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Clinical Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging

Frank M. Bengel

Division of Nuclear Medicine, Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore, Maryland

Molecular imaging holds the promise of becoming a key diag-nostic modality in cardiovascular medicine by allowing visualiza-tion of specific targets and pathways that precede or underliechanges in morphology, physiology, and function. As such, mo-lecular imaging aims at detecting precursors or early stages ofcardiovascular disease and at monitoring and guiding novel, in-creasingly specific and versatile cardiovascular therapies. Imag-ing of myocardial metabolism and autonomic innervation arealready used in current practice, and a wide variety of other tar-gets and probes is on the horizon. This focused review providesan overview of the opportunities and challenges that molecularimaging faces to fulfill its promises in clinical cardiovascularmedicine.

Key Words: molecular imaging; cardiovascular disease; myo-cardial metabolism; myocardial innervation

J Nucl Med 2009; 50:837–840DOI: 10.2967/jnumed.108.059246

The field of clinical cardiovascular imaging is changing.On the one hand, novel high-resolution techniques such asmultislice CT or MRI provide ever-improving images ofcardiac and coronary morphology. On the other hand, itbecomes clear that the increasing variety and specificityof cardiovascular therapies require increasingly specificdiagnostic information and that interrogation of morphol-ogy and pathophysiology may not suffice for this purpose(1–3).

Furthermore, whereas myocardial perfusion imaging is stillthe mainstay of cardiovascular radionuclide applications forthe diagnostic and prognostic workup of coronary arterydisease, several alternative imaging methodologies for non-invasive assessment of perfusion are emerging. At the sametime, nuclear imaging technology has progressed signifi-cantly toward higher sensitivity and resolution, and anincreasing number of molecule-targeted radiotracers is beingintroduced. These developments indicate an evolution of

clinical nuclear imaging beyond the assessment of myocar-dial perfusion, toward characterization of molecular events onthe tissue level. It is hoped that radiotracer techniques, withtheir unique translational potential and their superior detec-tion sensitivity, will take a leading role in the emergingparadigm of personalized cardiovascular medicine, wheretherapeutic or preventive strategies are based on individualdisease biology that is defined by molecular imagingtests (4).


Modern cardiovascular medicine on the one hand iscontinuously seeking to improve algorithms to preventdisease and disease complications. On the other hand,treatment of disease is becoming increasingly versatile andis being tailored to individual needs. The promise of car-diovascular molecular imaging is to expedite this trend byallowing visualization of specific targets and pathways thatprecede or underlie changes in morphology, physiology,and function, so that clinical decision making can occur atearlier stages of the disease process ( ½Fig: 1�Fig. 1). Rapidly ad-vancing basic cardiovascular sciences, together with anincreasingly successful convergence of preclinical researchand imaging, have facilitated the introduction of noveltherapeutic approaches to prevent and treat cardiovasculardisease. The traditional options of pharmacotherapy, per-cutaneous intervention, or open-heart surgery are now aug-mented by various implantable devices, new pharmacologicagents, new surgical approaches, and targeted delivery ofproteins, genes, cells, or tissue patches to diseased areas ofthe heart. Although these new therapeutic options arepromising, selection of the most suitable candidates for agiven approach requires diagnostic tests in order to opti-mize efficacy and cost-effectiveness and ultimately achievebroad clinical acceptance (5,6).

Given the increasing specificity of these novel therapies,it is likely that more specific imaging tests that interrogatecellular or subcellular target mechanisms will be needed.Decades ago, it was learned that assessment of left ven-tricular function and myocardial perfusion is not sufficientto select those patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy whowill benefit from surgical revascularization. Assessment ofmyocardial metabolism, a tissue-specific biologic signal,

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Received Dec. 8, 2008; revision accepted Jan. 14, 2009.For correspondence or reprints contact: Frank M. Bengel, Division of

Nuclear Medicine, Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and RadiologicalScience, Johns Hopkins University, 601 N. Caroline St./JHOC 3225,Baltimore, MD 21287.

E-mail: [email protected] ª 2009 by the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Inc.


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has been found to be superior in this regard and gave rise toan entire new diagnostic field—that of myocardial viabilityimaging (7). It is the vision of cardiovascular molecularimaging professionals that, in a similar manner, severalmolecular imaging tests will emerge in the future as keydiagnostic procedures for other novel clinical cardiovascu-lar therapies.


