  • Cloud Asset Pricing Tree (CAPT)Elastic Economic Model for Cloud Service Providers

    Soheil Qanbari1, Fei Li1, Schahram Dustdar1 and Tian-Shyr Dai21Distributed Systems Group,Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

    2Institute of Finance, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan{qanbari, li, dustdar}, [email protected]

    Keywords: Cloud Price Elasticity, Asset Pricing, Financial Options, Cloud Federation, Cloud Computing.

    Abstract: Cloud providers are incorporating novel techniques to cope with prospective aspects of trading like resourceallocation over future demands and its pricing elasticity that was not foreseen before. To leverage the pricingelasticity of upcoming demand and supply, we employ financial option theory (future contracts) as a mech-anism to alleviate the risk in resource allocation over future demands. This study introduces a novel CloudAsset Pricing Tree (CAPT) model that finds the optimal premium price of the Cloud federation options ef-ficiently. Providers will benefit by this model to make decisions when to buy options in advance and whento exercise them to achieve more economies of scale. The CAPT model adapts its structure to address theprice elasticity concerns and makes the demand, price inelastic and the supply, price elastic. Our empiricalevidences suggest that using the CAPT model, exploits the Cloud market potential as an opportunity for moreresource utilization and future capacity planning.


    Cloud providers offer APIs associated with their poolof configurable computing resources (e.g., virtual ma-chines) so that clients can access and utilize themby deploying their packages in runtime environments(Kurze et al., 2011). In a Cloud market, the rightto benefit from these pools of Cloud resources withtheir utilization interfaces, can be delivered as “On-Demand” or “Reserved” instances. For clients, thereserved instances (RIs) are more reliable and eco-nomic assets. As a proof, the unit of a resource be-ing studied here is an Amazon EC2 Standard SmallInstance (US East) at a price1 of $0.060/hour for anon-demand instance and for a reserved instance, costs$0.034/hour with an upfront payment of $61/year,which is almost half price. Therefore, financially,clients are more attracted to RIs. Faced with suchdilemma, RIs pose the concern of less future utiliza-tion as far as it is not used by either the current orother on-demand clients. This motivates providers totake the opportunity to achieve more resource utiliza-tion by keeping all instances in use. Providers mayreallocate unused RIs of current owner to other on-demand clients to keep all resources utilized. This


    approach makes the RIs unavailable for the currentowner. Obviously, it is an obligation for providersto assure the availability of RIs associated with own-ers, otherwise, lack of resources leads to unmet de-mands and, while reflecting the SLA violations, leadsto financial consequences and penalties. To assureasset availability when lacking resources, providerscan seek for more affordable and cost-efficient Cloudopen markets to outsource their clients demands. Inaddition to the fact that Cloud open marketplaces(e.g., Zimory, SpotCloud) and federation offerings(e.g., CloudKick, ScaleUp) offer more resource uti-lization mechanisms, they also enable further costreduction due to the market competitive advantageamong providers.

    The decision to outsource the request to the fed-eration parties is relatively dependent to the asset’sprice. In a similar model, the Amazon Web Services(AWS) also offer a spot instance pricing model, wherethe price fluctuates as the market supply and demandchanges, and the spot instances will be provisionedto the bidders who won the competition. As soon asthe asset’s spot price goes above the winning bid, re-sources will be released. In open Cloud markets, theproviders hardly can rely on such mechanism sincethere is no guarantee as they might lose the resourceswhen the asset price crosses their bid. In order to en-

  • courage providers to benefit from the Cloud market,we need a dynamic economic model that keeps re-source and financial elasticity sustainably balanced bycontrolling the asset price oscillation while demandand supply fluctuate. To this end, our contributionis twofold: (i) Analyzing the financial options andpricing elasticity concepts in Cloud federation mar-ket. (ii) The flexible pricing model that calculates theoptimal premium price of the federation options effi-ciently and accurately.

    The paper continues with a motivation scenarioin support of an elastic economic model for pric-ing Cloud federation assets at section 2. Section 3presents the basic concepts and preliminaries wherethe conceptual basis and mathematical models are de-tailed. Based on this, CAPT pricing model is derivedin section 4. We simulate and evaluate our CAPTmodel and numerical results will be given in section 5to support the efficiency of our model. Subsequently,section 6 surveys related works. Finally, Section 7concludes the paper and presents an outlook on futureresearch directions.


