  • 8/13/2019 Civil Procedure Part 3 Special Civil Actions



    The special civil actions are:

    (1) Interpleader (Rule 62);

    (2) Declaratory Relief (Rule 63);

    (3) Certiorari, rohi!ition and Mandamus(Rule 6");

    (#)Quo Warranto(Rule 66);

    (") $%propriation (Rule 6&);

    (6) 'oreclosure of Real $state ortae (Rule 6*);

    (&) artition (Rule 6+);

    (*) 'orci!le $ntry and nla-ful Detainer (Rule &.); and

    (+) /onte0pt (Rule &1)

    I. The Different Special Civil Actions

    1. Interpleaer

    1. Requisites

    (1) The plaintiff clai0s no interest in the su!ect 0atter or his clai0 is not disputed;

    (2) There 0ust at least !e t-o (2) or 0ore conflictin clai0ants;

    (3) The parties to !e interpleaded 0ust 0ae effective clai0s; and

    (#) The su!ect 0atter 0ust !e one and the sa0e

    2. Decisional Rules

    Interpleader -as found to !e a proper action in an action of a lessee -ho does not no- to -ho0 to payrentals due to conflictin clai0s on the property;3+.and in an action !y a !an -here the purchaser of acashier4s chec clai0s it -as lost and another has presented it for pay0ent3+1It -as ho-ever found to!e i0proper in an action -here defendants have conflictin clai0s aainst the plaintiff;3+2and an action-here one of the defendants had earlier sued the plaintiff and secured a ud0ent aainst hi0 -hichhas already !eco0e final The action is !arred !y laches or unreasona!le delay3+3

    390Pagkalinawan v. Rodas, 80 Phil. 281 [1948].391Mesina v. Interediate !""ellate #o$rt,%o. &'(014), %ove*er 13, 198+, 14) #R! 49(.392-eltran v. Peo"les /oesite and /o$sing #or"oration, %o. &'2)138, !$g$st 28, 19+9, 29 #R! 14).393ak ak ol and #o$ntr #l$*, In. v. on, %o. &'238)1, Marh 2+, 19(+, (0 #R! 1+).
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    3. Procedural Peculiarities

    31 pon the filin of the co0plaint, the court shall issue an order re5uirin the conflictinclai0ants to interplead -ith one another3+#

    32 The court 0ay direct in the sa0e order 0entioned in the precedin pararaph that the

    su!ect 0atter of the suit !e paid or delivered to the court3+"

    33 The su00ons shall !e acco0panied !y copies of the co0plaint and order 0entioned in o1

    3# The defendants 0ay file a 0otion to dis0iss on the round of the i0propriety of theinterpleader action or on other appropriate rounds specified in Rule 16

    3" The defendants shall serve a copy of the ans-er not only to the plaintiff !ut also to their co7defendants -ho 0ay file their reply thereto

    36 The effect of a failure to plead -ithin the prescri!ed period is that, upon 0otion, thedefendant -ill !e declared in default and thereafter renders ud0ent !arrin hi0 fro0 anyclai0 in respect to the su!ect 0atter

    !. Declarator" Relief an Si#ilar Re#eies

    1. Requisites

    (1) There 0ust !e a usticia!le controversy;3+6

    (2) The controversy 0ust !e !et-een persons -hose interest is adverse;

    (3) The parties 0ust have leal interest in the controversy;

    (#) The controversy 0ust !e ripe for udicial deter0ination;3+&and

    (") The petition 0ust !e filed !efore there is a !reach or violation3+*

    2. Procedural Peculiarities

    21 The petition 0ust !e filed !efore there is a !reach of contract or violation of the statute orordinance3++

    22 Third7party co0plainant is not allo-ed#..

    394R$les o #o$rt, R$le +2, e. 2.39)Ibid.39+5*iles v. Re"$*li, 92 Phil. 8+4 [19)3].39(-oard o 5"toetr v. #olet, . R. %o. 122241, 6$l 30, 199+, 2+0 #R! 88.398R$les o #o$rt, R$le +3, e. 1.399Ibid.400#oissioner o #$stos v. #lori*el, %o. &'2103+, 6$ne 30, 19((, (( #R! 4)9.

