  • 7/23/2019 Clarke_W. H. Lowther_The Life of St. Macrina_1916


    regory of Nyssa, Life of St. Macrina (1916) pp. 1-16; Introduction

    ar!y "#urc# "!assics.

    S$. % &%' &


    $* LI & S$. M"%IN


    . . L&$*% "L%, +..

    &%M%L' LL& & /S0S "&LLG, "M+%IG


    S&"I$' &% %&M&$ING "*%IS$IN N&LG

    L&N&N2 63, *'M%$, S,.

    S$. % &%' & N'SS


    I. $* LI & % &%' & N'SS

    %%S to 4#o5 t#e su7ect is unfa5i!iar, s#ou!d e 8uite c!ear in t#eir 5inds

    fro5 t#e outset as to t#e distinction et4een t#e t#ree Gregories 4#o p!ayed an

    i5portant part in t#e "#urc# #istory of sia Minor.

    (1) Gregory $#au5aturgus (i. e. or:er of onders).1

    *e 4as orn of #eat#en parents at Neo-"aesarea in ontus ; #aing gone to a!estine

    for #is education, #e ca5e under t#e inf!uence of &rigen, t#en !iing at "aesarea,

    and 4as conerted to "#ristianity. *e eca5e is#op of #is natie city in , and

    carried out t#e 4or: of eange!ising t#e district 5ost t#oroug#!y. +asi!, rot#er

    of Gregory of ?6Nyssa, 4as roug#t up on t#e fa5i!y estate at nnesi, near Neo-

    "aesarea, y #is grand5ot#er Macrina, 4#o used to repeat to #i5 t#e ery 4ords used

    y Gregory $#au5aturgus.

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    of NaAianAus, 4#o during t#eir stay at t#eir 5onastery in ontus co5pi!ed t#e

    1#i!oca!ia, or co!!ection of c#oice passages fro5 &rigen.

    ( #e forced #is friend to

    accept t#e see of Sasi5a, a dusty i!!age 4#ere t#e post c#anged #orses. In BC9 #e

    4ent to "onstantinop!e as ort#odoD is#op; #is ser5ons preac#ed t#ere #ae eco5e

    fa5ous. *e died aout B9>. ?C

    (B) Gregory of Nyssa 4as t#e younger rot#er of +asi! and aut#or of t#e present

    oo:. rief s:etc# of #is !ife 5ust no4 e gien.

    *e ca5e of a race of !anded proprietors, 4#o #ad estates in "appadocia and ontus

    and #ad 4on #onoura!e distinction y t#eir steadfast deotion to t#e fait# under

    persecution. *is parents, +asi! and 55e!ia, #ad ten c#i!dren, of 4#o5 four sons

    and fie daug#ters suried infancy. $#e e!dest c#i!d, Macrina, is t#e su7ect of

    t#is iograp#y; t#e ot#er four daug#ters a!! 5ade satisfactory 5arriages. St. +asi!

    t#e Great 4as t#e e!dest son. NeDt to #i5 ca5e Naucratius, 4#o 4as :i!!ed on a

    #unting eDpedition in ontus. Gregory and eter, t#e t4o youngest sons, eca5e

    is#ops eentua!!y of Nyssa and Seaste. It 4ou!d e difficu!t to find in t#e 4#o!e

    of "#urc# #istory a fa5i!y so unifor5!y ri!!iant.

    Gregory 4as orn aout BBE, proa!y at "aesarea. pparent!y #e s#o4ed no specia!

    pro5ise as a oy, nor did #e s#are +asi!@s educationa! adantages. See p. E1 of ?3

    t#is oo:, 4#ere Macrina, spea:ing of #is fa5e, says2 'ou t#at #ae !itt!e or no

    e8uip5ent 4it#in yourse!f for suc# success. *is first serious re!igious

    i5pressions see5 to #ae dated fro5 a serice at t#e c#ape! of t#e orty Martyrs.

    s #e s!ept in an arour near t#e c#ape! #e drea5ed t#at t#e 5artyrs eat #i5 4it#

    rods. #en #e a4o:e, #e 4as fi!!ed 4it# re5orse, and soon after4ards eca5e a

    %eader. +ut present!y, 5uc# to t#e disgust of Gregory of NaAianAus, #e deserted #is

    post in order to eco5e a professor of r#etoric.B

    out t#is ti5e #e 5arried a !ady na5ed $#eoseeia, if t#is is t#e trueinterpretation of so5e difficu!t passages. +ut #is gro4ing seriousness, and t#e

    eDa5p!e of #is rot#ers and sister, !ed #i5 efore !ong to espouse t#e ascetic !ife

    and eco5e a 5e5er of t#e 5onastery in ontus, 4#ere #e spent so5e 8uiet and

    studious years. Indeed, #e 4as y nature far etter fitted to e a student t#an a

    5an of affairs. stri:ing eDa5p!e of t#e ?9si5p!icity of #is c#aracter is

    afforded y t#e 5et#ods #e adopted in order to #ea! a 8uarre! et4een #is rot#er

    +asi! and t#eir unc!e Gregory. *e actua!!y forged a !etter purporting to co5e fro5

    t#e !atter and as:ing for a reconci!iation. In +asi!@s E3t# pist!e 5ay e read t#e

    crus#ing reu:e ad5inistered y t#e e!der rot#er.
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    In BC> +asi! #ad eco5e is#op and 5etropo!itan of "aesarea. *e found t#e post one

    of great difficu!ty, especia!!y in ie4 of t#e opposition of so5e of #is

    suffragans. In BC


    $#e asence of a good teDt is a serious dra4ac: in a t#eo!ogica! treatise 4#ere5uc# depends on niceties of !anguage, ut in t#e present case t#e narratie is so

    straig#tfor4ard t#at no specia! inconenience arises. it# ery fe4 eDceptions

    t#ere is !itt!e 5argin for dout as to t#e 5eaning of t#e Gree:. $o reproduce it

    satisfactori!y in ng!is# is anot#er 5atter. In t#e opening pages of #is !etter

    Gregory indu!ges #is 4e!!-:no4n r#etorica! tendency so free!y t#at it is difficu!t

    to find suita!e e8uia!ents in ng!is# for a!! t#e synony5s 4#ic# #e e5p!oys.

    ccording!y in a fe4 p!aces a synony5 t#at adds not#ing to t#e sense #as een

    o5itted in t#e present trans!ation. &ccasiona!!y a sentence #as een ?1

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    +ut 4#en Gregory gets to grips 4it# #is su7ect and descries #is arria! at t#e

    5onastery, t#e narratie eco5es so c!ear and straig#tfor4ard as to present no

    difficu!ties to t#e trans!ator. !itera! ersion of t#e art!ess and eautifu! ta!e

    is a!! t#at is needed. $#at Gregory@s sty!e s#ou!d undergo so re5ar:a!e a

    transfor5ation at t#is point is a conincing proof t#at #e is giing a true accountof actua! facts, 4ritten do4n s#ort!y after t#eir occurrence.

    It is surprising t#at a story of anti8uity, so c#ar5ing!y to!d and fu!! of #u5an

    interest, s#ou!d #ae attracted so !itt!e attention. *it#erto it #as not een

    accessi!e to any ut sc#o!ars. $#e Latin ersion in Migne is a usefu! guide to t#e

    5eaning of t#e Gree:, ut cannot e re!ied on, as in p!aces it is 5ere!y a

    parap#rase. *ad t#e story een 4ritten in t#e Gree: of t#e fourt# century +.".

    instead of t#at of t#e fourt# century .., it 4ou!d proa!y #ae een one of t#e

    4or!d@s c!assics. ?1B

    No atte5pt #as een 5ade to rea: up t#e 5atter into nu5ered sections; t#is 4i!!

    e t#e tas: of a future critica! editor. +ut t#e pages of Migne arc gien in t#e

    5argin, and a nu5er of paragrap# #eadings proided for t#e conenience of t#e


    III. $* M&NS$%IS & &N$0S

    $#e 5ot#er-!and of 5onasticis5 4as gypt. $#e 5oe5ent t#ere assu5ed t4o 5ain

    for5s, t#e ere5itic and t#e coenoitic.

