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Chronology from Columbus (1492) to the

Plains Indian Wars (1890)

Timeline Self-TestTo use this show, go to view and click “notes page.” Then start slide show. When you want to read more about an answer, end the show and the notes page for that slide will appear. After reading the notes page, use shift-F5 to return to the slide where you left off. Pretty cool! Or, as Aneesh says, “this is sick.” Try to guess the answer Click slowly, think before you click next Try to guess the answerRemember, if it is italicized, know it well; if it is in bold, know it really well

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Interaction between old and new worlds (smallpox to new; potato to old; etc.)—name this process

Columbian Exchange

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Powerful Native American force going into decline (generally sided with British against French)—name them

Iroquois Confederation (in what is now state of New York area, generally speaking)

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First permanent English settlement (look for gold; starve 1609-10; find tobacco)—name the town


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French Canada founded (less settled; more trade oriented; Catholic)—name the town


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c. 1609

Spanish settle in southwest (NM)—name the town

Santa Fe

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Separatists-Mayflower Compact (agree to obey all “just and equal laws”)—name them


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Dutch settle what became New York—name the settlement

New Amsterdam

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Boston-Affluent-Congregational-Families-intolerant (Williams, Hutchinson get kicked out)—what do you call this group?


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Penn grant from King-protect Quakers (pacifist influence here)—name the colony


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About 1660 to 1763

Name the theory (an “ism”): Eng/Britain gets raw materials; colony gets finished goods; keep other nations out of trading loop through answer to next slide


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About 1660 to 1763

Examples: 1--Molasses Act 1733 = 6p/gal not to be paid 2--ships to be owned by British, with mainly British

crew and British captain 3--colonies can’t make finished iron products (iron

bars OK) What do you call this?

Navigation and Trade Acts

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17th, 18th centuries

England (Britain after 1707) is lax in its enforcement of navigation and trade acts; Prime Minister Robert Walpole promoted this idea; the thriving colonies are left relatively unencumbered from royal and parliamentary control, thus fostering a spirit of independence, and, for practical purposes, independence in fact—name this

Salutary (benign) neglect

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OK to baptize kids of unconverted parents (signals erosion of earlier church power)—name this

Halfway Covenant

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17th Century

Most immigrants to 1670s were indentured for about 7 years—what do you call this?

Indentured Servitude

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Andros consolidates NE colonies—colonies resent—government collapses—name this government

Dominion of New England

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17th/18th Centuries

South = TRICS (what is TRICS?) Tobacco, Rice, Indigo, Cotton, Sugar (do

Tobacco in the Chesapeake colonies (MD and VA); do rice and indigo in the lower colonies (SC and GA); do cotton across the South after 1793; do sugar in the Southwest (LA) in 1800s

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17th/18th Centuries

Middle colonies (NY, NJ, Penn)= ROB the COW from the Hedgss (what does all this represent)—diverse folks do lots of different kinds of farming—name the people and the crops

Rye, Oats, Barley, Corn, Wheat, Beef, Pork; Huguenots, English, Dutch, Germans, Swedes, Scot-Irish

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17th and 18th Centuries

Northern colonies—who were they and what did they do?

Answer: Merchants, traders, shipbuilding, fishing, finance, slave trade

Remember that there are always small farmers all around the country, so small farms do not help you pull the regions apart, which AP likes you to do

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1624, 1691

Virginia becomes this in 1624, and Massachusetts becomes this in 1691

Crown colonies

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1660s onward

VA leads way with 1662 law saying child retains condition of mother—what are we talking about here?

Emergence of slavery as labor system of the South

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17th and 18th Centuries

Role of colonial cities—what was it? Colonial cities were centers of an essentially

agrarian society

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17th, 18th Centuries

Role of women-what was it? Fully ½ of marriage partnership; raise kids;

farm as needed; make candles, soap (remember, this is largely a subsistance farming economy, where a family, including father, mother, and kids all contribute to the welfare of the farm home)

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17th, 18th Centuries

Married woman’s rights—what were they? Fully subordinate to husband; no property

rights in marriage (a little less rigid in the Southern colonies)

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Frontier poor in Western Virginia protest Berkeley policies; Gov. Berkeley crushes rebellion-name the event

Bacon’s Rebellion

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Popé successfully leads revolt against Spanish in Santa Fe—name the event

Pueblo revolt

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50 South Carolina slaves rebel; crushed; harsher slave codes enacted (no meetings; no read)—name the event

Stono Rebellion

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Leisler overthrows Gov. Andros (Dominion of New England) in New York; he then resists new British govt. under William and Mary; he is hanged—name the event

Leisler’s Rebellion

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18th Century

Independent, tough, anti-king, anti-Anglican, frontier/backwoods people—name the ethnic group—name the people


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17th, 18th Centuries

1-Goods from Europe shipped to Africa; 2-slaves shipped to colonies; 3-rum/raw materials shipped to Europe—what is the name of this trade?