In the preclinical setting, molecular imaging of thecardiovascular system uses multiple modalities, includingoptical, nuclear, MR, CT, and ultrasound imaging (1,2), butclinical application in humans has been limited mostly tonuclear techniques. In addition to methodologic issues withthe other techniques (optical imaging, for example, isconfined to small animals because of limited penetration oflight), the advantage of radionuclide techniques in humansis explained mostly by their superior sensitivity in detectinglabeled molecules within the human body (2).

The roots of cardiovascular molecular imaging lie in theassessment of myocardial metabolism and myocardial auto-

nomic innervation ( ½Fig: 2�Fig. 2). These areas have also emergedas its first true clinical applications. The Food and DrugAdministration–approved glucose analog 18F-FDG is notused only for myocardial viability assessment. More re-cently, 18F-FDG has proven to be versatile and has suc-cessfully been used for imaging of atherosclerotic plaqueinflammation (8) and labeling of stem cells for trackingafter transplantation (6). Another 18F-FDG application maybe ischemic memory imaging, in which fatty acid analogssuch as 123I-b-methyl-iodophenylpentadecanoic acid havemore recently also been introduced (9). For innervationimaging, the integrity of presynaptic sympathetic nerveterminals is measured using catecholamine analogs such asthe recently Food and Drug Administration–approved 123I-metaiodobenzylguanidine or several available PET com-pounds (10). Risk stratification in heart failure has emergedas a promising application for innervation imaging, inwhich the degree of impaired innervation may providemore accurate information than conventional markers (11).

Other molecular mechanisms that have been explored insmall human studies using multiple novel compounds in-clude cell death (12), neurohumoral receptors (13), cell–matrix interaction (14,15), and stem cell tracking ( ½Fig: 3�Fig. 3)(6). The major purpose of these compounds can bedescribed either as the detection of early disease stagesthat precede physiologic or morphologic abnormalities oras the guidance of therapy by more specific selection ofsuitable candidates and earlier response detection.


For earlier detection of disease, molecular imagingtechniques are primarily focusing on 2 areas: the vulnerableplaque, which precedes myocardial infarction, and leftventricular remodeling, which precedes heart failure.

Clinical observations that acute coronary events oftenresult from rupture of atherosclerotic plaques at sites withno or minor luminal narrowing have stimulated the searchfor techniques to identify vulnerable, rupture-prone lesions(8). These may show characteristic morphologic features

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FIGURE 1. Continuum of coronary artery disease. Athero-sclerosis progresses to ischemia and infarction and then toheart failure. Although conventional imaging describes ex-tent and severity of these stages, molecular imaging aims atidentifying precursors of disease development and progres-sion. LV 5 left ventricular.

FIGURE 2. Schematic display of mo-lecular imaging targets currently ex-plored in clinical setting. BMIPP 5

b-methyl-iodophenylpentadecanoicacid; EPI 5 epinephrine; FFA 5 freefatty acids; FTHA 5 fluorothioheptade-canoic acid; HED 5 hydroxyephedrine;MIBG 5 metaiodobenzylguanidine;NET 5 norepinephrine transporter;TCA 5 tricarboxylic acid.



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but may still differ in their biology and their activity,ultimately leading to rupture. Molecule-targeted ap-proaches aim at plaque inflammation, apoptosis, extracel-lular matrix activation, or platelet binding. But many of theapproaches are still at the preclinical or early clinical level,suggesting that this field remains a work in progress.Challenges related to the best targeting approach, totranslation of animal model results to the clinical setting,to adequate imaging methodology for visualization of cor-onary artery biology, and to a suitable target patientpopulation need to be overcome. The final goal of theseefforts is improved clinical risk assessment through in vivoassessment of vascular biology.

Interestingly, many of the molecular mechanisms thoughtto play a role in plaque vulnerability also play a role in thedevelopment of left ventricular remodeling. These mecha-nisms include inflammation, apoptosis, matrix-metallopro-teinase activation, and integrin expression (12,14,15).Activation of the renin-angiotensin system, impairment ofautonomic innervation, and changes in substrate use areother relevant pathways that can be targeted for this purpose(10,13,16). Remodeling is defined as the continuousincrease in left ventricular chamber size after a triggeringevent (mostly myocardial infarction), which ultimatelyleads to clinically overt contractile dysfunction and heartfailure. Because of increasing survival rates for myocardialinfarction, remodeling is an increasing health care problemif the substantial costs for treatment of heart failure areconsidered. A technique for predicting who is at high riskfor remodeling and heart failure would therefore be ofconsiderable value. Molecular imaging of the aforemen-tioned targets holds the promise of better identifyingindividuals at risk, by identifying key biologic mechanismsthat trigger the process. But despite the variety of availabletargets and tracers, conclusive evidence of clinical useful-

ness has not yet been obtained for these approaches.However, the goal may be somewhat easier to achieve in aclinical setting than through molecular identification ofvulnerable plaques, because the myocardium is a largertarget that can be imaged more robustly.