    Along with elastic resource provisioning, providersmay face the limitations and insufficiency of their ownresource pool supply. In effect, they can transfer therisk of lacking resources to the federation markets.Federation markets can be of interest for providersas well as for consumers. Clients may profit fromlower costs and better performance, while providersmay offer more sophisticated services (Kurze et al.,2011). However, hereinafter we focus on the providerperspective. Thus providers can benefit from the in-creasing capacity and diversity of federated resources.In our model, we employ financial option theory as aninterface to elastically allocate an extra pool of feder-ated resources. In finance, an option2 is a contractwhich gives the buyer (the owner) the right, but notthe obligation, to buy or sell an underlying asset orinstrument at a specified strike price on or before aspecified date.

    Pricing elasticity and resource trading among fed-eration members lead to competitive contracting pro-cess, which aims at finding reasonable and fair priceof the asset. The contracting process is to write anoption that contains future aspects of trading. For in-stance, whenever the provider lacks the required re-sources, then can take advantage of exercising suchoptions to allocate corresponding resources respec-

    2 (finance)

    tively. Using options, providers take the rights to pro-vision seller’s resources which match their demandsamong parties at a price equal or above to their expec-tation of the asset payoff. Now, the concern is, howto price an option to be reasonable for both parties?Obviously, option pricing is an elastic process (Dust-dar et al., 2011), sensitive to the fluctuation of the as-set price determined by supply and demand betweenfederation parties in spot market. As a consequence,pricing elasticity that comes in two types of Demandand Provisioning may drive a wedge between the buy-ing and selling price of an asset. Thus controlling thepricing elasticity of the demand and provisioning withrespect to their effects on revenue stream by fair pric-ing of such options appears to be vital. This paperaims at addressing the pricing elasticity of the asset infederation market by fair pricing of the option. Theoption price is determined by a broker acting on be-half of the Cloud federation and therefore standard-ised across the federation. This option gives the rightto obtain an instance at a given price, established atthe agreement’s stipulation time.

    In this scenario, at stage 1 as shown in Fig. 1, theclients request for on-demand and RIs and keep usingthem. At stage 2 another client benefits from the ex-isting RI. As soon as the RI is suspended, ProviderA can utilize this instance by reallocating it to un-met on-demand request. Therefore, upon lacking re-sources, any incoming on-demand request at stage 3will be responded by reallocation of the RI at 4 toa new client. At this moment, stage 5, Provider Abuys an option from federation broker as a support-ing mechanism for future resource capacity planning.The provider avoids buying resources at a price that ishigher than the one charged to its own customers. Assoon as the previous client claims for the RI at 6 whichis now allocated to the request 3, the provider will takeadvantage of the option signed with Provider B by ex-ercising it at 7 and the Provider B has an obligation toprovision the promised resources at 8. Our focus lieson stages 5 and 7 where the provider is looking fora well priced option to be exercised later to achievemore utilization. In our federation model, Provider Ais the demander and Providers B & C are the resourcesuppliers in the federated environment.

    The fact that future valuation of federated assetsdepends on the correlated elasticity between provi-sioning and demand, suggests that the optimal utiliza-tion of an asset is primarily driven by its price volatil-ity in open Cloud markets. This influences the trendof providers to be more concentrated on controllingthis pricing elasticity. Although the elasticity of ademand is an initial impetus in asset valuation, thepricing elasticity of the demand might lead to ineffi-

  • Figure 1: Resource utilization in Cloud federation using options.

    cient revenue generation. For instance, the resourcedemand can be affected to a greater degree by minorchanges in asset price. This leads to a question, howcan volatility in price cause so much sensitivity in fu-ture demands? The reason is amplification. Blameis usually laid on asset price fluctuation and dynamicvaluation. The price changes in federation marketwill be propagated across providers (such as dominoeffects), causing more sensitivity and concerns onprovider’s demand. The next question is, how canwe control the pricing elasticity and decrease Cloudmarket sensitivity to future asset price changes? Inthis study we employ financial option theory whichtakes care of future valuation of the asset. Then by us-ing the Binomial-Trinomial Tree (BTT) option pric-ing (shyr Dai and dauh Lyuu, 2010) methodology, wecontrol the Cloud asset price changes and its propaga-tion through the market. As the option price rises orfalls, our CAPT model will adjust its structure to theprice volatility to come up with an option price that ispredictable and fair for both option holder and writer.


    In this section we present basic concepts, economicterms and numerical methods and their interpretationsconsidered in the study.

