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Bride’s 2009 • Table of Contents

••• Beautiful boquets . . . . . . . Who will need flowers and whereyou need to decorate with flowers at ceremony and reception Page 2

••• Creative Cakes . . . . . . . Everything from what kind of cakesyou can order to how much to expect to pay for your dessert Page 5

••• The license . . . . Know the requirements for getting one beforeyou actually need it Page 6

••• Wedding planner . . . . . . . A countdown calendar for everythingyou need to do for your big day Page 7

••• Dreamy dresses . . . . . . . What the popular styles are todayand when you need to start looking for the perfect gown Page 8

••• Toasts . . . . . . . Everything the best man needs to know whenpreparing a toast to the couple at the reception Page 9

••• Bridal party attire . . . . . . . Styles for the bridesmaids,flower girls and mothers of the couple Page 10

••• Budget . . . . . . . How to make one and how to trim costsfor a smaller bugets Page 12

••• Rings . . . . . . . You should know the cut, clarity, color and caratto get one that will last a lifetime Page 14

••• Registry . . . . . . . Suggestions on what you can register forand where to register Page 17

••• Honeymoon . . . . . . . It’s never too early to start planning yourwedding trip Page 22

One of thelast thingsyou needto do for

your big day is visitthe florist.

Robin Roberts withFlowers For Yousaid bridal couplesneed to pretty muchhave everything togetherfor their weddingbefore they decide onflowers.

“They don’t want to waste theflorist’s time and we don’t want towaste their time either,” said Ms.Roberts. “Back in the old days, youused to have to plan your flowers any-where from six to eight months up to ayear in advance.

“But unless you’re getting married in the high wedding season— April, May, June and even into July — you really don’t have toplan quite that far ahead.

If, however, you want to go ahead and get a particular florist,you can reserve the date and give him or her the details later.“Most of the time, you will have to put down a deposit,” said Ms.Roberts.

And it doesn’t matter what time of the year you are gettingmarried, you can have the flowers you want year round. Used tobe, bridal couples could use only what was in season. But nowflowers can be shipped in easily and quickly, said Ms. Roberts.

Beautiful bouquets

See FLOWERS, Page 3

Wrappingribbon around abunch of flowerswith long stemsmakes a prettyweddingbouquet





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— 3

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Chapter 1: The Ring

I t all starts with the right person and the right ring at the rightprice. Being in love, shouldn’t mean getting taken advantage ofat a “high end” jewelry store. At AAllaann SSuuttttoonn JJeewweellrryy, we prideourselves on offering eexxcceelllleenntt ccuussttoommeerr sseerrvviiccee and ffiinnee qquuaalliittyyjjeewweellrryy at a ggrreeaatt pprriiccee. We can help you pick the perfect ringfor that special person in your life and will gladly show you thequalities that create value in your diamond. Come see our ddiissccoouunntteedd cceerrttiiffiieedd ddiiaammoonnddss today!

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“If you want to get married in Novemberand want a summer flower such ashydrangeas or peonies, we can get it inNovember,” she said.

If you want a flower out of season, it won’tcost you any more, said Ms. Roberts. “But ifyou are getting married around Valentine’sDay, you will pay more for all of your flow-ers because of the high demand for flowerson that day,” she said.

And you don’t have to use just one color ortype of flower at your wedding.

Ms. Roberts said florists can get flowers inseveral colors. With modern technology, theflowers can even be painted the color thecouple wants.

However, she said that a lot of the brownsare popular for weddings today. She saidbrides like various shades of brown andeven black with greens and blues in theirdresses and the florist can get these colorsof flowers, too.

“We actually had a fall wedding with tealand brown not too long ago,” said Ms.Roberts. “We used yellow, brown and orange flowers and it was really pretty.”

Brides can use any color of flower

any time of the year.“Just remember, if it’s an evening wedding,

pick your flowers accordingly. An eveningwedding is more elegant. You would use amore elegant style of flower such as roses,hydrangeas and lilies and darker and richercolors.”

Who will you need flowers for? Are youremembering each bridesmaid, groomsmen,usher, mother, grandmother, register atten-dant and director in your count? But it alldepends on the couple; some have a smallbudget and others have a larger budget. If youhave a larger budget, you might want flowersfor the greeters, cake cutters and others.

You might want to use flowers in the churchand at the reception.

Ms. Roberts said brides are using glass topson the cake table and flowers can be putbetween the glass and the cake.

One popular thing florists are doing withthe bride’s bouquet is accenting it with butterflies, beads, jewels, crystals and monograms.

“No matter how many flowers you need orwhere you will use them, the florist is the finishing touch to any wedding,” she said.

Continued from Page 2Flowers

Robin Roberts prepares flowers for a wedding reception.

For centuries the month of June has been the most popular choice for weddings, but the original reason for having itthen just might surprise you. During the 1400s and1500s, May was the month in which the “annual bath” occurred. Back in those times, people were only able to bathe thoroughly once each year. Since the over-all population was

smelling relatively fresh in June, it was a good time to hold a special event like a wedding. Furthermore, the month of June is also named after the goddess Juno.

She was the Roman counterpart to Hera, the goddess of the hearth and home and the patron of wives.



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Today there are nohard rules for whopays for what.

Because a wedding is

expensive, the couple, thebride’s family and the groom’sfamily all share expenses.

The key is to meet early inthe planning process to set arealistic budget and determinewho will be responsible forwhich expenses. This will prevent misunderstandings orhard feelings later on.

Here is a guide to help:

$$ The bride $$

$ Wedding ring for the groom.$ A wedding gift for thegroom.$ Presents for the bridalattendants.$ Personal stationery.$ Accommodations for herout-of-town attendants.

$$ The groom $$

$ The bride’s ring.$ A wedding gift for the bride.$ The marriage license.$ Gifts for the best man andushers.$ Flowers: The bride’s bou-quet and going-away corsage,corsages for the mothers, bou-tonnieres for the men in thewedding party.$ Accommodations for out-of-town ushers or best man.$ Gloves, ties or ascots for themen in the wedding party.$ Fee for clergy.$ The honeymoon.$ Optional: bachelor dinner.

$$ The bride’s family $$

$ The entire cost of the recep-tion: Food, wedding cake, bev-erages, gratuities for the bar-tenders and waiters, decora-tions, music and flowers.$ A wedding gift for the couple.$ Bride’s weddingattire/trousseau.$ The fee for engagement andwedding photos.$ Ceremony: Rental ofchurch, fees for organist,soloist, sexton, aisle runnerand canopy if used and otherdecorations.$ Bridesmaids’ bouquets.$ Transportation for thebridal party to the weddingceremony and from the cere-mony to the reception.$ Bridesmaids’ luncheon.$ Optional: Rehearsal dinner.

$$ The groom’s family $$

$ Clothes for the wedding.$ Any traveling expenses andhotel bills they incur.$ Wedding gift for the couple.$ Optional: Rehearsal dinneror other expenses they canhelp with.

$$ The guests $$

$ Traveling expenses.$ Wedding gift for the couple.

$$ The attendants $$

$ Wedding attire.$ Traveling expenses.$ Wedding gift for the couple.

