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How is Coca-Cola made?Coca-Cola, also known as Coke, is a soft-drink which has been produced since 1886 in more than 200 countries. The ingredients and its formula are a secret. It is said that only two managers know it and it mustn’t be revealed. The only thing we know about its composition is that water and sugar are used to make it.Every drink is made with the water of the place where the factory is located. Nevertheless, the secret composition, that is going to be added, is the same in every country.

How is Coca-Cola made?This water has to be treated. It is left in huge vats and mixed with sugar, after having been heated. Later on, the secret composition is added to this sweet water and the syrup is ready to be bottled.

Machines are in charge of introducing the drink into bottles and cans. Different tags were designed to distinguish normal and light cokes.

Examples of Passive TensesThe structure of the passive voice consists of having the verb to be in

the same verb tense of the active voice followed by the past participle of the main verb in the active sentence:Present Simple: use/-s --- is/are used

Past Simple: designed --- was/were designedPresent Perfect: have/has produced --- have/has been produced

Past Perfect Simple: had drunk --- had been drunkFuture with will: will deliver --- will be delivered

Future with going to: is/are going to add --- is/are going to be addedModal Verb: must reveal --- must be revealed

5 Sentences in Active Voice1. Only two managers know it.It is known by two managers.

2. They use water and sugar.Water and sugar are used.

3. They designed different tags.Different tags were designed.

4. They have to treat this water.This water has to be treated.

5. They add the secret composition.The secret composition is added.