

With competition for college talent rising as quickly as budgets are being squeezed, companies need to find new and innovative ways in which to engage quickly and e�ectively with the college workforce.

Whether using on-demand or live video, digital recruiting can allow you to reach more candidates than ever before, improve the quality of your candidate pool, and source top talent before your competition does.

But how do you make the most out of digital recruiting (or even just get started to begin with)? We’ve put together a playbook of best practices with some real-life examples to help you maximize your college recruiting e�orts – read on for some use case scenarios and step-by-step guides on how to implement them.

The war for talent is fierce,and the campus isyour battlefield.

Candidate pre-screening1.

The sheer volume of applicants for college-level positions can make it time-consuming to pick through piles of resumes and organize phone screens in order to find the applicants worth spending time with. Worse still, with many candidates having limited experience (and therefore looking the same on paper), you can risk missing out on some great talent going the traditional route.

Pre-screening with digital recruiting allows you to quickly find the best candidates for your open positions, giving you deeper insights into your candidates’ personalities, skills, and cultural fit, and making sure you choose the best people to meet with face-to-face.

Build your candidate listUse job ads, career center sign-ups, email registration links, and QR codes around campus to build a list of candidates.

Send your candidates an on-demand interview request. As well as traditional questions, you could include competency tests.

Review your on-demand interviews at your convenience, and share top candidates with key stakeholders in your organization.

Don’t waste time with the wrong fit – get your best applicants in for face-to-face meetings at career events or the o�ce.

Invite candidates to take an on-demand interview

Evaluate candidates

Select the best!

Candidate pre-screening // The process.

Real-life example: The TJX Companies.







TJX uses HireVue to fill a range of college positions and programs across the US and Europe. With over 3,000 On Demand interviews completed in 2013 alone, the firm has seen a dramatic Net Promoter Score (NPS) increase in the last two years, with take rate continuing to rise.

Careers fairs and events can be a great way to find future rockstars... as well as a huge pain in the ass!

Make careers fairs less about sourcing, and more about validating and selecting candidates. Use digital recruiting to connect with students early in the recruitment process, before you even get to the event– and find the best talent ahead of your competition.

Smarter careers fairs2.

Spread the wordSend out interview registrations via careers centers, email, and social media. You can also leave positions open all year round to capture applicants on an ongoing basis.

Students are able to register themselves and take the interview in their own time.

Review your on-demand interviews and share the top candidates with key stakeholders to select the best to invite to the careers fair.

Once you have your shortlist, invite all the best candidates to your careers event for face-to-face meetings. It beats just showing up and hoping for the best!

Students sign up and interview

Evaluate candidates

Have a better careers day!

Smarter careers fairs // The process.

Each year, TI recruits nearly 1,000 college hires and interns in the US and another 500 globally. The firm turned to digital recruiting in order to improve e�ciencies and maintain a positive candidate experience.

TI uses HireVue On Demand interviews to replace recruiter and manager phone screens, with videos shared across the recruiting team for evaluation. For college hires, HireVue is used to screen and select who comes in for a face-to-face interview, while for interns it’s used for making a decision on an o�er.





Real-life example: Texas Instruments (TI).

Live and On Demand video can be used to expedite the recruitment process and extend your reach into harder-to-reach campuses, giving you the edge over your competition.

Limited budget and resources can make it hard to reach all of the campuses you would like to, which means you could be missing out on some great talent. Live and on-demand video can be used to extend your reach into additional schools to widen your talent pool – without widening your budget.

Another advantage is the ability to expedite the recruitment process by giving students the chance to interview and be evaluated immediately – without the need to send your team around the country.

3.Digital interview booths

(Live and on-demand)

Set up live interview boothWith minimal on-site resources required, the majority of your team can remain in the o�ce.

Arrange interviews in back-to-back blocks. You can even schedule interviews across multiple schools in the same day.

Arrange either panel or one-on-one interviews, with the ability to rate and share interviews and record interactions for later review.

Move the top candidates on to the next stage of your recruitment process.

Schedule interviews


Continue with the selection process

Live digital interview booths // The process.

Set up on-demand interview boothIn addition to careers days, you could set up on-demand interviewing facilities at campus careers centers for year-round recruiting.

Students have the opportunity to interview on-site – or register to interview at a later time.

Your o�ce-based team can evaluate interviews as they come in to really speed up the review process.

Choose the best candidates to meet face-to-face.

Register interviews

Evaluate candidates

Continue with the selection process

On-demand interview booths // The process.

Once you’ve met a great candidate at an event, how can you ensure that they don’t get snapped up by a competitor?

Allowing students to register for an on-demand interview at events (whether via a booth, iPad or another device) gives you the chance to grab talent early by short-circuiting the traditional recruitment process and staying ahead of the game.

4.Sourcing from events

Meet the candidatesConduct face-to-face meetings at careers fairs.

