of his/her life.

5. DEPENDABLE SOURCE. CCU reinsures all gift annuities, so your assets are protected with the backing of a top-rated insur-ance company.

6. RELIEF FROM TAXES. Since part of your contribution for a gift annuity is considered a charitable gift by the IRS, you will receive an income tax charitable deduction to apply on an item-ized tax return.

7. SIMPLE PROCESS. We can provide you with a tailor-made illustration so you can see how it all works with your age and con-tribution amount included.

Interested in enjoying these benefits?Are you at or near retirement age?

Let us give you more information.Contact: Paul Eldridge, Vice President

Development and Alumni RelationsColorado Christian University


*Rates will vary depending upon age and number of beneficiaries

“I was waiting tables, what they called ‘hashing,’ at a sorority house,” recounts Bob Kirchner. “And on my way home, we would cross each other in the park. Finally I called her, and we had a date.” “We’d just say hello, you know?” remembers Barbara. “I don’t know what happened, but something clicked, I guess.” Barbara was a freshman and Bob a junior at the University of Colorado in 1941, studying music and business, respectively. They dated two years, and Bob reached the NCAA Final Four as a guard on CU’s basketball team, before World War II intervened. Bob went into the Navy after graduation, and wouldn’t even be able to call Barbara for another year. “I was in downtown Evergreen on my horse,” says Barbara, “and mother came down and told me Bob was on the phone. I went home so fast!” “I had 60 days in the States because our ship needed repairs,” tells Bob, “and I called Barbara and said, ‘Let’s get married.’ Her mother put together the wedding in six days. Needless to say, there wasn’t a huge crowd, but we got married on August 6, 1944, in Evergreen.” Another year and a half passed, though, before the two could truly settle somewhere, after Bob was discharged from the Navy in 1946. They moved to the Hiwan Ranch in Evergreen—now a museum—before coming down the mountain to Denver a year later. Established in Denver, the two began to build their lives together. Bob began selling municipal bonds at Boettcher & Company; Barbara volunteered at Craig Hospital. In a few years, they built a house on Wadsworth Boulevard—then just a gravel road, and raised two children, Brad and Robin. Bob met success in business, founding his own

municipal bond business in 1960, Kirchner & Company, later to become Kirchner Moore, and its legacy continues in the Denver area. God had designs for the family they didn’t yet know about—though it’s clear He was working behind the scenes all along. As their children entered high school and got involved in Young Life, Bob and Barbara began to understand the gospel more clearly. “We would say we were Christians, but we didn’t really know what it was until we got into Young Life,” declares Barbara. Add to that a friendship with David Beckman—who was part of Rockmont College, one of CCU’s legacy schools—and the two saw what a relationship with God was about. They began looking for ways, unobtrusively, to give back. “We wanted to honor the Lord, not ourselves—and there’s a fine line between humility and being a witness,” says Bob. So, after retirement—and a stint as chairman of the 1978 U.S. Open at Cherry Hills Country Club—Bob served as finance chairman to the 1987 Billy Graham Crusade in Denver. And, while they gave to many organizations, nineteen years later they were looking to give something that would last a long time. “We wanted to make a gift that was really significant for us,” Bob reports, “and we chose CCU.” They established the largest single endowed scholarship at Colorado Christian University. Today, college students at CCU are wondering what their futures hold; they’re seeking to give back in their own ways, to honor the Lord while balancing humility and witness. Fortunately, their possibilities are brighter thanks to two students who crossed each other in a park 72 years ago.


Bob & Barbara Kirchner with recipients of the Kirchner

Endowed Scholarship

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Benefits of a CCU Charitable Gift Annuity.

1. ATTRACTIVE RATES. When you compare our gift annuity rates with what you might receive from a certificate of deposit you will be pleasantly surprised. (Rates average between 4%-9%.)*

2. REGULAR PAYMENTS. When you establish your gift annu-ity, you decide how often you want to receive your payments (with certain restrictions).

3. FIXED INCOME. Your payment rate will be locked in at the time you obtain your gift annuity.

4. LIFETIME BENEFIT. Gift annuities are for life. And if you have a two-life gift annuity, when one person dies, the other can continue to receive the same amount for the rest of his/her life.

5. DEPENDABLE SOURCE. CCU reinsures all gift annuities, so your assets are protected with the backing of a top-rated insur-ance company.

6. RELIEF FROM TAXES. Since part of your contribution for a gift annuity is considered a charitable gift by the IRS, you will receive an income tax charitable deduction to apply on an item-ized tax return.

7. SIMPLE PROCESS. We can provide you with a tailor-made illustration so you can see how it all works with your age and con-tribution amount included.

Interested in enjoying these benefits?Are you at or near retirement age?

Let us give you more information.Contact: Paul Eldridge, Vice President

Development and Alumni RelationsColorado Christian University


*Rates will vary depending upon age and number of beneficiaries


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Ms. LeeMcDowell


Colorado Christian University’s Board of Trustees is made up of distinguished business,

education, ministry, and community leaders. Their combined experience provides a strong

foundation for university guidance. Informed by Scripture, academic tradition, and university

best practices, the Board of Trustees exercises its institutional authority through statements of

mission, vision, and strategic objectives.

Mr. William L.Armstrong

Mr. GaryArmstrongChairman

Mr. TerryConsidine

Dr. James S.Dixon

Dr. Margaret A.Fomer

Mr. ChickLee

Ms. TerryLeprino ‘92

Mr. TimMcTavish ‘13

Dr. Dale W.Schaefer

Mr. DonaldSiecke

Dr. John A.Turner

Mrs. Kaye LynnFote


Mr. WilliamWhite

Dr. Robert L.Woodson, Sr.

Mr. WilliamPauls

Mr. WaltRakowich

Mr. Douglas I. McDonald

Mr. Don M.Harwell

Mr. SamKimbriel ‘83

Dr. Gerald W.May
