Page 1: Classic Pendant‚¯ラシック...1 RhinoGold Tutorial Series Arc: Start, End, Point On Arc First select the tool Arc: Start, End, Point Arc in the submenu of the Arc tool under the

1 RhinoGold Tutorial Series

Arc: Start, End, Point On Arc

First select the tool Arc: Start, End, Point Arc in the

submenu of the Arc tool under the Drawing tab to

trace an arc of 15mm.

1 Symmetry Horizontal

Then select the arc and apply the Horizontal

Symmetry tool in the submenu of the Mirror tool.


Auto Connect

Now to join the two symmetrical arcs with the Auto

Connection tool, located on the Drawing tab.

3 Offset

Now with arcs attached we will select the Offset

tool to apply a 2.5 mm internal offset, as shown in

the picture above.


Classic Pendant

In this tutorial we will try out some of the most useful com-

mands in RhinoGold. Powerful tools as Extrude, Gems by

Curve, Cutters and Findings.

Page 2: Classic Pendant‚¯ラシック...1 RhinoGold Tutorial Series Arc: Start, End, Point On Arc First select the tool Arc: Start, End, Point Arc in the submenu of the Arc tool under the

2 RhinoGold Tutorial Series


Then apply an extrusion with 2mm to all curves, with

the Extrude tool in the Modelling tab.

5 Offset / Move

Now create an inner offset with the Offset tool, as

performed previously and move up 2mm.


Gems by Curve

In this step we will apply Gems along the curve ma-

de in the previous step, with the Gems by Curve

tool under the Gems tab.

7 Dynamic Prong

Then we will apply the prongs using the Dynamic

Prong tool, located on the Jewellery tab, we will

place the prongs as in the picture and respecting the

same parameters.



In the same tab Jewellery, with Cutter tool to define

the cutters on the gems.

9 Dynamic Polar Array

Now we will have a Dynamic Polar Array at the pie-

ce, with a matrix of 4 copies and 360 º.


Page 3: Classic Pendant‚¯ラシック...1 RhinoGold Tutorial Series Arc: Start, End, Point On Arc First select the tool Arc: Start, End, Point Arc in the submenu of the Arc tool under the

3 RhinoGold Tutorial Series


Then with the Tube tool from the Cylinder submenu,

we will define a solid 20mm in diameter, as shown in

the picture.

11 Boolean Union

Now apply a Boolean Union between the tube and

the four solid created earlier.


Boolean Difference

In this step we will apply a Boolean Difference to

cutters subtracting solid surface.

13 Boolean Union

Then we will join the prongs with the solid with a

Boolean Union.



Finally define a default finding from the Library, in

the jewellery tab.