    3.1 Cloud Federation Contracts

    In finance, an option is a contract but the major dif-ference arise from the rights and obligations of an op-tion’s buyer and seller. A Call option gives the buyerthe right, but not the obligation, to purchase the under-lying asset at a specified price (the strike or exerciseprice) during the life of the option. The cost of ob-taining this right is known as the option’s ”premium”which is the price that is offered in the exchange. We

    use the term premium for an option premium in thisstudy. The option buyer’s loss is limited to the pre-mium paid. When you own a Call, what you do by ex-ercising your right is to Call for Resource Provision-ing from provider that offered the Call to you. Thebuyer’s right becomes the seller’s obligation when theoption is exercised. An American option can be exer-cised at any time during the life of the contract whileEuropean option can only be exercised at maturitydate. The CAPT is modeled with American call op-tions.

    American options are provided by a pool ofproviders and purchased by other providers as a hedgeto cover potential excess demand. Using this method,providers are able to re-sell on-demand VMs that havepreviously been sold as RI. If the RI owner decides touse the instance then rather than violate an SLA, theexcess demand can be covered by exercising previ-ously purchased options to enable Cloud-bursting us-ing the federated pool of resources. The option pric-ing model determines an option price that is inelastic(such that supply and demand are not highly sensitiveto price), thereby reducing self-reinforcing oscilla-tions in supply and demand. The paper demonstratesthat the option pricing model converges to a morestable price over time and the simulated provider in-creases profit from outsourcing provisioning usingoptions.

    3.2 Cloud Asset Pricing Elasticity

    In Cloud systems, elasticity is the ability to automat-ically increase or decrease resource allocation to as-set instances as demand fluctuates. Cloud financialelasticity is a measure of how much resource buyersand sellers respond to changes in market conditions.It’s a measure of the responsiveness of quantity de-manded or provisioned to a change in one of its deter-minants like price or quality. In this paper we addressthe Cloud federation asset pricing elasticity. The law

  • of demand states that a fall in the price of a resourceraises the quantity demanded. To be more specific,the price elasticity of demand measures how willingproviders are to buy less or more options as its pricerises or falls. To sum up, the concept of Price Elastic-ity of Demand (PEoD) measures of how much the re-source quantity demanded due to a price change. Andthe Price Elasticity of Provisioning (PEoP) measureshow much the resource quantity provisioned due to aprice change (Mankiw, 2012). The PEoD and PEoPformulas are:

    PEoD =(%Change in Quantity Demanded)

    (%Change in Price)(1)

    PEoP =(%Change in Quantity Provisioned)

    (%Change in Price)(2)

    3.3 Pricing Elasticity Interpretation

    Regarding interpretation, we analyze the Cloud assetprice elasticity only with their absolute values. ThePEoD variable values, denote how sensitive the de-mand for an asset is to a price change. In financialmarkets, the rule is if a provider’s asset has a highelasticity of demand, the more the price goes up, thefewer consumers will buy and try to economise theirneeds. Correspondingly, in Cloud federation markets,a very high price elasticity suggests that when theprice of a resource goes up, our provider will be moresensitive and demand for less assets or buy less calloptions. Conversely, when the price of that resourcegoes down, then the provider will demand for moreassets or buy more call options. A very low price elas-ticity implies just the opposite, that changes in pricehave little influence on demand or exercising the call.To sum up, when demand is price inelastic, total rev-enue moves in the direction of a price change. Whendemand is price unit elastic, total revenue does notchange in response to a price change. When demandis price elastic, total revenue moves in the direction ofa quantity change. In order to see whether the price iselastic or inelastic we use the following rule of thumb:

    VM PEoD =

    >1 Demand is price elastic.=1 Demand is unit elastic.1 Provisioning is price elastic.=1 Provisioning is unit elastic.

  • 4.1 Binomial Tree

    Binomial tree model is a numerical pricing methodthat approximates option price. Let a derivative onS(t) initiates at time 0 and matures at time T . A latticepartitions this time span into n equal-distanced timesteps and specifies the value of S(t) at each time stepwhich denotes the Cloud asset price. Let the lengthbetween two adjacent time steps be ∆t ≡ T/n. The es-tablished Cox-Ross-Rubinstein (CRR) binomial tree(Cox et al., 1979) is shown in Fig. 2. As we moveforward in time, each asset price S can either moveupward to become Su with probability Pu, or movedownward to become Sd with probability Pd ≡ 1−Pu.The CRR lattice adopts the following solution:

    u = eσ√

    ∆t ,d = e−σ√

    ∆t ,Pu =er∆t −du−d

    ,Pd =er∆t −ud−u

    (5)Where σ is price volatility, ∆t is duration of a step andr denotes the interest rate.

