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    NEAR-FATAL MOMENT: Pope John Paul lies wounded in St. Peter's Square after an

    assassination attempt in this May 131981 file photo.

    A group of 13 civil society organisations has written to Bulgarian President Georgi Purvanovasking him to confer a high state honour on Roumyana Ougurchinska, a Bulgarian-born French

    journalist, whose 2007 book on the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II blamed Turkish

    ultra-nationalist organisation The Grey Wolves and shadowy forces linked to Western


    The group announced the request at a news conference in Sofia on June 24 2009, Bulgarian news

    agency BTA said.

    On May 13 1981, John Paul II was seriously wounded in a shooting in St Peters Square at theVatican. A Turkish citizen, Mehmet Ali Agca, was found guilty of the shooting. At the time andsubsequently, reports linked Bulgarian and Soviet secret services to the assassination attempt.

    Frequently mentioned in connection with the case was Sergei Antonov, a representative in Rome

    at the time for Bulgarias Balkan Airlines.

    During a 2002 visit to Bulgaria, John Paul II said that he did not believe that Bulgaria had been

    involved in the attempt to kill him.

    Ourgurchinska (46) has lived in France most of her life and has authored two other books and

    numerous articles for French publications.

    Her book outlined the theory that Agca was not the only gunman who fired on John Paul II.

    There was at least one more, from the Grey Wolves organisation to which Agca belonged. An

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    ultra-nationalist organisation, Grey Wolves was against everything it saw as communist,

    supposedly including a Pope who came from what was then a country in the Soviet bloc.

    The book reports alleged links between the Grey Wolves and operations set up by the US Central

    Intelligence Agency that would have acted covertly in countries in the event of a Soviet takeover.

    One of these "stay behind" operations was Operation Gladio, which had an Italian unit.

    For the book, the author travelled to Rome, Sofia, Paris, Frankfurt, Istanbul and Washington,

    including for meetings with intelligence sources. A former CIA staffer reportedly told her thatthe agency had been aware that Bulgaria was not involved in the plot to murder John Paul II.

    REACHING OUT: Pope John Paul II talks with Turkish gunman Mehmet Ali Agca in a cell ofRome's Rebibbia prison in this December 2 1983 file photo


    The Consortium

    On the Trail of Turkey's Terrorist Grey Wolves

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    By Martin A. Lee

    In broad daylight on May 2, 50 armed men set upon a television station in Istanbul with gunfire.

    The attackers unleashed a fusillade of bullets and shouted slogans supporting Turkey's Deputy

    Prime Minister Tansu Ciller.

    The gunmen were outraged over the station's broadcast of a TV report critical of Ciller, a close

    U.S. ally who had come under criticism for stonewalling investigations into collusion between

    state security forces and Turkish criminal elements.

    Miraculously, no one was injured in the attack, but the headquarters of Independent Flash TV

    were left pock-marked with bullet-holes and smashed windows. The gunfire also sent anunmistakable message to Turkish journalists and legislators: don't challenge Ciller and other

    high-level Turkish officials when they cover up state secrets.

    For several months, Turkey had been awash in dramatic disclosures connecting high Turkish

    officials to the right-wing Grey Wolves, the terrorist band which has preyed on the region foryears. In 1981, a terrorist from the Grey Wolves attempted to assassinate Pope John Paul II in

    Vatican City.

    But at the center of the mushrooming Turkish scandal is whether Turkey, a strategically placed

    NATO country, allowed mafiosi and right-wing extremists to operate death squads and tosmuggle drugs with impunity. A Turkish parliamentary commission is investigating these new


    The rupture of state secrets in Turkey also could release clues to other major Cold Warmysteries. Besides the attempted papal assassination, the Turkish disclosures could shed light on

    the collapse of the Vatican bank in 1982 and the operation of a clandestine pipeline that pumped

    sophisticated military hardware into the Middle East -- apparently from NATO stockpiles in

    Europe -- in exchange for heroin sold by the Mafia in the United States.

    The official Turkish inquiry was triggered by what could have been the opening scene of a spy

    novel: a dramatic car crash on a remote highway near the village of Susurluk, 100 milessouthwest of Istanbul. On Nov. 3, 1996, three people were crushed to death when their speeding

    black Mercedes hit a tractor and overturned. The crash killed Husseyin Kocadag, a top police

    official who commanded Turkish counter-insurgency units.

    But it was Kocadag's company that stunned the nation. The two other dead were Abdullah Catli,

    a convicted fugitive who was wanted for drug trafficking and murder, and Catli's girlfriend,

    Gonca Us, a Turkish beauty queen turned mafia hit-woman. A fourth occupant, who survived thecrash, was Kurdish warlord Sedat Bucak, whose militia had been armed and financed by the

    Turkish government to fight Kurdish separatists.

    At first, Turkish officials claimed that the police were transporting two captured criminals. But

    evidence seized at the crash site indicated that Abdullah Catli, the fugitive gangster, had been

    given special diplomatic credentials by Turkish authorities. Catli was carrying a government-

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    approved weapons permit and six ID cards, each with a different name. Catli also possessed

    several handguns, silencers and a cache of narcotics, not the picture of a subdued criminal.

    When it became obvious that Catli was a police collaborator, not a captive, the Turkish Interior

    Minister resigned. Several high-ranking law enforcement officers, including Istanbul's police

    chief, were suspended. But the red-hot scandal soon threatened to jump that bureaucraticfirebreak and endanger the careers of other senior government officials.