    St. ntony (c. -c. BE>) 4as t#e pioneer of t#e for5er, t#e deotees of 4#ic# !ed

    so!itary !ies in t#eir ce!!s, eit#er 8uite independent!y, or grouped around so5e

    centra! c#urc#, as at Nitria or Scete. In so5e cases t#ere 4as a considera!e

    a5ount of organisation, ut t#e so!itary or ere5itic !ife !ied in co55on 4as

    a!4ays 8uite different fro5 t#e true co55on !ife.

    ac#o5ius (c. -B=6) 4as t#e originator of ccenoitis5, 4#ic# 4as first put into

    practice at #is 5onastery of $aennisi.

    In BEC-3 +asi! isited gypt and returned ?1=#o5e, reso!ed to initiate t#e

    ac#o5ian 5ode of !ife in #is o4n country. ustat#ius of Seaste 4as a!ready

    4or:ing on t#e sa5e !ines, and t#e unorganised ascetic !ife in t#e 4or!d, to 4#ic#

    Gregory of NaAianAus refers in #is 4or:s, #ad paed t#e 4ay for 5onasticis5 proper.

    +asi! ca!!ed #is friend Gregory to fu!fi! a pro5ise 5ade in student days at t#ens

    and 7oin #i5 in t#e ascetic !ife. $#is Gregory eentua!!y did, t#oug# #e 4as una!e

    at first to pay 5ore t#an a rief isit. +asi! c#ose for #is eDperi5ent a spot of

    5uc# natura! eauty on t#e an:s of t#e Iris. t nnesi, on t#e opposite side of

    t#e rier, #is 5ot#er 55e!ia and sister Macrina 4ere !iing on t#e fa5i!y estate.

    +asi! put #i5se!f at t#e #ead of a co55unity of 5en !i:e5inded 4it# #i5se!f, 4#i!e

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    Macrina, as descried in t#e present oo:, egan to organise a 5onastery on #er

    side of t#e rier. +asi! too: ac#o5ius@ coenoiu5 at $aennisi for #is 5ode!, 4it#

    certain 5odifications suggested y #is o4n origina! and practica! 5ind.

    In t#e Life of St. Macrina 4e find a dou!e ?1E5onastery, t#e 5en presided oer yeter, t#e 4o5en y Macrina. $#is see5s to #ae een a natura! dee!op5ent of t#e

    ear!ier ascetic fa5i!y !ife to 4#ic# Macrina #ad dra4n #er 5ot#er after t#e deat#

    of Naucratius. e do not :no4 to 4#at eDtent it confor5ed to t#e regu!ations for

    dou!e 5onasteries prescried y +asi! in #is %u!es. It is not c!ear 4#et#er

    +asi!@s 5onastery on t#e far side of t#e Iris 4as sti!! eDisting 4#en Gregory

    isited Macrina. It 5ay e sur5ised t#at, 4#en +asi! eca5e is#op of "aesarea and

    eter reac#ed 5an@s estate, t#e ret#ren 4ere transferred to t#e opposite an: and

    ca5e under t#e 7oint ru!e of Macrina and eter.

    $#e su7ect of t#e +asi!ian coenoia and t#eir p!ace in t#e #istory of 5onasticis5

    #as een 4or:ed out in t4o recent 5onograp#s, St. +asi! and #is %u!e (&Dford,


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    =. 1or so5e re5ar:s on t#e teDt of Gregory, see t#e introduction to Sra4!ey, $#e

    "atec#etica! &ration of Gregory of Nyssa ("a5ridge, 19>B).

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    regory of Nyssa, Life of St. Macrina (1916) pp. 1C-C9 ; ng!is# $rans!ation

    H$& $* M&N &L'MI0S H96>


    $* for5 of t#is o!u5e, if one 5ay 7udge fro5 its #eading, is apparent!y

    episto!ary, ut its u!: eDceeds t#at of a !etter, eDtending as it does to t#e

    !engt# of a oo:. My apo!ogy 5ust e t#at t#e su7ect on 4#ic# you ade 5e 4rite is

    greater t#an can e co5pressed 4it#in t#e !i5its of a !etter.

    I a5 sure you do not forget our 5eeting, 4#en, on 5y 4ay to /erusa!e5 in pursuance

    of a o4, in order to sec t#e re!ics of t#e Lord@s so7ourning in t#e f!es# on t#e

    actua! spots,1I ran across you in t#e city of ntioc#; and you 5ust re5e5er a!!

    t#e different ta!:s 4e en7oyed, for it 4as not !i:e!y t#at our 5eeting 4ou!d e a

    si!ent one, 4#en your 4it proided so 5any su7ects for conersation. s often

    #appens at suc# ti5es, t#e ?13H96>+ ta!: f!o4ed on unti! 4e ca5e to discuss t#e

    !ife of so5e fa5ous person. In t#is case it 4as a 4o5an 4#o proided us 4it# our

    su7ect; if indeed s#e s#ou!d e sty!ed 4o5an, for I do not :no4 4#et#er it is

    fitting to designate #er y #er seD, 4#o so surpassed #er seD. &ur account of #er

    4as not ased on t#e narratie of ot#ers, ut our ta!: 4as an accurate descriptionof 4#at 4e #ad !earned y persona! eDperience, nor did it need to e aut#enticated

    y strangers. Nor een 4as t#e irgin referred to un:no4n to our fa5i!y circ!e, to

    5a:e it necessary to !earn t#e 4onders of #er !ife t#roug# ot#ers, ut s#e ca5e

    fro5 t#e sa5e parents as ourse!es, eing, so to spea:, an offering of first-

    fruits, since s#e 4as t#e ear!iest orn of 5y 5ot#er@s 4o5. s t#en you #ae

    decided t#at t#e story of #er no!e career is 4ort# te!!ing, to preent suc# a !ife

    eing un:no4n to our ti5e, and t#e record of a 4o5an 4#o raised H96>" #erse!f y


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    M"%IN@S %N$S

    $#e irgin@s na5e 4as Macrina; s#e 4as so ca!!ed y #er parents after a fa5ous

    Macrina so5e ti5e efore in t#e fa5i!y, our fat#er@s 5ot#er, 4#o #ad confessed

    "#rist H96

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    4ere inco5pre#ensi!e to young c#i!dren 4ere t#e su7ect of t#e gir!@s studies; in

    particu!ar t#e isdo5 of So!o5on, and t#ose parts of it especia!!y 4#ic# #ae an

    et#ica! earing. Nor 4as s#e ignorant of any part of t#e sa!ter, ut at stated

    ti5es s#e recited eery part of it. #en s#e rose fro5 ed, or engaged in #ouse#o!d

    duties, or rested, H96= or partoo: of food, or retired fro5 ta!e, 4#en ?

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    t#e #ope of t#e resurrection, to e asent on!y, not dead; it 4as 4rong not to :eep

    fait# 4it# t#e ridegroo5 4#o 4as a4ay.

    M"%IN %S&LFS NF% $& LF *% M&$*%

    it# suc# 4ords repe!!ing t#ose 4#o tried to ta!: #er oer, s#e sett!ed on one

    safeguard of #er good reso!ution, in a reso!e not to e separated fro5 #er 5ot#er

    een for a 5o5ent ?

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    #ae 4on reno4n for t#eir irtue, 4ou!d H966 need a !ong description and 5uc#

    ti5e. +ut I 5ust diert 5y ta!e to its appointed tas:.