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    (3) There is no appeal nor plain, speedy and ade5uate re0edy in the ordinary cause of la-

    2. erminology

    (1) 8ithout urisdiction > a!sence of a leal po-er to deter0ine a case

    (2) $%cess of urisdiction > the court has urisdiction !ut fails to co0ply -ith the conditionsprescri!ed for its e%ercise#11

    (3) rave a!use of discretion > udicial po-er is e%ercised capriciously, ar!itrarily ordespotically due to passion or personal hostility#12

    3.Certiorariis not a proper re#e" if appeal is availa%le or it is lost thro&'h the fa&lt of thepetitioner()1$e*cept+

    (1) appeal is not a speedy and ade5uate re0edy;#1#

    (2) order is issued -ithout or in e%cess of urisdiction;#1"

    (3) in consideration of pu!lic -elfare and for the advance0ent of pu!lic policy;#16

    (#) order is a patent nullity;#1&

    (") to avoid future litiation;#1*

    (6) to avoid a 0iscarriae of ustice;#1+

    (&) in furtherance of the !roader interest of ustice and e5uities#2.

    ). ,efore certiorarican %e availe of( petitioner sho&l first file a #otion for reconsieration of

    the challen'e orer( resol&tion or ecision()!1

    e*cept in the folloin' cases+

    (1) in the interest of ustice and pu!lic -elfare and advance0ent of pu!lic policy;#22

    (2) order -as issued -ithout or in e%cess of urisdiction;#23

    411&e$ng -en v. 5-rien, 38 Phil. 182 [1918] ;engo v. 6oson, 43 Phil. (1) [1922].412a*oa v. #r$?, %o. &')+291, 6$ne 2(, 1988, 1+2 #R! +42 ilinvest #redit #or"oration v. Interediate !""ellate

    #o$rt, %o. &'+)93), e"te*er 30, 1988, 1++ #R! 1)).4137illena v. #o$rt o !""eals, %o. &'((++0, 6$l 28, 1988, 1+3 #R! +30 @elaso @da. 7e #aldito v. eg$ndo, %o.

    &')818(, e"te*er 30, 1982, 11( #R! )(3.414al$des v. PaAarillo, (8 Phil. ()4 [194(].4

    1)Phili""ine %ational -ank v. lorendo, . R. %o. +2082, e*r$ar 2+, 1992, 20+ #R! )82.41+6ose v. B$l$eta, %o. &'1+)98, Ma 31, 19+1, 2 #R! )(4.41(Marelo v. 7e $?an, %o. &'290((, 6$ne 29, 1982, 114 #R! +)(.418t. Peter Meorial Park, In. v. #a"os, 6r., %o. &'38280, Marh 21, 19(), +3 #R! 180.419:s$dero v. 7$la, %o. &'+0)(8, e*r$ar 23, 1988, 1)8 #R! +9.420Maraha v. Melior, . R. %o. 44980, e*r$ar +, 1990, 181 #R! 811.421-$t$an -a ood :C"ort #or"oration v. #o$rt o !""eals, %o. &'4)4(3, !"ril 28, 1980, 9( #R! 29(.4226ose v. B$l$eta,supra, note 41+.423Phili""ine #ons$ers o$ndation, In. v. %ational ;eleo$niations #oission, %o. &'+3318, %ove*er 2),

    1983, 12) #R! 84).

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    (3) order is a patent nullity#2#as -hen petitioner4s riht to due process -as denied in the lo-ercourt#2"or petitioner has !een unla-fully deprived of his riht to appeal;#26

    (#) -hen relief is e%tre0ely urent, there is no 0ore need to -ait for the resolution of a 0otionfor reconsideration;#2&

    (") -hen the 5uestions raised and passed upon in the lo-er court are the sa0e as those to !epassed upon in the certioraricase;#2*and

    (6) 5uestion is purely of la-#2+

    . Re/&ire#ents Re'arin' the E*trinsic S&fficienc" of the Petition

    (1) it 0ust !e verified;#3.