    Grey Wolves Terror

    The news of Catli's secret police ties were all the more scandalous given his well-known role as a

    key leader of the Grey Wolves, a neo-fascist terrorist group that has stalked Turkey since the late1960s. A young tough who wore black leather pants and looked like Turkey's answer to Elvis

    Presley, Catli graduated from street gang violence to become a brutal enforcer for the Grey

    Wolves. He rose quickly within their ranks, emerging as second-in-command in 1978. That year,

    Turkish police linked him to the murder of seven trade-union activists and Catli went


    Three years later, the Grey Wolves gained international notoriety when Mehmet Ali Agca, one ofCatli's closest collaborators, shot and nearly killed Pope John Paul II in St. Peter's Square on

    May 13, 1981. Catli was the leader of a fugitive terrorist cell that included Agca and a handful of

    other Turkish neo-fascists.

    Testifying in September 1985 as a witness at the trial of three Bulgarians and four Turks charged

    with complicity in the papal shooting in Rome, Catli (who was not a defendant) disclosed that he

    gave Agca the pistol that wounded the pontiff. Catli had previously helped Agca escape from aTurkish jail, where Agca was serving time for killing a national newspaper editor. In addition to

    harboring Agca, Catli supplied him with fake IDs and directed Agca's movements in West

    Germany, Switzerland, and Austria for several months prior to the papal attack.

    Catli enjoyed close links to Turkish drug mafiosi, too. His Grey Wolves henchmen worked as

    couriers for the Turkish mob boss Abuzer Ugurlu. At Ugurlu's behest, Catli's thugs criss-crossed

    the infamous smugglers' route passing through Bulgaria. Those routes were the ones favored bysmugglers who reportedly carried NATO military equipment to the Middle East and returned

    with loads of heroin.

    Judge Carlo Palermo, an Italian magistrate based in Trento, discovered these smuggling

    operations while investigating arms-and-drug trafficking from Eastern Europe to Sicily. Palermo

    disclosed that large quantities of sophisticated NATO weaponry -- including machine guns,

    Leopard tanks and U.S.-built Cobra assault helicopters -- were smuggled from Western Europeto countries in the Middle East during the 1970s and early 1980s.

    According to Palermo's investigation, the weapon delivers were often made in exchange forconsignments of heroin that filtered back, courtesy of the Grey Wolves and other smugglers,

    through Bulgaria to northern Italy. There, the drugs were received by Mafia middlemen and

    transported to North America. Turkish morphine base supplied much of the Sicilian-run "Pizza

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    connection," which flooded the U.S. and Europe with high-grade heroin for several years.

    [While it is still not clear how the NATO supplies entered the pipeline, other investigations have

    provided some clues. Witnesses in the October Surprise inquiry into an alleged Republican-

    Iranian hostage deal in 1980 claimed that they were allowed to select weapons from NATO

    stockpiles in Europe for shipment to Iran.

    [Iranian arms dealer Houshang Lavi claimed that he selected spare parts for Hawk anti-aircraft

    batteries from NATO bases along the Belgian-German border. Another witness, American armsbroker William Herrmann, corroborated Lavi's account of NATO supplies going to Iran.

    [Even former NATO commander Alexander Haig confirmed that NATO supplies could havegone to Iran in the early 1980s while he was secretary of state. "It wouldn't be preposterous if a

    nation, Germany, for example, decided to let some of their NATO stockpiles be diverted to Iran,"

    Haig said in an interview. For more details, see Robert Parry's Trick or Treason. ]

    A Vatican MysteryItalian magistrates described the network they had uncovered as the "world's biggest illegal arms

    trafficking organization." They linked it to Middle Eastern drug empires and to prestigiousbanking circles in Italy and Europe. At the center of this operation, it appeared, was an obscure

    import-export firm in Milan called Stibam International Transport. The head of Stibam, a Syrian

    businessman named Henri Arsan, also functioned as an informant for the U.S. Drug EnforcementAdministration, according to several Italian news outlets.

    With satellite offices in New York, London, Zurich, and Sofia, Bulgaria, Stibam officials

    recycled their profits through Banco Ambrosiano, Italy's largest private bank which had closeties to the Vatican until its sensational collapse in 1982. The collapse of Banco Ambrosiano

    came on the heels of the still unsolved death of its furtive president, Roberto Calvi, whose body

    was found hanging underneath Blackfriar's Bridge in London in June 1982. While runningAmbrosiano, Calvi, nicknamed "God's banker," served as advisor to the Vatican's extensive

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    fiscal portfolio.

    At the same time in the mid- and late 1970s, Calvi's bank handled most of Stibam's foreign

    currency transactions and owned the building that housed Stibam's Milanese headquarters. In

    effect, the Vatican Bank -- by virtue of its interlocking relationship with Banco Ambrosiano --

    was fronting for a gigantic contraband operation that specialized in guns and heroin.

    The bristling contraband operation that traversed Bulgaria was a magnet for secret service agents

    on both sides of the Cold War divide. Crucial, in this regard, was the role of Kintex, a Sofia-based, state-controlled import-export firm that worked in tandem with Stibam and figured

    prominently in the arms trade. Kintex was riddled with Bulgarian and Soviet spies -- a fact which

    encouraged speculation that the KGB and its Bulgarian proxies were behind the plot against thepope.