    No4 t#at a!! t#e distractions of t#e 5ateria! !ife #ad een re5oed, Macrina

    persuaded #er 5ot#er to gie up #er ordinary !ife and a!! s#o4y sty!e of !iing andt#e serices of do5estics to 4#ic# s#e #ad een accusto5ed efore, and ring #er

    point of ie4 do4n to t#at of t#e 5asses, and to s#are t#e !ife of t#e 5aids,

    treating a!! #er s!ae gir!s and 5enia!s ?

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    In t#is 5anner #e co5p!eted t#e fift# year of #is !ife as a p#i!osop#er, y 4#ic#

    #e 5ade #is 5ot#er #appy, ot# y t#e 4ay in 4#ic# #e adorned #is o4n !ife y

    continence, and y t#e deotion of a!! #is po4ers to do t#e 4i!! of #er t#at ore


    $* $%GI" $* & N0"%$I0S

    $#en t#ere fe!! on t#e 5ot#er a grieous and tragic aff!iction, contried, I t#in:,

    y t#e dersary, 4#ic# roug#t trou!e and 5ourning upon a!! t#e fa5i!y. or #e

    4as snatc#ed sudden!y a4ay fro5 !ife. No preious sic:ness #ad prepared t#e5 for

    t#e !o4, nor did any of t#e usua! and 4e!!-:no4n 5isc#ances ring deat# upon t#e

    young 5an. H963 *aing started out on one of t#e eDpeditions, ?B rationa! spirit, s#e ot# presered #erse!f fro5 co!!apse, and eco5ing t#e

    prop of #er 5ot#er@s 4ea:ness, raised #er up fro5 t#e ayss of grief, and y #er

    o4n steadfastness and i5perturai!ity taug#t #er 5ot#er@s sou! to e rae. In

    conse8uence, #er 5ot#er ?BB4as not oer4#e!5ed y t#e aff!iction, nor did s#e

    e#ae in any igno!e and 4o5anis# 4ay, so as to cry out at t#e ca!a5ity, or tear

    #er dress, or !a5ent oer t#e trou!e, or stri:e up funera! c#ants 4it# 5ournfu!

    5e!odies. &n t#e contrary s#e resisted t#e i5pu!ses of nature, and 8uieted #erse!f

    ot# y suc# ref!ections as occurred to #er spontaneous!y, and t#ose t#at 4ere

    app!ied y #er daug#ter to cure t#e i!!. or t#en 4as t#e noi!ity of Macrina@s

    sou! 5ost of a!! conspicuous; since H9C>+ natura! affection 4as 5a:ing #er suffer

    as 4e!!. or it 4as a rot#er, and a faourite rot#er, 4#o #ad een snatc#ed a4ayy suc# a 5anner of deat#. Neert#e!ess, con8uering nature, s#e so sustained #er

    5ot#er y #er argu5ents t#at s#e, too, rose superior to #er sorro4. +esides 4#ic#,

    t#e 5ora! e!eation a!4ays 5aintained y Macrina@s !ife gae #er 5ot#er t#e

    opportunity of re7oicing oer t#e !essings s#e en7oyed rat#er t#an grieing oer

    t#ose t#at 4ere 5issing. ?B=

    M&$*% N 0G*$% M 0%$*% %&G%SS IN $* S"$I" LI

    #en t#e cares of ringing up a fa5i!y and t#e anDieties of t#eir education and

    sett!ing in !ife #ad co5e to an end, and t#e property----a fre8uent cause of

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    4or!d!iness---- #ad een for t#e 5ost part diided a5ong t#e c#i!dren, t#en, as I

    said aoe, t#e !ife of t#e irgin eca5e #er 5ot#er@s guide and !ed #er on to t#is

    p#i!osop#ic and spiritua! H9C>" 5anner of !ife. nd 4eaning #er fro5 a!!

    accusto5ed !uDuries, Macrina dre4 #er on to adopt #er o4n standard of #u5i!ity. S#e

    induced #er to !ie on a footing of e8ua!ity 4it# t#e staff of 5aids, so as tos#are 4it# t#e5 in t#e sa5e food, t#e sa5e :ind of ed, and in a!! t#e necessaries

    of !ife, 4it#out any regard to differences of ran:. Suc# 4as t#e 5anner of t#eir

    !ife, so great t#e #eig#t of t#eir p#i!osop#y, and so #o!y t#eir conduct day and

    nig#t, as to 5a:e era! description inade8uate. or 7ust as sou!s freed fro5 t#e

    ody y deat# are saed fro5 t#e cares of t#is !ife, so 4as t#eir !ife far re5oed

    fro5 ?BEa!! eart#!y fo!!ies and ordered 4it# a ie4 of i5itating t#e ange!ic !ife.

    or no anger or H9C> 7ea!ousy, no #atred or pride, 4as osered in t#eir 5idst,

    nor anyt#ing e!se of t#is nature, since t#ey #ad cast a4ay a!! ain desires for

    #onour and g!ory, a!! anity, arrogance and t#e !i:e. "ontinence 4as t#eir !uDury,

    and oscurity t#eir g!ory. oerty, and t#e casting a4ay of a!! 5ateria!

    superf!uities !i:e dust fro5 t#eir odies, 4as t#eir 4ea!t#. In fact, of a!! t#e

    t#ings after 4#ic# 5en eager!y pursue in t#is !ife, t#ere 4ere none 4it# 4#ic# t#ey

    cou!d not easi!y dispense.ENot#ing 4as !eft ut t#e care of diine t#ings and t#e

    unceasing round of prayer and end!ess #y5nody, co-eDtensie 4it# ti5e itse!f,

    practised y nig#t and day. So t#at to t#e5 t#is 5eant 4or:, and 4or: so ca!!ed 4as

    rest. #at #u5an 4ords cou!d 5a:e you H9C

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    turn to ain t#ings. $#us #aing eco5e a!! t#ings to t#e !ad---- fat#er, teac#er,

    tutor, 5ot#er, gier of a!! good adice----s#e produced suc# resu!ts t#at efore

    t#e age of oy#ood #ad passed, 4#en #e 4as yet a strip!ing in t#e first !oo5 of

    tender yout#, #e aspired to t#e #ig# 5ar: of p#i!osop#y. nd, t#an:s to #is natura!

    endo45ents, #e 4as c!eer in eery art t#at ino!es #and-4or:, so t#at 4it#out anyguidance #e ac#ieed a co5p!ete!y accurate :no4!edge of eeryt#ing t#at ordinary

    peop!e !earn y ti5e and trou!e. Scorning to occupy H9C*e adanced eter to t#e sacred order of t#e priest#ood, consecrating

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    #i5 in person 4it# 5ystic cere5onia!. nd in t#is 4ay a furt#er adance in t#e

    direction of dignity H9C=" and sanctity 4as 5ade in t#eir !ife, no4 t#at

    p#i!osop#y 4as enric#ed y t#e priest#ood.

    ig#t years after t#is, t#e 4or!d-reno4ned +asi! departed fro5 5en to !ie 4it#God, to t#e co55on grief of #is natie !and and t#e 4#o!e 4or!d. No4 4#en Macrina

    #eard t#e ne4s of t#e ca!a5ity in #er distant retreat, s#e 4as distressed indeed in

    sou! at so great a !oss----for #o4 cou!d s#e not e distressed at a ca!a5ity, 4#ic#

    4as fe!t een y t#e ene5ies of t#e trut#J----ut 7ust as t#ey say t#at t#e testing

    of go!d ta:es p!ace in seera! furnaces, so t#at if any i5purity escapes t#e first

    furnace, it 5ay e separated in t#e second, and again in t#e !ast one a!! ad5iDture

    of dross 5ay e purged a4ay----conse8uent!y it is t#e 5ost accurate testing of pure

    go!d if #aing gone t#roug# eery furnace it s#o4s no refuse. So it #appened a!so

    in #er case. #en #er no!e c#aracter #ad een tested y t#ese different accessions

    of trou!e, in eery ?=1respect t#e 5eta! of #er sou! 4as proed to e

    unadu!terated and undefi!ed. $#e first test 4as t#e !oss of t#e one rot#er, t#e

    second t#e parting fro5 #er 5ot#er, t#e t#ird 4as 4#en t#e co55on g!ory of t#e

    fa5i!y, great +asi!, 4as re5oed fro5 #u5an !ife. So s#e re5ained, !i:e an

    ininci!e at#!ete in no 4ise ro:en y t#e assau!t of trou!es.

