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Page 1: Cn 6.6 prologue

29 March 2012

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35. hairy took umbrage at hildas cruel words so him and

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Fi Maho Fuwa! (Kabardian, Russia)

So far we have looked at the structure of Greek Theater and have examined background information for our reading of Antigone. Today, we will learn some strategies for studying the play and begin reading the Prologue.

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Theatre in Ancient Greece: A Web Quest

You will find the web quest site to help you answer these questions on the class blog. Follow all of the directions on the site. Turn this in at the beginning of tomorrow’s class.

1. What are the roots of Greek theatre?

2. What are the origins of drama?

3. What Greek god is being honored in dramatic competitions? Of what is he the god?

4. Explain the dramatic festivals that would occur in honor of this god.

5. Draw an example of a typical Greek theatre.

6. Where was the Theatre of ________________ (god being honored)? How many people could it seat?

7. Who were the major tragedians and comedians of the day? Name at least two of each.

8. What is Aristotle’s definition of tragedy?

9. What is the plot of a tragedy?

10. What is a tragic hero? Be detailed in your answer.

11. What is a “hamartia”?

12. What is “anagnorisis”?

13. What is “catharsis”? What is its role in drama?

14. Whom does the chorus represent in a typical Greek drama?

15. Name three conventions of Greek theatre: (what were costumes like, acting style, etc.)

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Prologue(Antigone and Ismene enter.)

ANTIGONEYou would think that we had already suffered enough for the curse on our father, Oedipus. I cannot imagine any grief that you and I have not gone through. And now--have they told you of the new decree of our uncle, King Creon?

ISMENEI have heard nothing. I know that two sisters lost two brothers, a double death in a single hour; and I know that the Argive army fled in the night; but beyond this, nothing.

ANTIGONEI thought so. And that is why I wanted you to come out here with me. This is something we must do.

ISMENEWhy do you speak so strangely?

ANTIGONEListen, Ismene: Creon buried our brother, Eteocles, with military honors, gave him a soldier's funeral, and it was right that he should--but Polyneices, who fought as bravely and died as miserably--they say that Creon has sworn no one shall bury him, no one mourn for him, but his body must lie in the fields, a sweet treasure for carrion birds to find as they search for food. That is what they say, and our good Creon is coming here to announce it publicly; and the penalty--stoning to death in the public square! There it is, and now you can prove what you are: a true sister, or a traitor to your family.

ISMENEAntigone, you are mad! What could I possibly do?

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ANTIGONEYou must decide whether you will help me or not.ISMENEI do not understand you. Help you in what?

ANTIGONEIsmene, I am going to bury him.

ISMENEBury him! You have just said the new law forbids it.

ANTIGONEHe is my brother. And he is your brother, too.

ISMENEBut think of the danger! Think what Creon will do!

ANTIGONECreon is not strong enough to stand in my way.

ISMENEAh sister! Oedipus died, everyone hating him for what his own search brought to light, his eyes ripped out by his own hand, and Jocasta died, his mother and wife at once, our mother: she twisted the cords that strangled her life; and our two brothers died, each killed by the other's sword. And we are left. But, oh, Antigone, think how much more terrible than this our own death would be if we should go against Creon and do what he has forbidden! We are only women. We cannot fight with men, Antigone! The law is strong, we must give in to the law in this thing. I beg the Dead to forgive me, but I am helpless: I must yield to those in authority, and I think it is dangerous business to be always meddling.


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ANTIGONEIf that is what you think, then I should not want you, even if you asked to come. You have made your choice; you can be what you want to be. But I will bury him, and if I must die, I say that this crime is holy. I shall lie down with him in death, and I shall be as dear to him as he to me. It is the dead, not the living, who make the greatest demands: we die forever. . .

ISMENEI have no strength to break laws that were made for the public good.

ANTIGONEThat must be your excuse, I suppose. But as for me, I will bury the brother I love.

ISMENEAntigone, I am so afraid for you!

ANTIGONEYou need not be: you have yourself to consider, after all.

ISMENEBut no one must hear of this, you must tell no one! I will keep it a secret, I promise!

ANTIGONEO tell it! Tell everyone!

ISMENESo fiery! You should be cold with fear.

ANTIGONEPerhaps. But I am doing only what I must.


hot headed

she is not willing to fight the law or break the rules

no one can stop me

this pride could be Antigone's fatal flaw (Hubris) that might lead to her own death

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ISMENEBut can you do it? I say that you cannot.

ANTIGONEWhen my strength gives out, I shall do no more.

ISMENEImpossible things should not be tried at all.

ANTIGONEGo away, Ismene: I shall be hating you soon, and the dead will, too. For your words are hateful. Leave me my foolish plan: I am not afraid of the danger; if it means death, it will not be the worst of deaths--death without honor.

ISMENEGo then, if you feel that you must. You are unwise, but a loyal friend indeed to those who love you.



expects failure from a situation

it is better to die on your feet than live on your knees

does not think Antigone will win. not a close relationship between sisters

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In a BRIEF summary, explain what has happened thus far in the Prologue...

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tries to avoidconflict

loyal to fam

loyal to bros

loyal to uncle (king)

fears consequences

rather die with honor



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Description: Words and phrases to describe Antigone

Textual Evidence: Quote and Page Number

Analysis: HOW does this evidence show characterization of Antigone?WHY does this evidence help you with your description?

She is confident and does not care about her rep. That's who she is.


proud"O tell it! Tell everyone" (4)

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Description: Words and phrases to describe Ismene

Textual Evidence: Quote and Page Number

Analysis: HOW does this evidence show characterization of Ismene?WHY does this evidence help you with your description?


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Exit Journal:

Who are you more similar to, Antigone or Ismene? Why?

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1. Study for Quiz