— Compiled by Becky Barclay,Life&Family Editor

How to know who’$picking up the tab

The bride is never supposed to practice walking down theaisle during her rehearsal or it will bring bad luck.

The most popular alternative is to ask a close friend notin the wedding party to be your “stand-in-bride.”

Whether it’s a multi-tiered cre-ation of white or an ediblefantasy, your wedding cake will be the

centerpiece of your reception.There are unlimited styles to choose

from along with colors of icing, fill-ing flavors and embellishments.

“There are a lot of things that are differ-ent than a long time ago,” said MarthaCasey, owner of Casey’s Floral andCatering Service in Princeton.

She said one of the biggest trends isusing cupcakes instead of the usualcake. “When the bride does that, shealways has a miniature version of thecake for the top part,” she said.

The cupcakes sit on a stand.Each cupcake is decorated indi-vidually in whatever colors thecouple pick.

With cupcakes, the couplecan control the servings.If they’re having 200guests, they order 200cupcakes.

“And with cupcakes, there is less waste,” Ms. Casey said. Today’s cakes come in a variety of flavors, too.There’s vanilla, almond, chocolate swirl, lemon, strawberry and

more. Ms. Casey has done red velvet and carrot cakes for weddings, but

doesn’t recommend either of these because they don’t hold up well.“A lot of brides will have different flavors,” she said. “You don’t

have to have just one flavor, especially with the cupcakes.”There are also different styles of wedding cakes.The stacked cake is when layers are stacked on top on one anoth-

er. The amount of layers depends on the couple.A tiered cake also has layers, but they are separated by columns.“We have an I Do stand,” said Ms. Casey, “where each cake itself

is on a separate stand. And it can be configured all different ways.”Ms. Casey noted that the round cake is still the most popular

shape of cake. But brides lately have been opting for square cakes, stacked or

tiered. “It’s a more expensive cake because it takes more materialsand icing to make it,” said Ms. Casey. “The square cake alsoserves more people so you don’t have to have as big a weddingcake if you go with a square one.”

The wedding cake can be decorated in a multitude of designs.Ms. Casey said the most popular right now is a dot pattern.

“People seem to like just the very simplistic dots,” she said. “Themost popular is white dots on white icing. But we can do thedots in colors.”

A popular accent for today’s wedding cake is fresh flowers. When should you start looking for a cake?Mrs. Casey said it’s never too early. “Even though some-

times it will change, as long as you get your idea of what fla-vors you want and what colors and style, that’s OK.”

When you go to the baker for a cake, you’ll need toknow how many people will attend and colors if youwant a certain color theme.

“You need to know where you are going to be,” saidMs. Casey. “Will the reception be outside or inside?”

You’ll also need to know the time of day you’llhave the reception.



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Classic, creativecakes to match any taste . . .


The round cake, either stacked or tiered, is still the most popular cake for weddings.

See CAKES, Page 6



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— 6

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Wedding ReceptionsDinner Rehearsals

“For a nighttime wedding, people might eatmore at the reception, including more cake,”said Ms. Casey.

If you are going with a round cake, be pre-pared to pay about $2.50 per person, said Ms.Casey. A square cake will run about $3 perperson.

And cakes using fondant icing will cost abit more.

Some questions to ask potential bakers are:u Can I see photos of previous wedding

cakes you have designed? This is essential. Ifthe baker won’t show you photographs, lookelsewhere.

u Can I have a taste test? Many small bak-ers won’t have samples on hand for you totaste. If your baker doesn’t have any for youto taste at the time of your visit, ask if thebaker will be hosting any “cake tastings” inthe near future.

u Do you charge extra for anything such asspecial fillings or icings, delivery, set-up,etc.? Extra charges for these items are prettystandard, but you need to know up front forthe sake of your budget.

u Will you decorate the cake with fresh orsilk flowers or will you work with my florist?

u Unless the baker’s floral decoratingskills are excellent, ask your baker if yourflorist can handle silk or fresh flower decora-tions.

u How far in advance will the cake be pre-pared? If the cake is being prepared well inadvance and frozen, ask the baker how longit will take the cake to thaw.

Continued from Page 5

Cakes Wedding essentials

By BECKY BARCLAYLife&Family Editor

He has popped the questionand she has accepted. Adate has been set for the

big day.Now what?Before any couple can tie the knot,

they need one very important piece ofpaper — the marriage license.

In Wayne County, bridal couplesshould go to the register of deeds officein the courthouse to obtain the license.It will cost $50 and payment must bemade by cash or check only.

Register of Deeds Lois J. Mooringsaid that both the bride and the groomhave to go at the same time to applyfor the marriage license.

Everyone applying for a license willneed their Social Security card orsomething with the Social Securitynumber and their name printed on it and a state-issued picture identification.

Those over 21 can use their driver’slicense as identification, said Ms.Mooring.

She said those 18 to 21 will need totake an identification card such as adriver’s license or military identifica-tion card and a certified copy of theirbirth certificate.

Those under 18 will need to havemore identification and should go tothe register of deeds office for a list ofacceptable documents.

Anyone who has been divorced lessthan 30 days will have to take a copyof his or her divorce papers whenapplying for the marriage license. If aperson has been divorced a month orlonger, he will just need to know themonth and year of the divorce, accord-ing to Ms. Mooring.

The marriage license is good notonly in Wayne County, but anywherein North Carolina. It’s good for up to60 days from the date it was issued.

Ms. Mooring said it will take thecouple about 30 minutes to fill outpaperwork and get the license. “Andthere’s no waiting period; they can gostraight to the magistrate’s office anduse the license as soon as they get it,”she said.

Couples may apply for a marriagelicense Monday through Fridaybetween 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.

For questions, the phone number is731-1449.

License requirements may also befound on the Internet. Go and click on“departments.” Go to the register ofdeeds office and click on “marriagelicense.”

Don’t forget the marriage license

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— 7

12 monthsu Announce your engagement.u Choose a wedding theme,style.u Work out a basic budget;research reception venues.u Determine number of guests.u Look through magazines forattire ideas.u Meet potential wedding con-sultants; obtain bids.u Research wedding pros (pho-tographers, videographers,reception bands or DJs, ceremo-ny musicians). Set up appoint-ments and review portfolios,tapes and recordings.