    Figure 2: CRR Binomial Pricing Tree.

    4.2 Trinomial Tree

    A trinomial tree can be built in a similar way to thebinomial tree but has three possible paths (up, down,and stable) per node leading to more efficient pricing.The jump sizes (u, d) can be calculated in a similarway with doubled time spacing. The transition prob-abilities are given as:

    Pu =

    e r∆t2 − e−σ√



    ∆t2 − e−σ


    2 Pd = eσ

    √∆t2 − e r∆t2


    ∆t2 − e−σ



    Pm = 1−Pu−Pd (7)Now it is possible to find the value of the underly-ing asset, S for any sequence of price movements. Itwill generate a directed graph with nodes labeled asasset prices and edges connecting nodes separated byone time step and a single price up, down and middlejumps as Nu,Nd ,Nm , where the price after i periodat node j (or after i ups and j downs) is given by:S(i, j) = uNudNd mNmS(t0) where Nu +Nd +Nm = i. Fi-nally, in both binomial and trinomial tree methods, theoption value can be computed by standard backwardinduction method.

    4.3 Growing the CAPT Tree

    This section visualizes how the BTT tree is con-structed for pricing the options briefly. In this modelas illustrated in Fig. 3 the root of the tree is the nodeS which is formed by a trinomial tree and the rest ofthe tree is constructed using binomial method with thefirst two time steps truncated. The barriers (the blacknodes) are H0 and L0 at time T0 and H1 and L1 at timeT0+T1. These barriers define the allowable range forthe price fluctuation of the underlying asset servingto limit both, profits and losses, for federation parties.The tree adjusts and adapts its structure to the pricevolatility and the moving barriers to come up with anoption price that is predictable and fair for both optionholder and writer.

    Figure 3: Cloud Option Pricing using Bino-Trinomial Tree.

    The combinatorial pricing algorithm (Dai andLyuu, 2007) is used to evaluate the option values onthe three CRR trees as shown in Fig. 3, with rootnodes A, B, and C. The option price of the CAPT at

  • node S is also evaluated by the backward inductionmethod.

    5 Model Evaluation

    Now, we present results from our simulation obser-vation that show the efficiency of our model. Wehave implemented a Cloud federation environmentusing Cloud simulation platform, CloudSim (Cal-heiros et al., 2011). The simulated Cloud federationuses our option pricing model for trading assets andVM provisioning. The unit of resource being ob-served is an Amazon EC2 Standard Small Instance(US East). At the date of simulation (Sept 2013), re-sources advertised at a price of $0.085/hour for anon-demand instance. For RIs, the same type instancefor 12 months costs $0.034/hour. For evaluation pur-poses, (i) the reserved capacity of the data center isconsidered as steady constant value during simula-tion. (ii) to economize the equations, we do not takeinto account the operational costs (i.e., hardware andsoftware acquisition, staff salary, power consumption,cooling costs, physical space, etc.) of the data center.It imposes a constant value within the model.

    5.1 Simulation Setup

    The simulation environment is developed to capturethe behavior of our CAPT model in Cloud federationwhere supply and demand fluctuate in daily patternsdirectly inspired by real-world market. For a provider,who benefits from this market, simulation was im-plemented with a resource pool capable of 400 si-multaneous running VMs capacity including reservedand on-demand. We have implemented the followingthree components on top of CloudSim simulator. Fur-ther details of our option-based federation simulatorentities and settings are as follows.

    5.1.1 CAPT Request Generator (ReqG)

    The workload pattern generation was needed in orderto mimic the real world IaaS Cloud requests. We im-plemented CAPT-ReqG agent to create jobs by usingthe Cloudlet class in CloudSim. In our model, eachjob has an arrival time as we scheduled the workloadon a daily-basis pattern and a duration time which isthe holding time of the instance by the job and me-tered to charge the consumer respectively. Given thatour workload follows daily pattern based on normalGaussian distribution for the 24 hours of a day andconsidering standard business hours (from 9 to 17) as

    peak hours, we generate a randomly distributed ar-rival time for requests in each specific hour. The loaddecreased 60% on weekends.

