
Circulation and Advertising Director- Lauren Ramsdell

Marketing Director- Deborah Taft

Editorial Director- Mia Brady

Creative Director-Michelle Gill

Food or Health or Fitness or Home Few lifestyle magazines for readers in their late teens to

early 30s


Solution Fresh Living has it all: food, fitness, health, smart shopping and green

living. We focus on how to enjoy these “facets of life” on a budget.

Offer diverse content

Our departments, Food, Health & Fitness and Home, cover a wide range of content that applies to and benefits our readers. We do not have one focus, but many

Fresh Living

Cooking Light

Consumer Reports

SELF Natural Home and Garden

Food X X X XFitness/Health


Purchasing advice


Green X X XYoung audience


Small space


Small budget


Our Competition

Business Model Start local and expand Local investor partnership Strong online base via social media Subscription and newsstand

12 for $15 24 for $24 $4.99

Unlike other publications within our demographic, Fresh Living offers a broad range of content

The information, tips and suggestions will be geared towards a younger audience with a limited budget but will still be applicable to readers of all ages

There is no other magazine on the market that delivers the same range of content, to the same audience

Underlying Magic

Social Media Pinterest Twitter Facebook

Profit Shares Flyers Placement

Gyms Grocery Stores Craft Stores

Marketing & Sales

May 2012 – prototype issue released June 2012 – recruit writers, begin editorial

assessment based on prototype feedback July-December 2012 – write upcoming

editorial year articles, approach advertisers about funding initial launch

January 2013 – initial regional launch February 2013-beyond - ??? (That’s where

you come in!)

Status & Timeline

We are a unique, diverse publication that targets a specific yet large demographic. But even people who are not in our target audience will still be able to read and enjoy our magazine.

The benefit of investing…

Summary & Call to Action

We care about our mission and we want you to care about our mission. So when and if you invest, we want you to be a part of our team