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Page 2: CKE brochure 1314 english

Get on board at CKe and Choose your Creative line

Page 3: CKE brochure 1314 english

ADDRESS INFORMATION visual arts, musical theatre, writing and

theatre: Stratumsedijk 22

music and dance: Pastoor Petersstraat 180

Postbus 812, 5600 AV Eindhoven

phone: (040) 216 32 63

e-mail: [email protected]


COLOPHON concept and production:

Solangelos creative department

photography: Paul van Brakel,

Marieke Schalken, Paul Veltman and CKE

coordination/final editing: Dorothé Kuijten

and Karen Molin-van Overbeek (CKE)

translation: Forefront International Corporation

Subject to change due to typographical or

printing errors without notice


New courses



Visual arTs


cKe ParTNers

Musical TheaTre





cKe oN locaTioN















We are proud to present lessons, courses and other activities offered

by CKE at various schools and locations. And it is up to you to pick

a line: theatre, dance, writing, visual arts, photography, musical

theatre or music. You can take several routes simultaneously or hop

on another line: everything is possible. But there is even more to

choose from.

This year we are excited to offer additional courses outside of the

usual CKE programme. We set a new Course for the future in which

we have increased collaboration with our city and regional partners.

This is why you will find additional programmes of our cooperation

partners in our CKE brochure from now on. We chose to do this

because we think their programmes are worthwhile. These partners

often have their own specialty or their own way of operating. For

that reason their courses are complementary to ours and a splendid

addition to CKE’s own programme.

Another addition to our new Course: You are not coming to CKE to just

be taught classes in a confined classroom. You also come to CKE to

get access to a stage. You have informed us about the importance of

that (e. g. through customer surveys). For that reason we organise

many presentations and special activities in our own buildings and

have a beautiful concert hall and a large dance studio in Pastoor

Petersstraat and our theatre at Stratumsedijk at our disposal.

Both buildings hold continuous exhibitions of photography and

visual arts, created by our own students. We increasingly provide

stage space downtown, made available through our cooperation

with Parktheater, Muziekgebouw and Effenaar, as well as Grand

Café Berlage and Wilhelmina. We are also cooperating in festivals

like Muziek op de Dommel, Storioni festival and the Week van


Every day we witness how people enjoy being actively creative.

We share that with each other and with Eindhoven. A vibrant CKE in

a vibrant Eindhoven. We are looking forward to meeting you there.

Ruud Janssen, director



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4 | cke



Do you play a wind instrument and would you like to learn how to improvise? It does not matter which wind instrument you

play. Once every two weeks you will play various music genres in a group with a 4 player maximum.

SInGEr-SOnG WrITInGHave you ever written you own songs? Do you have enough

ideas but feel like you are stuck? Then this is the course for you. Our expert and enthusiastic teachers will guide you through the

basic techniques of writing your own songs.

KEYBOArD InTrODuCTIOn COurSE foR sEnioRs 65 YEARs And up

You are never too old to learn! And surely never too old to have fun. We have increasingly been getting questions from seniors

wanting to learn something new to keep the brain sharp. That is why CKE started a keyboard introduction course.


foR AdultsHave you considered playing an instrument but don’t know

which one? During six classes you will be introduced to various instruments. While learning about musical notes and theory

you can try them all out. After that you can take an entry-level follow up course for adults offered by the CKE music school. DANCE

DEMO GrOuP ‘CKE DAnCES!’foR AdolEsCEnts AgEs 12 And up

The demo group ‘CKE danst!’ is going to be the new face of

CKE’s dance school in Eindhoven.

FunK jAzz foR AdolEsCEnts And Adults AgEs 16 And up

This class will teach you the basic jazz techniques and the

newest street dance moves to trendy music.


Curious about musical theatre? Hop in and get the experience

in a short course. We promise you challenging and

inspirational evenings with lots of fun. Play, dance and sing

in a beautiful, touching or funny combination. The musical: a

lovely relaxing endeavour. Do not hesitate and register!

AuDITIOn TrAInInG FOr MuSICAl THEATrE SInGInGWould you like to audition for a music conservatory,

performing arts college, music theatre or any other singing or

theatre course? This course will provide excellent preparation

with honest advice.


foR gRoups 4-5

You can learn this cool dance

style starting in grade 4! Kids

will learn the popular dance

moves from music videos like

the Kids Top 20.

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cke | 5

VISuAL ARTSArT WISE foR AdolEsCEnts AgEs 12 to 16 YEARs

Do you have a special talent and interest in visual arts? Then

the new Talentstroom studio Art wise is just for you. They will

teach you how to bring your ideas to life with various materials

and how to transform your creativity into a genuine work of art.

The art forms of architecture, visual arts and design will also be


FASHIOn STuDIO foR AdolEsCEnts AgEs 12 to 16 YEARs

Are you interested in fashion and styling? Do you dream of the

catwalk? Then this new course surely is for you. Design your

own outfit, complete with accessories. The course concludes

with a real photo shoot.

GuErrIllA ArT foR AdolEsCEnts AgEs 12 to 16 YEARs

The ultimate challenge to create a visual piece of art together

and within 2.5 hours. related to a theme or news story.

lOOKInG OVEr THE SHOulDErS OF....In this course Frank Malcorps will take you to the studios of

various famous artists like Picasso, Matisse, Dali, Ernst and the

Cobra artists.

DO IT nOW! foR gRoups 3 - 8

Do you like crafts and woodworking? Do you enjoy taking ma-

chines apart and then creating something completely different

from it? Do you like design? Then this is your course!

A VArIETY OF TECHnIquES 2D AnD 3DEach class you will get an assignment relating to an aspect

of the visual arts. Within that assignment there will be ample

room to follow your own ideas. You will be amazed about the

work you will bring home each class.

AnIMATIOn STuDIOSurely you are familiar with animation movies like Paranorman

and Wallace & Gromit from TV or cinema. Have you always

wanted to make an animation yourself? In this course they will

teach you that from beginning to end. Great for YouTube! Does

this sound interesting to you? Then register for this course right



Curious how beautiful, crazy, funny or scary pictures are made?

Then register for the Photography for Kids course!

PInHOlEIt is really possible! Taking pictures without a camera as we

know, not with your cell phone. Then how? The only

thing you need is a box with a tiny hole. Welcome to the exciting

world called ‘Pinhole’!

Vj foR AdolEsCEnts AgEs 12-17 YEARs

A Vj is someone who mixes his/her own images to support the

music, but the images can also be used independently as art.

This class for adolescents, ages 12-17, will teach you how to

make footage, how to add effects to it and finally how to mix it

with music.

THEATREWHO’S YOur ClOWn?A short course in clowning. If you are curious which type of

clown is within you, then register and be surprised.

MAKE YOur OWn MOVIEMake your own movie! How exciting is that? In a short time

you will learn a lot about film, theatre and everything that is

involved in making a movie. This course is a combination of

theatre, shooting your own movie and digital editing. The final

result is a real-life premiere.

DrAMAfoR gRoups 1-2 (Also foR moms And dAds)

Acting class for children in grades 1-2. A fun course, also for

mums and dads, as they also get to participate sometimes (if

they want AnD dare to of course).

ACTInG juST FOr FunWant to act on stage? Short and sweet! Conveniently held in the

morning…..because the evening is not your best part of the day.

Go on and register for Acting just for fun!

AuDITIOnS CKE THEATrE SCHOOl Audition for one of the productions!

• Children’s production (9-12 years)

Wednesday September 4, 2013

• Talent-ID Makers group (14-18 years)

Monday September 2, 2013

• Talent-ID Production group (15-20 years)

Thursday September 5, 2013

• Adult production

Tuesday September 3, 2013

• Or if you want to pursue theatre in the future, come to

the evening audition of the Talent-ID preliminary theatre

programme (16-20 years) on Tuesday September 3, 2013.

wRITINGMAnuSCrIPT ADVICEDo you need some inspiration? Writers block? The teachers

of CKE’s writers school can assist and advise you in writing a


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6 | experiencing at cke

CkE OPEN DAy!dance, theatre, musical theatre, visual arts and writing:

You will encounter it all during our open day. It will give you the

opportunity to leisurely check out the atmosphere, enjoy the live

music and dance or theatre performances, try out instruments,

and participate in free classes or workshops. You can also find

information regarding courses offered during the upcoming season

2013-2014. Already taking lessons? Then the open days will be the

perfect opportunity for you to introduce the people you know to

CKE and show them what you do.

After summer holiday, on sundAY sEptEmBER 8, the facilities at

Stratumsedijk 22 will open its doors during the hours of 1 – 4pm.

Check our website for this day’s schedule:


TRIAL CLASSESAt CKE you can start off by taking a no-obligation trial class.

A 30 minute trial class at the CKE music school costs e 15 for

children and e 20 for adults. One trial class per instrument allowed.

Of course, if you want to try out different instruments, you can

attend several trial classes.

Other CKE schools allow for onE fREE tRiAl ClAss. If you decide

after that class you want to continue and register for it then the trial

class counts as the first official lesson. Provided, of course, that

that class still has availability.


Our dance department is offering an Open lessons week. Starting

monday August 26 to saturday August 31, 2013 we welcome you to

all classes in the class schedule. Participation is optional.

Did you miss the beginning of a course and would you still like to

follow the course in its entirety? no problem, as many of our short

courses not only start right after summer holiday but are repeated

later in the season. The beginning dates in September and February

can be found on our website For example, check out

the various entry-level courses of Dance.

At CKE you don’t have to commit yourself for a whole school year to attend

a course. there are many ways to slowly familiarise yourself with CKE, with

the teachers, with art and of course with likeminded people. You can do that

by visiting the open day, taking a trial class, be part of the audience during a

performance or concert or to participate in a workshop, master class or short


HALLO CuLTuuROn Sunday September 1 CKE will have information booths

available during Eindhoven’s cultural event Hallo Cultuur!

in Parktheater, Muziekgebouw Frits Philips and Van

Abbemuseum. Check for additional


Get on board at CKe and Choose your Creative line

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writing | 7

The CKE writers school (for adults) has courses to further

develop your writing ability. We have two basic courses during

the year to get you started. This year we give a solid foundation

by teaching creative writing and successively writing

techniques. Two different courses that perfectly complement

each other. This will give you a solid base for your writing


Do you want more after that? Something else? That is possible!

We offer four various genres of courses, which are primarily

intended to further develop a specific writing element. Writing

narrative prose, Writing a novel, Writing for children and

Writing a column. We recommend you taking the basic course

first, or if you have some writing experience.

In all writing courses you will be given assignments to do at

home. This may vary per course.


ManusCript adviCe need inspiration?

Writers block? The teachers of CKE’s writing

school can assist and advise you in writing

a manuscript.

inspirinG The CKE writers’ school teachers are

inspiring and experienced teachers who know

how to bring out your qualities in various ways.

Besides teaching they all have a thriving writing

career. This combination will make every writing

course a unique experience.

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8 | visual arts

NEw VISuAL ARTS COuRSES:Children: Do it now!

Adolescents: Art wise, Guerrilla Art, Fashion


Adults: Basic course Model Sculpture,

looking over the shoulders of... Experimenting

with Drawing, look Art, Mixed techniques

2D and 3D

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visual arts | 9

On sundAY sEptEmBER 8 the Stratumsedijk location is having its opEn dAY.

A great outing for the whole family to get a feel for CKE and especially experience

it hands on. On this day the visual arts teachers will have you working in no time.

textile, paint, stone, ceramics, fine jewellery, etching or screen-printing:

everything is possible that day under the guidance of our experienced and

inspired teachers! You simply have to experience visual arts for yourself. Imagine

the moment that your piece of art is finished and you will proudly take it home....

This brochure gives you just a glimpse of what CKE has to offer. During the open

days we would love to answer all your questions. Of course we hope you will

come more often. Maybe you will choose one of our courses, to advance yourself

by taking classes and practicing in a pleasant work environment. You will do this

in cooperation with our teachers, who will teach you the trade and will make you

excited about art, YouR ARt. You can choose between many different courses on

various days of the week. Maybe we will find your name in our Hall of Fame soon!

Are you an experienced artist or have you taken a course at CKE before, then you

can participate in one of our open studios after an intake interview. There you

work mostly independent, but there is supervision from a teacher.

What we know for sure: you can learn how to paint, sculpt and all other forms

of visual art. You too. It doesn’t matter whether you start early or late, what’s

important is that you start!

fAsHion studio Are you between the

ages of 12 and 16 and interested in fashion

and styling? Do you dream of the catwalk?

Then this new course is just for you.

Design your own outfit, complete with

accessories: everything comes together in

the Fashion Studio. The course concludes

with a photo shoot by a professional


A vARiEtY of tECHniQuEs

2d And 3d

To learn how to draw and paint well

requires a lot of concentration, patience

and practice. It isn’t easy. You will get

an assignment in every class relating

to a specific aspect of the visual arts.

