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MappingClimate Change

DebateTommaso Venturini

[email protected]

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The failure of COP15in Copenhagen kidsnewsnetwork.wordpress.c


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Wicked problems cannot be solved by simplification



Kyoto Protocol, 1997

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From climate to climates(climate is a wicked problem)

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2+1 meta-debates

In science (IPCC) In negotiations (UNFCC)

In policies

MitigationHow much should GHG emissions be reduced? and when?

How should the effort be shared? And how should it be enforced?

Which sanctions/incentives should be deployed?

AdaptionWho is more vulnerable to climate change impacts?

Who should pay for adaptation? how much? through which channels?

At what level should adaptation be handled, local/national/regional?

Loss & DamageCan climate change be linked to specific weather events?

Should L&D have a special negotiation mechanism?

What is the nature of L&D (compensation VS insurance)?

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Mitigation/adaptionin negotiations!/narrative/mitigation-and-adaptation-in-the-unfccc-debates

Venturini, T., Baya-laffite, N., Cointet, J., Gray, I., Zabban, V., & Pryck, K. De. (2014).Three Maps and Three Misunderstandings : A Digital Mapping of Climate Diplomacy.Big Data and Society, 1(1).

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A first set of disagreements concerns our images of the future:- how bad will be climate change;- how fast will it unfold;- where and who will it strike first.

Climate adaptationis delayed

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A second set of disagreements concerns the priorities of adaptation:- which regions will be more vulnerable - which sectors will be more affected;- which arrangements will make our societies more flexible or resistant.

Climate adaptationis dispersed

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Climate adaptationis diffused

A third set of disagreements concerns the boundaries of adaptation:- how will global warming will interfere with natural and social equilibria;- whether adaptation generates additional actions or merely re-labelling;- whether previous problems and opportunities are taken into account.

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Climate adaptationis opportunistic

A fourth set of disagreements concerns therefore the wealth of adaptation:- who will provide resources for adaptation and who will use them;- through which channels will these resources flow;- who will decide how to employ them and who will assess the results.

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6 debates arenas

Expert debate Public debate

UNFCCC negotiationsCrucial arenas for political decisions, these negotiations constitutes the core of the climate debate

The PressInterface between diplomatic and scientific discussions and public opinion

Scientific literatureInforms negotiations particularly through IPCC assessments

Online platformsThe most formalized and real-time part of online discussions, but also the closest

Projects & plansWhere the discussions are actualized and meet with the other collective issues

The WebThe most chaotic and heterogeneous datasets, but also the most spontaneous expressions

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UNFCCC negotiationsENB reports

UNFCCC negotiation

Scientific literatureScopus

ISI Web of Science

Google Scholar


Projects & plansUNDP adaptation learning


UNFCCC Private Sector

The PressFactiva



Press Agencies

Online platformsTwitter



Pinterest ex.

The Web

6 debates arenas

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Or climaps.eu!/map/what-is-an-adaptation-project-i

Venturini, T. et al. 2014Climaps by EMAPS in 2 Pages (A Summary For Policymakers and Busy People in General). SSRNDecember 2, 2014.

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A classic workflow

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But things got slightly more complicated

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Sprints (Paris)

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Sprints (Oxford)

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Sprints (Milan)

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Venturini, T. et al. 2014Climaps by EMAPS in 2 Pages (A Summary For Policymakers and Busy People in General). SSRNDecember 2, 2014.

Venturini, T., Ricci, D., Mauri, M., Kimbell, L., & Meunier, A. (2015).Designing Controversies and their Publics.Design Issues, 31(3).

Venturini, T., Baya-laffite, N., Cointet, J., Gray, I., Zabban, V., & Pryck, K. De. (2014).Three Maps and Three Misunderstandings : A Digital Mapping of Climate Diplomacy.Big Data and Society, 1(1).

Venturini, T. (2010)Diving in Magma: how to explore controversies with actor-network theory.Public Understanding of Science, 19(3), pp. 258-273

Venturini, T. (2012)Building on Faults: how to represent controversies with digital methods.Public Understanding of Science, 21(7), pp. 796-812