    (2) acco0panied !y a certificate of non7foru0 shoppin;#31

    (3) acco0panied -ith certified true copy of the ud0ent, order or resolution su!ect thereof,

    copies of all pleadins and docu0ents relevant and pertinent thereto;#32

    (#) proof of service pursuant to Rule 13, 9ection 1; and

    (") if not filed and served personally, then, it should !e acco0panied !y a -ritten e%planation-hy personal service -as not resorted to #33

    !. ime to File

    8ithin si%ty (6.) days fro0 notice of decision, resolution or order souht to !e assailed, or fro0 thedenial of petitioner?s 0otion for reconsideration or ne- trial filed in due ti0e after ud0ent#3#

    ". Decisions


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    1. Requisites

    (1) a tri!unal, corporation, !oard, officers or person unla-fully nelects the perfor0ance of anact -hich the la- specifically enoins as a duty arisin fro0 an office, trust, or station orunla-fully e%cludes another fro0 the use or enoy0ent of a riht or office to -hich the plaintiff isentitled; and

    (2) there is no other plain, speedy and ade5uate re0edy in the ordinary course of la-

    2. Decisional Rules

    21 Mandamusis an appropriate re0edy to co0pel a corporation to rant its 0onthly salariede0ployees holiday pay#36

    22 Mandamusis not proper to co0pel a school to enroll a student for acade0ic deficiencies!ecause this involves the e%ercise !y the school of discretion under acade0ic freedo0#3&

    23 Mandamus-ill not lie aainst the resident or /onress !ecause of the principle that theudiciary is a co7e5ual depart0ent of the latter#3*

    2# 'ailure to e%haust ad0inistrative re0edies is enerally fatal to an action for mandamus#3+The e%ception is -hen the 5uestion is purely of la-##.

    . #uo $arranto

    1. Definition

    < quo warrantois a preroative -rit !y -hich the overn0ent can call upon any person to sho- !y-hat -arrant he holds a pu!lic office or e%ercises a pu!lic franchise##1

    !. #uo $arrantoas istin'&ishe 0ro# Election Contest

    If the dispute is as to the countin of votes or on 0atters connected -ith the conduct of the election,quo warrantois not the proper re0edy !ut an election protest##28hen the dispute is on the inelii!ilityof a person souht to !e ousted, quo warrantois the proper action##3

    3. Peculiarities of Proceedings

    43+MantradeDMM# 7ivision :"loees and orkers Enion v. -a$ngan,%o. &'4843(, e"te*er 30, 198+, 144

    #R! )10.43(Eniversit o the Phili""ines v. !son,. R. %o. 8838+, !$g$st 1(, 1989, 1(+ #R! )(1.438$anes v. #hie !o$ntant o the enate, 81 Phil. 818 [1948] Resol$tion on the Motion or Reonsideration, 81 Phil.

    8(( [1948].439!>$ino v. Mariano, %o. &'3048), Ma 31, 1984, 129 #R! )32.4405ne /eart "orting #l$*, In. v. #o$rt o !""eals,%o. &')3(90, 5to*er 23, 1981, 108 #R! 41+.4413 Moran 208 [19(0].442#aesar v. arrido, )3 Phil. 9( [1929].443ort$no v. Pala, %o. &'(0203, 7ee*er 18, 198(, 1)+ #R! +91.

    - 6 -
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    31 8hen the 9olicitor eneral or a pu!lic prosecutor co00ences the action at the instance ofanother person, leave of court 0ust first !e secured

    32 The 0otion for leave 0ust !e set for hearin -ith notice to the respondent so that he 0ay!e heard; and

    33 The court issues the order allo-in the filin of the action -ithin the period fi%ed therein

    . E*propriation

    1. Requisites For %&ercise of Right

    (1) due process of la- > co0pliance -ith the rules set do-n (Rule 6&);

    (2) pay0ent of ust co0pensation; and

    (3) tain 0ust !e for pu!lic use###

    2. wo '2( )tages in %&propriation Proceedings

    21 Deter0ination of the authority of the plaintiff to e%ercise the po-er of e0inent do0ain andthe propriety of its e%ercise in the conte%t of the facts This stae is ter0inated !y either anorder of dis0issal of the action or order of the conde0nation declarin that e%propriation isproper and leal These orders are final and therefore appeala!le##"

