Page 1: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

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The 25 Soft Selling

Relationship Techniques For

Sales Super Stars

Page 2: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

Stop looking at your customers as dollar signs!And Create a SYSTEM for

them to be cared and nurtured!

Relationship Technique #1

Page 3: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

BE ENGAGING Respect people and resist negative, bad mouthing. It’s

more harmful than helpful Remove your agenda and manage your messages

with meaningful words Take time out and calm yourself before you

communicate Shoot your media from negativity to positive

encouragement Down play your right to speak freely I am the problem of the world, so are you – let’s get

on with the jobwww.salesandnegotiations.comFacebook: The Academy of Sales and Negotiations

Relationship Technique #2

Page 4: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

BE ENGAGINGA young College student once asked Mohammad Ali, what he should do with his life. He could not decide whether to continue his education or go to the world to seek his fortune. It was clear he was leaning towards the latter.

“Stay in college”, get the education advised Ali. “If they can make penicillin out of mouldy bread, they can make something out of you!”

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Relationship Technique #2

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AFFIRM ONLINEAt any moment throughout the day, we can affirm our friends, fans and followers in numerous ways over the now twitter text in a blogs.

Simple gesture, a kind word can make all the difference in someone else’s day.

What are some of the kind words you have in your business?

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Relationship Technique #3

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HARNERSS INTERPERSONAL SKILLSdialogue vs monologueconsiderate vs conceitedauthentic vs fake transparent vs manipulativesecure vs needy interested in meeting needs vs interested in

making moneybuilds trust vs builds tension

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Relationship Technique #4

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MAKE LASTING IMPRESSIONSBe interested in other people.

In the 1930s, the New York telephone company made a detailed study of telephone conversations to find out which were the most frequently words used, they discovered the personal pronoun “I” was used 3900 times in 500 telephone conversations

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Relationship Technique #5

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Relationship Technique #6

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The cost of not listening! How do you increase your influence and not lose $180

Million Dollars? 2008 – a Muso “Dave Carrol” - little know Band from

Canada – on the way to Nebraska USA with United $3500 Guitar – “don’t talk to me – talk to the lead

agent” Year long Odyssey from 500 Miles away. He fixed it for

$1200 – split bill? Wrote a song called “United Breaks Guitars”

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Relationship Technique #7

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The cost of not listening!Upoaded it to YouTube – it’s had 12 Million views since 2009 and is now a book and website called

Within Days of first upload and bad press from YouTube, stock price plummeted $180 Million

Enough to BUY 51,000 guitars!

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Relationship Technique #8

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Become a PSPProblem Solving Promoter!

You can turn any business around when you become a Personal Problem Solver and you promote this with no strings attached to the marketplace.

Go after relationships before you go to business

Help people without the hustlewww.salesandnegotiations.comFacebook: The Academy of Sales and Negotiations

Relationship Technique #9

Page 12: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

SMILE The most all-time view videos on YouTube top 2 - all

about smiles. SMILE sends a message. We like to receive. Smiles takes little effort but gets astonishing rewards Smile using social media. Begin and end the message

on a positive note. Be mindful of your tone when using e-mail’s or posting

on social networks. Be the happy person. Your voice is more pleasant inviting him compelling

when you’re smiling Telephone sales are improved when you’re smiling on

the phone.www.salesandnegotiations.comFacebook: The Academy of Sales and Negotiations

Relationship Technique #10

Page 13: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

SMILESmile costs nothing but gives much. It enriches those who receive without making for those who give.

It takes but a moment but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. A smile cannot be bought begged borrowed or stolen for it is something that has of no value to anyone until it is given away.

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Relationship Technique #10

Page 14: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

Some people are too tired to give you a smile. Give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as the he/she who has no more to givewww.salesandnegotiations.comFacebook: The Academy of Sales and Negotiations

Relationship Technique #10

Page 15: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

How to remember a name… “sorry I didn’t get your name clearly” “How is that spelt?” REPEAT the name several times during

conversation. Picture their name with personal features Write the name down on paper & review When tweeting/email/post replace “hi” or

“hey” with “Dear John” or “Good Morning Jane”

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Relationship Technique #11

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It’s all about themIf the foundation of success in sales is through trust-based relationships then the goal of all interactions should be conveying value as soon and as often as possible.

Systematically use scripts so staff discuss what matters to prospects and meet them at their needs.

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Relationship Technique #12

Page 17: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

Leave them a little betterYour biggest and best intentions for relationships and therefore more sales, will regularly fall short of your potential - if you’re intentions do not translate into small acts of service and value for your customers and prospects.

WOW your customers. Delight and Surprise.

Move relationships from manipulative to meaningful. Every tweet, post, email and tangible encounter will be judged by the marketplace. Leave them a little better from being with you.

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Relationship Technique #13

Page 18: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

Leave them a little betterFocus on the small stuff

Do to others what you would have been due to you – it’s the golden


Be honest, courteous and friendly in your business or sales environment.

www.salesandnegotiations.comFacebook: The Academy of Sales and Negotiations

Relationship Technique #13

Page 19: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

Educate for moneyIn the new information-based economy we are largely known by the name we brand and the campaign to the world.

Ree Drummond began blogging in 2006 as a way to keep her family & friends updated of her unexpected

but gratifying life…www.salesandnegotiations.comFacebook: The Academy of Sales and Negotiations

Relationship Technique #14

Page 20: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

Educate for moneyIn the new information-based economy we are largely known by the name we brand and the campaign to the world.

By 2010 she had to 2 book contracts and two New York Times

best Sellers!

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Relationship Technique #14

Page 21: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

Educate for money

She was earning approximately

$1 million, from blog ad sales

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Relationship Technique #14

Page 22: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

Win your critics over with grace and goodwill

Arguing with another person will really get you anywhere

So much of our time is spent arguing with people online

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Relationship Technique #15

Page 23: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

Win your critics over with grace and goodwill

Very few arguments change peoples minds.

Two people can’t fight if one person doesn’t want to!

The Art of Negotiations… www.salesandnegotiations.comFacebook: The Academy of Sales and Negotiations

Relationship Technique #15

Page 24: Coach Cameron Roberts 25 Soft Selling Relationship Techniques for Sales Super Stars

Never say “You’re Wrong!”This will only earn you enemies

People respond emotionally and defensively as you are attacking the


Guard your self – it’s more than just the words you say

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Relationship Technique #16

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Never say “You’re Wrong!”

Be humble

Be Agreeable

Be respectful

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Relationship Technique #17

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With the exception of

this guy - People are NOT their


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Relationship Technique #18

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Earn others TrustThe fable of the sun and the


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Relationship Technique #19

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Mirror and Match – “subtle“

Stand – physical presenceVoice inflectionsVoice tonesLean in towards themMirror – Match – Pace - Lead

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Relationship Technique #20

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Relationship Technique #21

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I’m Sorry – There are no Magic Sales Closes!

There are people who have solutions for their community and IO’s to get people started.

They serve customers like Kings and Queens. They Smile, are friendly and offer good old

fashioned service. They Systemise everything they can. They ask “which would you prefer?” then move

“naturally” towards payment/booking options They therefore – have all the business they can

take!www.salesandnegotiations.comFacebook: The Academy of Sales and Negotiations


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Sales TrainingSales Systems

Sales & Marketing Automation

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