11 monthsu Select a wedding consultantand meet to discuss details.u Determine theme/decorationsfor your reception.u Meet with several caterers;arrange for tastings.u Select and book a caterer.u Reserve musicians/DJ forreception.u Determine ceremony musicians and make musicalselections.u Book wedding videographerand photographer; make a list ofphotos, such as ceremony andreception shots.u Research and interviewflorists.u Select and reserve your cere-mony venue and schedule arehearsal time.u Choose reception venue; nego-tiate contract; leave a deposit.u Secure parking and/or trans-portation for your guests at thereception location.u Visit local bridal stores tobrowse their selection of gowns.u Choose your wedding-partymembers and ask them to par-ticipate in your celebration.u Meet with your officiant todiscuss the ceremony.u Determine your honeymoonbudget.u Mail save-the-date notices fora destination wedding.

10 monthsu Select and order your weddinggown.u If your ceremony or receptionwill be held in a park or recre-ational area, obtain necessary permits.u Discuss attendants’ duties

with your maid of honor andbridesmaids.

9 monthsu Register for gifts.u Coordinate with vendors toincorporate your theme/style

into all aspects of your wedding.u Decide on the food and liquorto be served at your reception.u Prepare a playlist of wedding-reception musical selections.u Select and order your head-piece, veil, gloves and shoes.u Confirm orders of and deliv-ery dates for your weddingattire.u Research airline, hotel andrental-car reservations forguests.

8 monthsu Go to first gown fitting; inviteyour maid of honor to attend.u Choose and order bridesmaiddresses and accessories.u Research a variety of weddingring styles.u Select florist; discuss the wed-ding theme and style.

7 monthsu Review and finalize your wed-ding details with consultant.u Notify bridesmaids aboutdress fittings.u Discuss attire with grooms-men and make referrals to localformalwear store.u Select attire for flower girland/or ring bearer.u Determine the design, word-ing, font and paper stock foryour wedding invitations, sta-tionery, table cards and thank-you notes; finalize order.u Arrange a printer or hire acalligrapher to do your tablecards.u Determine order of ceremonyevents and choose appropriatewording for your programs.u Negotiate rates and book ablock of hotel rooms for guests.u Select and order your weddingrings.u Purchase bridal accessories:jewelry, lingerie, etc.u Choose and order somethingfun for guests to throw afteryour ceremony (rose petals, con-fetti or birdseed).

6 monthsu Review and approve proofs ofinvitations and stationery.u Discuss the type of honey-moon you want, start reading upon potential destinations andconsult a travel agent for ideasand suggestions.

5 monthsu Order table cards; place printorder for programs.u Finalize choice of honeymoon destination.u Taste a variety of weddingcakes and select a baker; place

The groom-to-be has popped the question. You said yes. Now what?

Here’s a countdown calendar to planning your wedding:

Wedding planner:

See PLANNER, Page 14

Your big day has come. As you walk down the aisle,all eyes are on you. You are the belle of the balltoday.

But getting there is an involved process that you shouldstart anywhere from nine months to a year before the wed-ding day, according to Dana Southerland, owner of theBridal Gallery.

Some manufacturers offer rush orders if they don’t havethat much time.

When you first go into a bridal shop to look for a weddinggown, you will be shown what’s available. You will beencouraged to try on different styles — even if you don’tthink a particular one will look great on you.

“A lot of times, they will walk out with what they thoughtthey wouldn’t like,” Ms. Southerland said.

“Sometimes they come in with a picture of a dress andtry it on and hate it. Or they may come in and not like adress in a picture and love it when they try it on.”

If you decide on a gown, but the fit is not quite right, itcan be altered. “And if they love everything about thedress, but want to change something, we can do that,”Ms. Southerland said.

She said it’s also better to come to try on gownswith the way you will wear your hair during the wed-ding and with the makeup you will be wearing thatday.

“But if they just can’t, we can always workaround that,” Ms. Southerland said.

Traditional gowns are still in vogue, said Ms.Southerland. These are strapless gowns with anA-line skirt.

But new this year are the different necklineslike cap sleeves and halters. These appeal tobrides wanting to get away from the strap-less gown,Ms. Southerland said.“And trumpet and mermaid skirts are very

popular,” Ms. Southerland said.Trendy materials include silk taffeta and chiffon.



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Picking thewedding gown of

your dreamsdoesn’t have to




Bridal gowns with atrumpet or mermaidskirt are popular thisyear. This one has achapel-length trainwith a belt at the waistwith beading andcrystals.

See DRESSES, Page 9



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— 9

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And brides seem to want a little color in their whitegowns, said Ms. Southerland. “Chocolates and browns arereal big this year,” she said. “We’re actually doing a lot ofthe chocolate tuxedos and bridesmaids’ dresses with atouch of chocolate in the wedding gown.

“Gem tones and jewel tones are other popular colors suchas jade and berry. These are the new and hip thing forright now.”

On the wedding gown, there is usually just a hint ofcolor on the bodice, across the waist or down the back.

Brides are also wanting long trains, Ms. Southerlandsaid. “The longer, the better seems to be the thing rightnow.”

Ms. Southerland also sees a lot of the simple weddingdresses for destination and beach weddings.

“These dresses are straighter, simpler with shortertrains,” she said. “They are lighter weight material, not asheavy and hard to move around in. That way if they are onthe beach or on a cruise ship, they can get around a littlebit better.”

But the bottom line is that the bride should go with whatshe wants. “Etiquette is not as important as it used to be,”said Ms. Southerland.

A wedding gown doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg,said Ms. Southerland. The Bridal Gallery carries gownsfrom $99 up to $1,500 with the average being between$600 and $800.

Once you’ve purchased your gown, you may store it atthe Bridal Gallery until the wedding.

Or you may go ahead and take it home with you. Justremember to keep it away from smoke and extreme tem-peratures, said Ms. Southerland.

“After the wedding, have it preserved,” she said.“Preservation companies clean and preserve the gown andput it in an airtight box.”

Continued from Page 8

Best man’s toast to coupleshould be spectacular one

At one point during the reception, all eyes willbe on the best man as he toasts the new coupleand wishes them a happy future.

But writing that may not always come easy.Start off by writing down thoughts freely about the bride

and groom and your relationship to them.u How do you know them?u Why did they choose you as best man?u How would you describe each of them? What are the first

five adjectives that come to mind?u What was the groom like before he met the bride? How

has he changed knowing her?u How did they meet? How did the groom tell you about

her?u If you are married, you may wish to think about marriage

advice you’ve received or have learned.u Are there any particularly amusing anecdotes that illus-

trate who the bride and/or groom are?After thinking about these questions a while, you are ready

to give your speech. First, introduce yourself.To get people’s attention, you might do a joke or maybe a

quote about marriage.Thank those hosting the reception.Then you may tell a funny — not humiliating — story

about the bride or groom or both. Tell the story of how theymet, talk about how you’ve seen the couple change through-out their relationship or give your thoughts on love and marriage.

Wrap up your speech with a wish, toast or blessing for thecouple.

You may write your toast down on a notecard or two if youare afraid you’ll forget.

