



Wednesday, January 16, 2019 City Commission Chambers 6:30 PM City Hall, 9500 West Sample Road

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● Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM in the City Commission Chambers of Coral Springs City Hall, 9500 West Sample Road, Coral Springs, Florida.

● Roll Call

Attendee Name Title Status

Joy Carter Vice Mayor Present

Dan Daley Commissioner Present

Larry Vignola Commissioner Present

Joshua Simmons Commissioner Present

Michael Goodrum City Manager Present

John J. Hearn City Attorney Present

Debra Thomas City Clerk Present

● Moment of Silence

● Pledge of Allegiance Brayden Hoskins, 6th grade, Millennium Middle School (Collegiate Academy)

● Recognitions/Proclamations/Presentations: None

● Public Comment Jeloni Harvey representing New Leaders Council-Broward requested use of a City facility for a weekend event. A female speaker and Michael Longo were in favor of the pilot sign program.

● Public Hearings/Special Meeting Announcements

1. Community Shuttle Half-Fare Policy (Rick Engle):

Request to hold a Public Hearing and reapprove the half-fare policy for seniors, persons with disabilities, veterans and Medicare cardholders during off-peak hours (8 AM – 9 AM and 5 PM – 6 PM) on the City’s community buses, as required by the Federal Transit Administration. (REQUEST TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARING, REAPPROVE) The City Attorney read the item title. Parks and Recreation Director Rick Engle provided a brief presentation explaining the item was approved in November, however, the change to the policy required a legal advertisement and public hearing. Public hearing opened, there were no speakers.

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ACTION: The Community Shuttle Half-Fare Policy was reapproved.


MOVER: Dan Daley, Commissioner

SECONDER: Larry Vignola, Commissioner

AYES: Joy Carter, Dan Daley, Larry Vignola, Joshua Simmons

● Consent

2. Minutes Approval: Tuesday, April 4, 2017: Strategic Planning Workshop

ACTION: Summary of Tuesday, April 4, 2017 Strategic Planning Workshop was accepted as presented.


MOVER: Dan Daley, Commissioner

SECONDER: Larry Vignola, Commissioner

AYES: Joy Carter, Dan Daley, Larry Vignola, Joshua Simmons

Minutes Approval: Tuesday, September 19, 2017: Budget & Public Hearing

ACTION: Summary of Tuesday, September 19, 2017 Budget & Public Hearing was accepted as presented.


MOVER: Dan Daley, Commissioner

SECONDER: Larry Vignola, Commissioner

AYES: Joy Carter, Dan Daley, Larry Vignola, Joshua Simmons

Minutes Approval: Wednesday, December 20, 2017

ACTION: Summary of Wednesday, December 20, 2017 was accepted as presented.


MOVER: Dan Daley, Commissioner

SECONDER: Larry Vignola, Commissioner

AYES: Joy Carter, Dan Daley, Larry Vignola, Joshua Simmons

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Minutes Approval: Wednesday, January 24, 2018: Strategic Planning Workshop

ACTION: Summary of Wednesday, January 24, 2018 Strategic Planning Workshop was accepted as presented.


MOVER: Dan Daley, Commissioner

SECONDER: Larry Vignola, Commissioner

AYES: Joy Carter, Dan Daley, Larry Vignola, Joshua Simmons

Minutes Approval: Thursday, April 12, 2018: Strategic Planning Workshop

ACTION: Summary of Thursday, April 12, 2018 Strategic Planning Workshop was accepted as presented.


MOVER: Dan Daley, Commissioner

SECONDER: Larry Vignola, Commissioner

AYES: Joy Carter, Dan Daley, Larry Vignola, Joshua Simmons

Minutes Approval: Wednesday, May 23, 2018: Workshop

ACTION: Summary of Wednesday, May 23, 2018 Workshop was accepted as presented.


MOVER: Dan Daley, Commissioner

SECONDER: Larry Vignola, Commissioner

AYES: Joy Carter, Dan Daley, Larry Vignola, Joshua Simmons

3. Synchronized Swimming Instructor Services (Rick Engle):

Request to award the agreement for synchronized swimming instructor services, Contract 19-B-019 NC, to Aquacades Synchro Team CSQ LLC of Delray Beach, FL, on a sole source basis (Procurement Policy Sec. 2-305) commencing from date of award through December 31, 2020. The estimated annual expenditure is $50,000. (REQUEST TO AWARD)

ACTION: The agreement was awarded.