Although the use of clinical molecular imaging to detectearlier stages of disease and to guide algorithms to preventdisease progression is promising, it remains a vision andrequires continuing preclinical, translational, and clinicalresearch. Another major area in which molecular imaginghas already been clinically successful is the monitoring oftherapy. Characterization of novel approaches, selection ofthe most useful candidates, guidance of therapeutic deci-sion making, and monitoring of the effects of therapy haveall been accomplished in human studies.

Ideally, the characterization of a molecular diseasemechanism by imaging is directly translated into a ther-apeutic strategy aiming at correction of the molecularabnormality. A practical example is the alteration ofmyocardial substrate use in heart failure. Metabolic imag-ing has suggested that a substrate switch from glucose tofatty acids contributes to impaired efficiency and promotesheart failure development (16). More recently, similarmetabolic imaging techniques have demonstrated thebeneficial effects of a metabolic modulator, trimetazidine.The agent improved ejection fraction and reversed meta-bolic impairments by lowering fatty acid use (17).

Heart failure has also emerged as a primary target forsympathetic neuronal imaging. Global downregulation ofmyocardial catecholamine uptake predicts deteriorationbecause it seems to be involved in a vicious circle wherebyimpaired function leads to a hyperadrenergic state, which in

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FIGURE 3. Schematic display of molecular imaging targets close to entering broader clinical application. (*) and (§) indicatedifferent target molecules for cell death tracers: histones for glucarate (§) and myosin for antimyosin (*). ACE 5 angiotensin-converting enzyme; AR 5 adrenoceptor; ATR 5 angiotensin receptor; FBL 5 fluorobenzoyl-lisinopril; HMPAO 5

hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime; MMP 5 matrix metalloproteinase; MQNB 5 methylquinuclidinyl benzilate; MR 5 muscarinicreceptor; PS 5 phosphatidylserine.



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turn leads to further impairment of function (10,11). Also,importantly, after myocardial infarction there seems to be apoorly innervated border zone of viable myocardium thatresults in electrophysiologic abnormalities and may be asubstrate for life-threatening arrhythmia (18,19). Thisregional pattern could be used to better guide therapydirected at prevention of sudden cardiac death in the future.

Finally, some novel molecular and cellular interventionshave been moving rapidly from preclinical to clinical settingsand encountered difficulties in reproducing the successobserved in animals when applied in the human setting.These difficulties have triggered the development of specificmolecular imaging techniques to further elucidate themechanisms and efficacy of these therapies. Key examplesare cardiac gene therapy, for which reporter gene imagingmethodology has been introduced (3,5,20), and cardiac stemcell therapy, for which multiple techniques for cell labeling totrack their retention and engraftment have been introduced(6,21,22). Thus, although the specificity of novel cardiovas-cular therapies is continuously increasing, it is becomingincreasingly obvious that a therapy targeting tissue-specificbiologic pathways will also benefit from more specificdiagnostic tests that allow for visualization of these pathways.


Thus, there are significant opportunities and promises formolecular imaging in the practice of cardiovascular medi-cine. Although clinical application is currently limitedmostly to imaging of metabolism and innervation, the chal-lenge of translating preclinical compounds into the clinicalarena must be overcome in order to broaden the clinicalcardiovascular molecular imaging toolbox. This move intothe clinic requires further research, facilitation of regulatorysteps, and recruitment of funding. Importantly, the specificityof molecule-targeted approaches may limit their clinicalapplication to specific situations and may narrow scientificand commercial interest in a new approach. It is thereforeimportant to emphasize that many molecular mechanismsrelevant to cardiac disease are also relevant to vasculardisease and tumor biology, thus increasing the applicabilityof a targeted compound. Ultimately, the further translation,broadening application, and clinical success of cardiovascu-lar molecular imaging will require a sustained, concertedeffort by basic scientists, imagers, clinical cardiologists,professional societies, and industry.


Molecular imaging has great potential to contribute toclinical cardiovascular medicine by improving the under-standing of disease processes and therapeutic mecha-nisms. It is hoped that this potential will result in

algorithms for earlier disease detection and in improvedtherapeutic decision making. Metabolic imaging tech-niques already play a clinical role, and imaging of theautonomic nervous system is about to reach clinicalacceptance. Finally, there is a plethora of other innovativetracers directed against molecular targets that are highlyrelevant to cardiovascular medicine. Translational progress istherefore highly relevant to broadening the clinical role.


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