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Chapter 15: Cognitive Processes in Adolescents

15.1 Cognition

15.2 Reasoning About Moral Issues

15.3 The World of Work

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15.1 Cognition

Piaget’s Stage of Formal Operational Reasoning

Information Processing During Adolescence

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Piaget’s Stage of Formal Operational Reasoning

Begins at about 11 and continues through adulthoodChildren now able to think hypothetically and abstractlyCan use deductive reasoningBeliefs can interfere with reasoning

15.1 Cognition

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Ratings of Validity of Studies

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Information Processing During Adolescence

Capacity of working memory and speed of processing reach adult levelsAcquire adultlike levels of knowledge and understanding in many areasAdolescents are quite skilled at choosing strategies and monitoring effectiveness

15.1 Cognition

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15.2 Reasoning About Moral Issues

Kohlberg’s Theory

Beyond Kohlberg’s Theory: Gilligan’s Ethic of Caring

Promoting Moral Reasoning

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Kohlberg’s Theory

3 levels of moral reasoning beginning with obedience to authority and ending with decisions based on moral principlesSupport for the theory: people progress through the stages in sequence and moral reasoning is linked to moral behaviorCross-cultural evidence is inconsistent

15.2 Reasoning About Moral Issues

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Beyond Kohlberg’s Theory: Gilligan’s Ethic of Caring

Gilligan: caring is important than justice and becomes more sophisticated

Justice and care both serve as a basis for moral reasoning depending on the nature of the moral problem

15.2 Reasoning About Moral Issues

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Promoting Moral Reasoning

Discussions about moral issues and exposure to higher levels of reasoningJust Communities foster discussion and provide exposure to higher levels of reasoning

15.2 Reasoning About Moral Issues

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15.3 The World of Work

Career Development

Part-Time Employment

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Career Development

Super’s theory: identity is primary force in career choiceTeens go through stages of crystallization, specification, and implementation when choosing a careerHolland’s theory: 6 personality types are basis for finding fulfilling jobs or careers

15.3 The World of Work

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Part-Time EmploymentMajority of high school seniors work part-timeFairly recent development (since 1970s and unique to U.S.)Negative effects: school performance suffers, mental health and behavioral problems, and misleading affluence

15.3 The World of Work