    G%G&%' %S&LFS $& FISI$ *IS SIS$%.

    It 4as t#e nint# 5ont# or a !itt!e !onger after t#is disaster, and a synod of

    is#ops 4as gat#ered at ntioc#, in 4#ic# 4e a!so too: part. nd 4#en 4e ro:e up,

    eac# to go #o5e efore t#e year 4as oer, t#en I, H9C6 Gregory, fe!t a desire to

    isit Macrina. or a !ong ti5e #ad e!apsed during 4#ic# isits 4ere preented y

    t#e distraction of t#e trou!es 4#ic# I under4ent, eing constant!y drien out fro5

    5y o4n country y t#e !eaders of #eresy. nd 4#en I ca5e to rec:on t#e interening

    ti5e during 4#ic# t#e trou!es #ad preented us 5eeting face ?=

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    great !ady. *e said s#e 4as ery i!!, and I 4as t#e 5ore eager to #urry on and

    co5p!ete t#e re5ainder ?=Bof t#e 7ourney, for a certain anDiety and pre5onitory

    fear of 4#at 4as coining sto!e H9C6" in and dis8uieted 5e.

    G%G&%' "&MS $& $* M&NS$%' N INS M"%IN &N *% $* +

    +ut 4#en I ca5e to t#e actua! p!ace, ru5our #ad a!ready announced 5y arria! to t#e

    rot#er#ood. $#en t#e 4#o!e co5pany of t#e 5en ca5e strea5ing out to 5eet us fro5

    t#eir apart5ents. or it 4as t#eir custo5 to #onour friends y 5eeting t#e5. +ut

    t#e and of irgins on t#e 4o5en@s side 5odest!y 4aited in t#e c#urc# for us to

    arrie. +ut 4#en t#e prayers and t#e !essing 4ere oer, and t#e 4o5en, after

    reerent!y inc!ining t#eir #ead for t#e !essing, retired to t#eir o4n apart5ents,

    none of t#e5 4ere !eft 4it# us. I guessed t#e eDp!anation, t#at t#e aess 4as not

    4it# t#e5. 5an !ed 5e to t#e #ouse in 4#ic# 4as 5y great sister, and H9C6

    opened t#e door. $#en I entered t#at #o!y d4e!!ing. I found #er a!ready terri!y

    aff!icted 4it# 4ea:ness. S#e 4as !ying not on a ed ?==or couc#, ut on t#e f!oor;

    a sac: #ad een spread on a oard, and anot#er oard propped up #er #ead, so

    contried as to act as a pi!!o4, supporting t#e sine4s of t#e nec: in s!anting

    fas#ion, and #o!ding up t#e nec: co5forta!y. No4 4#en s#e sa4 5e near t#e door s#e

    raised #erse!f on #er e!o4 ut cou!d not co5e to 5eet 5e, #er strengt# eing

    a!ready drained y feer. +ut y putting #er #ands on t#e f!oor and !eaning oer

    fro5 t#e pa!!et as far as s#e cou!d, s#e s#o4ed t#e respect H9C3 due to 5y ran:.

    I ran to #er and e5raced #er prostrate for5, and raising #er, again restored #er

    to #er usua! position. $#en s#e !ifted #er #and to God and said----

    $#is faour a!so $#ou #ast granted 5e, & God, and #ast not depried 5e of 5y

    desire, ecause $#ou #ast stirred up $#y serant to isit $#y #and5aid.

    Lest s#e s#ou!d eD 5y sou! s#e sti!!ed #er groans and 5ade great efforts to #ide,

    if possi!e, t#e difficu!ty of #er reat#ing. nd in eery 4ay s#e tried to e

    c#eerfu!, ot# ta:ing t#e !ead #erse!f in friend!y ta!:, and giing us an

    opportunity y as:ing ?=E8uestions. #en in t#e course of conersation 5ention 4as

    5ade of t#e great +asi!, 5y sou! 4as saddened and 5y face fe!! de7ected!y. +ut so

    far 4as s#e fro5 s#aring in 5y aff!iction H9C3+ t#at, treating t#e 5ention of t#esaint as an occasion for yet !oftier p#i!osop#y, s#e discussed arious su7ects,

    in8uiring into #u5an affairs and reea!ing in #er conersation t#e diine purpose

    concea!ed in disasters. +esides t#is, s#e discussed t#e future !ife,6as if

    inspired y t#e *o!y Spirit, so t#at it a!5ost see5ed as if 5y sou! 4ere !ifted y

    t#e #e!p of #er 4ords a4ay fro5 5orta! nature and p!aced 4it#in t#e #eaen!y

    sanctuary. nd 7ust as 4e !earn in t#e story of /o t#at t#e saint 4as tor5ented in

    eery part of #is ody 4it# disc#arges o4ing to t#e corruption of #is 4ounds, yet

    did not a!!o4 t#e pain H9C3" to affect #is reasoning po4er, ut in spite of t#e

    pains in t#e ody did not re!aD #is actiities nor interrupt t#e !ofty senti5ents

    of #is discourse----si5i!ar!y did I see in t#e case of t#is ?=6great 4o5an. eer
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    4as drying up #er strengt# and driing #er on to deat#, yet s#e refres#ed #er ody

    as it 4ere 4it# de4, and t#us :ept #er 5ind uni5peded in t#e conte5p!ation of

    #eaen!y t#ings, in no 4ay in7ured y #er terri!e 4ea:ness. nd if 5y narratie

    4ere not eDtending to an unconsciona!e !engt# I 4ou!d te!! eeryt#ing in order,

    #o4 s#e 4as up!ifted as s#e discoursed to us on t#e nature of t#e sou! andeDp!ained t#e reason of !ife in t#e f!es#, and 4#y 5an 4as 5ade, and #o4 #e 4as

    5orta!, and t#e origin of deat# and t#e nature of t#e 7ourney fro5 deat# to !ife

    again. In a!! of H9C3 4#ic# s#e to!d #er ta!e c!ear!y and consecutie!y as if

    inspired y t#e po4er of t#e *o!y Spirit, and t#e een f!o4 of #er !anguage 4as

    !i:e a fountain 4#ose 4ater strea5s do4n uninterrupted!y.

