
City of Renton

Neighborhood Grant Program

Purpose of Program

• Positive communication between residents and the City

• Foster a sense of community

• Address citizen concerns

• Offer a contact point via volunteer liaisons

Goals of Program

• Build partnerships

• Improve communication

• Foster/encourage public involvement

• Inform neighborhoods

• Assist residents in identifying needs and assets of their neighborhood

Neighborhood Projects

• Benefit to the public

• Physical improvements

• Build/enhance neighborhood features

• Not funded by association dues (ongoing maintenance fees)

• Completed within six months of approval

Grant Cycles

• Communication Grants (available January 3 – February 6, 2015)

• Project Grants (available January 9 –March 13, 2015)

• Mini-grants (pending funding available mid-March 2015) All Mini-grants must be completed by November 13, 2015.

Neighborhood Project Examples• Neighborhood entrance signage

• Landscaping entrances

• Landscaping traffic islands or portions of right of ways

• Neighborhood cleanups

• Painting of public areas

• Community Gardens

Mini-grants & Communication Grant Examples

• “Screen on the Green” movies in the park

• Murals or Mosaics

• Renton River Days Parade Float

• Neighborhood events, trainings, meeting space

• A-frame signs, banners, newsletters

Neighborhood Sign Projects

Neighborhood Projects




Landscaping & Garden Projects

20032007 2011



Urban Park – Before & After


Work Parties


Grant Components• Project Evaluation Criteria

• Project Coordinator Responsibilities

• Developing a Budget

• Neighborhood Match

• Contract

• Liability

• Completion of Project

• Payment of Providers

• Maintenance of Project

Evaluation CriteriaPoint System

Maximum = 5 points

Minimum = 1 point

Planning of project

• Is the planning of the project comprehensive and meet City Standards? (1 - 5 points)

Neighborhood Need

• No existing improvements (5 points)

• Existing improvements need some work (3 points)

• Existing improvements need little or no work (1 point)

Neighborhood Project Support

• Is there significant support? (5 points)

• Moderate support? (3 points)

• Opposition? (1 point)

Project Maintenance

• Project requires no maintenance (5 points)

• Some maintenance (3 points)

• Full maintenance (1 point)

Experience & Participation

• Experience with a similar project (5 points)

• Demonstrate active participation and commitment (3 points)

• No experience or commitment (1 point)

• Attendance at a Neighborhood Workshop/Event (2 points)

Project Visibility

• Benefit to the general public (5 points)

• Benefit to adjacent neighborhoods (3 points)

• Benefit to select group of residents (1 point)

Project Coordinator Responsibilities

• Grant Application signed by Board

• Fill out and submit paperwork

• Primary project contact

• Communicate with residents

• Give oral presentation to Grant Review Team

• Facilitate neighborhood meetings

• Coordinate maintenance

• Recruit volunteers

• If awarded, attend mandatory Grant Recipient Workshop

• Financial accountability/documentation of expenditures (original receipts, no copies)

Developing a Budget

• The cost of doing your project– Research costs early

• List all materials and services

• Obtain accurate and realistic cost estimates for all items from different sources

Neighborhood Match

• City of Renton will match dollar for dollar the following:– Volunteer labor - $22.55 per hour

– Donated professional services/skilled labor - ‘reasonable and customary rate’

– Donated material/supplies - market value

– Neighborhood fund raising/pledges - cash value

Match Limitations• Assistance from City staff or other City


• Professional services– Entirely donated

– Entirely funded by grants

– Food & gas expenses not applicable

– Security camera and tools not eligible

• Up to $150.00 of volunteer labor match on application process


• Contract required– Provided by the City

– End of six month period (or funds are returned to the City)

• Signed by the Project Manager


• Submit list of volunteers

• City covers volunteers working on the project workers compensation

• Minors are encouraged to participate but not allowed to operate equipment

Payment of Providers

• Grant funds disbursed by:– Reimbursement paid directly to the

Association/organization (Recommended)

– City issued checks made out to the Association/ Organization

*Forms will be given to grant recipients after approved by Renton City Council

Completion of Project

• Provide City with:– Brief project summary (Final Report Form)

– Photographs, documents created and printed with use of grant money

Maintenance of Project

• Neighborhoods must assure projects will be maintained

• Neighborhood responsible for ongoing maintenance

Project Com pletion(S ix m onths after City approval)

W ork on Project

Contract S igned

W orkshop for Recipients(to be announced)

City Council Aw ards Funds

City Council Approval

Project Review and EvaluationTimeline

Submission Deadline -

March 13, 20155:00 PM

Approximately 45 days