    But Western intelligence also had its hooks into the Bulgarian smuggling scene, as evidenced by

    the CIA's use of Kintex to channel weapons to the Nicaraguan contras in the early 1980s.

    The Reagan administration jumped on the papal assassination attempt as a propaganda

    opportunity, rather than helping to unravel the larger mystery. Although the CIA's link to the

    arms-for-drugs traffic in Bulgaria was widely known in espionage circles, hard-line U.S. andWestern European officials promoted instead a bogus conspiracy theory that blamed the papal

    shooting on a communist plot.

    The so-called "Bulgarian connection" became one of the more effective disinformation schemes

    hatched during the Reagan era. It reinforced the notion of the Soviet Union as an evil empire.But the apparent hoax also diverted attention from extensive -- and potentially embarrassing --

    ties between U.S. intelligence and the Turkey's narco-trafficking ultra-right.

    Fabrication of the conspiracy theory might have even involved suborning perjury. During his

    September 1985 court testimony in Rome, Catli asserted that he had been approached by theWest German BND spy organization, which allegedly promised him a large sum of money if he

    implicated the Bulgarian secret service and the KGB in the attempt on the pope's life.

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    Five years later, ex-CIA analyst Melvin A. Goodman disclosed that his colleagues, underpressure from CIA higher-ups, skewed their reports to try to lend credence to the contention that

    the Soviets were involved. "The CIA had no evidence linking the KGB to the plot," Goodman

    told the Senate Intelligence Committee.

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    Friends of the Wolves

    Duane "Dewey" Clarridge, the CIA station chief in Rome at the time of the papal shooting, had

    previously been posted in Ankara. Clarridge was the CIA's man-on-the-spot in Turkey in the

    1970s when armed bands of Grey Wolves unleashed a wave of bomb attacks and shootings that

    killed thousands of people, including public officials, journalists, students, lawyers, labororganizers, social democrats, left-wing activists and ethnic Kurds. [In his 1997 memoirs, A Spy

    for All Seasons, Clarridge makes no reference to the Turkish unrest or to the pope shooting.]

    During those violent 1970s, the Grey Wolves operated with the encouragement and protection of

    the Counter-Guerrilla Organization, a section of the Turkish Army's Special Warfare

    Department. Headquartered in the U.S. Military Aid Mission building in Ankara, the SpecialWarfare Department received funds and training from U.S. advisors to create "stay behind"

    squads comprised of civilian irregulars. They were supposed to go underground and engage in

    acts of sabotage if the Soviets invaded.

    Similar Cold War paramilitary units were established in every NATO member state, covering allnon-Communist Europe like a spider web that would entangle Soviet invaders. But instead of

    preparing for foreign enemies, U.S.-sponsored stay-behind operatives in Turkey and severalEuropean countries used their skills to attack domestic opponents and foment violent disorders.

    Some of those attacks were intended to spark right-wing military coups.

    In the late 1970s, former military prosecutor and Turkish Supreme Court Justice Emin Deger

    documented collaboration between the Grey Wolves and the government's counter-guerrilla

    forces as well as the close ties of the latter to the CIA. Turkey's Counter-Guerrilla Organization

    handed out weapons to the Grey Wolves and other right-wing terrorist groups. These shadowyoperations mainly engaged in the surveillance, persecution and torture of Turkish leftists,

    according to retired army commander Talat Turhan, the author of three books on counter-

    guerrilla activities in Turkey.

    But the extremists launched one wave of political violence which provoked a 1980 coup by state

    security forces that deposed Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit. The Turkish security forces cited the

    need to restore order which had been shattered by rightist terrorist groups secretly sponsored bythose same state security forces.

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    Cold War Roots

    Since the earliest days of the Cold War, Turkey's strategic importance derived from its

    geographic position as the West's easternmost bulwark against Soviet communism. In an effort

    to weaken the Soviet state, the CIA also used pan-Turkish militants to incite anti-Soviet passionsamong Muslim Turkish minorities inside the Soviet Union, a strategy that strengthened ties

    between U.S. intelligence and Turkey's ultra-nationalists.

    Though many of Turkish ultra-nationalists were anti-Western as well as anti-Soviet, the Cold

    War realpolitik compelled them to support a discrete alliance with NATO and U.S. intelligence.Among the Turkish extremists collaborating in this anti-Soviet strategy were the National Action

    Party and its paramilitary youth group, the Grey Wolves.

    Led by Colonel Alpaslan Turkes, the National Action Party espoused a fanatical pan-Turkish

    ideology that called for reclaiming large sections of the Soviet Union under the flag of a reborn

    Turkish empire. Turkes and his revanchist cohorts had been enthusiastic supporters of Hitlerduring World War II. "The Turkish race above all others" was their Nazi-like credo. In a similar

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    vein, Grey Wolf literature warned of a vast Jewish-Masonic-Communist conspiracy and its

    newspapers carried ads for Turkish translations of Nazi texts.

    The pan-Turkish dream and its anti-Soviet component also fueled ties between the Grey Wolves

    and the Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN), a CIA-backed coalition led by erstwhile fascist

    collaborators from East Europe. Ruzi Nazar, a leading figure in the Munich-based ABN, had along-standing relationship with the CIA and the Turkish ultra-nationalists. In the 1950s and

    1960s, Nazar was employed by Radio Free Europe, a CIA-founded propaganda effort.

