Page 1: CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Objectives: Explain the major figures, movements and actions of the Civil Rights Movement in America



Explain the major figures, movements and actions of the Civil Rights Movement in America.

Page 2: CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Objectives: Explain the major figures, movements and actions of the Civil Rights Movement in America

BR - Rachel Carson reading and chart

Who Wanted But So

Page 3: CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Objectives: Explain the major figures, movements and actions of the Civil Rights Movement in America

HW - june 2009 - 1-10

Page 4: CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Objectives: Explain the major figures, movements and actions of the Civil Rights Movement in America

Intro - Review Case and decision of Plessy v Ferguson

Page 5: CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Objectives: Explain the major figures, movements and actions of the Civil Rights Movement in America

1. Jackie Robinson



used courts and boycotts to achieve equality

Linda Brown - had to travel to segregated school in Topeka, Kansas

NAACP hires THURGOOD MARSHALL - argues that seg. lawsviolate 14th am. = protection clause - cause AA children psychological damage by lowering their self esteem

SC decides that "seperate but = has no place in public education"and orders "integration with all deliberate speed"

little immediate effect

Major league baseball player that broke the color barrier in the modern era

Page 6: CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Objectives: Explain the major figures, movements and actions of the Civil Rights Movement in America

4. Rosa Parks

5. MLK JR and Southern Christian Leadership Counference

NAACP member - Montgomery, Alabama refused to give up seat on bus to white passenger

arrested and found guilty

appealed to SC

below organize a boycott of buses - eco loss causes them to reverse discr. policy before SC decision does

Page 7: CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Objectives: Explain the major figures, movements and actions of the Civil Rights Movement in America

6. Civil Disobedience

7. Passive Resistance

8. Little Rock Crisis - 1957

refusal to obey unjust laws

ex: sits in at lunch counters of Woolworth's in Greensboro, NC - SNCC

non compliance to those in power

ex: boycott of buses in Montgomery Alabama by AAs

Gov Faubus in Arkansas refuse to comply with integration

National Guard sent into Central High School to "prevent riot" - instead white mob prevents LITTLE ROCK 9 from registering for school

Eisenhower sends in the 101st Airborne to escort students in....

Page 8: CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Objectives: Explain the major figures, movements and actions of the Civil Rights Movement in America

9. Freedom Riders

10. Civil Rights Act of 1957 -


11. James Meredith

12. Letter from a Birmingham Jail

13. Medgar Evers

14. National Urban League

15. SNCC

group that rode buses in DEEP SOUTH to try and desegregate interstate busing - met with VIOLENCE - eventually successful

est commission to investigate racism in south and secure voting rights for AAs

increased AA voting rights

AA that tried to register at the U of MISSGovernor barred his entry - riot broke out - 2 killedKennedy sent in troops to help him register

MLK jailed for leading nonviolent marches to protest the lack of integrationhe paralleled AAs struggle with early Christians and Gandhi in India

(1963) - NAACP leader than was assassinated in his front yard by a member of the White Citizens' Council - man was not found guilty until 1994

Helped AAs find jobs in industry and aid Southern blacks moving North

Page 9: CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Objectives: Explain the major figures, movements and actions of the Civil Rights Movement in America

16. Black Power


17. Nation of Islam

18. Malcolm X

19. Black Panthers

- separatist movement that believed in militant activism

civil rights group opposed to integration

separatist religious organization

leading figure in the Nation of Islam - assassinated after he promoted working together with white to end discrimination

militant African American separatist group

Page 10: CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Objectives: Explain the major figures, movements and actions of the Civil Rights Movement in America

19. Kerner Commission

20. Civil Rights Act of 1964

of 1968

federal commission found that there were 2 Americas - 1 white and 1 black

created stiff penalties for those who practiced discrimination in voting or employment - withholds federal funding from schools or communities that practice discrimination

Bans discrimination in rental units and real estate transactions

Page 11: CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Objectives: Explain the major figures, movements and actions of the Civil Rights Movement in America

21. Voting Rights Act of 1965


22. Heart of Atlanta Hotel v US

23. Affirmative Action

24. Reverse Discrimination

Bakke v. the Regents of the University of California

25. 24th Amendment

suspended literacy tests in some areasprovides fed help to new voters

ends all literacy tests and est 30 day residency requirement

owner believed US gov could not regulate private local hotel

refused to comply with desegregation mandates

SC declared that Congress could regulate since he served individuals from other states - under the Interstate Commerce Clause

Certain percentage of positions are set aside for minority populations ---QUOTAS

majority population is denied a position due to Affirmative Action

argued that special admissions practices of Davis Medical College operated to exclude him on the basis of his race...a violation of the 14th amendments equal protection clause

SC decision- quotas were not unconstitutional innately but if their practice was discriminatory then they were illegal - Bakke was admitted to their medical school

prohibited poll taxes

ADD BAKER v CARR (1962) -

SC applied the 14th am. to equally sized election districts in TN where urban residents were under represented

this violation necessitated the "one person one vote" reapportioning of election districts

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Page 13: CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Objectives: Explain the major figures, movements and actions of the Civil Rights Movement in America
Page 14: CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Objectives: Explain the major figures, movements and actions of the Civil Rights Movement in America
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