And, above all, be brief.



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Bridesmaids, flower girls, momsThey will stand out and look their best in today’s trendy styles

Although the bridewill be the cen-terpiece of the

wedding, the brides-maids, the flower girland the couple’s mothersall want to look theirbest.

The cocktail length seemsto be the preferred style ofbridesmaids’ dress right now,according to DanaSoutherland, owner of theBridal Gallery.

“That way they can wearthe dress again after thewedding,” she said. “And thesimpler, the better. There’s alittle less beading.

“The jewel tone and gemtone colors are popular, liketeal, berry, jade.”

Bridesmaids still prefer thestrapless dress, said Ms.Southerland. But there arealso tank and halter topdresses as well.

A bridesmaid’s dress will average $150.

You should start shoppingfor your bridesmaids’ dresses

about four to six months beforeyour wedding day, Ms.Southerland suggests.

Styles vary for flower girldresses, according to her age,said Ms. Southerland.

“We do a lot of the tea-length dresses for the youngergirls because it’s easier forthem to walk down the aisle,”she said. “We do a lot of thereal simple, girly-lookingdresses for girls under 5.

“When they get a little bitolder, it’s more like a juniorbridesmaid look so they don’tfeel like they’re playing dressup.”

Ms. Southerland said somebrides want the flower girl tomatch them or maybe in ivorywith a touch of color.

Sometimes the flower girl’sdress matches that of thebridesmaids.

“But it’s really whatever thebride wants,” she said.

Most flower girl dresses willrun anywhere from $80 to$130, Ms. Southerland said.Story by BECKY BARCLAY


The high-low hemline is popularfor today’s bridesmaids’ dresses,like the one on the left. Above isa white tea-length flower girldress with a satin overlay andfloral embroidery and beading.On the right is a silk taffeta dresswith detachable spaghetti strapsand a bolero jacket for the couple’smothers.



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The average is $100.Flower girls need to be fitted for their

dresses about four to six months beforethe wedding.

And don’t forget the mothers.“The moms’ dresses are usually the

thing the bride puts off until last,” saidMs. Southerland. “But it’s one of themost important things.”

You should start shopping around forone about six months before the wed-ding.

There are a lot of different colors andstyles of dresses for the mothers, saidMs. Southerland.

“There are also separates where youcan mix and match the top and the skirt.That seems to be really popular. Theycan pick their own skirt and own topand maybe a jacket to go with it.”

Ms. Southerland said the same colorsthat are popular in bridesmaids’ dressesare also popular for mothers’ dresses.

“But we do sell a lot of black and navyfor moms,” she said.

The couple’s mothers need to coordi-nate their dresses with one another.According to etiquette, the mother of thebride gets to choose first.

But both mothers need to make suretheir colors don’t clash with one another.And they also need to make sure theirdresses don’t outshine the bride’s gown.

Continued from Page 10

Bridal party attire Magical music ...will make your ceremony special

The wedding music youchoose for your ceremonywill set the tone for yourentire wedding.

Remember to ask your site whattypes of wedding music it allows— many churches do not allowsecular music to be played andhave very strict rules about whatmay be used in this type of religious setting.

Consult with the musical director ofyour facility to be sure you create aprogram which is suitable and alsosuits your own style.

During your prelude, you will want touse wedding music that is not obtrusive.

This will be played while your guestsare arriving and while they are takingtheir seats.

Start this music as early as possibleso that wedding music is playing whenthe first guests arrive.

While important family members,such as the mother-of-the-bride, arebeing ushered to their seats, you willneed to choose a pre-processional pieceof music.

When the wedding party appears atthe top of the aisle, the wedding musicshould switch from the pre-processionalto the processional.

This piece should have a tempo whichallows your bridesmaids and grooms-men to walk down the aisle at a mea-sured pace and heightens the suspensefor the wedding guests as they wait tosee the bride.

When choosing wedding music, keepin mind how the piece is to be played.

A piece that is perfect in full orches-tral form may not have the same pres-ence if performed by an organist.

As soon as the bride appears at thetop of the aisle, the wedding musicshould switch to the piece you havechosen for the bride’s entrance.

This is the moment that you, and allyour guests have been waiting for.

Your wedding music should be dra-matic and sweeping.

After you are pronounced husbandand wife, your recessional will begin.

This is the moment in which you andyour new spouse walk down the aisle.

You should choose wedding musicthat is joyous and conveys your feelingsof excitement and happiness.

You’ve decided to tie the knot. Now’s the time to startplanning your big day.

Here’s how to start:u Talk to your spouse-to-be about what kind of wedding you

both want. Discuss what kinds of flowers, colors, venues, clothing,invitations, music and food you prefer.

u Make a list of what you’ll need: a wedding consultant if you’reusing one, a ceremony location, a reception venue, food, bever-ages, cake, flowers, photography, entertainment, attire, invita-tions, etc.

u Prioritize this list. What means the most to you? Is the cakemore important than the music? Where can you pinch pennieswithout sacrificing your vision?

u Meet with both sets of parents to find out how much money,if any, they are willing to contribute. Be gracious, grateful andunderstanding, no matter what their responses.

u Calculate how much money you currently have available, howmuch you think you’ll need and how much you will have to save.Keep in mind that the average wedding in the United States costsabout $15,000.

u Make a plan to save what you need, using a savings accountor certificate of deposit.

u Divide your budget according to your priorities. For example,if your top priority is the dress and your second priority is thevenue, you might plan to spend 20 percent of your budget on thedress and 15 percent on the venue.

u Visit at least four vendors or suppliers in each category(florists, photographers, caterers, consultants, etc.) and compareprices.

u Use a checklist to make sure you ask all of thevendors the same questions. Note their answers inyour budget notebook and review your notes before making a decision.

u Keep a record of the estimated and actual costs of each item in your notebook.

u Keep all contracts, agreements, receipts and vouchers inthe notebook.

u Review your budget after each purchase to make sure you’reon track. If you’re $50 over budget on the cake, maybe you cansave $50 by cutting the cost of favors or eliminating those elec-tronic turtledoves.

There are many ways to save money if you are on a tight bud-get. You can save money many ways. Start by looking through thebudget and crossing off anything that you don’t need.

Here are some money-saving tips:u Trim your wedding guest list. Each time you add a name to

your invitation list, you’re increasing your budget significantly.It’s not just the catering costs, but also the extra centerpieces,favors, rentals, etc.

u Invitations. Find a good printer. The invitation is the firstthing guests see that’s connected to your wedding, so they shouldlook nice, but you don’t have to go overboard. People will remem-ber the event, not the invitation.

Rather than having a reply card, ask guests to reply online orby phone.

u Save money on church decorations. For religious weddings,consider having it near a major holiday.

The church will already be decorated, saving you lots of moneyon flowers.

