Page 1: City of Manistee An Asset Management Journey · 1 City of Manistee An Asset Management Journey Manistee Factoids Incorporated in 1869 Population 6,586 $5,000,000 General Fund Budget


City of Manistee

An Asset Management Journey

Manistee Factoids

Incorporated in 1869 Population 6,586$5,000,000 General Fund Budget4.3 Sq. Miles – 3.2 land, 1.1 waterLocated at mouth of Manistee River on Lake MIVictorian Port City

Scenes of Manistee

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Manistee Streets Overview

18.2 miles of Major Streets29.4 miles Local Streets2.2 miles State Trunkline1 Bascule bridge over Manistee River$358,000 Act 51 - Major$129,000 Act 51 – Local

The Manistee Story

Poster child for worst first programPave it and forget itCrack seal: what’s that?Maintenance: Plow, sweep, and………..fill potholesHow come our roads are so bad?

There has to be a better way

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Drivers for Asset Management

City Strategic PlanDestination of choiceInfrastructure a priorityMaintain what we haveImpacts budget

Drivers for Asset Management

Sewer Separation ProjectsState (MDEQ) mandated 1997-1999$14 M in work – many streets rebuiltLed to false sense of securityStreets starting to age & deteriorate

Drivers for Asset Management

Insufficient financial resourcesStretch the $$$More flexibility needed

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What did Manistee Do to Implement the Asset Management Process?

Raise AwarenessProvide EducationAcquire Tools & Training Incorporate & CommunicateCreate PlanImplement PlanReport Results

Starting the (Asset Mgt.) Journey

Raise Awareness

Introductory meeting– MDOT & NWMCOGInternet researchSummer 2007 – Asset Mgt Conference – Introduction to Asset Mangement

• Finance Director & DPW Director

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Provide Education

Fall 2007– Introduction To Asset Management– City Manager & EngineerSent Staff to PASER Training SessionsJanuary 2008 Kickoff– Hosted Introduction to Asset Mgt seminar at City Hall2008 Asset Mgt. Conference 2008 Asphalt Maint. SeminarPresented at May Regional MML Meeting

Acquire Tools & Training

Acquired Roadsoft GIS– Attended Beginning & Advanced RoadsoftAvailable from Michigan Tech Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)–– www.michiganltap.orgCritical to success

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Incorporate & Communicate

Weave asset management into the City’s “Culture of Doing Business”Front & Center during decision makingDiscussed at Staff meetingsKeep Council informed & connected– Updates on process– Budgetary impacts & limitations

Create Plan

Establish Project TeamCross-Functional

Finance Engineering DPW

Some Assembly Required…

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Create Plan

1. Assess Current Condition (PASER)2. Select Appropriate Treatments3. Estimate Costs & Budget Constraints4. Predict Future Condition of Network & Develop

Network Goals5. Evaluate Treatments (Optimize Strategy)6. Identify Candidate Projects7. Report Results

Assess Street Conditions (Data)

Acquire Street PASER Data– Received data from NWMCOG– Rated all streets in April 2008

• Professionally by City Engineer• City Staff assisted

Annually rate streets in fallRoadsoft laptop data collector and GPS

Select Appropriate Treatments

The mix of treatments

appropriate to your community

Capitalizes on “windows of


The right fix at the right time in

the right place

Many new techniques

– Hot-In-Place

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Estimate Costs………

$15,000 12-14 yr$200,000 LMReconstruction1-3

$9,000 8-12 yr$90,000 LMMill & Fill4-5

$2,000 7-10 yr$17,000 LMUltra Thin Overlay6

$2,200 5-7 yr$13,000 LMMicro Surfacing6

$3,200 5-7 yr$1,900 LMSlurry Sealing6

$1,600 1 yr$1,600 LMCrack Sealing7-8



Asset Management Plan Implementation $150,000 $150,000 $150,000

……..and Budget Constraints

Work with LTAP to analyze PASER dataTim Colling

Create scenarios:– Different fixes– Budget constraintsOptimize deterioration curvesReview for reasonablenessUnderstand software & limitations

Predict Future Condition of Roads

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Keep it simpleMaximize Remaining Service Life (RSL)– For Manistee, this doesn’t mean things are getting

better, simply not declining as fastRefine goals as we gain experience

Develop Network Goals

Identify Candidate Projects

Cross-Departmental Staff TeamFactors:– Cost & budget– Future sewer work– Traffic Flow– Need– Grants (Leverage)– Condition of Base (Core)– Strategic Plan

2009 Projects

Approximately 3.25 miles of work– Hot-In Place– Ultra Thin Overlay 3/4”$475,000

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Before Treatment

Before Treatment

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Hot - In - Place

Hot - In - Place

Ultra Thin Overlay

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Report Results

Keep Council fully informed:– Progress– Successes– FailuresEvaluate plan, techniques and outcomes– Adjust if necessary– Not staticContinue annual PASER rating

Doing Business Smarter……..

Asset Management has irreversibly changed the way the City looks at street projects

Energized the project teamUnleashed creativity– HIP, Fiber MeshMore thorough evaluation of potential projectsObjective, best practice decision-makingMeasurable objectives and outcomes

……..and More Economically

Major & Local Street Budgets – constrainedStretch Available Dollars– 3x as much with recent projectStop wasting money on ineffective or inappropriate treatmentsLeverage money thru grants

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Lessons Learned

Effort Needs a ChampionEducation, Education, EducationCommunication with Staff & CouncilStakeholder Buy InDon’t re-create the wheel - many resources Technology tools criticalNew maintenance techniques available