    S* SNS G%G&%' ' $& %S$ *IMSL

    #en our conersation 4as finis#ed, s#e said----

    It is ti5e, rot#er, for you to rest your ?=Cody a4#i!e, since it is 4earied

    4it# t#e great toi! of your 7ourney.

    nd t#oug# I found it a great and genuine rest to see #er and #ear #er no!e 4ords,

    yet since s#e 4anted it so 5uc#, t#at I 5ig#t in eery particu!ar see5 to oey 5y

    5istress, I found a pretty arour prepared for 5e in one of t#e neig#ouring

    gardens, and rested under t#e s#ade of t#e trai!ing ines. +ut it 4as i5possi!e to

    #ae any fee!ings of H93> en7oy5ent 4#en 5y sou! 4it#in 5e 4as constrained y

    g!oo5y anticipations, for t#e secret of t#e ision of 5y drea5 see5ed to e no4

    reea!ed to 5e y 4#at I #ad seen. or t#e i5age I #ad seen 4as indeed true---- t#e

    re!ics of a #o!y 5artyr 4#ic# #ad een dead in sin, ut no4 4ere resp!endent 4it#

    t#e ind4e!!ing po4er of t#e Spirit. I eDp!ained t#is to one of t#ose 4#o #ad #eard

    5e te!! t#e drea5 efore.

    e 4ere, as one 5ig#t guess, in a de7ected state, eDpecting sad tidings, 4#en

    Macrina, so5e#o4 or ot#er diining our condition of 5ind, sent to us a 5essenger

    4it# 5ore c#eerfu! ne4s, and ade us e of good c#eer ?=3and #ae etter #ope for

    #er, for s#e 4as fee!ing a c#ange for t#e etter. No4 t#is 4as not said to deceie,

    ut t#e 5essage 4as H93>+ actua!!y true, t#oug# 4e did not :no4 it at t#e ti5e.or in ery trut#, 7ust as a runner 4#o #as passed #is adersary and a!ready dra4n

    near to t#e end of t#e stadiu5, as #e approac#es t#e 7udge@s seat and sees t#e

    cro4n of ictory, re7oices in4ard!y as if #e #ad a!ready attained #is o7ect and

    announces #is ictory to #is sy5pat#isers a5ong t#e spectators----in suc# a fra5e

    of 5ind did s#e, too, te!! us to c#eris# etter #opes for #er, for s#e 4as a!ready

    !oo:ing to t#e priAe of #er #eaen!y ca!!ing, and a!! ut uttering t#e apost!e@s

    4ords2 *encefor4ard is !aid up for 5e t#e cro4n of rig#teousness, 4#ic# t#e

    rig#teous /udge s#a!! gie 5e, for I #ae foug#t t#e good fig#t, I #ae finis#ed

    t#e course, I #ae :ept t#e fait#.

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    ccording!y, fee!ing #appy at t#e good H93>" ne4s, 4e egan to en7oy t#e sig#ts

    t#at !ay efore us. or t#ey 4ere ery aried and t#e arrange5ents gae 5uc#

    p!easure, since ?=9t#e great !ady 4as carefu! een of t#ese trif!es.

    G%G&%' %$0%NS $& M"%IN, *& %"LLS $* FN$S & *% "*IL*&&

    +ut 4#en 4e sa4 #er again, for s#e did not a!!o4 us to spend ti5e y ourse!es in

    id!eness, s#e egan to reca!! #er past !ife, eginning 4it# c#i!d#ood, and

    descriing it a!! in order as in a #istory. S#e recounted as 5uc# as s#e cou!d

    re5e5er of t#e !ife of our parents, and t#e eents t#at too: p!ace ot# efore and

    after 5y irt#. +ut #er ai5 t#roug#out 4as gratitude to4ards God, for s#e descried

    our parents@ !ife not so 5uc# fro5 t#e point of ie4 of t#e reputation t#ey en7oyed

    in t#e eyes of conte5poraries on account of t#eir ric#es, as an eDa5p!e of t#e

    diine !essing. My fat#er@s parents #ad t#eir goods confiscated for confessing

    "#rist. &ur 5aterna! H93> grandfat#er 4as s!ain y t#e i5peria! 4rat#, and a!!

    #is possessions 4ere transferred to ot#er 5asters. Neert#e!ess t#eir !ife aounded

    so in fait# t#at no one 4as na5ed ?E>aoe t#e5 in t#ose ti5es. nd 5oreoer,

    after t#eir sustance #ad een diided into nine parts according to t#e nu5er of

    t#e c#i!dren, t#e s#are of eac# 4as so increased y God@s !essing, t#at t#e inco5e

    of eac# of t#e c#i!dren eDceeded t#e prosperity of t#e parents. +ut 4#en it ca5e to

    Macrina #erse!f s#e :ept not#ing of t#e t#ings assigned to #er in t#e e8ua!

    diision et4een rot#ers and sisters, ut a!! #er s#are 4as gien into t#e

    priest@s #ands according to t#e diine co55and. H93

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    o you fai! to recognise t#e cause of suc# great !essings, t#at it is your

    parents@ prayers t#at are !ifting you up on #ig#, you t#at #ae !itt!e or no

    e8uip5ent 4it#in yourse!f for suc# successJ ?E

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    turned to4ards t#e ast; and, ceasing to conerse 4it# us, s#e spo:e #encefor4ard

    to God in prayer, 5a:ing supp!ication 4it# #er #ands and 4#ispering 4it# a !o4

    oice, so t#at 4e cou!d ?EE7ust #ear 4#at 4as said. Suc# 4as t#e prayer; 4e need

    not dout t#at it reac#ed H93=" God and t#at s#e, too, 4as #earing *is oice.

    $#ou, & Lord, #ast freed us fro5 t#e fear of deat#. $#ou #ast 5ade t#e end of t#is

    !ife t#e eginning to us of true !ife. $#ou for a season restest our odies in

    s!eep and a4a:est t#e5 again at t#e !ast tru5p. $#ou giest our eart#, 4#ic# $#ou

    #ast fas#ioned 4it# $#y #ands, to t#e eart# to :eep in safety. &ne day $#ou 4i!t

    ta:e again 4#at $#ou #ast gien, transfiguring 4it# i55orta!ity and grace our

    5orta! and unsig#t!y re5ains. $#ou #ast saed us fro5 t#e curse and fro5 sin,

    #aing eco5e ot# for our sa:es. $#ou #ast ro:en t#e #eads of t#e dragon 4#o #ad

    seiAed us 4it# #is 7a4s, in t#e ya4ning gu!f of disoedience. $#ou #ast s#o4n us

    t#e 4ay of resurrection, #aing ro:en t#e gates of .#e!!, and roug#t to noug#t

    #i5 4#o #ad t#e po4er of deat#----t#e dei!. $#ou #ast gien a sign to t#ose t#at

    fear $#ee in t#e sy5o! of t#e *o!y "ross, H93= to destroy t#e adersary and sae

    our !ife. ?E6& God eterna!, to #o5 I #ae een attac#ed fro5 5y 5ot#er@s 4o5,

    #o5 5y sou! #as !oed 4it# a!! its strengt#, to #o5 I #ae dedicated ot# 5y

    f!es# and 5y sou! fro5 5y yout# up unti! no4----do $#ou gie 5e an ange! of !ig#t

    to conduct 5e to t#e p!ace of refres#5ent, 4#ere is t#e 4ater of rest, in t#e oso5

    of t#e #o!y at#ers. $#ou t#at didst rea: t#e f!a5ing s4ord and didst restore to

    aradise t#e 5an t#at 4as crucified 4it# $#ee and i5p!ored $#y 5ercies, re5e5er

    5e, too, in $#y :ingdo5; ecause I, too, 4as crucified 4it# $#ee, #aing nai!ed 5y

    f!es# to t#e cross for fear of $#ee, and of $#y 7udg5ents #ae I een afraid. Letnot t#e terri!e c#as5 separate 5e fro5 $#y e!ect. Nor !et H936 t#e S!anderer

    stand against 5e in t#e 4ay; nor !et 5y sin e found efore $#y eyes, if in

    anyt#ing I #ae sinned in 4ord or deed or t#oug#t, !ed astray y t#e 4ea:ness of

    our nature. & $#ou #o #ast po4er on eart# to forgie sins, forgie 5e, t#at I 5ay

    e refres#ed and 5ay e found efore $#ee 4#en I put off 5y ody, 4it#out

    defi!e5ent on 5y sou!. +ut 5ay 5y sou! e receied ?ECinto $#y #ands spot!ess and

    undefi!ed, as an offering efore $#ee.

    s s#e said t#ese 4ords s#e sea!ed #er eyes and 5out# and #eart 4it# t#e cross. nd

    gradua!!y #er tongue dried up 4it# t#e feer, s#e cou!d articu!ate #er 4ords no

    !onger, and #er oice died a4ay, and on!y y t#e tre5!ing of #er !ips and t#e

    5otion of #er #ands did 4e recognise t#at s#e 4as praying.