On other days, look for simplicity. A candlelight ceremony canbe romantic, gorgeous and inexpensive.

u Reception venue. Saturday night is the most sought-aftertime. If you can do a Friday night, Saturday morning or afternoonor Sunday reception, you’ll not only save money, but you mayhave more choice of dates.

u Transportation. Consider finding a friend with a nice car andusing it.

u Flowers. If there’s time, have a friend get them at the localgreenmarket on wedding morning and set them up at the ceremo-

ny and reception sites yourself, with the help of familyand friends.

u Do it yourself. Throw a pitch-in party whereguests help you assemble favors and make invitations,centerpieces and other homemade items.



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Wedding Gowns & Accessories • Tuxedo Rentals & SalesBridesmaid, Mother & Flower Girl Dresses

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get the gown that’s distinctly you

Even though you’ve planned for everything to go perfectly, you never know what might happen onyour big day.

That’s why it’s a good idea to assemble a bridal survival kit beforehand so you’ll be prepared.

Here’s what you need:u antacidu aspirinu bobby pinsu clear nail polishu emery boardu extra earring backsu extra pair of stockingsu eye dropsu hairsprayu hair mousseu needle and threadu safety pinsu small scissorsu straight pinsu tissuesu white chalk (to coverany dirt or stains youmay get on your dress)u breath mintsu a blow dryeru extra perfumeu masking tapeu a stapleru wash cloth or hand towelu tampons or padsu deodorantu hand lotion

For the brides planning to take her husband’s lastname after the wedding, there are certain docu-ments that must be changed.

Many can be done now.Some will need to be done after your wedding ceremony.Some agencies will require a copy of the marriage license

before processing the change.Here are a few items that need to be updated:u Social Security cardu driver’s licenseu car registrationu voter registrationu employer records u school recordsu passportu bank accountu stocks u bondsu willu pension planu property titlesor leasesu charge accountsu subscriptionsu club membershipsu post officeu insurance policyu tax recordsu bills

Survive your weddinga handy emergency kit just in case

Some paperwork willrequire a name change

Aword of advice to bridal couples:Don’t walk into a jewelry shop andchoose the first ring you see.

Alan Sutton, owner of Alan Sutton Jewelry,said you need to know a ring’s color, clarity,carat and cut before buying it.Each one of these facets playsan important role in the priceof the stone.

He said a diamond’s color is grad-ed on a scale. “D, E and F gradesare colorless,” said Sutton. “G, H, Iand J are near colorless. And you get into a faintyellow and more yellow on down the scale.

“In today’s world, everybody likes to be in thatnear colorless range. You are looking at a big dif-ference in price to go to a colorless diamond — theD, E and F range.”

Sutton said he sells more diamonds in the G to Jrange than any other range because of price.

“You’re still getting a nice, white brilliant stone,”he said.

“On the clarity side, diamonds are carbondeposits and are full of inclusions when they growand coming up from the earth’s surface, they crys-tallize.

“Some diamonds, after they are cut, have moreinternal inclusions or blemishes. The more of thoseyou have, the lower on the scale the diamond is.”

He said there are eye-visable stones, slightlyincluded stones, very slightly included stones andvery, very slightly included stones. From there you

have eternally flawless and flawless.He said flawless diamonds cost a lot more.The most popular clarity range is the slightly-

included range, said Sutton. “That’s because youcannot see the inclusions in a true slightly-includedgrade stone with the naked eye. Yet it will be

hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars cheaper than a very slightly-included stone.”

The only difference in grades is that adiamond with inclusions may break.Sutton said it’s like a faultline.

“An inclusion that’s internal, if it takesthe right hit, it can break,” he said. “But that’s invery, very extreme cases and in very highly includedstones.”

Sutton said the more inclusions in a stone and thelower the color grade, the lower the price.

Carat weight is simple, said Sutton. “Diamondsare graded on a point system. It’s like a dollar bill.There are 100 pennies in a dollar.

“A one-carat diamond has 100 points.”He said a lot of ways people save money on the

carat of the diamond is by taking a slightly less caratsize. For example, Sutton might show them a 95-point stone instead of a 100-point stone.

Price is based on points. “You can get the samelook in a 95-point stone that you will in a 100-pointstone, but you’re not paying for those extra fivepoints. It’s a way of saving a dollar and getting thesame thing.”



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cake order and arrange for delivery.u Secure reservations forrehearsal dinner and selectmenu.

4 monthsu Determine method ofaddressing invitations and hirea calligrapher, if applicable.u Print labels, and hand-address — or have a calligra-pher address — invitations.u Write or choose your

wedding vows.u Have groom visit formal-wear shops and try on tuxedos.u Purchase or rent groom’swedding accessories, includ-ing tuxedo, cuff links, shoes, socks and any other necessities.u Make honeymoon reserva-tions and place all deposits.

3 monthsu Review and approve wed-ding announcement and

Continued from Page 7


See PLANNER, Page 16

Diamonds are a girl’s best friendThe lastest in engagement rings and wedding bands

A popular white gold diamond engagementring is shown.See RINGS, Page 15

This 14-carat yellow gold marquis ring has a1-carat diamond in the center with sixmarquis side stones with a total weight of 3⁄4carat.





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The next thing you should be awareof when purchasing a ring is cut, whichcan become very complicated, Sutton said.

The first thing cut refers to is theshape of the stone. There are severalshapes — round, marquis (footballshape), square (Princess cut), emerald,pear, radiant.

“The most popular stone on the mar-ket is the Princess cut,” said Sutton.

“The round brilliant cut has nevergone away, even when another stone isthe most popular. Through the late 80sand 90s, the marquis cut was the mostpopular cut of stone. But for the pastfour or five years, it’s been the Princesscut by a longshot.”

Sutton said cut also refers to howwell the proportions are in a diamond.

He said the trend today is to have anideal-cut stone, which means that 58percent of the stone is the flat surfaceor table. Cut refers to how much of thetotal diameter of the stone the tabletakes up.

“Cut can play a bigger role in theprice of a diamond than a lot of otherthings,” Sutton said.

Sutton said since buying a diamond isa very big decision for any couple, theyneed to know all these things about it.