    5.1.2 CAPT Resource Allocator (ResA)

    We have developed the CAPT-ResA agent to deter-mine the association between jobs and federated re-sources. Our allocation policy finds a mapping be-tween the batch of jobs outsourced to the federationand VMs associated to options. In the simulation, theVM provisioning policy is extended to best fit withrespect to the option status. The providers are im-plemented using DataCenter class in CloudSim, as itbehaves like an IaaS provider. The CAPT-ResA re-ceives requests from CAPT-ReqG, allocates resourcesand binds the jobs to the VMs accordingly. For re-source allocation, we have used shared pool strategy.In case of arriving a new on-demand job, the agentchecks if the number of currently running on-demandjobs exceeds the capacity of on-demand pool and ifso, it will allocate VMs from its reserved pool whilebuying an option from federated Cloud. As soon asit receives requests which can not be met in-house,the agent will exercise the options that were boughtbefore and outsource the new jobs to federated pool.

    5.1.3 CAPT Option Handler (OptH)

    Our CAPT-OptH agent implements the option pric-ing model as detailed in section 4. It also routes theoption exercising request to the CAPT-ResA agent tohave the requested resource provisioned. The pricingpolicy is set to resource/hour consumed for each in-stance, for the duration an instance is launched till itis terminated. Each partial resource/hour consumedwill be charged as a full hour. There are six metricsthat affect the CAPT option pricing, (i) the currentstock price, S0 set to $0.034/hour (ii) the exerciseprice (spot price), K is generated based on Amazonspot price observed pattern. (iii) the time to optionexpiration T set to 1 month (iv) the volatility σ whichis the range and speed in which a price moves, setto 31.40%per annum. It is observed by the cloudex-change.org3 which is real-time monitoring of Ama-zon EC2 spot prices. (v) the interest rate, r is set to19.56% per annum since the Amazon EC2 SLA4 in-terest rate is 1.5% per month and (vi) the dividendexpected during the life of the option is set to $5.17.Both High and Low barriers are set to $0.039 and$0.030. The simulation was run 50 times. The exper-iment duration is set to 6 months and the mean value


  • of the results is evaluated to mimic the real-world en-vironment.

    5.2 Evaluation Measure

    There are four empirical measures as we care to spec-ify and observe their behavior during the simulation:(i) Provider’s profit (Ppr), which our model claimsto ensure the optimal utilization of the resources forproviders. The profit measurement equation is:

    Ppr = Ron +Rres +R(op,exe)−C(op,pre)−C(gen) (8)

    where Ron and Rres are the providers’ total revenuereceived over their own on-demand and RIs. R(op,exe)is the revenue of exercising the options since the op-tion exercise price is less than their own instance pricesold to their clients before. C(op,pre) denotes the pre-mium to be paid for the purchase of the option whichour model calculates accurately. Finally, C(gen) cov-ers general costs of provider as we assumed a con-stant value. (ii) Second measure is QoS Violations(QoSv), that holds the number of rejected or unmetreserved and on-demand instances reflecting the SLAviolations. Third and forth measures are (iii) PriceElasticity of Demand (εD) and (iv) Price Elasticityof Provisioning (εP) where their absolute values arehighly correlated with the asset price changes. Theircomputation is done with these equations:

    εD(vm) =%∆Qd%∆Pvm

    and εP(vm) =%∆Qp%∆Pvm


    The εD(vm) and εP(vm) denote the price elasticityof demand and provisioning of an asset, and mea-sures the percentage change in the quantity of VM de-manded and provisioned per 1% change in the priceof its option premium. Our economic model shouldmake εD(vm) “price inelastic” and εP(vm) “priceelastic” as interpreted in section 3.2.

    5.3 Results and Debate

    The aggregate results imply utility and are reportedas summary in Table 1. Results show that thoseproviders are able to reach an utilization rate of 99%and achieve gains both from the in-house instancesand from those obtained by exercising the option’srights from other providers of the federation. Tak-ing these results together, four points stand out in thissimulation. First, is the profit made from exercisingoptions. To interpret this, note that in our approach,providers buy the options that its exercise price areless than their own VM provisioning price. As ob-served, providers were able to meet 86% of an incom-ing requests by inhouse provisioning and outsourced

    14% of their demands to the federation, in whichare fully provisioned to celebrating 8.7% more profit.Second, is the achievement over the QoS agreed withthe client for resource delivery. For both reservedand on-demand, no QoS violation (no unmet request)is detected. Third, as our results indicate, the valueof pricing elasticity of demand (PEoD) is kept lessthan 1 denoting that the demand became “price in-elastic” serving to increasing demand, regardless ofthe asset price oscillation. From the federation per-spective (resource suppliers side), the value of pric-ing elasticity of provisioning (PEoP) is more than 1denoting that the provisioning became “price elas-tic” indicating the providers are flexible enough toadapt the amount of resources they provision. Thesevalues are consistent with the number of options pur-chased and exercised, leading to more economies ofscale. Finally, is the utilization value, which is con-siderable. This indicates that optimal utilization ofresources is achieved to exploit the efficiency and ac-curacy of our model.