    Mean4#i!e eening #ad co5e and a !a5p H936+ 4as roug#t in. !! at once s#e opened

    t#e or of #er eyes and !oo:ed to4ards t#e !ig#t, c!ear!y 4anting to repeat t#e

    t#an:sgiing sung at t#e Lig#ting of t#e La5ps. +ut #er oice fai!ed and s#e

    fu!fi!!ed #er intention in t#e #eart and y 5oing #er #ands, 4#i!e #er !ips

    stirred in sy5pat#y 4it# #er in4ard desire. +ut 4#en s#e #ad finis#ed t#e

    t#an:sgiing, and #er #and roug#t to #er face to 5a:e t#e Sign #ad signified t#e

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    end of t#e prayer, s#e dre4 a great deep reat# and c!osed #er !ife and #er prayer

    toget#er. ?E3

    G%G&%' %&%MS $* LS$ &I"S

    nd no4 t#at s#e 4as reat#!ess and sti!!, re5e5ering t#e co55and t#at s#e #ad

    gien at our first 5eeting, te!!ing 5e s#e 4is#ed #er #ands !aid on #er eyes, and

    t#e accusto5ed H936" offices done for t#e ody y 5e, I roug#t #er #ands, a!!

    nu5 4it# t#e disease, on to #er #o!y face, on!y t#at I 5ig#t not see5 to neg!ect

    #er idding. or #er eyes needed none to co5pose t#e5, eing coered gracefu!!y y

    t#e !ids, 7ust as #appens in natura! s!eep; t#e !ips 4ere suita!y c!osed and t#e

    #ands !aid reerent!y on t#e reast, and t#e 4#o!e ody #ad auto5atica!!y fa!!en

    into t#e rig#t position, and in no 4ay needed t#e #e!p of t#e !ayers-out.

    $* SIS$%S@ LMN$ &% $*I% ++SS

    No4 5y 5ind 4as eco5ing unnered in t4o 4ays, fro5 t#e sig#t t#at 5et 5y gaAe, and

    t#e sad 4ai!ing of t#e irgins t#at sounded in 5y ears. So far t#ey #ad re5ained

    H936 8uiet and suppressed t#eir grief, restraining ?E9t#eir i5pu!se to 5ourn for

    fear of #er, as if t#ey dreaded #er reu:e een 4#en #er oice 4as si!ent, !est in

    any 4ay a sound s#ou!d rea: fort# fro5 t#e5 contrary to #er co55and and t#eir

    5istress e grieed in conse8uence. +ut 4#en t#ey cou!d no !onger sudue t#eir

    anguis# in si!ence, and grief !i:e so5e in4ard fire 4as s5ou!dering in t#eir

    #earts, a!! at once a itter and irrepressi!e cry ro:e out; so t#at 5y reason no

    !onger re5ained ca!5, ut a f!ood of e5otion, !i:e a 4atercourse in spate, s4ept it

    a4ay, and so, neg!ecting 5y duties, I gae 5yse!f up to !a5entation. Indeed, t#e

    cause for t#e 5aidens@ 4eeping see5ed to 5e 7ust and H933 reasona!e. or t#ey

    4ere not e4ai!ing t#e !oss of #u5an co5panions#ip and guidance, nor any ot#er suc#

    t#ing as 5en griee oer 4#en disaster co5es. +ut it see5ed as if t#ey #ad een

    torn a4ay fro5 t#eir #ope in God and t#e sa!ation of t#eir sou!s, and so t#ey

    cried and e4ai!ed in t#is 5anner----

    $#e !ig#t of our eyes #as gone out,

    $#e !ig#t t#at guided our sou!s #as een ta:en a4ay. ?6>$#e safety of our !ife is destroyed,

    $#e sea! of i55orta!ity is re5oed,

    $#e ond of restraint #as een ta:en a4ay,

    $#e support of t#e 4ea: #as een ro:en,

    $#e #ea!ing of t#e sic: re5oed.

    In t#y presence t#e nig#t eca5e to us as day,

    I!!u5ined 4it# pure !ife,

    +ut no4 een our day 4i!! e turned to g!oo5.

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    Saddest of a!! in t#eir grief 4ere t#ose 4#o H933+ ca!!ed on #er as 5ot#er and

    nurse. $#ese 4ere t#ey 4#o5 s#e pic:ed up, eDposed y t#e roadside in t#e ti5e of

    fa5ine. S#e #ad nursed and reared t#e5, and !ed t#e5 to t#e pure and stain!ess


    +ut 4#en, as it 4ere fro5 t#e s!eep, I recoered 5y t#oug#ts, I !oo:ed to4ards t#at

    #o!y face and it see5ed as if it reu:ed 5e for t#e confusion of t#e noisy

    5ourners. So I ca!!ed to t#e sisters 4it# a !oud oice----

    Loo: at #er, and re5e5er #er co55ands, y 4#ic# s#e trained you to e order!y and

    decent in eeryt#ing. &ne occasion for ?61tears did t#is diine sou! ordain for

    us, reco55ending us to 4eep at t#e ti5e of prayer. #ic# no4 4e 5ay do, y turning

    t#e !a5entations into psa!5ody in t#e sa5e strain.

    FS$IN "&MS $& *L G%G&%' H933"

    I #ad to s#out in order to e #eard aoe t#e noise of t#e 5ourners. $#en I

    esoug#t t#e5 to go a4ay for a4#i!e to t#e neig#ouring #ouse, ut as:ed t#at so5e

    of t#ose 4#ose serices s#e used to 4e!co5e 4#en s#e 4as a!ie s#ou!d stay e#ind.

    5ong t#ese 4as a !ady of gent!e irt#, 4#o #ad een fa5ous in yout# for 4ea!t#,

    good fa5i!y, p#ysica! eauty and eery ot#er distinction. S#e #ad 5arried a 5an of

    #ig# ran: and !ied 4it# #i5 a s#ort ti5e. $#en, 4it# #er ody sti!! young, s#e 4as

    re!eased fro5 5arriage, and c#ose t#e great Macrina as protector and guardian of

    #er 4ido4#ood, and spent #er ti5e 5ost!y 4it# t#e irgins, !earning fro5 t#e5 t#e

    !ife of irtue. ?6 4is#es in t#e 5atter of uria!

    eDact!y. #en I as:ed #er aout t#e5 (for s#e #appened to e present at our

    de!ierations), s#e said 4it# tears----

    $#e saint reso!ed t#at a pure !ife s#ou!d e #er adorn5ent, t#at t#is s#ou!d dec:

    #er ody in !ife and #er grae in deat#. +ut so far as c!ot#es to adorn t#e ody

    go, s#e procured none 4#en s#e 4as a!ie, nor did s#e ?6Bstore t#e5 for t#e

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    present purpose. So t#at not een if 4e 4ant it 4i!! t#ere e anyt#ing 5ore t#an

    4#at 4e #ae #ere, since no preparation is 5ade for t#is need.

    Is it not possi!e, said I, to find in t#e store-cupoard anyt#ing to 5a:e a

    fitting funera!J

    Store-cupoard indeedK said s#e; you #ae in front of you a!! #er treasure.

    $#ere is t#e c!oa:, t#ere is t#e #ead-coering, t#ere t#e 4e!!-4orn s#oes on t#e

    feet. $#is is a!! #er 4ea!t#, t#ese are #er ric#es. $#ere is not#ing stored a4ay in

    secret p!aces eyond 4#at you see, or put a4ay safe!y in oDes or edroo5. S#e :ne4

    of one store-#ouse H99>+ a!one for #er 4ea!t#, t#e treasure in #eaen. $#ere s#e

    #ad stored #er a!!, not#ing 4as !eft on eart#.