Continued from Page 14

Rings Showers:Afun part of the wedding process

is a bridal shower. Today there are many kinds of

showers that can be given.Here are a few suggestions:u Calendar. Assign each guest a month

and have her take something that can be used during that month.

u Reminiscing. Have guests take photos with a note or letter about the photo or thatoccasion so you can later assemble them intoan album.

u Cookbook shower. Each guest should take a cookbook that she thinks will be use-ful in married life. Or each guest may take afavorite recipe to be assembled into a home-made cookbook later.

u Pounding. Each guest takes a pound of something, such as sugar, flour, nails, pot-ting soil, nuts, coffee, and an accessory to use with it.

u Entertaining. Gifts would be things thebride could use as a hostess, such as punch bowl, wine rack, ice bucket, coasters, can-dles, chafing dish, candy dish.

u Christmas. Ask each guest to attach a Christmas ornament to the top of his gift. Gifts could include tree lights, ceramic figures, candles, wreaths or anything for Christmas.

u Hobby. If the bride or groom has ahobby, have guests take items especially forthat hobby, like golfing, boating, camping,home renovation, gardening, music, art.

u Pantry. Guests take items the couplecan use at home, such as groceries, spices,bulk items, spice rack, gift certificate.

u Around-the-clock. Assign each guest atime and have her take a gift that would beused at that time.

u Garden. Guests should take items thatwould be used in a garden — tools, patio furniture, flowers.

u Basket. Guests take a themed basket,like an Italian basket with pasta bowls,cheese shaker, pasta, wooden spoons, cansof tomatoes or a decorations basket withsmall decorations for a holiday —Christmas, Halloween, Easter, Valentine’sDay.

u Storage. Have guests take items to helpthe couple with storage space, such as plas-tic food containers, stacking units for clos-ets, rolling file racks.

u Alphabet. Assign each guest a letter and have her take a gift that starts withthat letter.

u Personal library. Guests take a book,journal or magazine to help the couple build their library.

u Tool. Guests are asked to take a tool orgadget such as a hammer, rake, shovel,flashlight.

u Something to do. Each guest takes agift certificates for an activity for the coupleto do their first year of marriage — theatertickets, membership to a museum, gift certificates to restaurants.

Have fun with holiday,hobby or pantry party



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printed program proofs.u Book venue or secure reserva-tions for post-wedding brunch.u Discuss bachelorette partyplans with your attendants.u Plan your bridesmaids’ lun-cheon or dinner.u Make appointment with styl-ist and/or hairdresser to discussyour wedding hairstyle.u Take another look at yourregistry and update or additems.u Create hotel information

cards and maps to include withyour invitations.

2 monthsu Secure a wedding-day dress-ing room for your bridesmaids.u Weigh, purchase postage forand mail invitations.u Go to final gown fitting;arrange for pickup or delivery.u Have groom’s formalwear fitted.u If you plan to have a prenup-tial agreement, meet with yourattorney to discuss it.

Continued from Page 14


See PLANNER, Page 18

Music sets tone for reception

Music sets the tone of a reception. Without it, conversation dries up, mingling halts and dancing is impossible.

When planning the tunes for your party, considerthree primary issues: Style, range and delivery.

u Style: Even the most agreeable person has strong opin-ions about music, and the average engaged couple is noexception. Is your favorite genre big band, country, classical,bluegrass or classic rock? Does nothing move you like reggae?

Choose music that reflects your personal tastes and partypreferences, but don’t forget your guests. Everyone will havemore fun if the style is at least a little eclectic.

u Range: If you’re like most couples, you imagine a certainkind of soundtrack for the receiving line and a different onealtogether for when the dance floor gets hopping.

Whatever style you choose, be sure there’s range within it— from slow and easy to really jumping. Alternately, choosedifferent genres for different parts of the celebration — lightjazz for the cocktail hour, swing for after dinner.

u Delivery: Basically, you have two choices: Band or DJ.For stylishness, excitement and great sound, it’s hard to beata live band.

On the other hand, DJs make a pretty good case for them-selves in terms of versatility, consistency and cost.

Your budget or setting may make this decision for you. Ifthe decision is yours, try to weigh all the musical elements ofthe reception when making your choice — including specialdances, guest requests and the need for an emcee.

When shopping for bands or DJs, be sure to see them inaction at another event. Look for style points, quality ofsound, ease with equipment and interaction with the crowd.

Plan to finalize arrangements at least six to nine months inadvance and even further ahead if your favorite choice is inhigh demand.

— Information from wedding



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By BECKY BARCLAYLife&Family Editor

While planning your weddingday, don’t forget that lovedones and friends will

undoubtedly want to shower you withgifts to celebrate the event.

The easiest way to let everyone knowwhat you need or want is to use a bridalregistry. Most department stores and otherplaces have bridal registries these days.

If you don’t register, be prepared to getthings your family and friends think youneed, like a fourth set of Pyrex.

It’s easy to register for gifts at Target andtakes only a few minutes.

You go in to the computer in front of thecustomer service desk and touch the screento begin, said Wendy Palmer, customer ser-vice desk cashier.

You hit “Club Wed”, she said, and the pro-gram loads in a few minutes.

“Then you create your registry,” said Ms.Palmer.

You take the scanner that’s at the com-puter and go throughout the store scanningin items you would like to receive. There’sno limit to the number of items you can reg-ister for.

“The registry automatically keeps track ofwhat people buy for you,” Ms. Palmer said.

She said the couple may go in and checkand update their bridal registry as often asthey would like.

There are many places where couples canregister for gifts, including these:

u All major department stores.u Building supply stores such as Lowe’s

and Home Depot.u Hardware stores.u Sporting goods stores.u Gardening stores or local nurseries.u Mortgage lenders — registering for con-

tributions to a down payment on a house isbecoming popular.

u Travel agents — whether for the honey-moon or another trip.

u Home furnishing and accessory stores.u Online registries.

Here are 10 questions to ask before youregister:

u Do you need an appointment?u What is the store’s return policy?u How does the store keep track of your

registry and gifts? A computer database isthe preferred method as it is the mostquickly updated.

u How often does the store update theregistry and gift?

u How long does it take to get your giftregistry up and running?

u Does the store have a toll-free phonenumber?

u Does the store accept phone purchases?u Does the store have a Web site?u Does the store ship gifts? Any addition-

al charge for this service?u How long does your registry list stay in

the records? A year after the wedding dateis the ideal, since guests have up to oneyear to purchase a gift for you.

Most department stores will have a con-sultant available to help and guide you withgift selections in various price ranges.

Registering at two or three stores is con-sidered ideal and will give your guests achoice on where to shop for your weddinggift.

Trust a reputable store and a consultantwho is pleasant and willing to explaineverything in-depth.

This is a free service from the store and itwill benefit from your business — so makesure you and your family are comfortablewith the atmosphere and employees.

If the store’s policies are acceptable, plana meeting with the consultant that will takeabout one to two hours.

Why you should create a bridal registryFriends and family will know exactly what you want, need

See REGISTRY, Page 18



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u Purchase gifts for all wed-ding-party members.u Arrange transportation forbride and groom from the cere-mony site to the reception.u Purchase ceremony acces-sories (unity candle, wineglass-es, etc.)

6 weeksu Purchase a new camera, ifneeded.u Send rehearsal dinner invitations.u Write thank-you notes as you

receive gifts.u Confirm music selections(“playlist”) with musicians/DJ.u Select menu for post-weddingbrunch.u Write newspaper announce-ment and gather photos.u Purchase a gift for yourspouse-to-be.u Shop for wedding favors.u Purchase honeymoon clothing, luggage and accessories.u Go in for a practice hair-styling and make day-of-wedding hair appointment.