    22 Deter0ination of ust co0pensation

    This is done -ith the assistance of not 0ore than three (3) co00issioners The order fi%in ust

    co0pensation is also final and appeala!le##6

    @ust co0pensation is to !e deter0ined as of thedate of the tain of the propriety or the filin of the co0plaint, -hichever co0es first

    2. 0oreclos&re of Real Estate 3ort'a'e

    1. he *udgment in a *udicial foreclosure proceeding should+

    (1) 0ae a findin of the a0ount due the plaintiff includin interest, cost and otherchares approved !y the court;

    (2) order defendant to pay said a0ount -ithin a period of not less than ninety (+.) daysnor 0ore than one hundred t-enty (12.) days fro0 entry of ud0ent; and

    (3) if the defendant defaults, the court should order the sale at pu!lic auction of the0ortaed property

    4446. M. ;$a?on and #o., In. v. &and ;en$re !dinistration, %o. &'210+4, 6$ne 30, 19(0, 33 #R! 882.44)M$nii"alit o -iFan v. aria, . R. %o. +92+0, 7ee*er 22, 1989, 180 #R! )(+.44+Ibid.

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    2. Distinction ,etween Right of Redemption and %quity of Redemption

    $5uity of Rede0ption is the riht of the defendant 0ortaor to e%tinuish the 0ortae and retaino-nership of the property !y payin the a0ount fi%ed in the decision of the court -ithin ninety (+.) toone hundred t-enty (12.) days after entry of ud0ent or even after the foreclosure sale !ut prior to itsconfir0ation##&An the other hand, riht of rede0ption is the riht ranted to the de!tor70ortaor, his

    successor7in7interest or any udicial creditor of said de!tor70ortaor or any person havin a lien in theproperty su!se5uent to its 0ortae or deed of trust under -hich the property is sold to redee0 theproperty -ithin one (1) year fro0 the reistration of the sheriff?s certificate of foreclosure sale##*

    'or as lon as the sale have not !een validly confir0ed, the e5uity of rede0ption 0ay !e e%ercised !ythe 0ortaor or his successors7in7interest##+

    $. 4rit of Possession in 5&icial 0oreclos&re

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    This involves a deter0ination of -hether the su!ect property is o-ned in co00on and -hetherall the co7o-ners are 0ade parties in the case The order 0ay also re5uire an accountin ofrents and profits recovered !y the defendant This order of partition is appeala!le #"#If notappealed, then the parties 0ay partition the co00on property in the -ay they -ant If theycannot aree, then the case oes into the second stae Bo-ever, the order of accountin 0ayin the 0eanti0e !e e%ecuted#""

    12 9econd 9tae > The actual partitionin of the su!ect property

    This is also a co0plete proceedin and the order or decision is appeala!le

    2. Prescription of /ction

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    2. Immediate %&ecution and ow to )tay It

    < decision eectin the defendant in a forci!le entry or unla-ful detainer case is i00ediately e%ecutoryCut the ude should not order i00ediate e%ecution in his decision#61There 0ust !e notice of the

    ud0ent#62and a 0otion -ith notice to the adverse party#63

    To stay e%ecution, the defendant should:

    (1) perfect his appeal in due ti0e;

    (2) files a sufficient supersedeas!ond, approved !y the unicipal Trial /ourt; and

    (3) durin the pendency of the appeal, s=he deposits -ith the appellate court the a0ount of rentdue fro0 ti0e to ti0e under the contract, if any, as deter0ined !y the ud0ent of the unicipalTrial /ourt on or !efore the tenth ( day of each succeedin 0onth#6#Cut upon 0otion of theplaintiff -ithin ten (1.) days fro0 the perfection of the appeal to the Reional Trial /ourt, thecourt 0ay still issue a preli0inary 0andatory inunction to restore the plaintiff in possession ifthe court is satisfied that the defendant?s appeal is frivolous or dilatory, or that the appeal of theplaintiff isprima facie0eritorious#6"

    3. Important Decisional Rules on nlawful Detainer

    31 < covenant to rene- a lease contract -hich 0aes no provision as to the rene-al ore%tension i0plies an e%tension or rene-al upon the sa0e ter0s as provided in the oriinallease contract#66