    When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the shifting geopolitical terrain created new

    opportunities -- political and financial -- for Colonel Turkes and his pan-Turkish crusaders. After

    serving a truncated prison term in the 1980s for his role in masterminding the political violencethat convulsed Turkey, Turkes and several of his pan-Turkish colleagues were permitted to

    resume their political activities.

    In 1992, the colonel visited his long lost Turkish brothers in newly independent Azerbaijan and

    received a hero's welcome. In Baku, Turkes endorsed the candidacy of Grey Wolf sympathizerAbulfex Elcibey, who was subsequently elected president of Azerbaijan and appointed a close

    Grey Wolf ally as his Interior Minister.

    The Gang Returns

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    By this time, Abdullah Catli was also back in circulation after several years of incarceration in

    France and Switzerland for heroin trafficking. In 1990, he escaped from a Swiss jail cell andrejoined the neo-fascist underground in Turkey.

    Despite his documented links to the papal shooting and other terrorist attacks, Catli was pressed

    into service as a death squad organizer for the Turkish government's dirty war against the Kurdswho have long struggled for independence inside both Turkey and Iraq. Turkish Army

    spokesmen acknowledged that the Counter-Guerrilla Organization (renamed the Special Forces

    Command in 1992) was involved in the escalating anti-Kurdish campaign.

    Turkey got a wink and a nod from Washington as a quid pro quo for cooperating with the United

    States during the Gulf War. Turkish jets bombed Kurdish bases inside Iraqi territory. Meanwhile,on the ground, anti-Kurdish death squads were assassinating more than 1,000 non-combatants in

    southeastern Turkey. Hundreds of other Kurds "disappeared" while in police custody. Human

    Rights Watch, Amnesty International and the European Parliament all condemned the Turkish

    security forces for these abuses.

    Still, there was no hard evidence that Turkey's security forces had recruited criminal elements as

    foot soldiers. That evidence surfaced only on Nov. 3, 1996, when Catli' died in the fateful autoaccident near Susurluk. Strewn amidst the roadside wreckage was proof of what many journalists

    and human rights activists had long suspected -- that successive Turkish governments had

    protected narco-traffickers, sheltered terrorists and sponsored gangs of killers to suppressTurkish dissidents and Kurdish rebels.

    Colonel Turkes confirmed that Catli had performed clandestine duties for Turkey's police and

    military. "On the basis of my state experience, I admit that Catli has been used by the state," saidTurkes. Catli had been cooperating "in the framework of a secret service working for the good of

    the state," Turkes insisted.

    U.S.-backed Turkish officials, including Tansu Ciller, Prime Minister from 1993-1996, alsodefended Catli after the car crash. "I don't know whether he is guilty or not," Ciller stated, "but

    we will always respectfully remember those who fire bullets or suffer wounds in the name of this

    country, this nation and this state."

    Eighty members of the Turkish parliament have urged the federal prosecutor to file charges of

    criminal misconduct against Ciller, who currently serves as Turkey's Foreign Minister, as well asDeputy Prime Minister. They asserted that the Susurluk incident provided Turkey "with a

    historic opportunity to expose unsolved murders and the drugs and arms smuggling that have

    been going on in our country for years."

    The scandal momentarily reinvigorated the Turkish press, which unearthed revelations about

    criminals and police officials involved in the heroin trade. But journalists also have been victims

    of death squads in recent years. The violent attack on Independent Flash TV was a reminder.Prosecutors have faced pressure, too, from superiors who are not eager to delve into state secrets.

    Thus far, no charges have been lodged against Ciller.

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    Across the Atlantic in Washington, the U.S. government has yet to acknowledge any

    responsibility for the Turkish Frankenstein that U.S. Cold War strategy helped to create. Whenasked about the Susurluk affair, a State Department spokesperson said it was "an internal Turkish

    matter." He declined further comment. ~

    Martin A. Lee's book on neo-fascism, The Beast Reawakens, will be published by Little, Brownin July.

    CIAs Pope Shooter Early Al Qaeda?

    Did Mehmet Ali Agca Go to the CIA School of False Flag Operations?

    The man who served 19 years in an Italian prison (and 5 additional years in Turkey on unrelated

    charges) for shooting and attempting to assassinate the late Pope John Paul II in 1981 has been

    released from prison. Then, as now, the story of Mehmet Ali Agcas supposed links to Soviet-eraBulgarian Secret Police plots to off the pontiff were taken seriously in some quarters. Back in the

    day, people like right-wing,fascist-sympathizingAmerican politicos likeMichael Ledeenwere

    fans of this conspiracy theory. In fact, Ledeen has hardly given up on such mindfuck maneuvers.

    (It is suspected that Ledeen had ahand in the forged Nigerian yellowcake uranium documents

    that provided the infamous 16 words in Bushs 2003 State of the Union Address that prehapsprovided the final straw in the Bush Administration's campaign to push the country into its

    aggression against Iraq.)

