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Colectivo LASTESIS - #feministsonictechnologies

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PATH & MAKING of Colectivo LASTESIS VS Politics in Chile

1988 - birth of members of the collective 1988 - Plebiscite yes/no 2006 - High School -> Protests 2011 - College -> Protests 2018 - Feminist Protests - Patriarchy & Capital are a criminal alliance (Performance)

2018 - Chilean social outbreak 2019 - A Rapist On Your Path - first performance November 20 in Valparaiso 2020 -  The rapist is you (Performance) 2020 - Today We Sink Fear (Street Intervention) 2020 - Plebiscite: New Constitution 2021 - RESISTANCE or Vindication of a Collective Right 2021 - Election of Members of the Constitutional Convention

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Colectivo Lastesis With Silvia Federici

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The first performance organized by Chilean feminist group 'Colectivo Lastesis' took place on November 20 2019 in Valparaiso, Chile. It was followed by a larger flashmob in Santiago.

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VALPARAÍSO, CHILE. LASTESIS. Plaza Sotomayor 29.11.2019

Santiago de Chile Un #violador en tu camino 29/11/2019 #Chile performance 29/11/2019 alameda Santiago de Chile frente al GAM

Las Tesis “Un Violador en Tu Camino” Santiago, Plaza de Armas, 25 de noviembre 2019

SANTIAGOLas Tesis Senior en el Estadio Nacional Performance Las Tesis Senior realizado en las afueras del Estadio Nacional el 4 de diciembre de 2019 (Santiago de Chile) Filmado por Francisco Osorio

LasTesis Natales Intervención feminista en Puerto Natales 29/11/2019 @lastesis #lastesis

las tesis 4 12 2019

Un violador en tu camino - LasTesis Senior - Estadio Nacional 4 de Diciembre 2019 #lastesissenior Movimiento Feminista - Un violador en tu camino en el Estadio Nacional 4 de Diciembre 2019

Puerto Rico un violador en tu camino lataforma de movimientos y texto denuncian Mujeres de Puerto Rico frente a la Fortaleza en el VSJ //Creación original LasTesis de Chile

LASTESIS #ElVioladorEresTu #lasTesis #Unvioladorentucamino

PERFORMANCES +San Francisco, California "Un violador en tu camino"  n San Francisco, dozens of women, many from Chile, performed a flash mob dance called “Un violador en tu camino” ("A Rapist in your Way") in Dolores Park. They performed in Spanish, English, and sign language.

Germany: 'The rapist is you' - popular anti-femicide flashmob performed in Berlin

Istanbul: Süleyman Soylu'ya Las Tesis Tepkisi | TBMM  Kadın Milletvekilleri #LasTesis performansını Süleyman Soylu'ya karşı Meclis’te gerçekleştirildi. The dance protest performed by the feminist organization Las Tesis in Chile on November 25 International Day of the International Struggle Against Violence Against Women spread around the world. In Istanbul, women sang the song in Turkish and protested with dance. A quarrel broke out between the police and protesters protesting violence against women. Upon the intervention of the police in Kadıköy, the activists dispersed after entering the side streets. According to the We Will Stop Femicide Platform, police detained some demonstrators. DW report İzmir’de Las Tesis sesleri: Asla yalnız yürümeyeceksin

Helsinki, Finland Finnish, Latin American, Kurdish, Italian women perform #LasTesis in #Helsinki, #Finland, to mark internationalist feminist liberation struggle on the occasion of #InternationalWomensDay #naistenpäivä #8m #8AdarePirozBe #8MartDunyaEmekciKadinlarGunu

Bogotá (Colombia), 2 dic (EFE).- Cientos de mujeres representaron en las calles de Chile, Colombia,  México, Alemania, Francia y Australia la coreografía contra la violencia machista "Un violador en tu camino", ideada por el colectivo chileno Las Tesis.

29.11.2019, Berlin. Women and dissidents respond to the international call of the chilean collective "Lastesis" and make a demonstration against femicides and rape. In the context of marches for Friday for future.

UN VIOLADOR EN TU CAMINO - Buenos Aires 2019 #UnVioladorEnTuCamino Hay una fuerza feminista que se revela contra la violencia que no ves. En manada denunciamos al patriarcado. Al juez, a la policía, a la iglesia al estado opresor que es un macho violador.



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Colectivo LASTESIS were included by Time magazine in its list of the 100 most influential people of the year.

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INSPIRATIONS for #lastesis

Silvia Federici: The Caliban and the Witch

Rita Segato: "Patriarchy underpins all other forms of inequality" "Whoever has power over women's bodies also has power over the nation."

Virginie Despentes: King Kong Theory

Judith Butler (2020). Sin miedo: Formas de resistencia a la violencia de hoy.

Judith Butler (2009). Performatividad, precariedad y políticas sexuales.

Paul B. Preciado (2020). Aprendiendo del Virus.

Paul B. Preciado (2019). Feminazis.

Gayatri Spivak (1998). ¿Puede hablar el sujeto subalterno?

María Lugones (2008). Colonialidad y género.  

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ƒollow        Colectivo LASTESIS - LASTESIS - el violador eres tú [instrumental]           :

twitter: @lastesisoficial IG: @lastesis mail: [email protected]  fb: colectivo.lastesis ut:

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Process: #feministsonictechnologies

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