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Page 1: Church of Saint Cecilia

2357 Bayless Place • Saint Paul, MN 55114 Weekly Masses:

651.644.4502 Saturday 4:30 & Sunday 8:15 & 10:00

Fax 651.647.1445 • Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:45

WELCOME To join the parish,

please call the office at 651.644.4502,

or talk to one of the hospitality

ministers who greets you.

PARISH OFFICE HOURS The parish office is open


9:00am to 4:00pm.

Church of Saint Cecilia

Parish Staff

Fr. John M. Hofstede Pastor

651.644.4502 x 14

[email protected]

Marge Virnig Pastoral Associate

651.644.4502 x 12

[email protected]

Linda Whiteneck Parish Administrative Assistant

651.644.4502 x 10

[email protected]

Jeanne Dold Music Coordinator/Choir Director

651.644.4502 x 15

[email protected]

Theresa O’Toole Catechetical Ministry Coordinator

651.644.4502 x 13

[email protected]

Barb Falardeau Communications Coordinator

651.644.4502 x 11

[email protected]

Rose Ryan Maintenance Coordinator


Trustees Dick McCarthy 651.644.2831

Mary Ellen Ryan 651.746.9227

Karen Goetzinger

The Lamb is the lamp of the City of God.

+Remembering those who have served our nation.

Page 2: Church of Saint Cecilia

Book: Beth C.

Lectors: Eileen S./Justin M.

Host: Brad C.

Cup: Marilee G./John P.

Sacristan: Pat K.

The Church of Saint Cecilia

Stewardship-Fiscal Year

July 1, 2018-June 30, 2019

Contributions Update: May’s Budgeted Revenue $24,264

Amount Received To Date $20,109

Remaining to Achieve Budget $4,155

Year to Date Financial Information as of

March 31, 2019: Anticipated Revenues $270,044

Actual Revenues $283,569

Building Fund Contributions $12,333

Total Income $295,902

Budgeted Expenses $293,205

Actual Expenses $272,474

Principal Payments on Debt $11,021

Total Expenditures $283,495

Revenues Over Expenses $12,407

Debt Outstanding $74,210

Alms Box Balance as of May 19 $910.82

Liturgical Ministers Saturday, June 1, 4:30 pm

Cross: Scott S.

Book: Leo S.

Candle: Lectors: Mary V./Julie S.

Host: Stephanie K.

Cup: Alice S./Teri D.

Hospitality: Stephanie K.

Sacristan: Bob S.

Sunday, June 2, 10:00 am

Cross: Jack S.

Book: Larry C.

Candle: Liam W./Aaron S.

Lector: Jack D./Miriam G.

Host: Ken S.

Cup: Rosie F./Mary M.

Cup: Maureen R./Monica R.

Hospitality: Tom C.

Sacristan: Mary Pat Z.

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 26, 2019

Sunday, June 2, 8:15 am

Bulletin Deadline: Wednesdays at

9 : 0 0 a m . E m a i l i n f o t o

[email protected].

Catholic Services Appeal Foundation

From the Most Reverend

Bernard A. Hebda

Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis

Each year the Catholic Services Appeal Foundation (CSAF) has its annual appeal in

early February. This year, the appeal was being launched just as we were hit by back-to-

back weather events that severely affected Church attendance in many parts of the

Archdiocese. As a result, the 2019 appeal got off to a challenging start, with the number

of donors down by 4,300 and pledges down by $800,000. That significant shortfall puts

a number of our key Archdiocesan ministries at risk.

I write today to ask for your help to realize CSAF’s goal and, more importantly, to allow

us together as a Church to share the Easter mystery of the Risen Christ with others

through the various ministries that CSAF funds. CSAF funding is critical to the life of

this local Church by providing funding to the ministries that no one parish can support

on their own.

While CSAF provides an important source of income for our schools, and Catholic

Charities, and crucially funds the expenses related to room and board for our

seminarians, I wanted to highlight, in particular, one key ministry that depends on

CSAF: hospital ministry. The Catholic Services Appeal Foundation funds the cost of

priests serving as hospital chaplains who are available at all times of the day and night to

minister to the sick and dying and to celebrate the Sacrament of the Anointing of the

Sick. It’s at such crucial life moments that support for the Catholic Services Appeal

directly enables the compassion of the Risen Christ to be shared with those most in need.

I hope that you will join me in working together to bring this year’s Appeal to a

successful conclusion.