Within that assignment there is ample

room to follow your own ideas.

pAREnt & CHild Cooperation between

parent and child is always central in this

class. Every week, the parent and child

will take home the creation they made

together. Where shall we put it? In the

living room, the child’s room or maybe at

grandma’s and grandpa’s?


school of

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10 | visual arts

PHOTOGRAPHy AND DIGITAL IMAGINGthe emphasis of all the photography and digital imaging courses of CKE is on

the creative and artistic side of photography and digital imaging. discover it

by doing this! the basic and intermediate courses in photography will make

this possible. We offer an intensive option of 30 lessons in which you have

weekly classes and a 15 lessons option in which the classes are bi-weekly.

digital imaging will be an integral part of these courses.

To take a good picture takes more than just pushing a button. Awareness during

observation is an important element in the courses. Where do you stand? What

to leave in and what to take out? Composition, light, colour and form will be given

ample attention. Of course, the technique of the digital camera also plays a role

in that. The class field trips and working in the photo studio make these courses

very practical. In the intermediate course you will go more in depth. What is your

photography, your style, do you have a signature style or can you develop one?

Throughout the year there are challenging workshops for young people and

adults at all levels. From complete beginners to very advanced photographers.

fAsHion sHoots, pinHolE, poRtRAit pHotogRApHY And muCH moRE.

Our inspiring teachers will take everyone along! There are even children’s

classes for photography and animation at CKE. The digitAl WoRKplACE is a

playground for adults who want to do digital imaging and animation in a creative

way. Photography at CKE is flashy for sure!

digitAl WoRKplACE: learning the

‘how to’ of digital imaging and animation

in a challenging, practical and creative

way. Animation is the rapid display of a

sequence of images to create an illusion

of movement. Would you like to make a

movie out of still pictures? You are familiar

with the computer, but do you know the

secrets of Photoshop yet? Then register

now for the digital workplace photography

(starts in September 2013) or animation

(starts in january 2014).

fAsHion sHoot: At a special location,

with clothing, make-up, and then

capture it all. next to the fashion shoot

there are 5 other workshops. Street and

city photography, theatrically staged

photography, nature photography,

portrait photography and pinhole. You

can do this in combination with a course

but also individually. just register

for the workshop that makes your

photographer heart beat faster. For

anyone who loves photography.

pHotogRApHY foR YoutH: Do you

experiment endlessly with your mobile

phone? Do you like to be in pictures or do

you enjoy taking pictures of others? This

year CKE has six awesome workshops.

You can take them all but you can also pick

the ones you like. It is your choice! These

are the subjects: looking differently,

better photos, Discover your camera’s

possibilities, Studio Photography,

Photography of People, Picture editing

and Outdoors Photography.


school of

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Onder één dak

alle podiumkunstopleidingen

alle kunstvakdocentopleidingen

een inspirerende leerOmgeving

een ambitieuze sfeer

een prachtig gebouw

excelleren in je eigen discipline

hbo- en masteropleidingen

dicht bij je passie

Exclusief Voor cursisTeN VaN cKe! www.CkE.NL

NIEUW: Culturele Kaart Eindhoven

voor cursusjaar 2013-2014 heeft CKE een leuk extraatje geregeld

voor alle cursisten van jong tot oud: de Culturele Kaart Eindhoven!

Op vertoon van deze kaart krijg je allerlei voordeeltjes en kortingen

op bijvoorbeeld concerten, voorstellingen, exposities, evenementen

en festivals binnen Eindhoven. Dat kan een vaste korting zijn op de

toegangsprijs, of een éénmalige actie. Er zijn al veel instellingen

die hieraan willen deelnemen: dE BiBliotHEEK, plAzA futuRA,

EindHovEn musEum, HEt dEsignHuis, HEt inKiJKmusEum,

mAAR ooK YKsi Expo En piEt HEin EEK, waar je korting kunt krijgen

op concerten en voorstellingen. Het is de bedoeling om in de toekomst

nog veel meer voordeel voor CKE-cursisten te krijgen, bijvoorbeeld bij

winkels of café’s en restaurants.

De Culturele Kaart Eindhoven (CKE) wordt gedrukt en verspreid als alle

jaarcursussen begonnen zijn.

K. Molin cursist nr.123456789


op de website zijn vanaf september alle lopende kortingen te

vinden. lastminute acties worden aangekondigd via onze website of

nieuwsbrief en natuurlijk via facebook en twitter. volg jij ons al?

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12 | cke partners


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cke partners |13

PHIlEuTOnIAlooking for an orchestra where musicality, friendship and

conviviality go hand in hand? Then come join the Koninklijke

Harmonie Phileutonia! We will welcome you, even if you just

started to play an instrument.


HET WOEnSElS MuzIEKCOrPSFrom 8 to 90 years old, you can make music at the Woensels

Muziekcorps. The WMC consists of 5 different orchestras, so

something for everyone. no need to purchase an instrument,

you can rent one from us for a nominal fee.

VIOlIn SCHOOl MAzASViolin and viola lessons for all levels and all ages, led by

certified violin and viola educator rufus Maas. You can learn

a wide range of musical styles, like Classical, Balkan, Gypsy,

Klezmer, Irish and Western folk and Cajun.

MArK BOOnSTrAMark Boonstra offers private music lessons for trombone

among others. Mark works as a bass trombonist at

philharmonie zuidnederland, is part of the nieuw Trombone

Collectief and is a teacher at the Muziekschool Aalst-Waalre.

For information and registration: [email protected]

ESTEllA KEMPEnEstella is a music therapist. With the help of various musical

instruments she will explore your (musical) experiences

improving your social and emotional well-being, resulting in

feeling more comfortable in your own skin. She also offers

a band coaching project for adolescents struggling with

processing, adapting or with behavioural problems (e.g.



BruCE WOrlD MuSICFor djembe lessons and much more latin American music

visit Bruce World Music. Bruce World Music has its origins in

Curacao and Surinam.


CkE PARTNERSCKE has had good long-lasting relationships with various organisations in Eindhoven. some examples are

music associations, theatre groups, education programmes and individual artists. CKE is in the process of

expanding this area considerably and is teaming up with many more organisations and amateur artists.

our activities are not limited to just giving classes. We want to be of service to anyone with an interest in

art and culture. for example, if somebody is looking for a specific dance course, unavailable at CKE, we will

refer him or her to a place where such a course is offered. or if someone wishes to take violin lessons but is

on a waiting list at CKE we could refer that person to a private teacher instead. CKE also wants to be able to

offer more stage space to anyone who is interested. not just at our own locations, but also at well-attended,

suitable places in the city, such as Café Berlage.

DAnCE STuDIO CuBADAnzADo you want to dance salsa? We are happy to refer you to

Dansstudio Cubadanza, a dance school in Eindhoven where you

can take daily lessons in Caribbean and Cuban dance.

DAnCE STuDIO AnA DAnSTFor oriental dance, also known as belly dancing, you can go

to Dansstudio Ana Danst. Intensive classes will relax you and

get you into shape at the same time. Various dance and music

styles will be presented.

MIA KOEnEMAnMia Koeneman is an artist and teaches drawing, painting

and watercolour painting. She offers courses in her studio

in Eindhoven, where she also paints with watercolour and

acrylics. A selection of her work is displayed on her website.

STuDIO WlTWil Wils is a cartoonist, caricaturist and an optimist! Wil works

at his cartoons, illustrations, caricatures and graphic design

in his own studio. He regularly gives workshops in drawing

caricature and cartoons, at any location, for 8 people and up.


KEES MArTEnSKees works as a photojournalist at the Eindhovens Dagblad,

among others, and in addition he also teaches courses

and workshops. Kees taught an analogue black and white

photography course at CKE, in the still existing darkroom.


ARE You A CollABoRAtivE pARtnER of CKE And Would liKE to BE mEntionEd HERE As WEll? plEAsE lEt us KnoW!

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14 | musical theatre

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musical theatre | 15

CKE’s school of musical theatre

productions have always been beautiful,

but it seems like they are getting better

every year. The cast and crew do their

utmost to produce something wonderful

and memorable. Add costumes, sets,

light and sound to that.... Everything

works together towards the moment

of performance. This will make your

moments on stage a terrific experience!

Stage experience is an important part

of the yearlong courses of CKE’s school

of musical theatre. To create something

beautiful together with others. To show

what you have learned and accomplished.

Before Christmas holiday and at the end of

the course you will shine on stage!

We love to tell stories from the city. Truly

Eindhoven! The picture above is the CKE-

produced musical ‘Philips – Het verhaal

van een lichtstad’ (Philips – The story of a

city of light). reiner en Geerte have a brief

encounter at a secret place in Philipsdorp.

They are in love... He is a Catholic foreman

at Philips and she is a Protestant light

bulb factory worker. Very difficult in those

days...Did it turn out right?

All aboard! Broadway, West End and our own Circustheater in scheveningen

are favourite musical theatre destinations. You travel there to let your mind

wander off with beautiful songs, dynamic dances and funny stories. musicals

are magical and take you to another world. Would you like to discover

whether musicals are for you? then hop in and take the journey with our

teachers to destination CKE’s school for musical theatre.

There are stops and stations for everyone 4 and up where you can disembark.

Get a feel for musical theatre in a short course or challenge yourself with a

yearlong course in which you will learn acting, song and dance. And everything

together. That is musical theatre! Act when you sing, sing when you dance and

dance when you act.

Make sure to visit the Productions station during your CKE musical theatre

trip. This season we will present the children’s version of Sjakie en de

Chocoladefabriek (Charlie and the ChoColate faCtory). Young people

can improve their musical theatre skills in Fame and the adults perform in

MaMMa Mia. The latter two are being performed at Parktheater in Eindhoven.

Dress comfortably when boarding the musical theatre line. You will always pass

through the stations of discipline, sweating, laughing, enjoying, practicing,

presenting, improvising, choreographing, interpreting and shining. This has to be

a fascinating journey!

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16| music

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neW at CKe

Curious about the new

courses our music school

will offer this year? See page 3

and 4 for an overview.

COurSES FOr CHIlDrEnYou can start taking music classes at 3 months old. These classes introduce

young children, together with their parents, to making music, singing and

movement. The introduction course MuZieKatelier is for children 7 to 9 years,

followed by an introduCtion Course at your choosing.

SInGInG lESSOnS for children

GrOEPSlES zAnG is a 3-year course for children 7 years old and up, a playful

way to introduce singing.

TrIAl ClASSES for children, youth and adults

Would you like to experience a music lesson playing a specific musical

instrument? CKE’s music school offers 30-minute trial classes. Do you want to

give a trial lesson as a present? let us wrap it for you!


DO YOu KnOW WHAT YOu WAnT AlrEADY?In August you can also immediately start with a membership at the CKE music

school. All beginner students will receive weekly group lessons. longer and

more individual lessons are also possible.

SInGInG lESSOnS for adolescents and adults

With the music school membership you can also take singing lessons and

choose between one or more styles: classical, musical theatre, pop & jazz or

rock. State your preference at registration. You can also choose to first take

some courses before you take singing lessons. More information in the course


MuSIC MEMBErSHIP PACKAGE (starting at ¤ 443.00)

- Weekly group lessons (or individual lessons)

- Free group play / bands / ensembles

- Free additional modules

Within the membership it is also possible to purchase longer lesson times, to

choose two instruments or to receive lessons every other week. Ask us about the

available options.

PErSOnAlISED OPTIOnSCKE’s music school also has lesson cards available. Group play, bands,

ensembles and modules will require extra payment with this option.

MuSIC lESSOnS STArT DATESAll lessons will start in the week of August 26, 2013.

music| 17

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bands In the previous

season various CKE bands

performed during the CKE

Café open stage at Café


dJ sChool The CKE Dj school,

led by lady Aïda, regularly

hosts an open house by giving

presentations and club nights.


OrCHESTrAS, EnSEMBlES AnD CHOIrSGroup play is an important part of the instrumental training at the CKE music

school. no matter how well you play your instrument, only a true musician can

play with other musicians.

Ensembles and bands will perform at least once a year, which will give you stage

experience. Playing in an ensemble, orchestra or band is simply included in your

instrument lessons. Because we value this experience so much participation is

free for all students taking instrument lessons. Adults are also included! Even if

you do not take instrument lessons, you can participate for a fee. You can find

our complete listings of ensembles and orchestras in the course overview.

18| music


Our pop department was previously known by the name of ‘Part of You’ but

is now called ‘CKE school of pop’. The school of pop offers pop sinGinG

WorKshops and Courses or band aCCoMpaniMent.

CKE BAnDSWould you like to play in one of CKE’s many pop, rock and jazz bands and

perform in front of an audience after just six months? Then this is your chance!

We have about 40 bands with various genres: pop, rock, jazz, singer-songwriter,

etc. Every band rehearses weekly under the guidance of a teacher at PopEi

(Strijp-S) or at Pastoor Peterstraat. When the bands are put together, age, level

and cast are taken into consideration. Both beginner and intermediate musicians

can participate.

note: You have to bring your own instrument. Amplification equipment and

drums are available. If you already take (bi) weekly instrument classes at CKE

the band lessons are free (not applicable for the 10 lessons cards). You have to

have at least your A-level exam passed.

