
Let’s Debate!Learning how to prepare and do well in a

classroom debate.


By the end of the lesson, SWB ready to debate the following subjects from the perspective of Northerners or Southerners prior to the Civil War: slavery and tariffs.


What is a debate?


A debate is where two sides with different opinions on an issue talk about why their view is right and the other view is wrong.

A debate is like an organized argument!

DebatesDon’t get confused though! A debate is not...

DebatesDebates have lots of rules to make sure people are respectful, the time spent is worthwhile, and it is a pleasant experience where people learn.

Rules of a Debate

Each side presents their arguments while the other side is respectfully listening.

There is no name calling!

People do not shout at each other!

Debate Format

1 Minutes - Opening Statement

3 Minutes - Present your case

5 Questions - Answer each question using facts.

Debate Preparation

Who thinks you can show up to a debate without doing research and preparing for the big day?!


You must prepare!

Debate Prep. Example

Topic: “Pizza is the best food on Earth!”

The debate is going to be about whether or not this is statement is true or not.

Let’s say that you are on the side that agrees with this statement. What do you think the first step would be to get ready for the big debate?

Research!You want to do some research on your topic.

Researching a topic gives you the tools that you need to do a better job than the other side in the debate.

What type of things could we research with regards to the pizza topic?


How many pizzas are sold each year...

The awesome ingredients used on a pizza...

How many pizzas people eat daily...

Remember, you want to do research to make your topic look good!

Gather InformationWhile you are researching, you can gather information.

You might want to categorize into different groups:

Positive information, and how it helps you, and

Negative information, how it hurts you, and arguments against that information.

Positive Information... how it helps you.

Each year, 3 billion pizzas are sold This shows that are really popular!

There are over 61,000 pizza restaurants in the U.S. This shows you can easily get pizza.

Most pizzas have cheese and pepperoni This shows that pizza is made with ingredients that a lot of people love.

Negative Information... how it hurts you... how to counter the information.

Pizza is fattening This shows that pizza is unhealthy People don’t need to eat that much pizza to fill up, therefore, its not that bad for you!

Pizza can give you a stomach ache This shows that pizza can make you sick. A person can get a stomach ache from any food, not just pizza.

Debate Topic

Are you ready to see what we are going to debate next class?!?

Are you sure?

Debate Topic

Get excited!

Debate Topic!

“Slavery in America is a great thing. The tariffs on the other hand, are horrible!”



Debate Topic

You will now be split up into two groups.

Remember, you don’t have to personally agree with the statement in order to debate on the side that agrees with the statement.

You are just trying to find information that helps your cause.

Independent Practice

Now it’s your turn to prepare!

1) As a small group, use notes from the past classes and computers to gather information and put it on your Debate Action Plan.

2) Divide up in your group who wants to present what information.

3) Pick someone to give the opening statement.