MOVER: Dan Daley, Commissioner

SECONDER: Larry Vignola, Commissioner

AYES: Joy Carter, Dan Daley, Larry Vignola, Joshua Simmons

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4. Heart and Sole 5k & 12K Race (Rick Engle):

Request to approve the Heart and Sole 5k and 12k Race to be held on Saturday, February 9, 2019, starting and finishing at the Tom Messenheimer Special Events Field at the Sportsplex. (REQUEST TO APPROVE)

ACTION: The event was approved.


MOVER: Dan Daley, Commissioner

SECONDER: Larry Vignola, Commissioner

AYES: Joy Carter, Dan Daley, Larry Vignola, Joshua Simmons

5. Termination of Contract for Convenience between Jet Set II, LLC for Pressure Cleaning Services (Rich Michaud):

Request to terminate contract #18-D-023 with Jet Set II, LLC of Tallahassee, FL, for pressure cleaning services as of January 16, 2019. (REQUEST TO TERMINATE)

ACTION: The contract was terminated.


MOVER: Dan Daley, Commissioner

SECONDER: Larry Vignola, Commissioner

AYES: Joy Carter, Dan Daley, Larry Vignola, Joshua Simmons

● Policy Formation and Direction

6. Ordinance 2018-107: Second Reading, Signs (Julie Krolak):

Request to approve and adopt on second reading Ordinance 2018-107, amending Section 190.1 of the Land Development Code, entitled “Schedule of Civil Penalties,” to be consistent with the changes to Chapter 18, entitled “Signs,” and to be consistent with current State and Federal laws; amending Section 1-8.1 of the Code of Ordinances, entitled “Waiverable Offenses,” to be consistent with the changes to Chapter 18, entitled “Signs;” and repealing Section 6-12, entitled “Election Signs”. First reading held November 28, 2018. (REQUEST TO APPROVE, ADOPT) The City Attorney read the ordinance title. Assistant Director of Development Services Julie Krolak handed out a document and used a PowerPoint presentation to summarize the ordinance. [The slide presentation and hand-out document are included in the permanent meeting backup file.] The City Commission briefly discussed the ordinance.

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ACTION: Ordinance 2018-107 was approved and adopted on second reading.


MOVER: Dan Daley, Commissioner

SECONDER: Joshua Simmons, Commissioner

AYES: Joy Carter, Dan Daley, Joshua Simmons

NAYS: Larry Vignola

7. Appointments, Public Art Committee (Debra Thomas):

Request to consider appointments to the Public Art Committee (two seats – Private Citizen and Professional Artist). (REQUEST TO APPOINT)

ACTION: Jacquelyn Bolden was appointed to the Private Citizen seat and Candy Childrey was reappointed to the Professional Artist seat.


MOVER: Dan Daley, Commissioner

SECONDER: Joshua Simmons, Commissioner

AYES: Joy Carter, Dan Daley, Larry Vignola, Joshua Simmons

8. Appointment, Neighborhood and Environmental Committee (Debra Thomas):

Request to consider appointment of Magdaline ‘Exantus to the Neighborhood and Environmental Committee (number of appointments determined by City Commission). (REQUEST TO APPOINT)

ACTION: Magdaline ‘Exantus was appointed to the Neighborhood and Environmental Committee.


MOVER: Dan Daley, Commissioner

SECONDER: Larry Vignola, Commissioner

AYES: Joy Carter, Dan Daley, Larry Vignola, Joshua Simmons

● Discussion: None

● Commission Communications Members of the Commission each addressed the community noting past and future special events and announcing their contact information. Additional topics discussed:

• Adding a local procurement item to an upcoming workshop agenda.

• Florida Amendment 4, restoring voting rights after prison time, parole, and probation are completed, and registering to vote for the March 12th special election.

• Non-federal employees being impacted by the government shutdown.

• A bill addressing the voting mechanism of local special taxing districts.

• The need for infrastructure improvements along Sample Road.

• Construction beginning on the covered bridge.

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• The plight of local seniors.

• Relocation of Coral Springs Charter School.

● City Manager's Communication There were no comments.

● City Attorney's Communication The City Attorney spoke about the former Coral Springs landfill, which will be cleaned up and developed.

● Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM. s/ Debra Thomas ____________________________ Debra Thomas, CMC City Clerk This meeting was recorded and a tape recording is on file in the Office of the City Clerk for five years pursuant to Florida law and City policy. These minutes are a permanent public record of the City of Coral Springs maintained in the Office of the City Clerk. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to these matters, he or she must ensure that verbatim record of the proceedings is made. The record should include the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

Additional Material Vice Mayor's ScriptSigned SpeakersItem 6 Handout

Additional Material Slides

City Commission MeetingJanuary 16, 2019

Chapter 18 (Signs) Land Development Code Amendment

Proposed Amendments – GeneralDefinitions

• Clarified, added and deleted numerous definitions to help support &clarify all sections of Chapter 18. Amendments are consistent withFederal & State laws.