    To form a basis for comparison, our next two fig-ures depict the dependencies between option pricingelasticity and its demand and provisioning. Fig. 4,shows how CAPT controls the option pricing elastic-ity and converges to a more stable price smoothly.Our approach finds the optimal option price of thefederated resource in the Cloud to come to an equilib-rium between PEoD and PEoP. The asset equilibriumprice occurs when the supply resource pool matchesthe aggregate demand indicating an optimal resourceutilization. From the provisioning perspective, asshown in Fig. 5, it can be seen, that a 21% increase(using midpoint method) in the asset price leads to a35% increase in quantity provisioned. This indicatesan elastic supply. Since the asset pricing elasticity iscontrolled, we see a synchronous correlation betweenprice and supply changes. As a result, the total rev-enue moves in the direction of price change.

    Figure 4: Resource price elasticity controlled via options.

  • Table 1: Cloud federation market simulation summary (6 months).

    QoS Violations Profit Price Elasticity Options

    Market↓Measures→ Workload Utilization Reserved On-demand In-house Option PEoD PEoP Bought ExercisedCloud Federation Market 98455 99% 0 0 35293.63 3339.97 0.095 1.28 25676 14020

    Figure 5: Price elasticity of resources provisioned.


    In relation to our approach, there are some alterna-tives that propose federation economic model morefocused on the provider’s perspective. A broker-basedfederation approach has been proposed by (Villegaset al., 2012), (Rogers and Cliff, 2012) and (Raj, 2011).These studies decouple the brokerage strategies andfederation economic valuation. Zhang proposes aneconomic model for the evaluation of the economicvalue of Cloud Computing Federation in providingone computing unit such as the power and humanresources (Zhang and Zhang, 2012). Just as Cloudsenable users to cope with unexpected demand loads,a Federated Cloud will enable individual Clouds tocope with unforeseen variations of demand. Authorsin (Gomes et al., 2012) investigate the applicationof market-oriented mechanisms based on the GeneralEquilibrium Theory of Microeconomics to coordinatethe sharing of resources between the Clouds in thefederated environment. In (Zhao et al., 2012), au-thors present an online resource marketplace for openClouds by adopting an eBay style transaction modelbased on auction theory. Here (Samaan, 2013) es-tablishes a novel economic sharing model to regu-late capacity sharing in a federation of hybrid Cloudproviders. The idea of financial options is used by(Sharma et al., 2012) as a financial model for pricingCloud compute commodities by using Moore’s law ondepreciation of asset values, to show the effect of de-preciation of Cloud resource on QoS. In (Toosi et al.,2012) authors incorporate financial options as a mar-ket model for federated Cloud environments. In con-

    trast to existing approaches, we use financial optiontheory for asset trading and propose a dynamic andadaptive option pricing model which enhance profitby controlling the pricing elasticity of demand andprovisioning in the Cloud federation.


    Providers consider federations as an alternative poolof resources to their expected consumption growth.Their demand to use the federated asset is dependentto the pricing elasticity of demand, as if the elastic-ity is high, then they will be more careful on buy-ing options. In this paper, we proposed a financialoption pricing model to address the pricing elasticityconcerns in above situation. Our economical modelis for implementing a future market of virtualizedresources in a system where a federation of Cloudproviders is used to reduce risks and costs associ-ated with the capacity planning of Cloud providers.Providers will benefit by this model to make decisionswhen to buy options in advance and when to exercisethem to achieve more economies of scale.

    So far, we have proposed an economic model thatconsiders future aspects of trading like capacity plan-ning or resource allocation over upcoming demands.The CAPT model empowers vendors to get addi-tional resources as and when required. This economicmodel aims for the leverage of demand and supplyform the IaaS provider and third party providers pointof view, finding suboptimal price policies between re-sources ownered by the provider and options to ex-ternal providers using Cloud bursting when needed.This study covers two aspects of resource elasticity:Resource Quantity and Price. As an outlook, our fu-ture work includes further extension to the model thatcan also support the Quality of Service (QoS) aspectin federation environment.


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