Page 1: Church-wide Campaign Now at The Starting · WEEKEND OPPORTUNITIES – All Stars Express Sunday mornings 9:30-10:15 Age 3 - Grade

2016 No. 9 October 2016

Church-wide Campaign Now at The Starting Line

► If you’ve not yet purchased your copy of The Story, you can

do so on October 1st & 2nd at Grand Central or at the Church Office.

► The week of October 2nd - 8th, begin your journey through the Bible by reading Chapter One.

► On the weekend of October 8/9, Pastor White will preach on a theme drawn from Chapter One of The Story.

► TWO STUDY OPTIONS: 1) Participate in your Small Group

Study in anticipation of Pastor White’s message or as a follow-up to his message. Either way is okay. Your group can decide. Or, 2) Attend the 9:30 Adult Discussion starting on October 9th in the Fellowship Hall.

► You also have the option of just reading the weekly chapters on your own and hearing the pastors’ weekly messages.

► Parents are encouraged to read The Story at home as a family. If your children are smaller, consider reading from the children’s edition of The Story.


I N G O D’ S S T O R Y


The Trinity Call Committee has invited Pastor Brandon Foster to visit Trinity the weekend of October 29

th and 30

th for an in-person interview and to preach at all

three Worship Services. Pastor Foster has been serving for the past nine years as Director of Youth Ministry at Atonement Lutheran Church in Fargo, North Dakota, and as Pastoral Assistant at New Creation Lutheran Church in Perham, Minnesota. He is a graduate of North Dakota State University and received a Master of Divinity at Sioux Falls Seminary.

Pastor Foster and his wife, Monique, have been married for five years. They have two children: Natalie (age 2) and Miles (2 months).

Given the importance of our search for a new Associate Pastor, I hope you will make every effort to be in worship on the last weekend of October. We’re hoping to also provide an informal time after each service for us all to interact with Pastor Foster. Following his visit, the Call Committee will decide whether to recommend him to the Church Council. If they do, and the Council approves, a Letter of Call we be prepared and a Congregational Meeting will be scheduled for a vote on whether to offer him the call. (Go to Call Committee Update on Page 2.)

Page 2: Church-wide Campaign Now at The Starting · WEEKEND OPPORTUNITIES – All Stars Express Sunday mornings 9:30-10:15 Age 3 - Grade

Darryl Anderson Logan Bronson Dennis Durkop Marla Ernst

Kim Gassen Dan Mickey Vern Ramaekers Randy Schaefer

Mike Sloup Jean Walkenhorst Pastor Tim White Wayne Zysset


Jim Wiese ....................................................................... President Ron Leimser ............................................................ Vice President Mike Kruse ...................................................................... Secretary Doug Stejskal ................................................................. Treasurer Jolene Connelly ............................................. Recording Secretary

Offerings to Date .................................. $452,357 Other Income to Date ............................... 16,522 Total Income to Date ............................. 468,879

Income Budget to Date .......................... 470,895

Expenses to Date .................................... 450,914 Expense Budget to Date......................... 479,781



Year-to-Date August 31, 2016

SEPTEMBER 2016 COUNCIL NOTES by Mike Kruse, Council Secretary

Trinity Financial Administrator Accounting experience necessary. Position includes working with payroll, budgets and general accounting. Experience with Excel and accounting software is needed. Position is 20-25 hrs/week. Resume’ may be sent to Trinity Lutheran Church to the attention of Pastor White.

Pastor & Cindy White Pastor & Sue Zurek

Pastor & Gayleen Nestor Pastor & Denise Czapla

The September 12th meeting of the Trinity Church Council was called to order by President Jim Wiese. Pastor White led the Recharge based on Reggie McNeal’s, Kingdom Come.

The Call Committee Report was given by Wayne Zysset.

Pastor White reported on staffing developments. Beth Young was hired as Parish Ministry Assistant. The search is continuing for a Financial Administrator to replace Patty Swirczek.

Pastor White reported on The Story campaign planning. He said the feedback from congregation members has been overwhelmingly enthusiastic.

