  • 1. Assertive Discipline Chapters 1-8 Brian Powchak

2. 77% of teachers admit that their teaching would be more effective if they did not have to spend so much time dealing with disruptive students! Reality? Lack of respect for teachers Changing classroom demographics Ineffective teacher training Jones & Jones- creating classroom environments in which all students feel safe and valued. 3. Strong Teacher Voice High Expectations Effective Classroom Discipline Plan Policies and Procedures TAUGHT Ability to Motivate kids Ability to Build Trusting Relationships Ability to Gain Support from Parents & Admin. You CAN BE AN EFFECTIVE MANAGER! 4. Triangle of classroom discipline procedures PBIS-a culmination of research on effective classroom management practices Reteaching behavior expectations Unless the factors of creating personal connections between peers and students and staff and implementing meaningful, engaging academic tasks are addressed, the popularized behavioral approaches to changing student behavior will be inadequate as interventions to create safe, productive learning environments. (Jones, pg. 18) 5. Defined: Assertively communicate through words and actions that they are in charge of the classroom in a fair and consistent manner. Decisive, Confident, firm, Caring Not Controlling, aggressive, demeaning 6. Tips and Techniques Not speaking over student talking Recognizing appropriate behavior Correction and Redirection html 7. Expect compliance from 100% of students Follow Through! If you Expect 100% compliance you have a responsibility to ensure that 100% of your directions are meaningful. Behavior, race, socioeconomics, culture. 8. Lets talk about the example of Adrian on page 17. Sweat the Small Stuff Never Back Down Best Classroom managers will facilitate change by changing themselves 9. Natural Authority vs. Role-Bound Authority As far back as Holt (1970s) defined goal as Natural authority Positive student response to natural authority Confrontation and withdrawal response to role-bound or Arbitrary authority Do you see discipline as the power to control behavior or the opportunity to teach students pro social behaviors? 10. Pelligrino(2010) legal/rational authority, based on teachers competence and the logical view of working within a reasonable, ordered environment, is the only sustainable type of authority for teachers. Brophy (1996): Classroom management as the proactive development of a safe, supportive, engaging classroom environment, whereas less successful teachers view classroom management as maintaining teacher authority and implementing discipline methods. 11. Classroom discipline Plan PBIS 3 Parts to your plan Rules Supportive feedback Corrective Action 12. Consistency: When done correctly, the single most important feature of classroom management Developing your RULES Positive Proactive Observable 13. Verbal Recognition Positive Referral Rewards & Awards Privileges Group Contingency 14. Response to problem behavior Best if natural consequence can be applied Used to show students you CARE too much to let them fail. Coercion vs. Correction Think in terms of teaching replacement behavior Make a mistake in math =? Make a mistake in behavior=? 15. Importance of Your Classroom Behavior Plan Possible Actions include: Time Out/Take 5 Time after class Think Sheet/Behavior Reflection Loss of Privilege Recess/lunch detention Time out in another classroom Parent Contact 16. Severe Clause Clean slate Keeping track of System Simplicity Data tracking 17. Critical Question we must continually ask ourselves: What are my long-term goals for my students? How do I want their lives to have been impacted by the time they spent with me? If not you then who? If not now then when? 18. 1. behavior is a response to students not having their basic needs met within the environment in which the misbehavior occurs. 2. Unproductive behavior = a skill deficit 3. Social-Cognitive skill deficit model: students need to be taught social and work skills in the same manner that they are taught reading or math skills. 19. Behavior is attempting to meet a need. Needs such as attention, power/control, escape, fun, self- regulation. 20. Brendtro 1990 Coopersmith 1967 Kohn 1993 Glasser 1990 Kids opinion By Topper 94 Belonging Significance Collaboration Love Friendship Mastery Competence Content Fun Fun & challenge Independence Power Choice Power/freedom choice Generosity Virtue Survival Master skill to pursue dreams Physical well- being Status/reputation Unconditional love Chance to make a difference for another 21. Importance of Day 1 Expectations Setting the tone PBIS Page 42-4 of Assertive Discipline 22. Teaching policies and procedures on Day 1 Easiest to hardest Elementary Curriculum Secondary Curriculum