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    This rule as to tolerance does not hold true in a case -here there -as forci!le entry at the start,!ut the la-ful possessor did not atte0pt to oust the intruder for over one (1) year, and onlythereafter filed forci!le entry suit follo-in de0and to vacate#&3

    $lse-ise stated, the tolerance 0ust !e presented riht fro0 the start of possession souht to !erecovered to cateorie a cause of action as one of unla-ful detainer#

    36 De0and upon a tenant 0ay !e oral#&"If de0and is 0ade upon the person found on thepre0ises, it 0ust !e done !y servin upon hi0 notice of such de0and or !y postin such noticeon the pre0ises if no person !e found thereon#&6

    3& 8hen failure to pay rent or co0ply -ith the condition of lease is the round for eect0ent,plaintiff should ive t-o (2) de0ands:

    (1) de0and to pay rental or co0ply -ith conditions of the lease and if this is notco0plied -ith,

    (2) de0and to vacate -ithin fifteen (1") days in case of land or five (") days in case of!uildins fro0 notice thereof The t-o (2) de0ands 0ay !e e0!odied in one (1)

    letter#&&De0and to pay or co0ply 0aes lessee a deforciant -hile de0and to pay andvacate is a re5uire0ent for f ilin the action for unla-ful detainer

    3* 8hen the lease has e%pired, there is no need of prior de0and to vacate The lessor cani00ediately file an action for eect0ent De0and is necessary only -hen the round foreect0ent is failure to pay rent or co0ply -ith the conditions of the lease#&*

    otice and de0and to vacate is, ho-ever, re5uired on a lease on a 0onth7to70onth period torender effective the ter0ination of the lease upon the e%piration of the 0onth, and prevent ani0plied rene-al of the lease#&+

    The notice provision is the one iven after the e%piration of the lease period for the purpose of

    a!ortin an i0plied rene-al of the lease#*.


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    311 Refusal to collect or accept rentals is not a defense There 0ust !e consination#*3

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    revious hearin is re5uired under Rule &1, 9ection 3 of the Revised Rules of /ourt, -here an arrestand the su!se5uent detention of petitioner for her failure to appear at a hearin set !y the trial ude is!ased on the co00ission of an indirect conte0pt 8ithout that hearin, the order violated the rules anddeprived the petitioner of her li!erty -ithout due process #+1

    8here a la-yer fails to o!ey a su!poena and lie-ise co00itted direct conte0pt for havin distur!ed

    the preli0inary e%a0ination !ein conducted !y the ude !y repeatedly drivin his eep and honin itshorn in the vicinity of the court session hall for -hich the la-yer -as ordered arrested and confined inail, the ude should issue a separate order for such direct conte0pt, and another order re5uirin thela-yer to sho- cause -hy he should not !e punished for diso!edience to its process, to ive the la-yera chance to e%plain his failure to appear as a -itness#+2

    4. Contempt 5y non6party

    enerally, no conte0pt is co00itted !y one not a party to the case The re0edy aainst such person iseither a civil or cri0inal action#+3Bo-ever, persons -ho are not parties in a proceedin 0ay !edeclared uilty of conte0pt for -illful violation of an order issued in a case if said persons are uilty ofconspiracy -ith any one of the parties in violatin the /ourt?s order#+#

    !. Power to punish for contempt to 5e e&ercised in preser7ati7e not 7indicti7e principle8 whatconstitutes diso5edience

    Anly in cases of clear and contu0acious refusal to o!ey should the po-er !e e%ercised < bona fide0isunderstandin of theter0s of the order or of the procedural rules should not i00ediately cause the institution of conte0pt proceedins 4The po-erto punish for conte0pt of court should !e e%ercised on the preservative and not on the vindictive principle Anly occasionallyshould the court invoe its inherent po-er in order to retain the respect -ithout -hich the ad0inistration of ustice 0ust falter orfail 9uch po-er !ein drastic and e%traordinary in its nature %%% should not !e resorted to %%% unless necessary in the interest

    of ustice#+"

    TA,LE 1


    D$'IITIA RAD9 RA9$ /ART 8BI/B/

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    -here an action ispendin to !e leviedupon the property orproperties of theadverse partytherein, the sa0e to