A meeting of Trinity parents and Columbus Middle School Principal Amy Haynes will be held to discuss the proposal to “adopt” the Middle School—what it means and what it does not mean—as one component of the Trinity Ministry Plan.

Kim Gassen will organize a planning group for a retirement celebration to honor Pastor and Sue Zurek.

The Quarterly Missions Board Report was presented by Lorie Young. The Missions Board is hoping we can host Pastor Alex and Nadia Krongholm from Petrozavodsk, Russia, when they visit the U.S. this winter.

The meeting adjourned with a time of prayer.


The Call Committee has been busy reviewing candidates, scheduling phone interviews and checking references. We are very excited about the process as we look for the right candidate to fill the position of Associate Pastor. One candidate, Pastor Brandon Foster, has been invited to preach at Trinity on October 29 and 30. Although we have already had some strong candidates emerge, we are still open to others applying and going through the process. We will continue this until we have selected the candidate that would be approved by the Church Council and ultimately the congregation as a whole. We are hopeful that the person would be in a position to start January 1, 2017, to coincide with other pastoral staff changes at the church; but that is not necessarily a given. Please continue to pray for the Call Committee as they continue their work in the coming weeks and months.

Larry Wilson Call Committee Chairman

Page 3: Church-wide Campaign Now at The Starting · WEEKEND OPPORTUNITIES – All Stars Express Sunday mornings 9:30-10:15 Age 3 - Grade

Please provide your e-mail address to the Church Office so we can update our new software. E-mail your address to [email protected] or call the Church Office at 402-564-8547.


October 15-24

for the Platte County Food Pantry

Loving our neighbor in a tangible way— we are blessed to be a blessing!

Some Food Pantry Suggestions:

—Paper Products —Peanut Butter & Jelly —Laundry Soap —Flour, Sugar, Beans —Cans of Meat —Pancake Mix & Syrup —Pasta & Cereal —Coffee —Cans of Fruit & Fruit Juice

CONCERNED ABOUT SOMEONE? Prayer Request cards can be found in the pew racks. Drop your Prayer Requests in one of the two boxes in the Narthex. Your request will be shared with our Prayer Groups and Church Staff. Thank you for expanding our Prayer Ministry. There has been a good response.


Amanda Daugaard

Kamarin French Dominic Ernst

Megan Endorf Blaize Drummond Connor Dush

Emily Hall Alexis Jeffryes Cole Langmack

Kallie Langmack Jackson Peabody Lance Pedersen Melissa Ramaekers Eli Noyd

Confirmation Class of 2016

Ian Stirek Logan Sprunk Morgan Suhr

Page 4: Church-wide Campaign Now at The Starting · WEEKEND OPPORTUNITIES – All Stars Express Sunday mornings 9:30-10:15 Age 3 - Grade

I just love this time of the year! School is in full swing, and families are getting schedules down to a routine. We begin experiencing cooler temperatures, and the beauty of the new harvest season is upon us. And, of course, who could forget Pastor Appreciation Month. Just kidding! We also experience many sports at different levels such as football, volleyball and championship baseball to name a few! I find it very interesting how our moods become unpredictable and can change faster than the seasonal change from summer to autumn because of the outcome of a game. How many of us believe we can change the outcome of a game as a spectator? If we cannot make a direct impact to secure a positive outcome, why do we invest so much? Our passion, schedules, decisions, and yes, even our finances are so easily poured into something that leaves us moody, worried and frustrated when we do not get our way. In the sixth chapter of Matthew Jesus tells us not to worry, and He is explaining that we should not worry about the basics such as food, water, clothing, etc. At the end of His teaching he says the following, “For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Mark 6:32-34). This should be seen as encouragement for you, family, co-workers, friends and strangers. We are told to show the light of Christ in everything we do. If we show that it is not okay to get worked up about the outcome of a game, politics or something

your boss has done, how many others will take your lead? I stress this because I am seeing it at the youngest of ages. I am seeing a new generation that cannot express themselves calmly or with reservation. Everything is either pure elation or a complete loss because of something so simple as their favorite team losing yesterday’s game. Sports are supposed to show our children how to work as a “team,” compete for a common goal, build fellowship and show obedience. When we become a spectator of all of those things, it can be easily lost because we are worrying about the

wrong things. Those “wrong things” allow our emotions and moods to swing with that same intensity, and take a guess who is watching us and taking notes?