Continued from Page 16


See PLANNER, Page 19

Here are some examples ofwhat to register for:u House accessories and gadgetsu Kitchen stuffu China u Crystalu Silver

u Sporting goodsu Linensu Winesu Home improvement suppliesu Garden suppliesu Mortgage down paymentsu Honeymoonsu Vacation travelu House cleaning services

Continued from Page 17


Who sits where at your ceremony?

Here are some guidelines tohelp you with the seating atyour wedding ceremony.

Since your ushers will escortguests to their seats, it’s notnecessary to have assigned seating.

However, you will want to section off a reserved seatingarea in front for your immedi-ate families.

Traditionally in church weddings, the bride’s parentssit in the front row on the leftside, along with her grandpar-ents and siblings.

If the bride’s parents aredivorced and prefer to sit separately, the mother and her

husband might sit in the frontrow while the father and hiswife sit in the second row.

Other special relatives maysit in the second and thirdrows.

The groom’s family is seatedin the same manner, but onthe right side of the room. (At Jewish ceremonies, all theseating is reversed.)

An usher should offer afemale guest his right arm toescort her to her seat. Malewedding guests may simply beled to their seats.

When a number of weddingguests arrive at once, seat theeldest ones first.

Make sure your ushers know the proper seating arrangement

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4 weeksu Confirm floral order andarrange for delivery times.u Meet with ushers andassign duties for the ceremonyand reception.u Discuss the details of yourceremony with your officiant.u Determine the placement ordistribution of programs atthe ceremony venue.u Arrange for preparation,storage and break areas for musicians/DJ at the

reception venue.u Determine seating arrange-ments for guests.u If you color your hair, makeappointment for a touch-upthe week before your wedding.u Go in for a dry run with aprofessional makeup artistand make a day-of-wedding appointment.u Schedule an appointmentfor a manicure and/or pedi-cure the day before your wedding.u Finalize details with

Continued from Page 18


See PLANNER, Page 21

Who does what?Not sure who’s usually responsible for specific aspects of your

wedding? Use this checklist to see what’s customary

For your wedding to be an event to remember, it takesthe efforts of many people.

There are the bridesmaids, groomsmen, ringbearer andmore.

Here is a list of the duties:

Maid/matron of honor u Hosts the bridal shower. u Helps bride to select her wedding apparel and accessories.u Helps bride coordinate wedding vendors and plans.u Supervises and organizes the other bridesmaids for their wed-ding apparel u Coordinates purchase of bridesmaids’ gift to bride. u Coordinates purchase of bridesmaids’ gift to couple. u Assists in wedding day plans and preparation. u Assists bride in dressing for the ceremony and last minutetouch- ups.u Witnesses wedding license. u Holds the bridal bouquet during the ceremony. u Adjusts the bride’s veil and train before the processional and therecessional.

Bridesmaidsu Assists maid or matron of honor with her duties. u Assists with bridal shower. u Assists the bride throughout the wedding planning process.


Best manu Coordinates and oversees

all ushers’ activities andduties.

u Coordinates all logistics(rental and fittings) for ushers’wedding apparel.

u Picks up and returns allrented wedding apparel for theushers and the groom.

u Organizes bachelor dinneror party.

u Organizes purchase ofgroom’s gift from ushers.

u Organizes purchase of cou-ple’s gift from ushers.

u Helps with honeymoontravel plans.

u Helps groom to dress onhis wedding day.

u Drives groom to ceremony. u Witnesses marriage license

signing. u Takes marriage license to

ceremony. u On wedding day, pays any

and all service providers as pergroom’s instructions.

u If there is no organizedtransportation, drives brideand groom to reception.

u Conducts toasts to coupleduring reception.

u Assists groom with chang-ing his clothes after ceremony.

Ushersu Seat guests at the

ceremony. u Roll and unroll aisle

carpet. u Assist best man with bach-

elor dinner or party. u At ceremony, provide

guests with wedding programsand maps to reception.

u Head usher seats motherof the groom and bride at thereception.

u Transport bridesmaids toreception.

Flower girlu Carries basket with rose

pedals, rice or confetti to be

thrown before bride’s path during processional.

Ringbeareru Carries pillow with rings


Bride’s parentsu Hold engagement party for

bride and groom. u Prepare guest list for

bride. u Serve as host and hostess

of reception. u Mother helps bride choose

her wedding gown. u Mother helps bride keep

track of gifts received. u Mother is last person to be

seated at ceremony. u Mother stores top layer of

wedding cake for bridal couplewhile they are on honeymoon.

u Mother arranges for wed-ding gown to be dry cleanedand preserved.

u Father coordinates hiswedding apparel with othermen of the wedding party.

u Father rides to ceremonywith bride in limousine.

u Father gives bride away atceremony.

Groom’s parentsu Prepare guest list for

groom. u Organize rehearsal dinner.

This is one of the most impor-tant responsibilities for thegroom’s parents.

u Mother coordinates wed-ding dress with bride’s mother.

u Father gives toast to brideat rehearsal dinner.

u Father coordinates wed-ding apparel with other men inwedding party.



y, J



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Continued from Page 19


Superstition has it that if there is a full moon one or two days before the wedding, then your

married life will be filled with luck and good fortune.

Don’t forget ...Some details that should

not be forgotten aboutafter the wedding include:

u Return the cake dividers tothe cake shop or bakery and col-lect the deposit, if appropriate.

u Return any rented equip-ment and collect deposit.

u Return rented formal wearand accessories.

u Preserve your wedding gownand selected accessories.

u Finish sending thank-younotes.

u Notify your parents andfamily of your return. Thank

them for their assistance andcooperation.

u Select wedding photographs.Order from photographer.

u Get video from videographer.

u If not done before the wed-ding, change your name on yourdriver’s license, charge cards,insurance policies, SocialSecurity card, tax records, etc.

u Hold a small dinner partysharing your wedding and hon-eymoon pictures and video.

u Groom: On your first dayafter the wedding, buy yourbride some flowers.

After your big day thereare still a few loose ends

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— 2


photographer and videographer, determining arrival times at eachnuptial venue.u Arrange for preparation/storage area for photographer and videographer at each nuptial venue.u Sign your prenuptial agreement, if applicable.u Finalize honeymoon plans/itinerary and confirm all travel andhotel reservations.u Arrange for transportation to and from the airport.u Make all necessary arrangements for care of pets, plants andmail while you’re away on honeymoon.u Post announcement and photo on your website.u Arrange for table card setup at reception venue.u Schedule pickup/return of groom’s formalwear.

3 weeksu Finalize list of reception guests.u Give the final headcount to the caterer and review details.u Arrange for delivery and placement of wedding flowers, candlesand other decorations on the day of the ceremony.u Call anyone who has not responded to his or her invitation.