    Suppose, said I, I 4ere to ring so5e of t#e t#ings I #ae got ready for t#e

    funera!, s#ou!d I e doing anyt#ing of 4#ic# s#e 4ou!d not #ae approedJ

    I do not t#in:, said s#e, t#at t#is 4ou!d e against #er 4is#. or #ad s#e een

    !iing, s#e 4ou!d #ae accepted suc# #onour fro5 ?6=you on t4o grounds----your

    priest#ood 4#ic# s#e a!4ays priAed so dear, and your re!ations#ip, for s#e 4ou!d

    not #ae repudiated 4#at ca5e to #er fro5 #er rot#er. $#is 4as 4#y s#e gae

    co55ands t#at your #ands 4ere to prepare #er ody for uria!.

    $*' IN &N $* +&' MS & M"%IN@S SN"$I$'

    #en 4e #ad decided on t#is, and it 4as necessary for t#at sacred ody to e roed

    in !inen, 4e diided t#e 4or: and app!ied ourse!es to our different tas:s. I

    ordered one of 5y 5en to ring t#e roe. +ut Festiana H99>" aoe-5entioned 4as

    dec:ing t#at #o!y #ead 4it# #er o4n #ands, 4#en s#e put #er #and on t#e nec:.

    See, s#e said, !oo:ing at 5e, 4#at sort of an orna5ent #as #ung on t#e saint@s


    s s#e spo:e, s#e !oosened t#e fastener e#ind, t#en stretc#ed out #er #and and

    s#o4ed us t#e representation of a cross of iron and a ring of t#e sa5e 5ateria!,

    ot# of ?6E4#ic# 4ere fastened y a s!ender t#read and rested continua!!y on t#e


    Let us s#are t#e treasure, I said. 'ou #ae t#e p#y!actery of t#e cross, I

    4i!! e content 4it# in#eriting t#e ring ----for t#e cross #ad een traced on t#e

    sea! of t#is too. H99> Loo:ing at it, t#e !ady said to 5e again---- 'ou #ae

    5ade no 5ista:e in c#oosing t#is treasure; for t#e ring is #o!!o4 in t#e #oop, and

    in it #as een #idden a partic!e of t#e "ross of Life, 3and so t#e 5ar: on t#e sea!

    aoe s#o4s 4#at is #idden e!o4.
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    +ut 4#en it 4as ti5e t#at t#e pure ody s#ou!d e 4rapped in its roes, t#e co55and

    of t#e great departed one 5ade it necessary for 5e to underta:e t#e 5inistry; ut

    t#e sister 4#o s#ared 4it# 5e t#at great in#eritance 4as present and 7oined in t#e

    4or:. ?66

    o not !et t#e great 4onders acco5p!is#ed y t#e saint pass y unnoticed,s#e

    re5ar:ed, !aying are part of t#e reast.

    #at do you 5eanJ I said.


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    *er counse! preai!ed, and t#e roe 4as !aid upon t#e ody. +ut s#e 4as resp!endent


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    $#e 4#o!e t#ing rese5!ed a 5ystic procession, and fro5 eginning to end t#e oices

    !ended in singing psa!5s, t#at, for eDa5p!e, t#at co5es in t#e *y5n of t#e $#ree

    "#i!dren. ?C1

    Seen or eig#t stades interened et4een t#e %etreat and t#e aode of t#e *o!yMartyrs, in 4#ic# a!so t#e odies of our parents 4ere !aid. it# difficu!ty did 4e

    acco5p!is# t#e 7ourney in t#e est part of a day, for t#e cro4ds t#at ca5e 4it# us

    and t#ose t#at 4ere constant!y 7oining us did not a!!o4 our progress to e 4#at 4e


    %%IFL $ $* "*0%"*2 $* +0%IL. S%FI"

    +ut 4#en 4e got inside t#e c#urc# 4e !aid do4n t#e ed and turned first to prayer.

    +ut our prayer 4as t#e signa! for t#e peop!e@s !a5entations to start again. or

    4#en t#e oice of psa!5ody 4as sti!!, and t#e irgins gaAed on t#at #o!y face, and

    t#e grae of our parents 4as a!ready eing opened, in 4#ic# it #ad een decided

    t#at Macrina s#ou!d e H99= !aid, a 4o5an cried out i5pu!sie!y t#at after t#is

    #our 4e s#ou!d see t#at diine face no 5ore. $#en t#e rest of t#e irgins cried out

    t#e sa5e, and a disorder!y confusion distured t#e order!y and so!e5n c#anting ?C

  • 7/23/2019 Clarke_W. H. Lowther_The Life of St. Macrina_1916


    $* 0N%L &F%, G%G&%' %$0%NS *&M

    +ut 4#en 4e #ad co5p!eted a!! t#e accusto5ed funera! rites, and it eca5e necessary

    to return #o5e, I first t#re4 5yse!f on t#e grae and e5raced t#e dust, and t#en I

    started on 5y 4ay ac:, do4ncast and tearfu!, pondering oer t#e greatness of 5y!oss.

    &n 5y 4ay I 5et a distinguis#ed so!dier 4#o #ad a 5i!itary co55and in a !itt!e city

    of ontus na5ed Seastopo!is, and d4e!t H996" t#ere 4it# #is suordinates. *e 5et

    5e in friend!y fas#ion 4#en I reac#ed t#e to4n, ?C=and 4as great!y distured to

    #ear of t#e ca!a5ity, for #e 4as !in:ed to us y ties ot# of re!ations#ip and

    friends#ip. *e to!d 5e a story of a 5are!!ous episode in #er !ife, 4#ic# I s#a!!

    incorporate into 5y #istory and t#en c!ose 5y ta!e. #en 4e #ad ceased our tears

    and #ad entered into conersation, #e said to 5e----

    Learn 4#at 5anner of goodness #as een ta:en a4ay fro5 #u5an !ife.

    it# t#is pre!ude #e egan #is narratie.

    $* S&LI%@S S$&%'

    My 4ife and I once #ad an earnest desire to pay a isit to t#e sc#oo! of irtue.

    or so I t#in: t#e p!ace oug#t to e ca!!ed, in 4#ic# t#at !essed sou! #ad #er

    aode. No4 t#ere H996 !ied 4it# us a!so our !itt!e daug#ter, 4#o #ad een !eft

    4it# an aff!iction of t#e eye after an infectious i!!ness. nd #er appearance 4as

    #ideous and pitia!e, t#e 5e5rane round t#e eye eing en!arged and 4#itis# fro5

    t#e co5p!aint. +ut 4#en 4e ca5e inside t#at diine aode, 5y 4ife and I separated

    in our ?CEisit to t#ose see:ers after p#i!osop#y according to our seD. I 4ent to

    t#e 5en@s depart5ent, presided oer y eter, your rot#er; 4#i!e 5y 4ife 4ent to

    t#e 4o5en@s side and conersed 4it# t#e saint. nd 4#en a suita!e intera! #ad

    e!apsed, 4e considered it ti5e to depart fro5 t#e %etreat, and a!ready our

    preparations 4ere eing 5ade for t#is, ut :ind protests 4ere raised fro5 ot#

    sides e8ua!!y. 'our rot#er 4as urging 5e to stay H993 and parta:e of t#e

    p#i!osop#ers@ ta!e; and t#e !essed !ady 4ou!d not !et 5y 4ife go, ut #o!ding our!itt!e gir! in #er oso5, said s#e 4ou!d not gie #er up efore s#e #ad prepared a

    5ea! for t#e5 and #ad entertained t#e5 4it# t#e ric#es of p#i!osop#y. nd :issing

    t#e c#i!d, as 4as natura!, and putting #er !ips to #er eyes, s#e sa4 t#e co5p!aint

    of t#e pupi! and said----

    @If you grant 5e t#is faour and s#are our 5ea!, I 4i!! gie you in return a

    re4ard not un4ort#y of suc# an #onour.@

    @#at is t#atJ @ said t#e c#i!d@s 5ot#er.