• Announcement sign

• Community Service sign

• Commercial Message

• Election signs

• Feather Banner

• Institutional sign

• Menu sign• Non-commercial Message• OPEN sign• Open House sign• Project sign• Real Estate sign• Vehicle sign

Proposed Amendments – GeneralDefinitions

• Clarified, added and deleted numerous definitions to help support &clarify all sections of Chapter 18. Amendments are consistent withFederal & State laws.

Permanent Signs

Proposed Amendments – Permanent Signs

• Permanent sign: Any sign, which, when installed, is intended forpermanent use.

• One commercial message per sign.• Commercial message: Any sign wording, copy, logo, or other

representation or image that directly or indirectly names, advertises, orcalls attention to product, service, sale or sales event or othercommercial activity.

Proposed Amendments – Permanent Signs• Current trend of business logo serving as sign (Starbucks) vs.

others (Arby’s/Burger King) having logo which incorporates fullname

• Interpretation will be name with letters on wall plus logo with name ofbusiness as one sign

• Added DT-MU as a new zoning district.

Proposed Amendments – Service Stations• New regulations relating to service stations adopted under Florida

Statutes in 2017.

• Includes monument signs (if meet minimum site thresholds), signsabove fuel pumps & signs at end of fuel pump islands.

Proposed Amendments – Service Stations

Monument Sign:

• Max letter height: 8”

• Electronic message centersprohibited

Proposed Amendments – Service Stations

Top of Pump:• Double faced• Max letter height: 8”• Max area 4.5 sq. ft.

Side of Pump:

• One commercial message

• Max letter height: 10”

• Max area 9 sq. ft.

Proposed Amendments – Service Stations

• Size of signs/letters based on drive speed &visibility distance.

• Industry standard for size of signs• 1” in letter height = 30’ in distance

• Drive speed of 35-45 mph would allow signage heightfrom 6”-12”

• Proposed letter height: 10”

Temporary Signs

Temporary Signs - Examples

Proposed Amendments – Temporary Signs

Temporary sign: Any sign intended for a use notpermanent in nature. For purposes of this chapter anysign with an intended use of 6 months or less shall bedeemed a “temporary sign”.

Proposed Amendments – Temporary Signs• Now all categorized as “temporary signs”, which must all be

treated the same.

• Completely rewritten with new table (pg. 33-34) of Ordinance.

• Temporary signs previously delineated independently.• Announcement sign

• Community Service sign

• Election sign

• Institutional sign

• Menu sign

• One commercial message per sign.

• OPEN sign• Open House sign• Real Estate sign• Special Event sign

ALL Temporary Signs must be treated the same

Proposed Amendments – Temporary Signs

• Still prohibited….

Proposed Amendments – Temporary Signs

• ADA compliantTemporary Sandwich or Sidewalk Signs

Maximum Number of Signs 1 per business

Maximum Width 3 feet

Maximum Height 3.5 feet

Minimum Setback/Distancefrom Curb

4 feet

Duration Allowed During business hours

Allowed on Public Property & ROW?

No, unless part of Master Parking

Allowed in Sight Visibility Triangle?


Illumination Allowed? No

Proposed Amendments – Temporary SignsZONINGDISTRICTS

A-1, RS-1, RS-3, RS-4, RS-5, RD-8, RS-6,RC-6, RC-12

RC-15, RM-15, RM-20, RM-30, RM-40

B-1, B-2, B-3, IC, GC, P, CF-G, CF-E, SU, GU,DT-MU


Max. Number of Temporary Signs Per Parcel 3 3 2 2

Max. Number of Commercial Temporary Signs 1 1 2 2

Max. Sign Size (Area) 4 sq. ft. 4 sq. ft. 32 sq. ft. 32 sq. ft.

Max. Sign Height for Freestanding Sign 4 ft. 4 ft. 6 ft. 6 ft.

Max. Sign Height for Wall Sign or Banner (inclusive of Window Sign)

Not Allowed Not Allowed 15 ft. 15 ft.

Allowed on Public Property/Right-of-Way? No No No No

Allowed in Sight Visibility Triangle? No No No No

Direct Illumination Allowed? No No No No

Duration allowed after Events 7 Calendar Days

7 Calendar Days

7 Calendar Days 7 Calendar Days

Proposed Amendments – Temporary SignsRESIDENTIAL ZONINGDISTRICTS

A-1, RS-1, RS-3, RS-4, RS-5, RD-8, RS-6,RC-6, RC-12

RC-15, RM-15, RM-20, RM-30, RM-40

Max. Number of Temporary Signs Per Parcel 3 3

Max. Number of Commercial Temporary Signs 1 1

Max. Sign Size (Area) 4 sq. ft. 4 sq. ft.