Editor’s Note: Pledge envelopes are available in the back of church (checks payable to

Catholic Services Appeal Foundation) and may be returned to the regular collection

basket during Mass or sent to the parish office. Thank you for your support.

Confirmation—May 19th at the Cathedral of Saint Paul

Page 3: Church of Saint Cecilia

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 26, 2019


Hymn Numbers: 858 (4:30), 3 (8:15 &

10:00), 271, 1078, 699, 950, 641

Mon Holiday/Office Closed

Tue 7:00 Choir

Wed 10:30 Nursing Home Service

Sat 10:30 Racial Reconciliation

5:30 Habitat Ice Cream


Sun 11:00 Habitat Ice Cream




Prayer Ministry: If you have an

intention you wish prayed for, please call

Sheila Boos at 612.810.5035 or complete

the form on our website.


Congratulations Graduates!

Iris C.

St. Paul Central High School

Enya L.

Highland Park High School

Jessie M.

Roseville Area High School

Ethan H.

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Jake M.

Iowa State University

Annalese Z.

University of Minnesota-Duluth

Foreign Language Speakers Needed If you speak a foreign language and would

like to be part of our 10:00am liturgy on

Pentecost Sunday, June 9th, please contact

Marge Virnig at [email protected]

for more information.

Mulch Needed We’re in need of dark brown mulch.

Please consider picking up a bag when

you’re at a garden center or elsewhere

and dropping it off here at the parish (on

either side of the church steps). Note:

Cub Foods has dark brown mulch for

$2.50 per bag.

Helpers Needed We have some projects coming up;

possibly working on our boulevards and/

or arranging our gardens. If interested in

lending a hand or for more information,

please contact Barb Falardeau at

[email protected].

Library Book Sale Results The good news is we made over $500 on

our last “Buck A Book Sale” which

ended up being the “Buy One, Get One”,

which was finalized with a “Bag of

Books for a Dollar.” A great big thank

you to everyone who helped, who

donated and who bought someone’s used

treasures. A special thank you to

Michael Raimondi for his help in getting

the remaining books to a wonderful

cause—this year they went to Books for

Africa and to North Heights Lutheran

Church who distributes and ships books

to our military folks away from home.

And once again, we’re coming to you,

asking what books don’t we have, what

should we have, and any other ideas you

might have for us. Leave any of us a

note or email with your suggestions.

Again thanks one and all. The Library

Team; Art Zannoni, Mary Pat Zwack,

Ann Kjorstad, and Geri Jwanouskos.

St. Cecilia Apparel After an unexpected delay at the printers,

the shirts and sweatshirts have finally

arrived. Apparel can be picked up in the

link. Thank you for showing your St.

Cecilia pride!

Save the date!

St. Cecilia

Parish Assembly

& Potluck

Sunday, June 9th


Please bring a dish to share at the

potluck according to your last name:

A-G bring a salad

H-O bring a dessert

P-Z bring a hot dish

New parishioners are invited to attend

as our guests.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Ice Cream Social

June 1st & 2nd Join us next weekend

following 4:30pm and

10:00am Masses for our

Habitat for Humanity ice

cream social fundraiser. Our parish will

join the Tres Iglesias group of St. Cecilia,

St. Frances Cabrini and Prospect Park

United Methodist Church the week of July

22nd-26th in a new home construction at

433 Maryland Avenue W., St. Paul near

Como Lake. Our funding portion for this

year’s build is $3,000 and we welcome

you to make a donation payable to St.

Cecilia with a notation of “Habitat.”

Volunteer Registration for July 22-26

Laborers: Register through the Twin Cities

Habitat for Humanity website:


Food Preparers: Register through the St.

Frances Cabrini website: https://

Both links are also posted on our St.

Cecilia website:

under the Outreach/Habitat for Humanity

tab. For more information contact Ken

Scherber 651.341.5602.

Registration Materials Ready Next fall we are offering Catechesis of

the Good Shepherd Sunday school for

children ages 3-5 during 10:00am Mass.

On three Wednesday evenings a month

we will have faith formation for the

whole family. We will offer First

Eucharist preparation, but Confirmation

preparation will not take place until the

following year in 2020-2021. Family

envelopes are ready to go and will be

available in the link throughout the

month of May. Extra forms are also

located in the box if you need them.

Please return forms by June 30th. Hope

to see each and every one of you next