    According to the Bulgarian journalist Krum Blagov,a tape purported as proof of the BulgarianConnection to the Pope shooting, and which surfaced in 1991, was fabricated for $1,000. Careto wager from which U.S. government office building in Virginia the money originated? It could

    prove interesting to follow the money on that one. Or maybe it was merely an internal Bulgarian

    thingtrying to curry favor with the West in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Bloc,

    trying to cement anti-Communist sentiment with anti-Communist myths, etc.However, aside from the paucity of evidence for such a thing, the assassination attempt as aCommunist plot occurs to me as one of those too-perfectly Evil and too-straight forward acts on
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    the part of the Official Enemy to be true. Along the lines of 9-11, if you press me (or even if you


    Pope John Pauls anti-Communism was well known, then as now. He was a right-wing Pole whohad always promoted the West in favor of the East. But not fanatically so, it would seem; he also

    reserved some criticism for the West. He was certainly no more extreme than other popes, andperhaps less so than some (say, the likes of the present Pope, for instance). Why would the

    Communists target him? Why at a moment when the West, under the leadership of Reagan andThatcher, was likely to renew the Cold War in any event, as they did, would they kill a symbolic

    leader likely to replaced by a similarly anti-Communist in any event? Why be antagonistic at that

    very moment for such a pitiful and questionable gain? Is it possible they could have hoped theCollege of Cardinals would elect a new Communist-friendly Pope once John Paul was out of the

    way? No. Not hardly. The evidence of a Bulgarian or Soviet link to Ali Agca

    was never impressive at all. The evidence that he was a right-winger associated with the CIAwas always more significant. He was a member of the Turkish fascist group the Grey Wolves, a

    group more likely to be aligned with the CIA than the Bulgarian Stalinists. In fact, the CIA

    employed the Grey Wolves against the Turkish left in the 1960s and 1970s. Does it seem likelythat a Grey Wolf would suddenly do the bidding of the Bulgarian Communists?

    Prefiguring recent revelations about the CIA skewing evidence to support the story about Iraqi

    weapons of mass destruction (dont tell me you need a link about that!), ex-CIA analyst MelvinA. Goodman told "the Senate Intelligence Committee in 1990 that hisCIA colleagues, under

    pressure from agency higher-ups, had skewed their reports to try to lend credence to the notionof a Soviet plot to murder the pope."

    Just as one can reasonably question whether former CIA asset Osama Bin Laden is actuallyformerly so, it is right to wonder whether Mehmet Ali Agca, would-be assassin of a Pope, was

    ever really anything other than a CIA asset. Was Agca and the CIA coziness with the essentially

    Islamo-fascist Grey Wolves a foreshadowing of the relationships it had with

    Osama Bin Laden and the Islamo-fascists that it set up to fight the Soviet occupation of

    Afghanistan later in the 1980s?

    After all, what had the U.S. government to gain from killing the Pope and blaming it on the

    Communists? Similarly, what has the U.S. government to gain from killing 3,000 Americans and

    blaming it on crazed Middle Easterners?

    Are these serious questions???
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    Just take a look around.

    Roumiana Ougartchinska, La vrit sur l'attentat contre Jean Paul II, ditions Presses de la

    Renaissance, 2007 (ISBN 9782750902841)

    Rumiana Ugarczinskiej

    Roques, Valeska von - Verschwrung gegen den Papst. Warum Ali Agca auf Johannes Paul II.

    schoss., Mnchen, Blessing, 2001

    An attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II occurred on May 13, 1981. Mehmet Ali Agcashot and seriously wounded the Pope in the Vatican City's St. Peter's Square. Agca was

    convicted for this crime in July 1981, and was deported to Turkey in 2001, after serving 20 yearsimprisonment.

    Beginning in August 1980 Agca began criss-crossing the Mediterranean region, changing

    passports and identities, perhaps to hide his point of origin in Sofia, Bulgaria. He entered Rome

    on May 10, 1981, coming by train from Milan.

    According to Agca's later testimony, he met with three accomplices in Rome, one a fellow Turk

    and two Bulgarians, with operation being commanded by Zilo Vassilev, the Bulgarian military

    attach in Italy. He said that he was assigned this mission by Turkish mafioso Bekir elenk inBulgaria. Le Monde diplomatique, however, has alleged that the assassination attempt was

    organized by Abdullah atl? "in exchange for the sum of 3 million marks", paid by Bekir elenk

    to the Grey Wolves.

    According to Agca, the plan was for him and the back-up gunman Oral elik to open fire in St.

    Peter's Square and escape to the Bulgarian embassy under the cover of the panic generated by asmall explosion. On May 13 they sat in the square, writing postcards waiting for the Pope to

    arrive. When the Pope passed, Agca fired several shots and critically wounded him, but was

    grabbed by a nun and several other spectators and prevented from finishing the assassination or

    escaping. Four bullets hit John Paul II, two of them lodging in his lower intestine, the othershitting his left hand and right arm. Two bystanders were also hit by stray assassin's bullets; Ann

    Odre, of Buffalo, New York, was struck in the chest while Rose Hill, of Jamaica, was slightly

    wounded in the arm. elik panicked and fled without setting off his bomb or opening fire. The

    Pope, who lost nearly three-quarters of his blood and thus suffered shock from near-exsanguination, underwent five hours of emergency intestinal surgery- which required

    transfusions and a temporary colostomy- at the Agostino Gemelli Polyclinic after a noted

    gastrointestinal surgeon, the late Dr. Francesco Crucitti, rushed across Rome to the hospitaloperating room after coming across a policeman. Agca, a professional assassin, when he first

    saw the Pope in Rome's Rebibbia Prison a few years later asked him how he had survived.
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    Agca was sentenced, in July 1981, to life imprisonment in Italy for the assassination attempt, but

    was pardoned by president Carlo Azeglio Ciampi in June 2000 at the Pope's request. He was thenextradited to Turkey, where he was imprisoned for the 1979 murder of left-wing journalist Abdi

    I.peki and two bank raids carried out in the 1970s. Despite a plea for early release in November

    2004, a Turkish court announced that he would not be eligible for release until 2010.