Max. Sign Height for Freestanding Sign 4 ft. 4 ft.

Max. Sign Height for Wall Sign or Banner (inclusive of Window Sign)

Not Allowed Not Allowed

Allowed on Public Property/Right-of-Way? No No

Allowed in Sight Visibility Triangle? No No

Direct Illumination Allowed? No No

Duration allowed after Events 7 Calendar Days

7 Calendar Days

Proposed Amendments – Temporary SignsNONRESIDENTIAL ZONINGDISTRICTS

B-1, B-2, B-3, IC, GC, P, CF-G, CF-E, SU, GU,DT-MU


Max. Number of Temporary Signs Per Parcel 2 2

Max. Number of Commercial Temporary Signs 2 2

Max. Sign Size (Area) 32 sq. ft. 32 sq. ft.

Max. Sign Height for Freestanding Sign 6 ft. 6 ft.

Max. Sign Height for Wall Sign or Banner (inclusive of Window Sign)

15 ft. 15 ft.

Allowed on Public Property/Right-of-Way? No No

Allowed in Sight Visibility Triangle? No No

Direct Illumination Allowed? No No

Duration allowed after Events 7 Calendar Days 7 Calendar Days

July Real Estate Industry Workshop

• Approx. 60 members attended

• Concerns/comments• Prohibition of temporary signs in rights-of-way major concern due to the

utilization of Open House signs.

• Continue to allow temporary signs during certain days/hours?

• Do not implement different requirements for Coral Springs realtors than those from other cities (e.g. specific sign colors, permits, registration, etc.)

Real Estate Industry Leaders Meeting

• Meeting between Mayor, staff and Realtor Association Members

• Discussed potential pilot registration program to allow signs in rights-of-way with registration & for limited days/hours

• Concerns/comments from Realtor Association membership• Many other cities may also implement registration programs

• Any fee too expensive

• Fee may not be a deterrent to other types of businesses

• Mixed responses to days/hours/number of signs needed


Date Real Estate Advertising Garage Sale Election TotalNovember 3 - November 5 17 42 29 194 282November 10 - November 16 10 41 17 6 74November 17 - November 19 7 48 48 14 117November 24 - November 30 20 48 18 1 87December 1-December 7 23 68 8 1 100December 8-December 14 3 17 86 0 106December 15-December 20 * 9 30 37 0 76December 22-December 27, 2018 * 5 14 14 0 33December 28-January 4, 2019 * 1 17 2 0 20January 5-January 11, 2019 22 14 42 0 78January 12-January 13, 2019 21 67 23 0 111

AVERAGE 13 37 29 20 99

Content-neutral? Allowed in Public ROW?

Coral Springs - Proposed Yes No

Boca Raton No No

Broward County Yes No

Coconut Creek No NoCoral Gables No No

Ft. Lauderdale No Yes*

Parkland No No

Plantation No Yes*

Pompano Beach Yes No

Tamarac Yes Yes*Wilton Manors No No

Pilot Program–Temporary Signs in Rights-of-way (Exhibit C)

a. Maximum 5 6 permitted.b. Shall not exceed 9” x 24” 18” x 24”.c. Shall be professionally-made of corrugated plastic, aluminum or steel.d. Support posts shall be made of aluminum or steel. No wooden posts permitted.e. Only permitted within Public Rights-of-Way of 2 lane street bounded on both sides by

residential properties (5 signs). One additional sign permitted along Arterial/Collectorroadways.

f. Signs shall contain contact info (name, phone number), 1” minimum height, in lowerright corner of sign.

g. Only permitted Thursdays, Saturdays, & Sundays from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.h. May not be placed in medians, sight visibility triangles, or in violation of applicable

standard of Americans with Disabilities Act.i. Maximum 2’ in height above abutting road elevation.j. Shall not be attached to any existing signs, trees, poles or other structures.k. Requires permission of abutting private property owner.

Outreach/Education• Work with Realtor Association of Greater Ft.

Lauderdale to educate members• Internal outreach:

• Mass email to 32,000+ members

• Regular posts on association’s general & social media page

• Update to association’s website

• Direct outreach by Government Affairs Committee

• New Code will be discussed at association Mayor’s breakfast & events pertaining to government relations

Outreach/Education• Reach out to local sign companies

• Continue to educate staff

• Provide information to groups such as the Coral Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce




Thank You

CityofCoralSprings #CoralSpringsFL