1 weeku Confirm your honeymoon travel arrangements.u Start packing bags for your honeymoon.u Get traveler’s checks and/or a small amount of foreign cash.u Pick up your wedding dress.

Wedding dayu Eat a good breakfast.u Attend hairstyle appointment.u Give yourself plenty of time to get ready.u Relax and enjoy yourself.— Adapted from Bridal Guide’s “How to Plan the Perfect Wedding… Without Going Broke” by Diane Forden.

Continued from Page 19

Planner:Throwing the garter began in France when pieces

of the bridal attire were considered lucky. The bridewould throw the garter to the guests at the wedding

and whoever caught it could expect good luck. In the United States, the groom traditionally removes

the garter from the bride and throws it to the unmarried men. The man who catches it is thought to be the next to marry. At some weddings the man

who catches the garter will place it on the leg of the lady who caught the bouquet or they may start the next dance. It is also common for the recipients

of the bouquet and garter to have a photograph taken with the bride and groom. The garter is

placed on the brides right leg, just above the knee.

By BECKY BARCLAYLife&Family Editor

You’ve set the dateand booked thechurch for your

wedding. Now you’rethinking about thecaterer, photographer,gown, music and recep-tion.

But don’t forget aboutthe fun part — the hon-eymoon.

It’s never too early to startplanning your honeymoon,said Eileen Conekin, travelagent with All About Travel.

“Begin planning honey-moon as far in advance aspossible,” she said.“Promotions come and go.

“If you’re not getting mar-ried until June, you should goahead and come in and planand pay your deposit inJanuary so you can get thepromotion that’s out thereright now.”

Ms. Conekin said that withthe economy the way it is

now, a lot of places are offer-ing a fifth or seventh nightstay free.

But the closer that it getsto June, it’s going to get moreexpensive.

“At the same time, if a bet-ter promotion comes alongafter you’ve paid for your trip,you can get some moneyback,” Ms. Conekin said. ‘Ihad a couple that booked andpaid in full, then a better pro-motion came along and theyare getting $240 back.

“So you’re protected bothways by planning ahead.”

On the other hand, with theslow economy and not asmany people traveling asusual, the airlines are cuttingback their services, Ms.Conekin said. “Even theresorts will start to cut backand close wings and do reno-vation work if they knowtheir occupancy is down. Justbecause it’s a slower economydoesn’t mean there’s going tobe any better availability.”

Another advantage toplanning ahead is that youcan tell everyone at your

bridal showers and they mayget a gift certificate towardsyour honeymoon.

Ms. Conekin said the pop-ular honeymoon spots con-tinue to be warm locationslike Mexico, the Bahamasand the Caribbean. They’realso in close proximity toNorth Carolina and newly-weds like that.

“Hawaii is a good spot,”said Ms. Conekin. “But ittakes longer to get there soyou need at last 10 days totwo weeks to spend there toget your money’s worth. Sotime is a consideration here.”



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HoneymoonIt’s never too early to start planning


Pat Cipriani displays some of the honey-moon travel guides at All About Travel.See HONEYMOON,

Page 23



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She said Disney World has become apopular honeymoon destination inrecent years because it’s a good value.

“Right now it has a promotion ofpaying for four days and getting threefor free,” said Ms. Conekin.

“This year, you also get in free foryour birthday. So, instead of getting inthe park for free, which is incorporatedin the honeymoon package, you willget a $75 gift card to spend that day atthe park. That’s spending money whileyou’re there.

“For travel through March, you alsoget a $200 gift card to spend in addi-tion to the three free nights.”

Ms. Conekin said that adventuretrips not as popular because couplesare looking for somewhere to relax andjust be together because of how muchwas involved in the wedding planning.

“Now they want an all-inclusivepackage where they only decisionsthey have to make is what to eat andwhere to swim that day,” she said. Youpay one price up front and get thewhole package. You don’t have toworry about spending more moneyeither.”

The best time to go to these warmhoneymoon spots is in the springbefore the summer crunch when fami-lies take their vacations, said Ms.Conekin.

“The winter time is peak season in

these places because everyone in thenorth is going south,” she said.

“May is an excellent month for ahoneymoon to the warmer places.April is good if you avoid the twoweeks around Easter.”

Ms. Conekin said that in January,the pricing is great because everybodyhas just traveled for Christmas andNew Year’s. There’s a lull in Januarywith good pricing then in Februaryand March, the price goes up.

In the summer, prices go up.“The fall is a good time to go because

prices are reasonable,” said Ms.Conekin. “But then you run into prob-lems with the weather because it’s thetropical season.”

If you are not sure where you’d liketo go on your honeymoon, the travelagent can tailor your honeymoonaccording to what you like to do andyour budget.

Once you’ve made the decision, youmake a deposit on your honeymoontrip. Ms. Conekin said that most hon-eymoon packages require that you payit off about 60 days before leaving.

“The longer in advance you can plan,the more time you have to pay off yourhoneymoon,” she said. “You can evenmake payments. But if you come in inJanuary and you’re getting married inearly April, it’s pretty much pay in full because you’re almost at your 60 days.”

Continued from Page 22

Honeymoon Bridal beauty importantBy BECKY BARCLAY

Life&Family Editor

Don’t wait until the last minute to start thinkingabout your skin and hair for your big day,

advises Amy Williams, owner of Salon 150.“A lot of brides will start on their beauty regimen a cou-

ple of months in advance,” she said. “Most will come anddo a trial run for their bridal portrait — especially gettingtheir hair done to find out how they like a certain style.And they’ll do their makeup to see how they like that.”

Ms. Williams said that’s about the time brides shouldstart their skin care regime, too. A lot of them will haveskin peels, microderms and facials to get their skin in itsbest shape for the wedding day.

At home, just washing your face every day will createradiant skin, she said. “There are different creams andlotions you can use after cleansing your skin. And youshould keep it hydrated and stay out of the sun.”

Ms. Williams said it’s best not to make a major changein hair style or color right before the wedding. “Just main-tain your color and condition your hair,” she said.

Then the day of the wedding, the bride will either go toher salon to have her hair and makeup done or the cosme-tologist will go to the church to do these things.

And let’s not forget the groom. He wants to look his bestfor the wedding, too. “A groom will often get a facial orthey will come and get waxed,” said Ms. Williams. “He’llget his hair cut or beard trimmed. And sometimes a groomwill even get color on his hair.” She suggests that a groomkeep his regular schedule of getting his hair cut.

“Skin care is important for a groom, too,” said Ms.Williams. “It just depends on how far he wants to go withit.” At home, it’s important for the groom to cleanse hisskin well regularly.

Planning a wedding can get stressful and that can affectyour hair and skin. It’s important to take extra steps tokeep both in good condition for the wedding day.



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