POP SInGInG WOrKSHOPSWould you like to sing in a band, solo or background vocals? Then join us for a

pop sinGinG workshop.

THE CKE Dj SCHOOlFor over five years we have been teaching mixing techniques to novice Dj’s,

under the inspiring leadership of none other than the famous Eindhoven dJ lady

aÏda. We offer beat MiXinG courses for beginners, intermediates and digital

beat mixing.


Page 19: CKE brochure 1314 english

Marc en Monique van HoornAalsterweg 77e 5615 CB Eindhoven

T +31 (0)40 212 54 36 F +31 (0)40 212 51 78

E [email protected]



VErkoop Van nIEuwE En gEbruIkTE pIano’s, VlEugEls En dIgITalE pIano’s Van allE bEkEndE MErkEnStemmen, reparatie en reviSie • inruil en inkoop • Dagverhuur • taxatieS

Heel eenvoudig bij Piano’s Vleugels Eindhoven

• U kiest een piano of vleugel naar wens, nieuw of gebruikt.• U betaalt 2,2% per maand van het aankoopbedrag met een minimaal bedrag van € 50,00 per maand. (Dit bedrag wordt automatisch van uw rekening afgeschreven door middel van een incasso)• Na ieder jaar kunt u beslissen: - de huurpiano of vleugel kopen - een andere piano of vleugel in dezelfde of een hogere prijsklasse te kopen - doorgaan met huren - of teruggeeft. (zie berekening)• U betaalt geen borg.• Inclusief 1 servicestemming.• Eenmalige transportbijdrage van € 100,00 begane grond.


Jaar 1 Jaar 2 Jaar 3 Jaar 4 Jaar 5Aankoopbedrag € 2.300,00 € 2.300,00 € 2.300,00 € 2.300,00 € 2.300,00 Huur per maand € 50,00Aantal termijnen 12 24 36 48 60 Betaalde huur € 600,00 € 1.200,00 € 1.800,00 € € 2.400,00 € € 3.000,00Bij aankoop in minderingte brengen huur 100% 90% 80% 70% 60%Bedrag € € 600,00 € 1.080,00 € 1.440,00 € 1.680,00 € 1.800,00Alsnog te voldoen € 1.700,00 € 1.220,00 € 860,00 € 620,00 € 500,00

(Prijzen incl B.T.W.) Na 6 jaar te betalen: € 333,33 Na 7 jaar te betalen: € 166,67 Na 8 jaar te betalen: € -

Een piano of vleugel huren?

Keyboard-centrum, bekroond met de Yamaha best dealer award, gecertifi ceerd Yamaha Premium dealer, benoemd tot Yamaha Clavinova lifestyle center en erkend Roland Foresta Center.

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Page 20: CKE brochure 1314 english

20 | talent id


CKE collaborates with Sint-joriscollege in the Art and Culture

project. This project offers special opportunities for children with

a keen interest in music, dance, drama, visual arts or musical

theatre. These children will receive their own programme at Sint-

joriscollege. If you would like more information, pick up the Art

and Culture brochure of Sint-joriscollege at the CKE information

desk. You can also contact Sint-joriscollege directly via

(040) 211 60 90 or you can download the brochure from the


Page 21: CKE brochure 1314 english

talent id | 21

TALENT DEVELOPMENT IN SOuTHEAST NETHERLANDSthe Centrum voor de Kunsten Eindhoven and fontys

Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in tilburg joined forces in a talent

programme collaboration. talent-id, a programme offered by

CKE in which talented children and young people are given

guidance, their talents are being further developed, and they

are fully prepared for art school.

CKE is therefore offering special talent programmes in the

areas of visual arts, dance, music and theatre. Many of these

classes are taught by CKE teachers and by former students of

the Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. Passing some of these

courses will allow for (partial) exemptions for entrance exams

or auditions for an art education at the Fontys Hogeschool voor

de Kunsten.

talent-id: talent development, talent scouting, personal

guidance, precision work, the possibility to realise your

own ideas, master classes, multidisciplinary projects and

productions and (partial) exemptions for a number of entrance

exams of the Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten.

THEATrE• Maybe you are particularly interested in producing a theatre

production. Then talent-id MaKers Group will be right

up your alley. Together with your fellow players and guided

by two experienced theatre teachers you will create a short


• The talent-id produCtion Group focuses on exploring

and enhancing your ambitions as an actor. The director

chooses the material and starts to work with you.

• In talent-id prepatory theatre traininG we specifically

focus on your own acting and the possibility to further

develop this. Successfully passing this preliminary course

will allow you to skip the first selection round of the Fontys

Academie voor Drama. Classes are held on Tuesday and on

10 Saturdays.

DAnCEThe CKE dance school offers Talent-ID programmes for children starting at

grade 5 and for adolescents up to 18 years old.

• danCe talent Class for groups 5-7 or groups 6-8

A special dance class for children with a particular talent for dance. The

teachers will select the pupils from the children of the dance school. A teacher

should first evaluate pupils from outside the dance school during a trial

lesson before admittance. This class focuses on the basics of classical ballet.

In addition, a second lesson is chosen from the regular class offerings. This

can be: dance mix, modern dance, jazz, street dance or boys only.

• talentstrooM danCe is a package tailored to young people with a special

talent for dance and whose ambition is to attend a dance academy.

For more information regarding the Talent class and Talentstroom please contact

nicole Mokveld at [email protected] or (040) 216 32 63.

MuSIC• reGional speCialised Classes

The regional Specialised Class is an initiative of 6 music schools in Southeast

Brabant, regionaal Instituut Kunst- en Cultuureducatie Weert (rick) and the

Fontys Conservatorium in Tilburg. The purpose of this special trade class

is to prepare young people who want to be a professional musician for an

education at a conservatory of music. This preliminary education will take

about 2 to 3 years. At CKE the trade class is part of the TAlEnTSTrOOM.

Admission for the regional Trade Class is on August 31, 2013. registration

closes on july 1, 2013.

• talentstrooM MusiC

You possess a special talent for music, strong perseverance and discipline.

As a talent you have to audition and we can offer you many extras. The

programme consists of classical lessons, theory/solfège, group play and

projects. Auditions with interviews will take place around finals week in june.

Check with your teacher.

• speCialised Class for sChool of roCK

Would you like to pursue an education in music at a MBO or HBO and make

music your profession? Then this is your chance. The specialised class for

School of rock is a very thorough coaching trajectory for anyone seriously

considering a career in popular music. In addition to instrumental lessons

and music theory you will also be coached in making a portfolio and studio


VISuAl ArTS• talentstrooM art Wise

Especially for talented young people aged 12 -16 years, with special aptitude

and interest in visual arts, we created a new workshop: Talentstroom Artwise.

Here you will learn how to apply your ideas. With wood, metal, clay, paper

and cardboard, gypsum, paint and more. You will learn how to transform

your ideas into real art. You will also learn about the different art forms:

architecture, visual arts and design. An artist who knows the tricks of the

trade is heading this workshop.


ROCk CITy bASICSCKE, together with the rock City Institute team, the

MBO pop music programme of the Summa College, has

developed the band-coaching programme rock City Basics,

in which you can specifically prepare yourself for a possible

acceptance into the rCI. An intake interview will take place

in november, after which you may be placed in one of the


Page 22: CKE brochure 1314 english

22 | dance

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dance | 23

OFFERED COuRSESthe courses offered by the CKE dance school are very diverse: for children,

adolescents and adults, from classical ballet to street dance, from flamenco to

modern dance. Just to try it out, and for your further development: we have a

suitable course for everyone!

HOlIDAY DAnCE jITTErS for children ages 7 – 12

Put a show together in three days? That’s possible during the autumn and

carnival holiday break! You make up dance moves, learn a dance, create a dance

together with the other children and participate in making the set and costumes.

The final result will be performed on Friday afternoon.

OPEn PODIuM for children and adolescents

In Open Podium you will perform your own dance. A terrific solo, a touching duet,

a group dance, dance with live music or visual arts, dance styles like breakdance,

modern dance or classical ballet: everything is possible! This course includes

a beginner workshop choreography, three 30 minutes coaching sessions and a

final workshop. The coaching sessions will provide you with helpful tips from a

dance coach to further improve your dance piece!

DAnCE DAYS, PrOjECTS AnD THE CHIlDrEn’S PErFOrMAnCECKE dance school will organise a number of dance days in 2013-2014. Centring

on a visit to a dance performance, a dance day or project will be offered with

workshops, lectures and presentations. We will have the exact dance days

schedule available in September. In 2014: The great children’s performance!

More info at


Starting mondAY August 26 to sAtuRdAY August 31

we welcome you to participate in all the scheduled classes.

Participation is optional.

CKE dEmo gRoup The demo group

‘CKE danst!’ is going to be the new face

of CKE’s dance school in Eindhoven.

You will work with various teachers in

different dance styles towards an end

result. This can be put on stage on a

small or large scale. The demo groups

dances throughout the year.

funKY JAzz Here jazz

technique is combined with

hip-hop and street dance.

In this class you will learn

the basic jazz technique

and the newest street

dance moves on the latest

trendy music.

stREEt dAnCE gRoups 4-5

Street dance is today’s hottest

dance style. The classes are

adapted to this age group.

Children will learn the popular

dance moves from the music

videos of the Kids Top 20,

for example. This class will

work towards street dance

choreography in a structured


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24 | theatre

Page 25: CKE brochure 1314 english

theatre | 25

piccadilly Circus, Waterloo, paddington, pigalle and Étoile. Well-known

metro stations in london and paris. places to step outside when visiting

these exciting cities. if you take the creative metro line of CKE’s theatre

school you will encounter stations such as fantasy and imagination,

inspiration, joy, astonishment and stops such as production, presentation

and projects. And there will always be other passengers travelling with you.

We created short and long rides for a variety of age groups. Come and try us

out in short courses or sign up for a year-long course during which all facets

of theatre will come into play such as improvising, writing, movement, scene

playing and so much more. Hop on the train! Theatre is done together with

others. Theater connects. You will be taking a trip which gets you to places that

cannot even be found in london or Paris. Fantasy and creativity never end. Get

started and rediscover theatre with us.

In addition to the challenging theatre classes, you will also find some nice and

smaller stops such as CABAREt, CloWnERY, stoRYtElling, tHEAtRE 50+

And film mAKing. You will also find more information about the tAlEnt-id

station (Creators group, production group, and preparatory training for theatre)

in this brochure. The passengers riding with you will make everything you do an

unforgettable experience….

Come join us and let’s be amazed together! This is part of a theatrical trip you

will take as soon as you board this train.

CABAREt Cabaret for all skill levels.

CKE makes it possible! A course with

one part training and another part

performance. You will get to know

all branches of cabaret: Performing,

writing, singing. How to get the

laughter, move or stir up the crowd?

Where are your strengths? This is how

we get the best of everyone.

stoRY tElling Fascinate and enthrall

your audience (your children, your

partner, your class, your colleagues…)

with your stories. And learn how to do

this in our short storytelling class. For

beginners and experienced actors and

storytellers, for people who tell stories

for fun or as a hobby or those who do this



• Children’s productions (9 – 12 years):

Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2013

• Talent-ID creators, authors and

composers group (14 – 18 years):

Monday, Sept. 2, 2013

• Talent-ID production group (15-20

years): Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013

• Production for adults: Tuesday,

Sept. 3, 2013

• If you are interested in pursuing a

professional career in theatre please

attend our Talent ID screening night for

the preparatory training in theatre class

(16 – 20 years): Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2013

registration through


Page 26: CKE brochure 1314 english

26 | cke on location

Page 27: CKE brochure 1314 english

CkE IS IN yOuR NEIGHbOuRHOOD OR EVEN AT yOuR SCHOOL!Art is good and one does not have to go to Eindhoven’s city centre to get to CKE.

We are also in meerhoven, Blixembosch and tempel. You will find us more and

more at various cultural spots. We can be found in churches, coffee shops, at

festivals and almost all schools in Eindhoven.

When it comes to dance, CKE has been a familiar face at de teMpel for years. We

offer dance classes for children beginning with group 1 all through group 6 in the

neighbourhood centre ‘t Trefpunt in Belgiëplein square.

In Meerhoven CKE has been a partner for quite some time at the De Hangar

centre located at Meerbos 16. There we are under the same roof with de

startbaan grade school, the child care centres Korein and zuidzorg and the

library. Specialised CKE instructors provide lessons as part of the afternoon

activities dedicated to creativity within the schools and during school hours or

we are part of short projects. Such a project can be continued during leisure

time while the children work on a presentation for their class mates, teachers

and parents. Children and their parents can also chose to participate in a course

provided by CKE. The courses offered are certainly not only for children of De

Startbaan. Children from slingertouw are welcome as well, just as all other

parents of babies and toddlers not using the child care centre or schools yet.

Amongst others, there are theatre courses, musical groups, classes for a variety

of musical instruments and dance lessons starting at toddler age.

CKE can be found at various locations in bliXeMbosCh. We offer dance for

toddlers and a number of visual arts courses in the VTA Blixems shopping centre.