    Nonetheless he was released on parole on January 12, 2006. However, on January 20, 2006, theTurkish Supreme Court ruled that his time served in Italy could not be deducted from his Turkish

    sentence and he was returned to jail.

    Following the shooting, Pope John Paul II asked people to "pray for my brother (Agca), whom I

    have sincerely forgiven." In 1983, he and Agca met and spoke privately at the prison where Agca

    was being held. The Pope was also in touch with Agca's family over the years, meeting his

    mother in 1987 and his brother a decade later.

    Although Agca had been quoted as saying that "to me [the Pope] was the incarnation of all that is

    capitalism", and attempting to murder him, Agca developed a friendship with the pontiff. In earlyFebruary 2005, during the Pope's illness, Agca sent a letter to the Pope wishing him well and

    also warning him that the world would end soon.

    Inspired by this act of forgiveness, Christian music artist Steve Taylor wrote the song, "To

    Forgive," which appeared on his 1985 release, "On the Fritz."

    Motivations for the assassination attempt

    Several theories exist concerning Mehmet Ali Agca's assassination attempt. One, strongly

    advocated since the early 1980s by Michael Ledeen among others, is that the assassination

    attempt had originated from Moscow and that the KGB instructed the Bulgarian and EastGerman secret services to carry out the mission. The Bulgarian Secret Service was allegedly

    instructed by the KGB to assassinate the Pope because of his support of Poland's Solidarity

    movement, seeing it as one of the most significant threats to Soviet hegemony in Eastern Europe.

    Agca himself has given multiple conflicting statements on the assassination at different times.

    Attorney Antonio Marini stated: "Agca has manipulated all of us, telling hundreds of lies,continually changing versions, forcing us to open tens of different investigations". Originally

    Agca claimed to be a member of the Marxist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

    (PFLP), but they denied any ties to him.

    The "Bulgarian Connection"

    Then KGB Director Yuri Andropov, was convinced that the Pope John Paul IIs election was theproduct of an Anglo-German conspiracy orchestrated by Zbigniew Brzezinski to undermine

    Soviet hegemony in largely Catholic Poland and ultimately to precipitate the collapse of the

    entire Soviet Union. The Popes announcement of a pilgrimage to Warsaw fueled Andropovs

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    apprehension, with Andropov issuing a secret memorandum to Soviet schoolteachers:

    The Pope is our enemy. . . . Due to his uncommon skills and great sense of humor he is

    dangerous, because he charms everyone, especially journalists. Besides, he goes for cheap

    gestures in his relations with the crowd, for instance, [the] puts on a highlanders hat, shakes all

    hands, kisses children, etc. . . . It is modeled on American presidential campaigns. . . . Because ofthe activities of the Church in Poland our activities designed to atheize the youth not only cannot

    diminish but must intensely develop. . . . In this respect all means are allowed and we cannot

    afford sentiments.

    Ali Agca had made several trips to Sofia, Bulgaria, and stayed in a hotel favored by the

    Bulgarian (DS). In Rome he had also had contacts with a Bulgarian agent whose cover was theBulgarian national airline office. Soon after the shooting, Sergei Antonov, a Bulgarian working

    in Rome for Balkan Air, was arrested based on Agca's testimony and accused of being the

    Bulgarian agent who masterminded the plot. In 1986, after a three-year trial, he was found not

    guilty. According to the CIA's chief of staff in Turkey, Paul Henze, he later stated that in Sofia,

    he was once approached by the Bulgarian Secret Service and Turkish mafiosi, who offered himthree million German mark to assassinate the Pope.

    The Bulgarians chose Agca to supply themselves with plausible deniability; choosing a member

    of the Grey Wolves that had been involved with the local KGB in drug smuggling routes through

    Bulgaria to Western Europe would distance themselves because of the implausibility of the link.

    The Bulgarian secret services have always protested their alleged involvement and argued that

    Agca's story was an anti-Communist plant placed by the Italian secret service (SISMI), and the


    According to Ferdinando Imposimato, an Italian prosecutor in charge of the assassination

    investigation, Agca has confirmed the KGB and the Bulgarian involvement during their many

    private conversations in 1997-2000, tying it to the mysterious 1998 murder of Colonel AloisEstermann, a Swiss Guard. Ferdinando Imposimato has alleged a link with the East German

    secret service.

    The Mitrokhin Commission's claims

    Further information: Italian Mitrokhin Commission

    According to Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, documents recovered from former East

    German intelligence services confirm the 1981 assassination attempt against Pope John Paul II

    was ordered by the Soviet KGB and assigned to Bulgarian and East German agents with the Stasi

    to coordinate the operation and cover up the traces afterwards, however, Markus Wolf, formerStasi spy-master, has denied any links, and claimed the files had already been sent in 1995.

    In March 2006, the controversial Mitrokhin Commission, set up by Silvio Berlusconi and headedby Forza Italia senator Paolo Guzzanti, supported once again the Bulgarian theory, which had

    been denounced by John Paul II during his travel to Bulgaria. Senator Guzzanti claimed that

    "leaders of the former Soviet Union were behind the assassination attempt", alleging that "the

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    leadership of the Soviet Union took the initiative to eliminate Pope John Paul" because of his

    support for Solidarity, relaying "this decision to the military secret services" (and not the KGB).The report's claims were based on recent computer analysis of photographs that purported to

    demonstrate Antonov's presence in St Peter's Square during the shooting and on information

    brought by the French anti-terrorist judge Jean-Louis Bruguire, a controversial figure whose last

    feat was to indict Rwandese president Paul Kagame, claiming he had deliberately provoked the1994 Rwandan Genocide against his own ethnic group in order to take the power. According to

    Le Figaro, Bruguire, who is in close contacts as well with Moscow as with Washington DC,

    including intelligence agents, has been accused by many of his colleagues of "privileging thereason of state over law."

