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  • @Ntd

    Unitbfi .S:ites.Bankr,uptcy Court for the2$$? *[C -? Pil 3: 26



    OIrP.: d./C.Z 7, 2do7 SIGNATURE oF PREP"/

    1 .


    Basis for Notification and Possible Estate loss:

    a. Suspecgd violation of l8 U.S.C. Section:rs2(v1; 1s3( ); rs4( ); $5Q,{ 1s6( ); s7Q/1341( ) ; 1342( ) ; 1343( ) ; 1344( )

    b. Other suspected criminal violation 0

    c. Possible Estate Loss $ Jd)2. Subject of Notification:

    ^.$#4 peAtor (principal/responsible person)L)lrusteeb. (Vf)rustee

    c. ( rrlPyofessic. ( rzf )otessional (Specify Title)d. ( Ufplaimholder/Equity Securitd. ( Ufplaimholder/Equity Security Holdere.(lTfPyblicofficial

    - n / ze. (t/, Pgblic Officialf. l lfother_U

  • ?8$? *[f -? Pt{ 3: 26

    Tf* c,11n,4 l t l eb.

    ,4, the names of witnesses" and the

    offense or offenses believed to have been committed (provide as complete adescription as possible) by:

    (l) P)lli"tafull and complete account of the suspectehiolation. 17{/* US *fd-//g ('/^ (',,2,"//,

    tudJ a- Fdr{rX ,,4/,47;2o./(2) Providing the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of persons withknowledge of and information relatingp suspected offense.

    ,5rz /Indicating, (based on available information) whether the suspected offenie(3)relates only to a single incident in a debtor's case or whether the soffense relates to multiple transactions/baqkruptci

    ttuf/,7l R*,/("r/";d%o!-ry6) fgiTo/t'z'W(4) IndicatKgwhether the sirbject of tfe notification has been the subjeJofi

    prior notification and, if so, relating the relevant circumstances \surrounding the earlier notification. t /\ r t t J-f/u- /5 -/.er;/to /tJ7 ,En-K/eacl "//10/t'" A P, i y v-Sr t 7, r -,/ot-.

    (5) Disclosing other pertinent information. \ aiOT' z t t5 /

    D, u'.Vn La u47t p'"Tu',"b- Ea dJf"dfl.e/ la-a- 4-' h*t< 0",4 ,*,/r- ,^ 1.. 2z Zaa{

    7k^ ,",L^ D,y"-[o7 YV-,"9*,r^, yr4rsTTllrs/"4 t ^

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    3ft81*re ilu#,$ilE$"y,I t ;H Ft. ; i..Atferytpx sad4ress:


    d. Name of trustee:Appointment date:Trustee's address:Telephone:




    3 o 2 - 5 7 t - z z z v

    Petition and schedules attached for lists of claimholders, debts, assets, exempt property,and other information: zY e s ( ) N o ( D /If chapter 7 case, Sec. 705 creditors' committee appointed:Y e s ( ) N o ( )If yes, date of appointment:Name, address and telephone nos. of contact persons:

    If chaptgr 11

    If yes, date of appointment:


    Name, addrpssggd telephone nop. of contact/personsl,. -\ c c t A

    7 f r r! tl ",u,26,*il *, f#tu, 4Y* _ Pf: o( !{,'in),htJ;,u +Ur tr^/4irrryU rt0zz-&,4 sz{-6/od"Y-l';::"'#;: ;;;;rffi , u./ o f " ;/ o,, :."A4{7s,*,/t',) nl'r secftr/r: (rl,; is ,*kts.A))tl^/), o ,/r*/u*'( M"/J, ,7854.//,Tr'4a'G;' /n ;" ;;;,& K) "i;*,:- "ifll 6x ia/rrr'TB ff ,,a air- tl o, eil E,l/ e/,/- t Ea il/K6 .

    4. Circumstances Relating to Suspected Violation of Chapter 9 of Title 18, United States

    Name of subject of notification: ,r4,Subject's address:Telephone numbers:

    PAGE 2