We provide music classes at the loCal Grade sChool de vuurvlinder.

Besides, CKE is partner of spilCentruM bliXeMbosCh where we are under the

same roof as Boschuil grade school and Korein child care centre. CKE instructors

provide lessons within the schools and during after school activities in close

cooperation with our partners. This is how children get to know a variety of art

genres in an easily accessible manner. After that, children and / or their parents

can chose to continue with a course provided by CKE. The selection of courses

offered includes music, performing arts, fine arts or musical.


CKE PrOjECT BurEAu Centre for the Arts Eindhoven. The name states precisely what we want to be: A

centre for artists for all of Eindhoven. For this reason, we do not only stay within

our centre facilities as that may be too far away for the people of Eindhoven

living in the suburbs. If we want to be available to the entire city we need to get

out there.

Hence, CKE is going out there and we realise that the effect is remarkable.

Anyone in Eindhoven can easily find us! Because we are asked more and more

frequently to be involved in think-tanks and brainstorming activities we started

project Bureau. CKe proJeCt bureau is currently working in close cooperation

with Woonbedrijf and the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds. Together we developed

the Buurtcultuurbon (a voucher for culture in your neighbourhood).

We love to get out there to your neighbourhood or your school!

cke on location | 27

musiC lEssons At dE vuuRvlindER

Are music classes not part of your school’s

curriculum? That is well possible. like this girl

having a German flute lesson in Blixembosch.

dAnCE foR CHildREn Starting with group

3 children learn the basics for all types of

dances while dancing. Elements of classical

ballet, modern dance and world dance are

integrated. There is a strong focus on the

participants’ own fantasy in improvising

and social and interpersonal development

by dancing together

Page 28: CKE brochure 1314 english

28| schedule school for the fine arts

school for the fine artsCourse description target group(s) start date Class time instructor number

of lessonslocation price material



Childrendrawing and painting Drawing and painting Group 3 - 8 Tue 17 Sep 2013 16.00-17.30 nanny Derijks 30 SD 209.00 20.00 51120Do it now Group 3 - 8 Wed 18 Sep 2013 14.00-15.30 Miranda van der Satndt 25 SD 216.00 20.00 51131Drawing and painting Group 3 - 8 Thu 18 Sep 2013 13.30-15.00 nanny Derijks 30 SD 209.00 20.00 51130Drawing and painting Group 3 - 8 Sat 21 Sep 2013 12.30-14.00 nanny Derijks 30 SD 209.00 20.00 51160Youth workshop drawing and painting Blixembosch Group 5 - 8 Tues 17 Sep 2013 15.30-17.00 Ellis renders 30 Bl 209.00 20.00 51140Drawing Workshop Group 5 - 8 Tue 17 Sep 2013 16.00-17.30 Marian Bakens 30 SD 209.00 20.00 51221Youth Workshop Blixembosch Group 6 - 8 Mon 17 Feb 2014 15.30-17.00 Elke Veltman 8 Bl 79.00 10.00 55210Youth Workshop Blixembosch Group 6 - 8 Mon 21 Okt 2013 15.30-17.00 Elke Veltman 8 Bl 79.00 10.00 51210Drawing and painting Group 7 and 8 Sat 21 Sep 2013 10.00-12.00 nanny Derijks 30 SD 266.00 20.00 51161

Youth courses fine artsVariety for our small ones Group 1 and 2 Sat 21 Sep 2013 12.00-13.15 Shelly lapré 30 SD 209.00 20.00 51260Working with clay Group 3 - 8 Tue 17 Sep 2013 16.00-17.30 Chantal ruijgrok 25 SD 209.00 15.00 51222Working with clay Group 3 - 8 Wed 18 Sep 2013 16.00-17.30 Chantal ruijgrok 25 SD 209.00 15.00 51231Youth Workshop - variety Group 3 - 8 Sat 21 Sep 2013 10.00-11.30 Shelly lapré 30 SD 209.00 20.00 51261Parent & child 6 - 88 years Sat 21 Sep 2013 14.00-15.30 Shelly lapré 10 SD 108.00 10.00 51263

Adolescents Guerrilla art Adolescents Wed 18 Sep 2013 19.00-21.30 Miranda van der Satndt 10 SD 197.00 10.00 52130ArT WISE Adolescents Thu 19 Sep 2013 15.45-17.45 Marijke van Overbeek 30 SD 335.00 15.00 52140Fashion studio 12 - 16 years Thu 19 Sep 2013 16.30-18.30 Pascale Creemers 21 SD 269.00 20.00 52740Art lAB beg.+ advanced Fri 20 Sep 2013 19.00-22.00 Marijke van Overbeek 20 SD 290.00 25.00 52350

AdultssculptingSculpting in stone beg.+intermed. Wed 18 Sep 2013 19.30-22.30 Annemarie Verheijen 20 SD 381.00 15.00 53430Sculpting in stone beg.+intermed. Thu 19 Sep 2013 19.30-22.30 Annemarie Verheijen 20 SD 381.00 15.00 53440Sculpting Short beg.+intermed. Wed 19 Mar 2014 19.30-22.30 Annemarie Verheijen 10 SD 219.00 10.00 54430

metal workingMetal working/jewellery design beg.+intermed. Tue 17 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Mascha Timmermans 25 SD 429.00 30.00 53620Metal working/jewellery design beg.+intermed. Wed 18 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Mascha Timmermans 25 SD 429.00 30.00 53630Metal working/jewellery design beg.+intermed. Thu 19 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Ingrid Fokken 25 SD 429.00 30.00 53640Metal working/jewellery design short beginners Mon 10 Feb 2014 19.30-22.00 Ingrid Fokken 10 SD 199.00 15.00 54610

CeramicsBasic course model making beginners Wed 18 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Marijke van Overbeek 10 SD 271.00 10.00 53534Open workshop model making advanced Mon 16 Sep 2013 19.00-23.00 Marijke van Overbeek 25 SD 418.00 10.00 53513Ceramics beg.+intermed. Mon 16 Sep 2013 14.00-17.00 Chantal ruijgrok 25 SD 450.00 10.00 53510Ceramics beg.+intermed. Mon 16 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Chantal ruijgrok 25 SD 425.00 10.00 53511Ceramics beg.+intermed. Tue 17 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Chantal ruijgrok 25 SD 425.00 10.00 53520Ceramics beg.+intermed. Thu 12 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 jennifer Slinkers 30 SD 450.00 10.00 53540Open Workshop ceramics advanced Thu 12 Sep 2013 9.00-13.00 jennifer Slinkers 30 SD 330.00 20.00 53541Ceramics short beg.+intermed. Mon 12 May 2014 19.30-22.00 Chantal ruijgrok 5 SD 76.00 5.00 54510Ceramics short beg.+intermed. Wed 21 May 2014 19.30-22.00 jennifer Slinkers 5 SD 76.00 5.00 54541raku fire day beg.+intermed. Sat 21 jun 2014 9.30-14.30 jennifer Slinkers 1 SD 45.00 5.00 54560

model and portrait drawing and paintingModel and portrait drawing /painting beg.+intermed. Mon 16 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Frank Malcorps 25 SD 489.00 10.00 53815Model drawing and painting beg.+intermed. Fri 20 Sep 2013 9.30-12.00 Marijke van Overbeek 25 SD 489.00 15.00 53850Portrait drawing and painting advanced Thu 19 Sep 2013 9.30-12.00 Frank Malcorps 25 SD 512.00 15.00 53843Workshop portrait drawing and painting advanced Tue 22 Okt 2013 13.30-16.00 Frank Malcorps 6 SD 132.00 5.00 53822Workshop portrait drawing and painting advanced Tue 11 Mar2014 13.30-16.00 Frank Malcorps 6 SD 132.00 5.00 54820Open Workshop model once in 14 days advanced Sat 21 Sep 2013 9.30-13.30 Marijke van Overbeek 15 SD 271.00 10.00 53860

specialsArt lAB beg.+intermed. Fri 20 Sep 2013 19.00-22.00 Marijke van Overbeek 20 SD 290.00 25.00 53350Parent & child 6 - 88 years Sat 21 Sep 2013 14.00-15.30 Shelly lapré 10 SD 108.00 10.00 53263

drawing and paintingExperimenting with drawing adults Thu 12 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Frank Malcorps 1 SD 15.00 0.00 53846Drawing and painting basics beginners Wed 18 Sep 2013 9.30-12.00 not announced yet 25 SD 393.00 20.00 53834Drawing and painting basics beginners Thu 19 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Marijke van Overbeek 25 SD 393.00 20.00 53842Drawing based on reality beginners Thu 19 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Frank Malcorps 25 SD 393.00 20.00 53841Drawing intermediate level advanced Wed 18 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Frank Malcorps 25 SD 393.00 20.00 53833Painting basics beg.+intermed. Mon 16 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 not announced yet 25 SD 393.00 20.00 53810Painting basics beg.+intermed. Tue 17 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Ellis renders 25 SD 393.00 20.00 53820Painting intermediate level advanced Mon 16 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 nanny Derijks 25 SD 393.00 20.00 53816Painting intermediate level advanced Tue 17 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Shelly lapré 25 SD 393.00 20.00 53823Painting intermediate level advanced Wed 18 Sep 2013 9.30-12.00 Shelly lapré 25 SD 393.00 20.00 53831Painting intermediate level advanced Thu 19 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Miranda van der Satndt 25 SD 393.00 20.00 53840Open studio painting advanced Tue 17 Sep 2013 19.00-23.00 Frank Malcorps 30 SD 329.00 5.00 53821CKE studio plus advanced Mon 16 Sep 2013 10.00-17.00 Marijke van Overbeek 25 SD 499.00 5.00 53812A variety of techniques 2D and 3D beg.+intermed. Wed 18 Sep 2013 9.30-12.00 Marijke van Overbeek 25 SD 393.00 20.00 53836A variety of techniques 2D and 3D beg.+intermed. Wed 18 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Marijke van Overbeek 25 SD 393.00 20.00 53835look! Art (Once a month) beg.+intermed. Thu 26 Sep 2013 11.00-14.00 Miranda van der Satndt 10 SD 249.00 10.00 53844looking over the shoulders of .…?? beg.+intermed. Tue 24 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Frank Malcorps 10 SD 259.00 10.00 54822CKE-painting outdoors day beg.+intermed. Thu 22 May 2014 19.30-22.00 Marijke van Overbeek 1 SD 17.00 54843CKE-painting outdoors day beg.+intermed. Sat 24 May 2014 10.00-16.30 Marijke van Overbeek 1 SD 45.00 54861

Working with fabrics Endless fabrics basics beginners Thu 19 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Pascale Creemers 25 SD 437.00 15.00 53721Endless fabrics beg.+intermed. Tue 17 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Pascale Creemers 25 SD 437.00 15.00 53720Working with felt Short beg.+intermed. Mon 10 Mar 2014 19.30-22.00 Pascale Creemers 6 SD 105.00 5.00 54710

screen printing and EtchingScreen printing basics beginners Tue 17 Sep 2013 13.30-16.00 lex Straates 22 SD 320.00 30.00 53923Screen printing basics beginners Tue 17 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 lex Straates 22 SD 320.00 30.00 3921Open workshop screen printing advanced Mon 16 Sep 2013 19.00-23.00 lex Straates 30 SD 320.00 15.00 53910Open workshop screen printing advanced Tue 17 Sep 2013 13.00-17.00 lex Straates 30 SD 320.00 15.00 53922Etching (1 every two weeks) beg.+intermed. Sat 21 Sep 2013 10.30-13.30 liesbeth Hovius 15 SD 270.00 15.00 53960

sd = CKE, Stratumsedijk 22 | pp = CKE, Pastoor Petersstraat 180 | mH = CKE-Meerhoven, spilcentrum (centre) De Hangar | Bl = CKE-Blixembosch, VTA-Blixems

tt = CKE-Tempel, ’t Trefpunt | vl = Grade school De Vuurvlinder | Bu = Grade school De Boschuil | KB = Children’s balso store De Boekenberg, Kleine Berg 48, Eindhoven

ps = CKE PopEi, Strijp-S

* with a parent or care taker, group divisions based on age

Page 29: CKE brochure 1314 english

schedule photography and musical theatre | 29

photography Course description target group(s) start date Class time instructor number

of lessonslocation price material



ChildrenAnimation Workshop Kids from 8-12 years Tue 17 Sep 2013 16.00-18.00 Bouke van Gestel 20 SD 280.00 15.00 51224Photography for kids from 8-12 years Thu 19 Sep 2013 16.00-17.30 nicole Melis 10 SD 121.00 51110Photography for kids from 8-12 years Thu 16 jan 2014 16.00-17.30 nicole Melis 10 SD 121.00 51111Photos out of a can – Pinhole photography from 10-14 years Sat 17 May 2014 10.30-12.00 nicole Melis 8 SD 161.00 10.00 51112