    Both Russia and Bulgaria condemned the report. "For Bulgaria, this case closed with the courtdecision in Rome in March 1986," Foreign Ministry spokesman Dimitar Tsanchev said, while

    also recalling the Pope's comments during his May 2002 visit to Bulgaria. Senator Guzzanti said

    that the commission had decided to re-open the report's chapter on the assassination attempt in

    2005, after the Pope wrote about it in his last book, Memory and Identity: Conversations

    Between Millenniums. The Pope wrote that he was convinced the shooting was not Agca'sinitiative and that "someone else masterminded it and someone else commissioned it". The

    Mitrokhin Commission also claimed current Prime minister of Italy, Romano Prodi, was the"KGB's man in Italy". At the end of December 2006, Mario Scaramella, one of the main

    informer of senator Guzzanti, was arrested and charged, among other things, of defamation.

    Rome's prosecutor Pietro Salvitti, in charge of the investigations concerning Mario Scaramella,cited by La Repubblica, showed that Nicol Pollari, head of SISMI, the Italian military

    intelligence agency and indicted in the Imam Rapito affair, as well as SISMI n2, Marco

    Mancini, arrested in July 2006 for the same reason, were some of the informers, alongside Mario

    Scaramella, of senator Paolo Guzzanti. Beside targeting Romano Prodi and his staff, this"network", according to Pietro Salvitti's words, also aimed at defaming General Giuseppe Cucchi

    (current director of the Cesis), Milan's judges Armando Spataro, in charge of the Imam Rapito

    case, and Guido Salvini, as well as La Reppublica reporters Carlo Bonini and Giuseppe

    D'Avanzo, who discovered the Yellowcake forgery affair. The investigation also showed aconnection between Scaramella and the CIA, in particular through Filippo Marino, one of

    Scaramella's closest partners since the 1990s and co-founder of the ECPP, who lives today in the

    US. Marino has acknowledged in an interview an association with former and active CIAofficers, including Robert Lady, former CIA station chief in Milan, indicted by prosecutor

    Armando Spataro for having coordinated the abduction of Abu Omar, the Imam Rapito affair

    Other theories

    Some people, notably Edward S. Herman, co-author with Frank Brodhead of The Rise and Fall

    of the Bulgarian Connection (1986), and Michael Parenti, felt Agca's story was dubious, notingthat Agca made no claims of Bulgarian involvement until he had been isolated in solitary

    confinement and visited by Italian Military Intelligence (SISMI) agents. On September 25, 1991,

    former CIA analyst Melvin A. Goodman (now Senior Fellow at the Center for InternationalPolicy) revealed that his colleagues, following hierarchical orders, had falsified their analysis in

    order to support the accusation. He declared to the US Senate intelligence committee that "the

    CIA hadn't any proof" concerning this alleged "Bulgarian connection" Neither the Severino

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    Santiapichi court, nor the investigation by judge Franco Ionta, found evidence that that SISMI

    planted Agca's story. A French lawyer, Christian Roulette, who authored books blaming Westernintelligence agencies for the assassination attempt, testified in court that documentary evidence

    he referred to actually did not exist.

    The Bulgarian secret services have always protested their alleged involvement and argued thatAgca's story was an anti-Communist plant placed by the Grey Wolves, the Italian secret service,

    and the CIA - all three of whom had co-operated in NATO's secret Gladio network. Gladio was

    at the time involved in Italy's strategy of tension, also followed in Turkey by Counter-Guerrilla,the Turkish branch of Gladio. The Pope's assassination would hereafter have taken place in this

    frame. Edward Herman has argued that Michael Ledeen, who was involved in the Iran-Contra

    Affair and had alleged ties to the Italian P2 masonic lodge also linked to Gladio, was employedby the CIA to propagate the Bulgarian theory. Indeed, Le Monde diplomatique alleged that

    Abdullah atl?, a leader of the Grey Wolves, had organized the assassination attempt "in

    exchange for the sum of 3 million German Marks" for the Grey Wolves. In Rome, Catli declared

    to the judge in 1985 "that he had been contacted by the BND, the German intelligence agency,

    which would have promised him a nice sum of money if he implicated the Russian and Bulgarianservices in the assassination attempt against the Pope". According to colonel Alparslan Trkes,

    the founder of the Grey Wolves, "Catli has cooperated in the frame of a secret service workingfor the good of the state".

    Another theory, described in the Gordon Thomas's book Gideons Spies: Mossads SecretWarriors, rejects the KGB, Turkish and Bulgarian connections. According to Thomas, a British

    specialist on intelligence, the assassination was ordered by Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini as a first

    act of Jihad, the Muslim holy war, against Christianity and the Occident. This theory is based on

    the following elements: The Grey Wolves organization was pro-Iranian; Mehmet Ali Agca wastrained in Iran; the text of a 1979 letter sent to the press by Mehmet Ali Agca just after he killed

    a Turkish journalist used formulas such as "Supreme Commander of the Crusaders" that are

    directly taken from Khomeini's style, while Agca is nearly illiterate. The 1983 Pope visit to his

    aggressor in jail was aimed to confirm this theory, just uncovered by the Israeli intelligenceagency.