We, as followers of Christ, need to show others that we understand that life is full of surprises and great opportunities just like those sporting events. We need to show others that no matter what we are experiencing, we will always commit first to our Savior and His Kingdom. If we are willing to do so, there will be plenty of time to support your local team, politician or new position as the boss. I urge you to invest your passion, schedules, future decisions, and yes, even finances into something that will last forever—eternal life. If you choose daily to be on Jesus’ team you will win no matter what the opponent’s strategy is, what bad calls the referees make or what injuries you may sustain. So what are you waiting for? Recruit some teammates and get into the game because the best part about being a disciple of Jesus is that you will never be a spectator!


Page 5: Church-wide Campaign Now at The Starting · WEEKEND OPPORTUNITIES – All Stars Express Sunday mornings 9:30-10:15 Age 3 - Grade

Our Marriage and Parenting Class

Resumes Wednesday, Oct. 12th



Annual One-Day Retreat

for ALL Women

“The Proverbs 31 Woman … Yesterday, Today and


Saturday, November 5, 9 am—3 pm Word of Hope Lutheran Church

22nd & Ash St., Ashland, NE

Message: Vickie Nielsen Music: Patti Schofield

Mission Outreach: Orphan Grain Train & Youth for Christ

Cost: $18 (includes lunch) Registration sheets available at Grand

Central; deadline is October 23.

Questions: call Barb Sanders at 402-564-6132.

October is “Pastor Appreciation Month”

God has truly provided Trinity Lutheran Church with very capable pastoral leadership and the month of October has been declared Pastor Appreciation Month again this year. We have been blessed with caring and loving people that serve in the capacity of Pastors that provide the everyday guidance in God’s Word. Dedication is but one word to describe the necessary commitment needed to continue to serve a large congregation such as Trinity’s. We need to show our appreciation for this dedication and leadership not only in the month of October but throughout the year. We encourage all of you to show your personal appreciation for these committed servants of God as we celebrate Pastor Appreciation Month.

A note from the Trinity Church Council

A basket for cards & notes will be

available at Grand Central during

the month of October. Let's show

our Pastors how much we appreciate


Page 6: Church-wide Campaign Now at The Starting · WEEKEND OPPORTUNITIES – All Stars Express Sunday mornings 9:30-10:15 Age 3 - Grade

OCTOBER 2016 by Glenda Lundstrom


Sunday mornings 9:30-10:15 Age 3 - Grade 6 GUESTS WELCOME - BRING YOUR FRIENDS!

Third Graders Receive Bibles From Their Parents

Seventeen students participated in three sessions of “Using-My-Bible” class with their parents and were presented with the Bible in worship September 25. What a testimony for the value of God’s Word when parents invest their time and money to nurture their child’s growth in faith.

These kids are so ready to dig in and learn what God has for them. This little age–appropriate Adventure Bible, with all the extra helps, will be a gift that truly keeps on giving!

Parents & Kids in Grades 3-6: Bring your family and join us in the Fellowship Hall

for a tasty dessert and get a “taste” of Breakout also.

See how this program can benefit your child

Meet the leaders

Get your questions answered

Register your child if you choose to

Breakout is a small group spiritual-growth program that meets Wednesday evenings October through early April. It begins in Grade 3 and progresses through Grade 6.

A “Taste” of Breakout Oct. 5, 6:30-7:30 P.M.


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Hope you all have had the opportunity to look over The Story children’s edition your child was given in All Stars.

October 9th will be the first of our 31 weeks of

exploring it in All Stars Express. Beginning October 2, look for weekly parent pages with ideas for some “table talk” or a living-faith activity.

As The Story unfolds for all of us here at Trinity, I hope this will be a family experience for you. We have been blessed with this incredible story. Let’s help our kids become incredible storytellers!

