  • 8/11/2019 College of Business Honors Study Abroad Descriptions


    1) Spring and Fall Semester Study Abroad:

    A. Hochschule Rhein Waal

    Hochscule Rhein Waal is located in Kleve. Germany. Kleve is a beautiful city near the Dutchborder. The net cost of this program is $10, 415.* Students can study here during the fall andspring semester. Business students can study International Business, International Taxation andLaw, International Relations, Information and Communication, Environment and Energy,Sustainable Agriculture, Journalism, among other things. Rhein Waal promotes a creative andopen atmosphere, Class sizes are small and professors teach practical material. Rhein Waal is aunique, modern learning experience. The College of Business is in the process of creating a dualdegree with Hochschule Rhein Waal.Website

    *Net cost is based on: Semester tuition (12 credits), housing, meal plan, transportation,textbooks, airfare, and personal expenses. The net cost of Ferris State University is $10, 416.Note that there is a $1,000 airfare stipend for College of Business students.
  • 8/11/2019 College of Business Honors Study Abroad Descriptions


  • 8/11/2019 College of Business Honors Study Abroad Descriptions


    C. Saxion University of Applied Sciences

    Saxion University is located in the Netherlands. Students can study Environmental Planning &Building, Hospitality Business in International Events, Hotel Management, International Financeand Accounting, Leadership in Social Work, Managing Innovating Organizations, Marketing &International Management, and Tourism Management. The net cost of this program is $9,600.Saxion has a very diverse student body. Saxion is also a very student-focused university.Website | Video

    *Net cost is based on: Semester tuition (12 credits), housing, meal plan, transportation,textbooks, airfare, and personal expenses. The net cost of Ferris State University is $10, 416.

    Note that there is a $1,000 airfare stipend for College of Business students.
  • 8/11/2019 College of Business Honors Study Abroad Descriptions


    D. Yasar University

    Yasar is located in Izmir, Turkey. Yazars vision is to be a an international city university. Theirmission is to provide high quality education and research that sets up science and culture andcontributes to the development of society in both a local and global sense. Yasar offers manydifferent study options for international students. We do not have a net cost for Yasar yet, butbased on the information we have, it is one of the most affordable options.Website | Video
  • 8/11/2019 College of Business Honors Study Abroad Descriptions


    E. Hogeshool Utrecht

    Hogeschool Utrecht is located in the Netherlands. Utrecht is only a short train ride away from Amsterdam. Almost a quarter of Utechts population is students, many of them are internationalstudents. The net cost of this program is $10,150. Students can study culture, art & design,foreign language, social science, law & economics, math & science, and life sciences. HU offersa very unique summer school learning experience as well. Classes often take field trips to placeslike Milan, Italy. Utrechts hosts a welcome celebration and activities throughout the semester forinternational students.Website | Summer School | Summer School Video

    *Net cost is based on: Semester tuition (12 credits), housing, meal plan, transportation,textbooks, airfare, and personal expenses. The net cost of Ferris State University is $10, 416.Note that there is a $1,000 airfare stipend for College of Business students.
  • 8/11/2019 College of Business Honors Study Abroad Descriptions


  • 8/11/2019 College of Business Honors Study Abroad Descriptions


    2) Summer Study Abroad Options

    A. Dankook University

    Dankook University, located in South Korea, is Ferris States most affordable study abroadoption. Students have the opportunity to spend 7 weeks in South Korea for around $500.Students spend a period of time in the global village program, a language teaching internship,and then transition to the academic program. A variety of courses are available for students totake.Website | Video
  • 8/11/2019 College of Business Honors Study Abroad Descriptions


    B. Summer Service Learning Program in China (in co-operation with Wayne StateUniversity)

    This program takes place in rural China. It is aimed at alleviating poverty in rural areas throughoutChina. Students teach English and other subjects to Chinese students. This is a very affordableand rewarding option.Video

    C. Lake Constance

    The University of Konstanz in Germany offers and intensive German summer school option. Theuniversity is located in Konstanz; Konstanz is a beautiful university city that borders Switzerland.This takes place during the month of August. The course fee is around $470 and the cost ofhousing is about $480. The number of participants is limited, so if youre interested be sure toregister early. This program offers German courses at 6-8 different levels (basic, intermediate,and advanced). This course is not intended for absolute beginners.Website
  • 8/11/2019 College of Business Honors Study Abroad Descriptions


    D. The Hague University

    The Hague is another university that is located in the Netherlands. The Hague offers a greatsummer program for students interested in making a meaningful difference in the world. Studentscan choose to study for a 2 or 4-week period.Website and Video
  • 8/11/2019 College of Business Honors Study Abroad Descriptions


    E. Universidad Anahuac Puebla

    Students can study in Puebla, Mexico for $900 (Not included: airfare, housing, meals). Thisprogram includes English courses, as well as Spanish students. Students will study for 3 weeksand earn 3 credits. Cultural trips are offered on the weekends. They offer an InternationalMarketing course for business students. Puebla is one of Mexicos largest cities and metropolitanareas.Website