Candidates can then register for on-demand interviews at the event – or sign up later with a QR code or registration link.

Catch the best talent early with evaluators ready to review interviews and get in touch with the most promising candidates.

Register candidates

Evaluate and select the best

Sourcing from events // The process.

Don’t wait for the September or January rush to source and screen your candidates – you can use digital recruiting across campuses year-round to build a talent pool on an ongoing basis.

Create an open interview tailored to the school, major, or position and send your registration link out across campus to maximize exposure – think QR codes on campus posters and basketball scoreboards, registration links on Twitter using the school hashtag, or asking your trusted advisors and professors to share your link with their top students. Employing di�erent tactics will allow you to either broaden or hone your reach accordingly, and ensure you develop a pool of quality talent to draw from.

5.Year-round sourcing

(talent pooling)

Create an open interviewSimply create an interview that any student can take through a registration link.

Make it easy for students to sign up through emails to professors, QR codes across campus, and links on social media platforms.

Review interviews on a rolling basis and invite the best candidates to take on-demand or live interviews – or arrange to meet them at upcoming careers fairs.

Continue to build your talent pool with periodic outreach.

Get the word out


Rinse and repeat

Year-round sourcing // The process.

There’s a lot more to digital recruiting than just video interviews – it’s a chance to gain an edge over your competitors on campus, communicate your brand messaging and company culture, and get creative with the way you reach and interact with candidates.

Read on for seven of our best practice tips to help inspire your next college recruitment campaign, and get the most out of digital recruitment.

Best practices(7 tips to maximize your digital recruitment)

1. Get a jump on the competition.When it comes to sought-after candidates, time-to-hire can become a crucial factor in ensuring that top talent isn’t snagged by a swifter rival. Though part of the beauty of on-demand interviews is the ability to review candidate videos at your convenience, being ready to evaluate can help you secure the best talent before someone else does. During careers events, have evaluators back at HQ standing by ready to review on-demand interviews as they come in to get the ball rolling immediately on the best talent.

Best practices.

2. Express yourself.Communicate your message and culture to your candidates from their first point of contact via branded interview portals and customized intro and outro videos. Go a step further and create branded landing pages specific to the schools you’re targeting and the job functions you’re interviewing for to really engage with the best talent!

3. Be disruptive.Digital interviewing is a fantastic opportunity to expand your reach in di�erent ways, so be creative with your promotional strategy. For example, you could use QR codes linking to an open interview on marketing materials, car flyers, recruitment posters across campus, and your social media and digital outreach, allowing candidates to register and interview on their mobile device anywhere, anytime.

4. Collaborate.Partner with college career centers to support the recruitment process and get colleges and students alike on board with the idea of digital recruiting. This will not only get you more traction with your careers events, but will prepare candidates for digital interviewing and ensure they perform as well as they would like to.

Best practices.

5. Fill your talent pool.On-demand interviewing allows you to create special talent pools for interns that can be reused yearly while students are still in school. Talent pool videos can be reused for pre-screening for graduating student interviews and early career stage hiring at a later date, and can be retained for onboarding or future consideration in early career management development programs.

7. Go mobile.Bring iPads to events to drive interview registrations – or candidates can just use their iOS and Android devices to complete interviews in their own time.

6. Source by function.Create simple sourcing interviews for di�erent functions (such as Engineering or Marketing) in order to build a talent pool that integrates with your CRM system.

Best practices.

We’ve already talked about some of the obvious benefits of digital recruiting, such as cost and time savings. However, if that wasn’t awesome enough already, here are a few more benefits of digital recruiting that you might not have considered, with some links to further resources to find out more.

Digital recruiting:benefits summary

On-demand interviewing o�ers candidates the flexibility and convenience of interviewing on their own time, without having to take time out of class or work to attend a scheduled interview. They also get the chance to let their personality shine, which leads to a better candidate experience.

But don’t just take our word for it – see what candidates are saying about digital recruiting in our Voice of the Candidate report:

Check it out

Happier candidates.

Using digital recruiting, you can get a better quality of hire and improved interview-to-hire ratio by filtering out bad fits early, reaching more candidates, and sourcing the best talent ahead of the competition.

We can’t speak for anyone else, but HireVue customers have seen a 13% increase in quality of hire since using HireVue, with 45% more candidates considered. If you’re interested, you can see more before and after metrics in an independent research report:

Better-quality hires.


Digital natives not only understand the value of digital technology, but expect seamless digital experiences across all aspects of their lives – including your brand.

Don’t get slated on social media for having an out-of-touch recruitment process – read our free report to find out how digital recruiting can boost your brand perception, and your Net Promoter Score (NPS), to boot:

Improved brand perception.

Take me there

We’d love to talk to you about how you can use digital recruiting to improve your college recruiting e�orts, and have the chance to check out our platform in action. Why not book a live demo today to see how digital recruiting can work for you?

Let’s get digital.Digital.

Book a live demo!