AdolescentsAnimation studio Adolescents from 12-16 years Thu 19 Sep 2013 16.30-18.30 Bouke van Gestel 20 SD 280.00 15.00 52240Vj from 12-17 years Wed 18 Sep 2013 16.00-18.00 Bouke van Gestel 12 SD 193.00 10.00 52010Vj from 12-17 years Wed 19 Feb 2014 16.00-18.00 Bouke van Gestel 12 SD 193.00 10.00 55010Workshop looking differently, better photos adoles. 13-17 years Thu 19 Sep 2013 16.00-18.00 Marieke Schalken 5 SD 70.00 7.00 52131Workshop Discover your camera adoles. 13-17 years Thu 07 nov 2013 16.00-18.00 Marieke Schalken 5 SD 70.00 7.00 52160Workshop Studio photography adoles. 13-17 years Thu 09 jan 2014 16.00-18.00 Marieke Schalken 5 SD 70.00 7.00 52161Workshop Photography of people adoles. 13-17 years Thu 20 Feb 2014 16.00-18.00 Marieke Schalken 5 SD 70.00 7.00 52162Workshop Picture editing and processing adoles. 13-17 years Thu 10 Apr 2014 16.00-18.00 Marieke Schalken 5 SD 70.00 7.00 52163Workshop Outdoors photography adoles. 13-17 years Thu 05 jun 2014 16.00-18.00 Marieke Schalken 5 SD 70.00 7.00 52164

Adultspicture editing and processingEditing with Photoshop CS5 beginners Thu 19 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 leonie Hendriks 12 SD 242.00 15.00 53211Editing with Photoshop CS5 beginners Thu 16 jan 2014 19.30-22.00 leonie Hendriks 12 SD 242.00 15.00 54220Digital work place photography beginners Tue 17 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 leonie Hendriks 12 SD 242.00 15.00 53161Digital work place animation beginners Tue 14 jan 2014 19.30-22.00 Bouke van Gestel 12 SD 242.00 15.00 54161

photographyIntroduction course photography beginners Wed 18 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Marieke Schalken 8 SD 124.00 7.00 54134Introduction course photography beginners Wed 15 jan 2014 19.30-22.00 Marieke Schalken 8 SD 124.00 7.00 54135Introduction course photography beginners Wed 02 apr 2014 19.30-22.00 Marieke Schalken 8 SD 124.00 7.00 54136Photography basics beginners Wed 18 Sep 2013 19.30-22.30 Hanneke Franssen- 15 SD 279.00 15.00 53130Photography basics beginners Wed 25 Sep 2013 19.30-22.30 Hanneke Franssen- 15 SD 279.00 15.00 53131Photography basics beginners Thu 19 Sep 2013 19.30-22.30 Paul Veltman 15 SD 279.00 15.00 53141Photography basics beginners Thu 26 Sep 2013 19.30-22.30 Paul Veltman 15 SD 279.00 15.00 53121Photography basics (intensive) beginners Mon 16 Sep 2013 19.30-22.30 roberto Bogers 30 SD 453.00 15.00 53110Photography basics (intensive) beginners Tue 17 Sep 2013 19.30-22.30 roberto Bogers 30 SD 453.00 15.00 53120Photography basics (intensive) beginners Thu 19 Sep 2013 9.30-12.30 Paul Veltman 30 SD 453.00 15.00 53143Photography continued next Thu 19 Sep 2013 19.30-22.30 Hanneke Franssen- 15 SD 279.00 15.00 53144Photography continued next Thu 26 Sep 2013 19.30-22.30 Hanneke Franssen- 15 SD 279.00 15.00 53123Photography continued (intensive) next Mon16 Sep 2013 19.30-22.30 Hanneke Franssen- 30 SD 453.00 15.00 53111Photography continued (intensive) intermediate Wed 18 Sep 2013 19.30-22.30 roberto Bogers 30 SD 453.00 15.00 53132CKE photo group advanced Tue 17 Sep 2013 19.30-22.30 Various instructorsee 30 SD 453.00 15.00 53112Portfolio advanced Tue 17 Sep 2013 19.30-22.30 Hans zoete 10 SD 220.00 53122looking differently, better photos all Thu 19 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Marieke Schalken 5 SD 68.00 5.00 53147looking differently, better photos all Thu 16 jan 2014 19.30-22.00 Marieke Schalken 5 SD 68.00 5.00 54141looking differently, better photos all Thu 15 May 2014 19.30-22.00 Marieke Schalken 5 SD 68.00 5.00 54142Photography in practice - 5 Workshops all Wed 18 Sep 2013 19.30-22.30 Paul Veltman 30 SD 453.00 15.00 53133Photography in practice - 5 Workshops all Thu 19 Sep 2013 13.30-16.30 Paul Veltman 30 SD 453.00 15.00 53140Fashion photo shoots all Sat 15 Mar 2014 10.00-13.00 Hanneke Franssen- 5 SD 132.00 7.00 54143nature photography all Sat 17 May 2014 10.00-13.00 roberto Bogers 5 SD 132.00 7.00 54144Pinhole all Sat 14 jun 2014 12.00-15.00 nicole Melis 5 SD 132.00 7.00 54145Portrait photography all Sat 09 nov 2013 10.00-13.00 roberto Bogers 5 SD 132.00 7.00 53160Street and city photography all Sat 21 Sep 2013 10.00-13.00 Paul Veltman 5 SD 132.00 7.00 53146Theatrially staged photography all Sat 11 jan 2014 10.00-13.00 Paul Veltman 5 SD 132.00 7.00 54146

musical theatreCourse description target group(s) start date Class time instructor(s) number

of lessons

location price Course code

ChildrenMusical Kids Group 1/2 Group 1 and 2 Thu 19 Sep 2013 16.00-17.00 Various 28 SD 194.00 81014Musical Kids Group 3/4 Group 3 and 4 Thu 19 Sep 2013 16.00-17.00 Various 28 SD 194.00 81012Musical Kids Blixembosch Group 3/4 Group 3 and 4 Fri 20 Sep 2013 16.00-17.30 Various 28 Bu 257.00 81015Musical Kids Short 8-12 years Group 5 through 8 Wed 14 May 2014 14.00-16.00 Various 6 SD 135.00 81204Musical Kids Group 5/6 Group 5 and 6 Mon 16 Sep 2013 16.00-18.00 Various 28 SD 297.00 81001Musical Kids Group 5/6 Group 5 and 6 Wed 18 Sep 2013 15.45-17.45 Various 28 SD 297.00 81003Musical Kids Blixembosch Group 5/6 Group 5 and 6 Fri 20 Sep 2013 16.00-17.30 Various 28 Bu 257.00 81013Musical Kids Meerhoven Group 5/6 Group 5 and 6 Mon 16 Sep 2013 17.00-19.00 Various 28 MH 297.00 81017Musical junior High (intermed.) Group 6/7/8 Group 6, 7 and 8 Wed 18 Sep 2013 13.30-15.30 Various 28 SD 326.00 81009Musical Kids Group 7/8 Group 7 and 8 Mon 16 Sep 2013 16.00-18.00 Various 28 SD 297.00 81002Musical Kids Group 7/8 Group 7 and 8 Wed 18 Sep 2013 15.45-17.45 Various 28 SD 297.00 1004Musical Kids Blixembosch Group 7/8 Group 7 and 8 Fri 20 Sep 2013 17.45-19.15 Various 28 Bu 257.00 81011Musical Kids Meerhoven Group 7/8 Group 7 and 8 Mon 16 Sep 2013 17.00-19.00 Various 28 MH 297.00 81010Children’s musical production 'Charlie and the Chocolade factory” (audition) from 10 to 14 years Tue 17 Sep 2013 16.00-18.00 Various 30 SD 403.00 81007

AdolescentsMusical College 12-18 years 12-18 years Thu 19 Sep 2013 17.45-19.45 Various 28 SD 399.00 82001Musical College Blixembosch 12-15 years 12-15 years Fri 20 Sep 2013 17.45-19.15 Various 28 Bu 348.00 81016Musical College Short 12-18 years 12-18 years Wed 14 May 2014 18.00-20.00 Various 6 SD 135.00 82204Audition training musical singing from 15 years Mon 12 May 2014 20.00-22.00 nanneke Piek 4 SD 112.00 82209Adolescent musical production 'FAME' (audition) from 14 to 20 years Tue 17 Sep 2013 18.00-20.00 Various 30 SD 492.00 82005

AdultsMusical Adults Short from 18 years Tue 17 Sep 2013 20.15-22.00 Various 6 SD 151.00 83201Musical Adults Short from 18 years Tue 12 nov 2013 20.15-22.00 Various 6 SD 151.00 83202Musical Adults Short from 18 years Tue 14 jan 2014 20.15-22.00 Various 6 SD 151.00 83203Musical Adults Short from 18 years Tue 13 May 2014 20.15-22.00 Various 6 S 151.00 83204Audition training musical singing from 15 years Mon 12 May 2014 20.00-22.00 nanneke Piek 4 SD 112.00 83209Musical production for adults ‘Mamma Mia’ (audition) from 18 years Thu 19 Sep 2013 20.00-22.00 Various 30 SD 492.00 83002

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danceCourse description target group start date Classtime instructor number

of lessonslocation price Course


Childrendance for toddlers Dance for toddlers Blixembosch from 3 years Mon 26 Aug 2013 10.30-11.15 Marieke Trienekens 12 Bl 64.00 41110Dance for toddlers Centrum (centre) from 3 years Wed 28 Aug 2013 10.00-10.45 quirine de natris 12 PP 64.00 41101Dance for toddlers Centrum (centre) from 3 years Wed 28 Aug 2013 10.45-11.30 quirine de natris 12 PP 64.00 41104Dance for toddlers Meerhoven from 3 years Wed 28 Aug 2013 10.30-11.15 Marieke Trienekens 12 MH 64.00 41107Dance for toddlers Blixembosch from 3 years Mon 25 nov 2013 10.30-11.15 Marieke Trienekens 12 Bl 64.00 41111Dance for toddlers Centrum (centre) from 3 years Wed 27 nov 2013 10.00-10.45 quirine de natris 12 PP 64.00 41102Dance for toddlers Centrum (centre) from 3 years Wed 27 nov 2013 10.45-11.30 quirine de natris 12 PP 64.00 41105Dance for toddlers Meerhoven from 3 years Wed 27 nov 2013 10.30-11.15 Marieke Trienekens 12 MH 64.00 41108Dance for toddlers Blixembosch from 3 years Mon 24 Feb 2014 10.30-11.15 Marieke Trienekens 12 Bl 64.00 41112Dance for toddlers Centrum (centre) from 3 years Wed 12 Mar 2014 10.00-10.45 quirine de natris 12 PP 64.00 41103Dance for toddlers Centrum (centre) from 3 years Wed 26 Feb 2014 10.45-11.30 quirine de natris 12 PP 64.00 41106Dance for toddlers Meerhoven from 3 years Wed 26 Feb 2014 10.30-11.15 Marieke Trienekens 12 MH 64.00 41109

dance for pre-school kids Dance for pre-schoolers Group 1 and 2 Tempel Wed 28 Aug 2013 13.10-14.00 Els roemer 36 TT 172.00 41206Dance for pre-schoolers Group 1 Centrum (centre) Wed 28 Aug 2013 13.50-14.40 Angela Spierenburg 36 PP 172.00 41201Dance for pre-schoolers Group 1 and 2 Centrum Wed 28 Aug 2013 13.40-14.30 Marieke Trienekens 36 PP 172.00 41202Dance for pre-schoolers Group 2 Centrum (centre) Wed 28 Aug 2013 14.40-15.30 Angela Spierenburg 36 PP 172.00 41203Dance for pre-schoolers Group 1 and 2 Stratum Wed 28 Aug 2013 14.30-15.20 Coraline Demos 36 SD 172.00 41204Dance for pre-schoolers Group 1 and 2 Meerhoven Thu 29 Aug 2013 16.10-17.00 Coraline Demos 36 MH 172.00 41205

Children’s dance Children’s dance Group 3 and 4 Tempel Wed 28 Aug 2013 14.00-15.00 Els roemer 36 TT 199.00 41305Children’s dance Group 3 and 4 Centrum (centre) Wed 28 Aug 2013 13.30-14.30 quirine de natris 36 PP 199.00 41301Children’s dance Group 3 and 4 Centrum (centre) Wed 28 Aug 2013 14.30-15.30 Marieke Trienekens 36 PP 199.00 41302Children’s dance Group 3, 4 and 5 Stratum Wed 28 Aug 2013 13.30-14.30 Coraline Demos 36 SD 199.00 41303Children’s dance Group 3 and 4 Meerhoven Thu 29 Aug 2013 17.00-18.00 Coraline Demos 36 MH 199.00 41304

dance mixDance mix Group 5 and 6 Tempel Wed 28 Aug 2013 15.00-16.00 Els roemer 36 TT 199.00 41403Dance mix Group 5 and 6 Centrum (centre) Wed 28 Aug 2013 15.30-16.30 Angela Spierenburg 36 PP 199.00 41401Dance mix Group 5 and 6 Meerhoven Thu 29 Aug 2013 18.00-19.00 Coraline Demos 36 MH 199.00 41402