Through “The Greatest Journey” mission project, our Trinity kids have given thirty-four children the opportunity to participate in a twelve-lesson Bible study course that guides them through what it means to follow Jesus. They will be given a Gospel Storybook in their own language, instructed by a trained teacher and given a New Testament when they graduate. The impact on lives for eternity and for life here on earth can’t be underestimated. Many of these kids will never receive a high school or college diploma. Receiving a certificate that commends them for completing this course brings a real sense of accomplishment.

If your child has not picked up their copy of The Story, it is still available for them in their classroom.

Offering The Promise of Salvation

Page 7: Church-wide Campaign Now at The Starting · WEEKEND OPPORTUNITIES – All Stars Express Sunday mornings 9:30-10:15 Age 3 - Grade

1st Ryan Ernst Sandra Ernst Mitchell Kasper

2nd Neely Gernstein Abbi Kush Marion Mark Ryker Mueller Dave Perkins


Sharon Nyffeler Jean Schmitt


Nathan Blezek Steven Eikenhorst Rachel Mark Jeff Mihulka


Haley Edwards Megan Endorf Lyle Ernst Susan Fricke Scott McDonald

6th Betty Dickey Betty Fricke Jersey Gillespie Izaiah Hancock Corey Rieck


Beau Brown Betty Hecker Jenesi Reppert Glenda Spuit


Laine Birkel Chelsey Jacobitz Martin Nore Emaleen Wielgus Taryn Wright Tylee Wright

9th Denise Gilmore Kortney Schaf

10th Holden Benson Misty Flanagan Sandy Hausler Pearl Hicks Jacob Plugge


Jean Cielocha Bryan Dickey Emmie Noyd Andy Woehrer


Nick Linder Ethan Salak

13th Kay Arlt Jocilynn Behlen Ron Graham Carter Shank Darren Woodside

14th Lance Pedersen Jay Rodehorst Marilyn Tisthammer Tiffany Zysset


Chloie Brewer Stephanie Christensen Jacee Dush Jess Eickenhorst Matrix Kleckner Linda Klink Mike Munson Don Olsen


Bernie Muhle

17th Gavin Anderson Lilli Jensen Jordyn Lentz


Rita Ingold Laura LeCuyer Jim Lundstrom


Judy Robertson Day Rullo


Jerry Lutjens Logan Mueller


Doris Cerny Carol Christensen Susanne Fallet Hugo Fergin Parker Heidemann Jenna Klug Brittany Korgie-Thomas Diana Mueller Jacob Rollins Alexandra Shishkin Josh Walkenhorst Shelley Westerhoff


Kathy Bamesberger Alan Birkel Bob Petersen Maddie Uhlig


Barry Baker Vi Birkel John Cromwell, Jr. Sharon Dornacker Steven Dornacker Jeannie Fischer Brooke Henry Joyce Parker


Alexis Haynes Chase Johnson Mila Ortiz Gary Stover

25th Kathy Dreesen Mark Hilmer Trina Jeffryes Joanie Olsan Julie Oppliger Phyllis Wragge


Dean Kasper Hunter Kuhnel Jackson Moje Roger Nelson Keaton Rahtz Mike Tisthammer Ed Trofholz


Kendra Drinnin Polly Krumland Mason Robak Lynette Worrell


Michael Blackburn Kimberly Bongers Wayne Hellbusch Judy Lindquist


Dorothy Glaser Sheryl Smith Michelle Stirek


Heather Christensen Pat Kittinger Joyce Mann Ashley Starostka Rachael Weber Keith Wick


Tonya Huhman Alyssa Largis Marc Lindahl LaVonne Schultz Mary Lou Stamm

Page 8: Church-wide Campaign Now at The Starting · WEEKEND OPPORTUNITIES – All Stars Express Sunday mornings 9:30-10:15 Age 3 - Grade

Saturday, October 1 7:30 SAMM’s Men’s Bible Study 5:30 Holy Communion Worship Service

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Sunday, October 2 LCMC Annual Gathering in Denver, CO 8:15 Prayer Group 8:30 & 10:30 Holy Communion Worship Services 9:30 Education Hour 11:30 Solid Rock Café