    A Vatican connection?

    On June 26, 2000 Pope John Paul II released the "Third Secret of Fatima" in which he said that

    Agca's assassination attempt was the fulfillment of this Secret. May 13 (the date of theassassination attempt) is the anniversary of the first apparition of the Virgin Mary to the three

    children of Fatima, something the pope has always regarded as significant, attributing his

    survival on that day to her protection. Some doubt the Church's full disclosure of the contents of

    this Secret, believing that it actually predicted the Apocalypse. While in prison on remand, Agcawas widely reported to have developed an obsession with Fatima and during the trial claimed

    that he was the second coming of Jesus Christ and called on the Vatican to release the Third


    On March 31, 2005, just two days prior to the Pope's death, Agca gave an interview to the Italian

    newspaper La Repubblica. He claimed to be working on a book about the assassination attempt.

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    La Repubblica quoted Agca claiming at length that he had accomplices in the Vatican who

    helped him with the assassination attempt, saying "the devil is inside Vatican's wall". He alsosaid:

    "Many calculating politicians are worried about what revealing the complete truth would do.

    Some of them fear that the Vatican will have a spiritual collapse like the Berlin Wall. Let me ask,why don't the CIA, the Sismi, the Sisde and other intelligence agencies reveal the truth about the

    Orlandi case?

    Q: They say it's because there is still some uncertainty in the Emanuela Orlandi case.

    Agca: In the 1980's, certain Vatican supporters believed that I was the new messiah and to freeme they organized all the intrigue about Emanuela Orlandi and the other incidents they won't


    Emanuela Orlandi, the daughter of a Vatican employee, disappeared at age 15 on June 22, 1983.

    Anonymous phone calls offered her release in exchange for the release of Agca. Archbishop PaulMarcinkus was alleged to be part of the kidnapping, although no charges were ever laid.

    A week after this interview, Associated Press reported Agca denying having made such claims.


    1. ^ a b c Martin A. Lee, "Les liaisons dangereuses de la police turque," Le Monde diplomatique,

    3 March 1997 (French)

    2. ^ Newton, Paula (2006-01-12). "Man who shot pope freed". Associated Press. Retrieved on


    3. ^ Goktas, Hidir (2006-01-20). "Man who shot pope must return to jail: Turkish court".

    Reuters. Archived from the original on 2006-01-20.


    4. ^ 'Ali Aga revient la libert avec ses secrets', January 12, 2006, Libration (see here(French)

    5. ^ a b Remnick, David. "John Paul II," The New Yorker Magazine. April 11, 2004.

    6. ^ Paul B. Henze. The Plot to Kill the Pope, Holiday House, 1985.[page needed]7. ^ Arnaud de Borchgrave, The Attempted Assassination of John Paul II, April 6, 2005.

    8. ^ a b Secret Warfare: Operation Gladio and NATO's Stay-Behind Armies ETH Zrich

    research project on Gladio directed by Dr. Daniele Ganser[dead link]

    9. ^ "Stasi Files Implicate KGB in Pope Shooting," Deutsche Welle, January 4, 2005.10. ^ "Soviets 'had Pope shot for backing Solidarity'". Daily Telegraph. 2006-03-03.

    ws/2006/03/03/ixworld.html.11. ^ Rwanda : Bruguire incrimine Paul Kagam, Le Figaro, 21 November 2006 (French)

    12. ^ "Un juge provocateur", Le Figaro, 22 November 2006, p.2

    13. ^ "Soviet Union ordered Pope shooting: Italy commission". Reuters. March 2, 2006.

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    02T154206Z_01_L02207710_RTRUKOC_0_US-POPE-ASSASSINATION.xml&rpc=22.14. ^ Il falso dossier di Scaramella - "Cos la Russia manipola Prodi", La Repubblica, 11 January

    2007 (Italian)

    15. ^ "How one man insinuated himself into poisoning case", International Herald Tribune, 9

    January 2007.16. ^ "Italian Judge Said to Drop Probe of Agca Being Coached". Washington Post. 1985-12-22.



    Being+Coached.17. ^ Crovitz, Gordon (1986-01-08). "Pope Trial: What Secret Files?". Wall Street Journal.

    18. ^ Tagliabue, John (1986-01-15). "Court in Pope plot won't extend trial to hear testimony in

    U.S.". New York Times.

    960948260.19. ^ Christian Roulette (1984). Giovanni Paolo II, Antonov, Agca. La pista. Rome: Edito da

    Napoleone. [page needed]20. ^ Lobe, Jim (2003-06-23). "Veteran neo-con advisor moves on Iran". Asia Times.

    21. ^ Nezan, Kendal (July 1998). "Turkey's pivotal role in the international drug trade". LeMonde diplomatique.

    22. ^ "L'ultima verit di Ali Agca 'Avevo dei complici in Vaticano'" (in Italian). La Repubblica.


    (English translation with some commentary: "The Latest Truth From Ali Agca: 'I hadaccomplices in the Vatican'"[dead link])

    23. ^ "Agca Denies Accusing Vatican of Complicity in Pope Shooting". Turkish Weekly.

    Associated Press. 2005-04-04.

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