Classical BalletClassical ballet Group 4 and 5 Wed 28 Aug 2013 14.30-15.30 quirine de natris 36 PP 289.00 41011Classical ballet Group 5 and 6 Wed 28 Aug 2013 16.45-17.45 quirine de natris 36 PP 289.00 41012Classical ballet Group 7 and 8 Thu 29 Aug 2013 17.00-18.00 Muriël Kraan 36 PP 289.00 41013

other types of dance for childrenBoys only 8+ beginners Mon 26 Aug 2013 18.15-19.15 Ivan rodriquez-Alvarez 36 PP 235.00 41081Boys only 10+ advanced Fri 30 Aug 2013 18.30-19.30 Ivan rodriquez-Alvarez 36 PP 235.00 41082Irish dance Youth Sat 31 Aug 2013 10.45-12.00 Marieke Trienekens 36 PP 259.00 41091jazz Group 6-7-8 Wed 28 Aug 2013 16.45-17.45 quirine de natris 36 PP 208.00 41041Modern dance Group 6-7-8 Wed 28 Aug 2013 16.45-17.45 Angela Spierenburg 36 PP 289.00 41021Street dance Group 4 en 5 Wed 28 Aug 2013 17.45-18.45 Pei Feng 36 PP 208.00 41051Street dance Group 6-7-8 Thu 29 Aug 2013 18.15-19.15 Pei Feng 36 PP 208.00 41052

specialsOpen podium Sat 07 Dec 2013 n.n.b. Marieke Schalken 1 PP 34.00 45001Holiday dance jitters autumn holiday 2013 Wed 16 okt 2013 10.00-16.00 Various instructors 3 PP 80.00 45003Holiday dance jitters carnival holiday 2014 Wed 05 Mar 2014 10.00-16.00 Various instructors 3 PP 80.00 45004

talent-idTalent class dance I Group 5-6-7 Fri 30 Aug 2013 17.00-18.00 Muriël Kraan 36 PP 339.00 41071Talent class dance II Group 6-7-8 Tue 27 Aug 2013 17.00-19.15 Various instructors 36 PP 700.00 41072

AdolescentsClassical Ballet and pointe Classical ballet 12 - 15 years level 1 Fri 30 Aug 2013 18.30-19.45 Muriël Kraan 36 PP 368.00 42011Classical ballet 12 - 15 years level 2 Thu 29 Aug 2013 18.15-19.30 Muriël Kraan 36 PP 368.00 42012Classical ballet 15 - 18 years level 1 Tue 27 Aug 2013 18.15-19.30 quirine de natris 36 PP 368.00 42013Classical ballet 15 - 18 years level 2 Tue 27 Aug 2013 18.45-20.00 Muriël Kraan 36 PP 368.00 42014Pointe dance 12 - 15 years level 1 Fri 30 Aug 2013 19.45-20.00 Muriël Kraan 36 PP 97.00 42015Pointe dance 12 - 15 years level 2 Thu 29 Aug 2013 19.30-19.45 Muriël Kraan 36 PP 97.00 42016Pointe dance 15 - 18 years Tuei 27 Aug 2013 20.00-20.20 Muriël Kraan 36 PP 115.00 42017

modern dance Modern dance 12 - 15 years level 1 Wed 28 Aug 2013 17.45-19.00 Angela Spierenburg 36 PP 368.00 42021Modern dance 12 - 15 years level 2 Mon 26 Aug 2013 18.15-19.30 Angela Spierenburg 36 PP 368.00 42022Modern dance 15 - 18 years level 1 Tue 27 Aug 2013 16.45-18.00 Angela Spierenburg 36 PP 368.00 42023Modern dance 15 - 18 years level 2 Thu 29 Aug 2013 18.30-19.45 Angela Spierenburg 36 PP 368.00 42024

other types of dance for adolescentsIrish dance youth Sat 31 Aug 2013 10.45-12.00 Marieke Trienekens 36 PP 259.00 42091jazz 12 - 18 years level 1 Mon 26 Aug 2013 16.30-17.45 quirine de natris 36 PP 259.00 42041jazz 12 - 18 years level 2 Mon 26 Aug 2013 17.45-19.00 quirine de natris 36 PP 259.00 42042Funk jazz 16+ Thu 29 Aug 2013 20.30-21.30 Pei Feng 12 PP 79.00 42047Funk jazz 16+ Thu 28 nov 2013 20.30-21.30 Pei Feng 12 PP 79.00 42048Funk jazz 16+ Thu 13 Mar 2014 20.30-21.30 Pei Feng 12 PP 79.00 42049Street dance 12+ level 1 Thu 29 Aug 2013 19.15-20.15 Pei Feng 36 PP 231.00 42051Street dance 12+ level 2 Wed 28 Aug 2013 18.45-19.45 Pei Feng 36 PP 231.00 42052Street dance 16+ Wed 28 Aug 2013 20.00-21.00 Pei Feng 36 PP 231.00 42053Street dance 16+ introductory level Wed 28 Aug 2013 20.00-21.00 Pei Feng 12 PP 79.00 42057Street dance 16+ introductory level Wed 27 nov 2013 20.00-21.00 Pei Feng 12 PP 79.00 42058Street dance 16+ introductory level Wed 26 Feb 2014 20.00-21.00 Pei Feng 12 PP 79.00 42059

specialsDemo group CKE dance it! Fri 30 Aug 2013 19.30-21.00 Various instructors 36 PP 311.00 45006Open podium Sat 07 Dec 2013 to be announced Marieke Schalken 1 PP 34.00 45001

talent-idTalentstroom dance I Mon 26 Aug 2013 according to schedule Various instructors 36 PP 785.00 42071Talentstroom dance II Mon 26 Aug 2013 according to schedule Various instructors 36 PP 785.00 42072

AdultsClassical Ballet and pointeClassical ballet introductory level Tue 27 Aug 2013 19.30-20.45 quirine de natris 12 PP 147.00 43017Classical ballet introductory level Tue 26 nov 2013 19.30-20.45 quirine de natris 12 PP 147.00 43018Classical ballet introductory level Tue 25 Feb 2014 19.30-20.45 quirine de natris 12 PP 147.00 43019Classical ballet basics 1 Tue 27 Aug 2013 19.30-20.45 quirine de natris 36 PP 433.00 43011Classical ballet basics 2 Tue 27 Aug 2013 20.45-22.00 quirine de natris 36 PP 433.00 43012Classical ballet intermediate level 1 1-2 yr experience Fri 30 Aug 2013 20.00-21.15 Muriël Kraan 36 PP 433.00 43013Classical ballet intermediate level 2 from 3 yr experience Thu 29 Aug 2013 20.00-21.15 lucienne lambermont 36 PP 433.00 43014Pointe dance adults Thu 29 Aug 2013 21.15-21.45 lucienne lambermont 36 PP 175.00 43015

30 | schedule dance

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danceCourse description target group start date Classtime instructor number

of lessonslocation price Course


modern dance Modern dance introductory level Mon 26 Aug 2013 21.00-22.00 Angela Spierenburg 12 PP 138.00 43027Modern dance introductory level Wed 27 nov 2013 21.00-22.00 Angela Spierenburg 12 PP 138.00 43028Modern dance introductory level Mon 24 Feb 2014 21.00-22.00 Angela Spierenburg 12 PP 138.00 43029Modern dance basics 1 Mon 26 Aug 2013 21.00-22.00 Angela Spierenburg 36 PP 349.00 43021Modern dance basics 2 1-2 yr experience Tue 27 Aug 2013 19.30-20.45 Angela Spierenburg 36 PP 409.00 43022Modern dance intermediate level 1 appr. 2 yr experience Wed 28 Aug 2013 19.30-20.45 Angela Spierenburg 36 PP 409.00 43023Modern dance intermediate level 2 appr. 2 yr experience Tue 27 Aug 2013 20.45-22.00 Angela Spierenburg 36 PP 409.00 43024Modern dance advanced level 1 fr. 3 yrs experience Mon 26 Aug 2013 19.45-21.00 Angela Spierenburg 36 PP 409.00 43025Modern dance advanced level 2 fr. 4 yrs experience Wed 28 Aug 2013 20.45-22.00 Angela Spierenburg 36 PP 409.00 43026

World danceFlamenco introductory level Wed 28 Aug 2013 18.15-19.30 Miquel Angel Muñoz Oliva 12 PP 147.00 43037Flamenco introductory level Wed 27 nov 2013 18.15-19.30 Miquel Angel Muñoz Oliva 12 PP 147.00 43038Flamenco introductory level Wed 26 Feb 2014 18.15-19.30 Miquel Angel Muñoz Oliva 12 PP 147.00 43039Flamenco basics Wed 28 Aug 2013 18.15-19.30 Miquel Angel Muñoz Oliva 36 PP 433.00 43031Flamenco intermediate level 1-2 yr experience Wed 28 Aug 2013 19.30-20.45 Miquel Angel Muñoz Oliva 36 PP 433.00 43032Flamenco advanced level fr. 3 yrs experience Wed 28 Aug 2013 20.45-22.00 Miquel Angel Muñoz Oliva 36 PP 433.00 43033Irish dance introductory level Thu 29 Aug 2013 19.45-20.45 Fenneke van den Heuvel 12 PP 99.00 43077Irish dance introductory level Thu 28 nov 2013 19.45-20.45 Fenneke van den Heuvel 12 PP 99.00 43078Irish dance introductory level Thu 13 Mar 2014 19.45-20.45 Fenneke van den Heuvel 12 PP 99.00 43079Irish dance intermediate level Thu 29 Aug 2013 20.30-22.00 Fenneke van den Heuvel 36 PP 388.00 43071

funk/Jazz/street danceFunk jazz 16+ Thu29 Aug 2013 20.30-21.30 Pei Feng 12 PP 99.00 43047Funk jazz 16+ Thu 28 nov 2013 20.30-21.30 Pei Feng 12 PP 99.00 43048Funk jazz 16+ Thu 13 Mar 2014 20.30-21.30 Pei Feng 12 PP 99.00 43049jazz introductory level Mon 26 Aug 2013 19.30-20.45 quirine de natris 12 PP 136.00 43044jazz introductory level Mon 25 nov 2013 19.30-20.45 quirine de natris 12 PP 136.00 43045jazz introductory level Mon 24 Feb 2014 19.30-20.45 quirine de natris 12 PP 136.00 43046jazz basics 0-1 yr experience Mon 26 Aug 2013 19.30-20.45 quirine de natris 36 PP 324.00 43041jazz intermediate level 1-2 yrs experience Mon 26 Aug 2013 20.45-22.00 quirine de natris 36 PP 324.00 43042jazz advanced level fr. 3 yrs experience Mon 26 Aug 2013 19.45-21.00 Coraline Demos 36 PP 324.00 43043Street dance 16+ introductory level Wed 28 Aug 2013 20.00-21.00 Pei Feng 12 PP 99.00 43057Street dance 16+ introductory level Wed 27 nov 2013 20.00-21.00 Pei Feng 12 PP 99.00 43058Street dance 16+ introductory level Wed 26 Feb 2014 20.00-21.00 Pei Feng 12 PP 99.00 43059Street dance 16+ Wed 28 Aug 2013 20.00-21.00 Pei Feng 36 PP 279.00 43053

specialsOpen podium Sat 07 Dec 2013 n.n.b. Marieke Schalken 1 PP 34.00 45001

theatreCourse description target group start date lesson time instructor number

of lessonslocation price Course


ChildrenActing Group 1/2 (also for mothers and fathers) Tue 17 Sep 2013 16.00-16.45 Ilse Weduters 6 SD 32.00 71019Acting Group 1/2 (also for mothers and fathers) Tue 14 jan 2014 16.00-16.45 Ilse Weduters 6 SD 32.00 71020Acting Group 3/4 Wed 18 Sep 2013 13.30-14.30 to be announced 12 SD 78.00 71001Acting Group 3/4 Wed 15 jan 2014 13.30-14.30 to be announced 12 SD 78.00 71002Acting Group 5/6 Tue 17 Sep 2013 16.15-17.30 Karin van Dijk 12 SD 95.00 71003Acting Group 5/6 Wed 18 Sep 2013 13.30-14.45 Annemiek nienhuis 28 SD 178.00 71005Acting Group 5/6 Tue 14 jan 2014 16.15-17.30 Karin van Dijk 12 SD 95.00 71004Acting gr 5/6 - Blixembosch Thu 19 Sep 2013 15.30-16.45 to be announced 8 Bu 64.00 71015Acting gr 5/6 - Meerhoven Tue 17 Sep 2013 15.30-16.45 to be announced 8 MH 64.00 71011Acting gr 5/6 - Meerhoven Tue 07 jan 2014 15.30-16.45 to be announced 8 MH 64.00 71013Acting Group 7/8 Wed 18 Sep 2013 15.00-16.30 Annemiek nienhuis 28 SD 214.00 71009Acting Group 7/8 Wed 18 Sep 2013 15.00-16.30 to be announced 28 SD 214.00 71009Acting gr 7/8 - Blixembosch Thu 19 Sep 2013 17.00-18.15 to be announced 24 Bu 176.00 71016Acting gr 7/8 - Meerhoven Tue 17 Sep 2013 17.00-18.15 to be announced 8 MH 64.00 71012Acting gr 7/8 - Meerhoven Tue 07 jan 2014 17.00-18.15 to be announced 8 MH 64.00 71014Acting Kids short 8-12 years Wed 14 May 2014 15.00-16.15 to be announced 6 SD 53.00 71018Children’s theatre production (9-12 yrs) (audition) Wed 18 Sep 2013 17.00-18.30 Annemiek nienhuis 28 SD 263.00 71010Make your own movie gr. 6/7/8 Thu 15 May 2014 16.15-18.30 Various instructors 6 SD 168.00 71017