Monday, October 3 LCMC Annual Gathering in Denver, CO 3:30 Holy Communion Prairie Village 5:30 Jubilation Ringers Rehearsal 7:30 “Band of Brothers“ Men’s Fellowship

Tuesday, October 4 LCMC Annual Gathering in Denver, CO 1:30 Prayer Shawl Ministry

Wednesday, October 5 LCMC Annual Gathering in Denver, CO 12:00 Women of the Word Bible Study 5:30 “Men of God” Men’s Fellowship 6:30 Taste of Breakout 7:00 High School Gravity

Friday, October 7 6:30 Men’s Leadership Meeting

Saturday, October 8 5:30 Worship Service

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Sunday, October 9 8:15 Prayer Group 8:30 & 10:30 Worship Services 9:30 Education Hour 11:30 Missions Board 2:00 GOD’S SQUAD Rehearsal

Monday, October 10 9:30 Faith Circle 5:30 Jubilation Ringers Rehearsal 6:15 Finance Committee 7:00 Trinity Council Meeting 7:30 “Band of Brothers” Men’s Fellowship

Tuesday, October 11 9:30 Peace Circle 2:30 Joy Circle 5:15 Endowment Board 5:30 KTLX Board Meeting

Wednesday, October 12 12:00 Women of the Word Bible Study 5:30 “Men of God” Men’s Fellowship 5:30 Plugged In Hayrack Ride 6:30 Breakout 6:30 Marriage Matters Class 6:30 Kidz Kare 7:00 High School Gravity

Thursday, October 13 1:00 Piece Makers

Friday, October 14 6:30 Friday Men’s Ministry

Saturday, October 15 Ingathering Food Drive (Oct. 15-24) 7:30 SAMM’s Men’s Bible Study 5:30 Holy Communion Worship Service

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Sunday, October 16 Ingathering Food Drive (Oct. 15-24) 8:15 Prayer Group 8:30 & 10:30 Worship Services 9:30 Education Hour

Monday, October 17 3:30 Holy Communion Golden Living Center 5:30 Jubilation Ringers Rehearsal 7:00 All Committee Night 7:30 “Band of Brothers” Men’s Fellowship

Wednesday, October 19 12:00 Women of the Word Bible Study 5:30 “Men of God” Men’s Fellowship 6:30 Plugged In (Confirmation) 6:30 Breakout 6:30 Marriage Matters Class 6:30 Kidz Kare 7:00 High School Gravity

Thursday, October 20 1:00 Piece Makers

Saturday, October 22 Ingathering Food Drive (Oct. 15-24) 5:30 Worship Service

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Sunday, October 23 Ingathering Food Drive (Oct. 15-24 ) 8:15 Prayer Group 8:30 & 10:30 Worship Services 9:30 Education Hour

Monday, October 24 5:30 Jubilation Ringers Rehearsal 7:30 “Band of Brothers” Men’s Fellowship

Wednesday, October 26 12:00 Women of the Word Bible Study 5:30 “Men of God” Men’s Fellowship 6:30 Plugged In (Confirmation) 6:30 Breakout 6:30 Marriage Matters Class 6:30 Kidz Kare 7:00 High School Gravity

Thursday, October 27 1:00 Piece Makers

Friday, October 28 6:30 Friday Men’s Ministry 11:45 NAOMI’s at Senior Center

Saturday, October 29 7:30 SAMM’s Men’s Bible Study 5:30 Holy Communion Worship Service

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Sunday, October 30 8:15 Prayer Group 8:30 & 10:30 Holy Communion Worship Services 9:30 Education Hour

Monday, October 31 5:30 Jubilation Ringers Rehearsal 7:30 “Band of Brothers” Men’s Fellowship


KTLX 91.3 FM – Saturday - 5:30 p.m. ♦♦ Sunday - 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. live broadcast.

CABLE TELEVISION – Worship Service Rebroadcast ... one week delay on Columbus Cable TV

Channel 13: Saturday at 2 p.m. ♦♦ Sunday at 6 p.m. ♦♦ Monday at 11 a.m.

Please submit calendar items for 2017 to the Church Office.