    !e held thereafter !ythe sheriff assecurity for thesatisfaction of-hatever ud0ent0iht !e secured insaid action !y theattachin partyaainst the adverseparty

    delict or 5uasi7delict aainst aparty -ho is a!out to depart fro0the hilippines -ith intent todefraud his creditors;

    ! In an action for 0oney orproperty e0!eled or

    fraudulently 0isapplied orconverted to his o-n use !y apu!lic officer, or an officer of acorporation, or an attorney,factor, !roer, aent or cler, inthe course of his e0ploy0ent assuch, or !y any other person in afiduciary capacity, or for a -illfulviolation of duty;

    c In an action to recover thepossession of property unustlyor fraudulently taen, detained orconverted, -hen the property, orany part thereof, has !eenconcealed, re0oved or disposed

    of to prevent its !ein found ortaen !y the applicant or anauthoried person;

    d In an action aainst a party-ho has !een uilty of fraud incontractin the de!t or incurrinthe o!liation upon -hich theaction is !rouht, or in theperfor0ance thereof;

    e In an action aainst a party-ho has re0oved or disposed ofhis property, or is a!out to do so,-ith intent to defraud his


    f In an action aainst a party-ho does not reside and is notfound in the hilippines, or on-ho0 su00ons 0ay !e served!y pu!lication (9ection 1)

    of anyud0entthat 0ay !erecovered!y theclai0ant

    /ourt, 'a0ily/ourt,etropolitan,unicipal andunicipal /ircuitTrial /ourts

    2 reli0inaryInunction (Rule"*)

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    (9ection 1) a person is doin, threatenin, oris atte0ptin to do, or isprocurin or sufferin to !edone, so0e act or acts pro!a!lyin violation of the rihts of theapplicant respectin the su!ect

    of the action or proceedin, andtendin to render the ud0entineffectual (9ection 3)

    3 Te0poraryRestraininArder (TRA)

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    d 8henever in other cases, itappears that the appoint0ent ofa receiver is the 0ost convenientand feasi!le 0eans ofpreservin, ad0inisterin ordisposin of the property in


    Durin the pendency of anappeal, the appellate court 0ayallo- an application for theappoint0ent of a receiver to !efiled in and decided !y the courtof oriin and the receiverappointed to !e su!ect to thecontrol of said court

    " Replevin /ourt orders the seiureof chattels or oodsclai0ed !y a party as his

    -hich are alleedly-ronfully taen ordetained !y anotherperson and to !edelivered to the for0er to!e retained !y hi0 durinthe pendency of theaction


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    cy oftheapplication for a-rit ofpreli0inaryinunction



    TRAranted !y@ude for&2 hours >Ex-parte

    serviceupon thepersonsouht to!e enoined

    or the e%piration of the2.7day period fro0service of the -ritupon the party,-hichever co0es first;

    ! pon affidavit of theparty enoined or afterhearin if it appearsthat althouh theapplicant is entitled toa TRA, the issuanceor continuancethereof, -ould causeirrepara!le da0ae tothe party enoined-hile the applicantcan !e fullyco0pensated for such

    da0ae as he 0aysuffer upon theapplicant?s filin of acounter!ond


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    pendente lite

    TA,LE )



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    aduded; and

    ! To pay suchda0aes -hichthe plaintiff 0ayrecover aainst the



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    12 Bo- partiesare referred to

    party appealin

    adverse party

    etitioner > party appealin

    Respondent > adverse party

    etitioner > partyappealin

    Respondent >adverse party



    CE"#!$"%"! RABICITIA M%&'%M()

    1 urpose of the-rit

    To annul or 0odify an actperfor0ed !y respondent

    To prevent co00ission orcarryin out the act

    /o0pel theperfor0ance or actdesired


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    1 Respondent enerally a court, tri!unal or person e%ercisinudicial or 0inisterial functions

    enerally aainst a party in anaction for inunction

    2 /ourt?surisdiction

    Eac or e%cess of urisdiction 0ay !e a round @urisdiction of the court is not5uestioned

    3 ature of there0edy


    'AR/ICE$ $TRF E