AdolescentsActing and performingTheatre class 1 (12-15 yrs) beginners Wed 18 Sep 2013 17.00-19.30 to be announced 30 SD 382.00 72001Theatre class 1 (12-15 yrs) beginners Thu 19 Sep 2013 16.30-19.00 Karin van Dijk 30 SD 382.00 72004Theatre class 2 (13-17 yrs) intermediate Tue 17 Sep 2013 17.00-19.30 Ilse Weduters 30 SD 382.00 72003Theatre class short (12-18 yrs) beginners Wed 14 May 2014 17.00-19.30 to be announced 6 SD 105.00 72013

talent-idTalent-ID Makers Group - short production (audition) (14 – 18 yrs) advanced Mon 16 Sep 2013 18.15-20.45 Various instructors 30 SD 399.00 72006Talent ID preparatory Theatre training (in cooperation with FHK and lOT) (16-20 yrs) (selection)

all Tue 17 Sep 2013 18.00-20.30 Various instructors 20 SD 550.00 72009

Talent-ID Production Group (15-20 yrs) (audition) advanced Thu 19 Sep 2013 17.15-19.45 Anne Simkens 26 SD 351.00 72008

AdultsActing and performingOrientation course Acting beginners Mon 16 Sep 2013 20.00-22.00 john Heijligers 12 SD 176.00 73001Orientation course Acting beginners Thu 19 Sep 2013 20.00-22.00 reem Wittenbols 12 SD 176.00 73002Orientation course Acting beginners Mon 13 jan 2014 20.00-22.00 Anne Simkens 12 SD 176.00 73000Orientation course Acting beginners Thu 16 jan 2014 20.00-22.00 reem Wittenbols 12 SD 176.00 73003Acting 1 beginners Wed 18 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Karin van Dijk 24 SD 382.00 73004Acting 2 intermediate Wed 18 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 john Heijligers 24 SD 382.00 73005Acting 3 advanced Wed 18 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 reem Wittenbols 24 SD 382.00 73006Acting Adults short beginners Wed 14 May 2014 20.00-22.00 to be announced 6 SD 105.00 73013Performance production (audition) advanced Tue 17 Sep 2013 19.45-22.15 Ilse Weduters 24 SD 477.00 73009Acting 50 PK (production for everone over 50) all Wed 18 Sep 2013 10.00-13.00 Anemoon langenhoff 20 SD 437.00 73007Acting for fun beginners Fri 17 jan 2014 10.00-12.00 Anemoon langenhoff 10 SD 201.00 73012Acting for fun beginners Fri 20 Sep 2013 10.00-12.00 Anemoon langenhoff 10 SD 201.00 73015Story Telling all Mon 18 nov 2013 20.00-22.30 Anemoon langenhoff 5 SD 110.00 73016Story Telling all Mon 17 Mar 2014 20.00-22.30 Anemoon langenhoff 5 SD 110.00 73017

Cabaret and comedy / clowneryCabaret (course and production) all Tue 17 Sep 2013 20.00-22.30 Anemoon langenhoff 24 SD 420.00 73010Who is your clown? all Mon 16 Sep 2013 20.00-22.30 Anemoon langenhoff 7 SD 176.00 73011Who is your clown? all Mon 13 jan 2014 20.00-22.30 Anemoon langenhoff 7 SD 176.00 73014

schedule dance and theatre | 31

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32 | schedule music


Course name Chil







target group loca


start date num





Class time instructor price mat


l cos


Course code

foundations in musicMusic for the youngest x 4 months through 3 yrs.* PP Tue 10 Sep 2013 13 in the

morningDineke van der Sman 90.00 0 10000A

Music for the youngest x 4 months through 3 yrs.* PP Wed 11 Sep 2013 13 in the morning

Hetty Boeijen 90.00 0 10004A

Music for the youngest-Blixembosch x 4 months through 3 yrs.* Bu Mon 09 Sep 2013 13 9.30-10.15 Marieke Trienekens 90.00 0 10001Music for the youngest-Meerhoven x 4 months through 3 yrs.* MH Wed 11 Sep 2013 13 9.30-10.15 Marieke Trienekens 90.00 0 10002Music and movement for toddlers x Children fr. 3 thr. 4 yrs. PP Wed 11 Sep 2013 13 11.00-11.45 Hetty Boeijen 90.00 0 10010Music and movement (4-5-years) x Children fr. 4 + 5 yrs. PP Wed 28 Aug 2013 15 13.15-14.00 Hetty Boeijen 104.00 0 10012Music and movement (5-6 yrs.) x Children fr. 5 + 6 yrs. PP Wed 28 Aug 2013 30 14.00-14.45 Hetty Boeijen 180.00 0 10013Playing with Music x Children fr. group 3 + 4 PP Mon 09 Sep 2013 8 17.00-17.45 linda Vrolijk 73.00 0 10061Music studio x Children fr. 7 thr. 9 yrs. PP Mon 09 Sep 2013 12 16.00-17.00 linda Vrolijk 150.00 4 10020Music studio x Children fr. 7 thr. 9 yrs. PP Fri 13 Sep 2013 12 16.00-17.00 jet Franssen 150.00 4 10016Music studio x Children fr. 7 thr. 9 yrs. PP Wed 11 Sep 2013 12 14.15-15.15 Ingje van rijn 150.00 4 10017Music studio-Blixembosch x Children fr. 7 thr. 9 yrs. Bu Mon 9 Sep 2013 12 16.00-17.00 Ingje van rijn 150.00 4 10007Music studio-Meerhoven x Children fr. 7 thr. 9 yrs. MH Wed 11 Sep 2013 12 15.00-16.00 jet Franssen 150.00 4 10008Music studio-Meerhoven x Children fr. 7 thr. 9 yrs. MH Thu 12 Sep 2013 12 16.00-17.00 Mat van Bree 150.00 0 10005Getting to know instruments x Adults PP Wed 18 Sep 2013 6 19.00-20.00 jet Franssen 178.00 0 10063

trial lessonsTrial lessons instrument/singing Youth x x Adolescents PP to be determined 1 to be det. Various 15.00 0 10071Trial lessons instrument/singing Adults x Adults PP to be determined 1 to be det. Various 20.00 0 10072

pop schoolCKE Pop bands x x Beginners/advanced pop musicians PS week of 16 Sep 2013 30 to be det. Various see list 0 10800rock City Basics x Adolescents 14-21 yrs. PS Fri 15 nov 2013 20 17.00-18.30 ruud Borgers 403.00 0 10921

dJ-schoolBeat Mixing beginners x Adolescents fr. 13-18 yrs. PS Wed 04 Sep 2013 15 18.00-19.30 lady Aïda 224.00 0 10839Beat Mixing beginners x x Adolescents and Adults PS Wed 04 Sep 2013 15 19.15-21.15 lady Aïda 224.00 0 10840Beat Mixing beginners x x Children and Adolescents From 9-13 yrs. PS Mon 02 Sep 2013 15 18.00-19.30 lady Aïda 224.00 0 10841Beat Mixing advanced x x Adolescents and Adults PS Mon 02 Sep 2013 15 19.45-21.15 lady Aïda 224.00 0 10842Beat Mixing digital x From 18 yrs. PP Thu 05 Sep 2013 15 19.30-21.00 lady Aïda 224.00 0 10843

playing together55+ orchestra `De Toenagers` x Experienced instrum. PP Tue 10 Sep 2013 30 13.45-14.45 Karin Geelen see list 0 10532Accordion for 55+ers x Everyone over 55 PP Tue 03 Sep 2013 12 t. be announ. Karin Geelen see list 0 10529Accordion ensemble for beginners x x x Accordeonists from A-level PP Thu 12 Sep 2013 30 t.b.a. Karin Geelen see list 0 10500Baroque ensemble f. string instrum. x Instrumentalists with experience PP Tue 10 Sep 2013 15 13.50-15.20 john van den Beemt see list 0 10544Big Band for advanced 'Groove Connection' x x Musicians with good B-level experience PP Thu 05 Sep 2013 30 20.30-21.30 Danny Cuypers see list 0 10524recorder ensemble for Adults x recorder players from B-level PP Mon 09 Sep 2013 15 19.15-20.15 Carla Franssen see list 0 10503recorder ensemble x German fluite from B-level PP Wed 11 Sep 2013 30 19.30-20.30 Annemarie van den

Bercken see list 0 10504

Eindhoven’s brass ensemble x x Advanced brass players PP Sat 14 Sep 2013 15 10.00-11.30 jaap van Wershoven see list 0 10526Ensemble coaching x x Existing ensembles PP to be determined 10 to be determ. Various see list 0 10534Guitar ensemble nOWAY x Adult guitar players from A-level PP Wed 11 Sep 2013 30 20.00-21.30 joost van de laar see list 0 10531Bugle ensemble x x Adolescents/Adults PP Sat 07 Sep 2013 15 12.00-13.30 jaap van Wershoven see list 0 10527Youth guitar orchestra '6Tet' x x Guitarists interested in playing in small group PP Fri 13 Sep 2013 15 18.30-20.30 joost van de laar see list 0 10508Youth guitar orchestra 'GO!' x x Guitarists (classical) fr. A- through C-level PP Wed 11 Sep 2013 30 19.00-20.00 joost van de laar see list 0 10507Youth symphony orchestra Parnassos x x String and brass playersat C-level PP Fri 13 Sep 2013 30 18.00-19.15 Guus Dohmen 50.00 0 10516Chamber music ensembles x Adult instrumentalists with experience PP to be determined 15 to be det. Various see list 0 10533new FolCKE x Adolescents 13-18 yrs. B-level PP Wed 04 Sep 2013 30 17.30-18.30 Karin Geelen see list 0 10522Project harmony – orchestra Aiolos x Players at rC-level PP to be announced 30 to be announ. Guus Dohmen see list 0 10518renaissance ensemble x Advanced instrumentalists and singers PP Tue 10 Sep 2013 30 20.00-21.00 jet Franssen see list 0 10530String instrument ensemble A-level x String players at A-level PP Mon 09 Sep 2013 30 17.00-17.50 john van den Beemt see list 0 10514String instrument ensemble B-level x x String players at B-level PP Fri 13 Sep 2013 30 16.00-16.45 Various see list 0 10515Playing together for beginners saxophone x x Musicians around A-level PP Sat 07 Sep 2013 30 10.20-11.20 Danny Cuypers see list 0 10523Saxophone ensemble x x Saxofonists from B-level PP Wed 11 Sep 2013 30 18.30-19.30 Xavier Scheepers see list 0 10517SlIM lessons 1st yr x x For beginning children and Adolescents PP Wed 04 Sep 2013 30 15.30-16.30 Karin Geelen see list 0 10405SlIM lessons 2nd yr x x For 2nd yr Children and Adolescents PP to be announced 30 to be announ. Annemarie van den

Bercken see list 0 10402

String orchestra Xilias x Adolescents playing a string instrument from C-level

PP Fridays 30 17.30-18.30 Hawar Tawfiq see list 0 10509

unplugged Folk x x Musicians from 9 yrs. at minimum A-level PP Tue 03 Sep 2013 30 17.00-18.00 Karin Geelen see list 0 10521Folk music ensemble x Musicians and singers PP Tue 03 Sep 2013 30 20.00-21.00 Karin Geelen see list 0 10519

talent-idregionally specialised class x Adolescents fr. 14 thr. 19 yrs. at HAVO or VWO PP Sat 14 Sep 2013 36 9.00-12.00 Various 489.00 0 10920Specialised class rock school x For pop musicians fr. 16-25 yrs. PP Sat 14 Sep 2013 18 11.00-15.00 Various 471.00 0 10923