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    @I #ae a drug,@ said t#e great !ady, @4#ic# is po4erfu! to cure eye co5p!aints.@


    nd t#en ne4s 4as roug#t 5e fro5 t#e 4o5en@s apart5ents, te!!ing 5e of t#is

    pro5ise, and 4e g!ad!y re5ained, t#in:ing !itt!e of t#e pressing necessity ofstarting on our 7ourney.

    H993+ +ut 4#en t#e feast ca5e to an end and 4e #ad said t#e prayer, great eter

    4aiting on us 4it# #is o4n #ands and c#eering us, and 4#en #o!y Macrina #ad

    dis5issed 5y 4ife 4it# a!! courtesy, t#en at !ast 4e 4ent #o5e toget#er 4it# g!ad

    and c#eerfu! #earts, te!!ing one anot#er as 4e 7ourneyed 4#at #ad efa!!en us. I

    descried to #er 4#at #ad #appened in t#e 5en@s roo5, ot# 4#at I #ad #eard and

    seen. S#e to!d eery detai! as in a #istory, and t#oug#t not#ing oug#t to e !eft

    out, een t#e s5a!!est points. S#e to!d eeryt#ing in order, :eeping t#e se8uence

    of t#e narratie. H993" #en s#e ca5e to t#e point at 4#ic# t#e pro5ise 4as 5ade

    to cure t#e c#i!d@s eyes, s#e ro:e off #er ta!e.

    @, 4#at #ae 4e doneJ@ s#e cried.

    @*o4 cou!d 4e #ae neg!ected t#e pro5ise, t#at sa!e-cure t#at t#e !ady said s#e

    4ou!d gieJ@ ?CC

    I 4as eDed at t#e care!essness, and ade so5e one run ac: 8uic:!y to fetc# it.

    /ust as t#is 4as eing done, t#e c#i!d, 4#o 4as in #er nurse@s ar5s, !oo:ed at #er

    5ot#er, and t#e 5ot#er !oo:ed at t#e c#i!d eyes.

    @Stop,@ s#e said, @eing eDed at t#e care!essness,@----s#e cried a!oud 4it# 7oy

    and frig#t. @or, seeK Not#ing of 4#at 4as pro5ised us is !ac:ingK S#e #as indeed

    gien #er t#e true drug 4#ic# cures disease; it is t#e #ea!ing t#at co5es fro5

    prayer. S#e #as ot# gien it and it #as a!ready proed efficacious, and not#ing is

    !eft of t#e aff!iction H993 of t#e eye. It is a!! purged a4ay y t#at diine


    nd as s#e said t#is, s#e too: up t#e c#i!d and !aid #er in 5y ar5s. nd I

    understood t#e 5are!s of t#e Gospe! t#at #it#erto #ad een incredi!e to 5e and


    @#at is t#ere surprising in t#e !ind recoering t#eir sig#t y t#e #and of God,

    4#en no4 *is #and5aiden, acco5p!is#ing t#ose cures y fait# in *i5, #as 4or:ed a

    t#ing not 5uc# inferior to t#ose 5irac!esJ@

    Suc# 4as #is story; it 4as interrupted y ?C3sos, and tears c#o:ed #is utterance,

    So 5uc# for t#e so!dier and #is ta!e.


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    I do not t#in: it adisa!e to add to 5y narratie a!! t#e si5i!ar t#ings t#at 4e

    #eard fro5 t#ose 4#o !ied 4it# #er and :ne4 #er !ife accurate!y. or 5ost 5en

    7udge 4#at is H1>>> credi!e in t#e 4ay of a ta!e y t#e 5easure of t#eir o4n

    eDperience. +ut 4#at eDceeds t#e capacity of t#e #earer, 5en receie 4it# insu!t

    and suspicion of fa!se#ood, as re5ote fro5 trut#. "onse8uent!y I o5it t#ateDtraordinary agricu!tura! operation in t#e fa5ine ti5e, #o4 t#at t#e corn for t#e

    re!ief of need, t#oug# constant!y distriuted, suffered no percepti!e di5inution,

    re5aining a!4ays in u!: t#e sa5e as efore it 4as distriuted to t#e needs of t#e

    supp!iants. nd after t#is t#ere are #appenings sti!! 5ore surprising, of 4#ic# I

    5ig#t te!!. *ea!ings of diseases, and castings out of de5ons, and true predictions

    of t#e future. !! are e!ieed to e true, een ?C9t#oug# apparent!y incredi!e,

    y t#ose 4#o #ae inestigated t#e5 accurate!y.

    +ut y t#e carna!!y 5inded t#ey are 7udged outside t#e possi!e. $#ose, I 5ean, 4#o

    do not :no4 t#at according to t#e proportion of fait# so is gien t#e distriution

    of spiritua! gifts, !itt!e to t#ose of !itt!e fait#, 5uc# to t#ose H1>>>+ 4#o #ae

    p!enty of sea-roo5 9in t#eir re!igion.

    nd so, !est t#e une!ieer s#ou!d e in7ured y eing !ed to dise!iee t#e gifts

    of God, I #ae astained fro5 a consecutie narratie of t#ese su!i5e 4onders,

    t#in:ing it sufficient to conc!ude 5y !ife of Macrina 4it# 4#at #as een a!ready


    $* N

    %IN$ IN G%$ +%I$IN +'

    %I"*% "L' S&NS, LIMI$,

    +%0NSI" S$., S$M&% S$., S..,

    N +0NG' S0&L.

    Hootnotes #ae een 5oed to t#e end and renu5ered

    1. 1%eading e0n toi=j to&poij. Migne #as e0n toi=j tu&poijin t#eir i5pressions.

    $#e intention 4as not fu!fi!!ed unti! a year or t4o !ater, after #is isit to t#e

    "#urc# of +ay!on.

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    FII, 9 (descriing t#e asceticis5 of #is rot#er "resarius)2 s p#i!osop#y is t#e

    greatest, so is it t#e 5ost difficu!t, of professions, 4#ic# can e ta:en in #and

    y ut fe4, and on!y y t#ose 4#o #ae een ca!!ed fort# y t#e diine

    5agnani5ity. See a carefu! note in +ou!enger, Gregoire de NaAianAe, iscours fun

    res (aris, 19>3), p. !i.

    B. 1$#ec!a 4as a conte5porary of St. au!, according to t#e )cts of 1au! and

    $#ec!a, 4#ic# 5ay 4e!! #ae een founded on fact. See artic!e $#ec!a in

    ictionary of "#ristian +iograp#y, and t#e c#apter on $#ec!a in Sir . M. %a5say@s

    "#urc# in t#e %o5an 5pire.

    =. 1toi=j a)semnote/roij peri\ tw~n gunaikei/wn dihgh&masin.

    E. 1e1rgon de\ tw~n kata_ th_n zwh_n tau&thn spoudazo&menon ou)de\n, o#ti

    mh_ pa&rergon.$#e p!ay on 4ords is #ard to reproduce.

    6. 1In t#e !ong dia!ogue, e )ni5a et %esurrectione (Migne, LFI, 11-16>), Gregory

    purports to reproduce t#is conersation.

    C. 1In order to assure t#e5 t#at s#e 4as rea!!y dying, s#e uttered a!oud t#e

    prayer in t#e neDt paragrap#.

    3. 1ccording to t#e 4e!!-:no4n story, t#e "ross 4as discoered y *e!ena, 5ot#er

    of "onstantine t#e Great (c. B