Page 1: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing

CI/CD for a microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation

and Lambda

Page 2: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda
Page 3: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

& aoepeople!

Page 4: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

E-Commerce: Magento


Portals: ZF, Symfony,…

Mobile Searchperience: ElasticSearch

250+ people world-wide

(in 8 locations)

Global Enterprise Projects

Infrastructure: AWS

Page 5: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda
Page 6: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

CloudFormation Lambda Jenkins

Pipeline plugin?

Page 7: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

everything sounds better with “continuous”

Page 8: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

is a software development practice

where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. Many teams find that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly.”

- Martin Fowler, ThoughtWorks Chief Scientist

is the natural extension of Continuous

Integration: an approach in which teams ensure that every change to the system is releasable, and that we can release any version at the push of a button. Continuous Delivery aims to make releases boring, so we can deliver frequently and get fast feedback on what users care about.”

Page 9: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

is a software development practice

where members of a team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least daily - leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly as possible. Many teams find that this approach leads to significantly reduced integration problems and allows a team to develop cohesive software more rapidly.”

- Martin Fowler, ThoughtWorks Chief Scientist

is the natural extension of Continuous

Integration: an approach in which teams ensure that every change to the system is releasable, and that we can release any version at the push of a button. Continuous Delivery aims to make releases boring, so we can deliver frequently and get fast feedback on what users care about.”

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Build Stage Prod

Page 13: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

Deploy to Stage

Deploy to Prod

Build Test



Trying to get as far as possible to the right

✘ ✘

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Test Deploy to Stage

Test Deploy to Prod


… …


( )*

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Page 18: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

Test Deploy to Stage

Test Deploy to Prod


… …


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Static Code

Analysis Build

Unit Tests

Deploy to “tst”

Integration Tests

Performance Tests

Infrastructure Tests

Selenium Tests

Deploy to “prod”

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Pet Cattle

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not disposable disposable

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Page 27: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda
Page 28: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

GET / Get current counter value

PUT / Increase counter and return increased value

DELETE / Reset counter to 0

Page 29: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

(yes, that would be a perfect use-case

for Lambda + API Gateway

+ ElastiCache/DynamoDB…)


Balancer S3 Bucket

Auto Scaling group



static html

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Auto Scaling group

S3 Bucket



disposable/ immutable

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Auto Scaling group

S3 Bucket



Auto Scaling group

1. Count Instances

2. Launch new ASG and wait until all

instances are healthy

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Auto Scaling group

S3 Bucket



Auto Scaling group

3. Attach to ELB and wait until all

instances are “In Service”

4. Detach old ASG from ELB

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Auto Scaling group

S3 Bucket



Auto Scaling group

5. Delete old ASG (by deleting it’s CFN stack)

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… … …




trigger job

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ELB <my_ip>:22

<elb_sg>:80 <bastion_sg>:22










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CloudFormation Lambda StackFormation

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Lambda JS “Template”

superset of CFN template (JSON)

Parameters lookup from other stacks, env vars,…




create/ update

Stack policies, Tags,…

Page 39: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

Stack magento-stage-build-5

Stack magento-stage-build-6

Stack magento-prod-build-6

Stack magento-prod-build-5

CloudFormation Template

merge & pre-process

“CloudFormation+X” Template(s)

+ Dynamic Parameters

+ Stack Policies

+ Behavior

+ Tags …

Blueprint magento-{env:ENVIRONMENT}-build-{env:BUILD}

Blueprint magento-{env:ENVIRONMENT}-setup

Stack magento-stage-setup

Stack magento-prod-setup

Page 40: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

blueprints: - stackname: 'magento-{env:BUILD}' template: 'magento.template' stackPolicy: 'policy.json' OnFailure: 'DO_NOTHING' parameters: Build: '{env:BUILD}' KeyPair: '{var:KeyPair}' VPC: '{resource:setupstack:VPC}' Subnet: '{resource:setupstack:Subnet}' InstanceSg: '{resource:setupstack:InstanceSg}' InstanceProfile: '{output:setupstack:InstanceProfile}' BootAmi: 'ami-06116566' tags: Environment: 'prod' Build: '{env:BUILD}'

enforce “immutability” by denying updates!

Page 41: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

"UserData": { "Fn::Base64": { "Fn::Join" : [ "", [ "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n", "yum -y update\n", "echo \"Hello World\"\n" ]]}}

"UserData": { "Fn::Base64": { "Fn::FileContent": “” }}

Page 42: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

"LoadBalancerName": { "Fn::Join" : [ "-", [ "elb", { "Ref": "EnvironmentName" }, "magento"] ]}

"LoadBalancerName": “elb-{Ref: EnvironmentName}-magento”

Page 43: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

"SecurityGroupIngress": [{ "IpProtocol": "tcp", "FromPort": "80", "ToPort": "80", "CidrIp": “" }]

"SecurityGroupIngress": [{ "IpProtocol": "tcp", "FromPort": "80", "ToPort": "80", "CidrIp": "" /* Fabrizio’s home office IP */ }]

Page 44: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

> stackformation ec2:ssh -t Environment:prod –c Type –c Build

filter by tag

Please select an instance [0] i-1033ed9b (Type: Frontend; Environment: prod; Build: 477) [1] i-4ff36ec8 (Type: Backend; Environment: prod ; Build: 477) [2] i-5ab4322b (Type: Worker; Environment: prod; Build: 477) [3] i-705ad42f (Type: Worker; Environment: prod; Build: 476) >

• will take jump hosts into account (ProxyCommand)

• auto-detects your local

(encrypted) private keys

• multiplexed ssh connections

• run commands directly

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Page 46: CI/CD: From Zero To Full Build, Test and Deployment Automation - A complete step-by-step walk-through implementing CI/CD for a Microservice with Jenkins, CloudFormation and Lambda

Build X


Build X+1

Environment A (e.g. prod) Environment B (e.g. stage)


Static Resources

Build Build

Build X Build X+1

S3 Buckets Artifacts, Jenkins Backup, Static Website

Manual Setup ACM, HostedZone, KeyPair

IAM Setup Instance Roles,…

VPC VPC, Subnets, Bastion,…

Static Resources ELB, DB, Security Groups, DNS

Build ASG, Alarms, Scale Policies,…


from devbox (via Stack- Formation)

via Jenkins Deployment Pipeline (via StackFormation)

these are the immutable ones!

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- Instance Counter - Password Generator - GreenBlue Switcher - Stack Deleter

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"CountInstances": { "Type": "Custom::InstanceCounter", "Properties": { "ServiceToken": {"Ref": "InstanceCounter"}, "AutoScalingGroupTags": [ {"Key": "Environment", "Value": "prod"}, {"Key": "Type", "Value": "Frontend"} ], "Min": 1, "Max": 10, "Factor": "1.5" } },

"FrontendAsg": { "Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup", "Properties": { [...] "DesiredCapacity": {"Fn::GetAtt": ["CountInstances", "Count"]}, "Tags": [ {"Key": "Environment", "Value": "prod", "PropagateAtLaunch": true}, {"Key": "Type", "Value": “Frontend", "PropagateAtLaunch": true} ] } },

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jenkins cfn-lambdahelper





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jenkins cfn-lambdahelper





Instance Profile


upload artifacts

download artifacts

Password Generator

StackDeleter InstanceCounter GreenBlueSwicher

store functions

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