World musicChinese Singing group x Adults enjoying to sing a Chinese repertoire PP Thu 12 Sep 2013 15 14.30-15.30 Sissi zhang see list 0 10609Chinese Singing group for Children x Children interested in learning to sing, incl. Chinese

piecesPP Mon 09 Sep 2013 15 16.00-17.00 Sissi zhang see list 0 10610

Accordion C/F beginners x Beginning players of the accordion PP Wed 11 Sep 2013 12 to be det. Karin Geelen 208.00 0 10713Accordion C/F continued x Accordion players (in C and F) PP Mon 09 Sep 2013 12 20.50-21.50 Karin Geelen 208.00 0 10710Flamenco guitar x x x All ages PP Wed 04 Sep 2013 15 17.00-18.00 Farzad Aryanpour 302.00 0 20530Guitar lesson (with Turkish songs) x x x All ages PP Tue 27 Aug 2013 36 to be det. Dilaver Göktas see list 0 20233P'iP'a-lesson x x x Everyone from 7 yrs. PP week of 26 Aug 2013 36 to be det. Sissi zhang see list 0 20520Saz-lesson x x x Everyone from 8 yrs. PP week of 26 Aug 2013 36 to be det. Dilaver Göktas see list 0 20500

singingVoice lesson x x x Everyone from 7 yrs. PP week of 26 Aug 2013 36 to be det. Various see list 0 20340Group lessons singing f. Children 1st yr x Children 7 and 8 yrs. PP Wed 04 Sep 2013 30 13.45-14.30 nanneke Piek 199.00 0 10230Group lessons singing f. Children 1st yr x Children 9 through 11 yrs. PP Wed 04 Sep 2013 30 15.15-16.00 nanneke Piek 199.00 0 10234Group lessons singing for Children 2nd yr x Children 8 through 10 yrs. PP Wed 04 Sep 2013 30 14.30-15.15 nanneke Piek 199.00 0 10236Group lessons singing for Children 2nd yr x Children 10 through 12 yrs. PP Thu 05 Sep 2013 30 17.00-17.45 nanneke Piek 199.00 0 10231Group lessons singing f. Children 2nd yr x Children 10 thr. 12 yrs. PP Thu 05 Sep 2013 30 17.45-18.30 nanneke Piek 199.00 0 10238Group lessons singing for Children 3rd yr x Children 9 through 11 yrs. PP Wed 04 Sep 2013 30 13.00-13.45 nanneke Piek 199.00 0 10232Group lessons singing for Children 3rd yr x Children 11 thr. 13 yrs. PP Thu 05 Sep 2013 30 19.00-19.45 nanneke Piek 199.00 0 10233Singing groep Meerhoven x Children 8 thr. 11 yrs. MH Mon 02 Sep 2013 30 15.45-16.30 nanneke Piek 199.00 0 10235Voice training general x Beginning singers betw. 12 and 18 yrs. PP Thu 05 Sep 2013 35 17.00-18.00 Hans van Heiningen 198.00 0 10910Voice raining general continuing course x Adolescents with basic voice course completed PP Thu 05 Sep 2013 35 16.00-17.00 Hans van Heiningen 198.00 0 10911Voice training cont. course Pop/jazz x Beginning singers betw. 12 en 18 yrs. PP Thu 05 Sep 2013 35 19.45-20.45 nanneke Piek 198.00 0 10912rock singing x Adolescents 13 thr. 21 yrs. PS Wed 11 Sep 2013 18 to be det. Mirjam Snoek see list 0 20263Singer Songwriting x Adolescents from 14 yrs. PP to be determined 32 to be det. Various see list 0 10062Workshops Pop singing basic course x x Everyone from 15 yrs. who wants to sing in a band PS Tue 17 Sep 2013 15 18.00-19.30 Mirjam Snoek see list 0 10820Workshops Pop singing basic course x x Everyone from 15 yrs. who wants to sing in a band PS Tue 17 Sep 2013 15 19.30-21.00 Mirjam Snoek see list 0 10820AVoice training (Basic course) x Beginning singers from 18 yrs. PP Tue 10 Sep 2013 35 19.15-20.15 Paul van den Bemt 229.00 0 10600Voice training (Continuing course) x Everyone who completed the basics course PP Tue 10 Sep 2013 35 18.00-19.00 Paul van den Bemt 229.00 0 10601Choir training A x Beginning singersfrom 18 yrs. PP Thu 12 Sep 2013 30 18.00-19.00 Paul van den Bemt 206.00 0 10602Women’s Vocal Ensemble x Women from appr. 25 yrs. with singing experience PP Mon 09 Sep 2013 30 20.30-21.30 Dineke van der Sman see list 0 10605CKE-Vocal ensemble x After the course in voice / choir training PP Tue 10 Sep 2013 30 20.30-21.45 Paul van den Bemt see list 0 10606

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Price list CKE music school 2013-2014

Course name from Eindhoven

from outside of Eindhoven

Lessons for an instrumen Children and Adolescents (Born after August 1, 1992)membership CKE-music schoolGroup lesson* 443.00 653.0020 minutes (individual) 591.00 870.0030 minutes (individual) 885.00 1,305.00* in principle all beginnening new students start with group member-


membership music school talentstroom*B- phase 30 minutes 649.00C- phase 40 minutes 757.00D-phase/regionally specialised class 45 minutes 957.00* registration after approval, please look for information from


open lesson card (advanced, to be determined)10 lesson card 30 minutes 233.00 344.0010 lesson card 40 minutes 311.00 458.0010 lesson card 60 minutes 466.00 686.00

Lesson for an instrument Adults (born before Aug 01, 1992)membership CKE-music schoolgroup lesson (or during the week 30 min) 534.00 792.0020 minutes /40 min every two weeks 711.00 1,056.0030 minutes /60 min every two weeks 1,066.00 1,583.00

open lesson card (advanced, to be determined)10 lesson card 30 minutes 281.00 416.0010 lesson card 40 minutes 374.00 556.0010 lesson card 60 minutes 561.00 833.00

Prices for groups and ensembles, bands, orchestraFor student members of CKE Music school (except for lesson cards) free of chargenon-member prices Popbands/Popsinging 343.00non-member prices ensembles in small groups 280.00non-member prices ensembles in large groups 168.00Trial membership pop bands (half yr.) 171.00Prices for non-members Youth symphony orchestra Parnassos 50.00

Lessons for an instrumentmost lessons for an instrument start in the weeks of August 26. You will be able to find more information on our website about precise lesson days and times. there you will also find which enthousiastic and specially trained instrcutor will be teaching the class.

From 4 yrs.: cello, violinFrom 5 yrs.: contrabass, clarinetFrom 6 yrs.: accordeon, alto violin, viola, recorder, German flute, flamenco guitar, guitar

(also possible for mainly Turkish songs), harp, keyboard/synthesiser, piano

From 7 yrs.: electronic organ, bassoon, horn, p'ip'a, sax, singingFrom 8 yrs.: bugle, cornet, cembalo, organ, saz, drums/ percussion, trumpetFrom 9 yrs.: oboe, tubaFrom 10 yrs.: bass guitar

For children interested in learning to play an instrument, but have not chosen an instrucment yet, can start in january with our introcuctory courses.

News for Adults:Introductory course Keyboard for Seniors from 65 yrs.

writingCourse description target group start date Classtime instructor number

of lessonslocation price Course


Creative writing basics beginners Thu 19 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 Irma uhlenbusch 12 SD 258.00 61003Basics creative writing beginners Thu 23 jan 2014 19.30-22.00 Irma uhlenbusch 12 SD 258.00 61004literary techniques basics beginners Mon 23 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 judy Elfferich 12 SD 258.00 61001Basics literaire techniques beginners Mon 20 jan 2014 19.30-22.00 judy Elfferich 12 SD 258.00 61002Genre 1 – narrative prose writing advanced Wed 25 Sep 2013 19.30-22.00 roel Smits 12 SD 258.00 61005Genre 2 – fiction writing advanced Wed 22 jan 2014 19.30-22.00 roel Smits 12 SD 258.00 61006Genre 3 – writing for children advanced Mon 10 Mar 2014 19.30-22.00 jos Walta en Wim Daniëls 6 KB 120.00 61007Genre 4 - column writing all levels Mon 12 May 2014 19.30-22.00 Anemoon langenhoff 4 SD 79.00 61008Manuscript advice to be determined roel Smits / Irma uhlenbusch 1 SD 53.00 61009

sd = CKE, Stratumsedijk 22 | pp = CKE, Pastoor Petersstraat 180

mH = CKE-Meerhoven, spilcentrum De Hangar | Bl = CKE-Blixembosch,

VTA-Blixems | tt = CKE-Tempel, ’t Trefpunt | vl = Grade school De Vuurvlinder

Bu = Grade school De Boschuil | KB = Children’s book store De Boekenberg,

Kleine Berg 48, Eindhoven | ps = CKE PopEi, Strijp-S

* together with a parent or care taker, division of groups by age

schedule music and writing | 33


Course name Chil







target group loca


start date num





Class time instructor price mat


l cos


Course code

Vocal group x All singers (m/v) (Adults) PP Thu 12 Sep 2013 15 20.45-21.45 Anne Stockman 259.00 0 10607Mixed choir ‘Vivace’ x 55+ and singing skills PP Thu 12 Sep 2013 30 10.00-12.00 ruud Huijbregts 175.00 0 10608Basic course light Vocal x Adults PP Sat 08 Feb 2014 9 10.00-13.00 Various 395.00 15 10611Orientation course Choir Direction x Choir singers PP Fri 27 Sep 2013 10 10.00-12.30 ruud Huijbregts 201.00 0 10631Singing lesson (pop & jazz) x x x Adults PP Wed 11 Sep 2013 30 to be det. Various see list 0 20490zanglessen (pop & jazz) x x x Volwassenen PP wo 11 sep 2013 30 in overleg Diversen zie lijst 0 20490

other music coursesCourse 'les petits clarinettistes' x Children from 5 yrs. PP to be determined 36 to be det. joost van Balkom see list 0 20232Course 'Kleurinette' colorful clarinet x Children from 8 yrs. PP to be determined 36 to be det. joost van Balkom see list 0 20231Introduction course tinwhistle x x x All ages PP to be determined 4 to be det. Carla Franssen 54.00 0 10060Experiencing Music x x Everyone betw. 6 and 18 yrs. with limited under-

standingPP Mon 16 Sep 2013 15 17.15-18.15 Karin Geelen 135.00 0 10090

Experiencing Music x People from 18 yrs. with limited understanding PP Mon 16 Sep 2013 15 19.45-20.45 Karin Geelen 206.00 0 10950Classical harmonics basic course x Good knowledge of music theory + able to read

musicPP Sat 05 Oct 2013 12 12.30-13.30 Stan Bakermans 190.00 0 10630

Composition class x Adults PP Sat 14 Sep 2013 10 to be det. Stan Bakermans 199.00 0 10960Introductory course keyboard 65+ x seniors from 65 yrs. PP to be announced 8 to be det. Various 108.00 0 10535Specialisation course baritone- and Alto saxophone

x x sax players (Adolescents and Adults) PP Mon 09 Sep 2013 12 to be det. Xavier Scheepers 190.00 0 10712

Page 34: CKE brochure 1314 english

Piano’s Vleugels Eindhoven Aalsterweg 77e5615 CB EINDHOVEN+31 (0)40 [email protected]


Zeelsterstraat 101B


+31 (0)40 2517711

[email protected]

De BlaasinstrumentenspecialistProvincialeweg 35503 HA Veldhoven+31 (0)40

[email protected]

Let’s Play Guitar Center Eindhoven

Tongelresestraat 445a

5641 AW Eindhoven

+31 (0)40 8796177, +31 (0)6 18288226

[email protected]

De Licht & Geluids Fabriek

Broekakkerseweg 22b5641 PC Eindhoven+31 (0)40 [email protected]


Kleine Berg 765611 JW Eindhoven+31 (0)40 [email protected]

Page 35: CKE brochure 1314 english




MuziekgebouwEindhoven.nlconcerten voor de hele familieZO 06 OKT Dag Giraf Liedjes van Annie M.G. Schmidt | VOF de kunst 4+

ZO 20 OKT Carmen zang, dans & muziek | o.a. met Frank Groothof 7+

ZO 10 NOV Cellostormkomische voorstelling door Cello8tet Amsterdam 5+

ZO 01 DEC De Pepernotenfabriek starring Sinterklaasmet Denvis, The Real Deal & Theatergroep de Schoenfabriek 4+

VR 13 DEC Op weg naar het NieuwjaarsconcertNederlands Blazers Ensemble 6+

DO 26 DEC (2E KERSTDAG) Warme Handen Koude VoetenDirk Scheele 2+

Heuvel Galerie 140 | TICKETS & | 040.244 20 20

Piano’s Vleugels Eindhoven Aalsterweg 77e5615 CB EINDHOVEN+31 (0)40 [email protected]


Zeelsterstraat 101B


+31 (0)40 2517711

[email protected]

De BlaasinstrumentenspecialistProvincialeweg 35503 HA Veldhoven+31 (0)40

[email protected]

Let’s Play Guitar Center Eindhoven

Tongelresestraat 445a

5641 AW Eindhoven

+31 (0)40 8796177, +31 (0)6 18288226

[email protected]

De Licht & Geluids Fabriek

Broekakkerseweg 22b5641 PC Eindhoven+31 (0)40 [email protected]


Kleine Berg 765611 JW Eindhoven+31 (0)40 [email protected]



Page 36: CKE brochure 1314 english

With the Cultural Card Eindhoven you will go places!

Exclusively aVailable for course ParTiciPaNTs of cKe! www.CkE.NL

K. Molin

cursist nr.