Triangular Trade

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17th and 18th centuries

Congregationalist = North; Quaker, Catholic, Meth, Pres = Middle; Anglican = So.—what is going on here?

Religious diversity

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1st mass movement causes decline in authority of existing church as people convert—name it

(first) Great Awakening

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18th century

God is nothing but cosmic watchmaker who does not actively intervene in world—name this “ism”


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Free speech case; he is acquitted (not guilty) on libel charge—who is he?

John Peter Zenger

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Slaves and poor whites burn New York City—whites are very fearful—name the event

New York Conspiracy Trials

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War for empire between Britain and France; French lose; Brits need to raise money—name the war

French and Indian War

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Ends Fr. and Indian War; Britain gets all to Mississippi (Spain west of Mississippi)—name the treaty

Treaty of Paris

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Acts of Britain to manage empire and pay war debts—what do we call this?

Imperial Reorganization

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Ottawa Chief leads attacks on British posts and forts in the West—name him


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Indian threat (Pontiac-1763) causes king to say no settlers beyond Appalachians—what do we call the King’s action?

Proclamation Line

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Colonists can’t use paper money to pay debts; colonists don’t have gold; big pain—name the act

Currency Act

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Brit needs money; reduces tariff on foreign molasses from 6p to 3p/gallon = TAX—name the act

Sugar Act [Recall that the ’33 Molasses Act tariff of

6p/gal was not meant to be paid; the ’64 tariff of 3p/gal was meant to be paid and was therefore a tax.]

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Direct tax on some colonial paper [colonies = no tax w/o rep; and can’t be rep!!!]—name the act

Stamp Act

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Stamp Act repealed but this act says Parliament can bind colonies in all cases—name the act

Declaratory Act

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1760s on

Members of Parliament represent all British citizens, even those who can’t vote—what is this called?

Virtual representation

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Tariffs for revenue on glass, lead, paint, paper, tea [opposed by colonies]—name the act

Townshend Acts

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Sons of Liberty dressed as Indians toss tea into Boston Harbor—name the event

Boston Tea Party

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Sam Adams organizes the first; communications fostered among towns, and then among colonies; used to promote opposition to British policies—what do we call these?

Committees of Correspondence

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Extends Quebec down to Ohio River; colonists resented—name the act

Quebec Act

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Four acts designed to bring colonies into compliance after tea party—name them

Coercive Acts (add Quebec Act and you have the Intolerable Acts)

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1774 Coercive Act #1

Must get governor’s approval to have town meetings; governor’s council, previously elected, now appointive—name the act

Massachusetts Government Act

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1774 Coercive Act #2

Closes port of Boston until tea paid for; cripples Boston trade—name the act

Boston Port Act

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1774 Coercive Act #3

Royal officials can be tried in England for crimes committed in Massachusetts—name the act

Administration of Justice Act

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1774 Coercive Act #4

Troops can now be housed in occupied houses, including homes—name the act

Quartering Act

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1690 Philosophy of American Revolution: Slide #1 Life, liberty, property = natural rights; abolish

govt. that is destructive of these Name the man who wrote the Treatise on

Civil Government that lifted up these points John Locke (Recall that Jefferson said the

Declaration of Independence is “pure Locke”)

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1690 Philosophy of American Revolution: Slide #2 Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau proposed that the

people are source of all government power—what is the name of this principle?

Popular sovereignty (Little ‘ole me—all political power is in my hands—wow!)

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1690 Philosophy of American Revolution: Slide #3 Government does only what sovereign

people tell it to do—what is the principle? Limited government

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Summary of philosophy of American Revolution Name the three elements mentioned in the

last three slides that represent the philosophy of the American Revolution

Natural Rights, popular sovereignty, and limited government

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The body was convened to respond to Coercive Acts—name the body

First Continental Congress

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Fights the war from 1775 to 1781; declares independence, advises states to draft constitutions, drafts a constitution (the Articles of Confederation)—name the body

Second Continental Congress

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Before July 4, 1776

Right before the Declaration of Independence, she wrote to her husband, “in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies.” Who is she?

Abigail Adams

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Colonies declare independence from Great Britain over a year after war starts—name the document

Declaration of Independence

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Great U.S. victory in upstate New York—leads to Franco-American alliance in 1778—name the battle


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Congress under the articles had some problems that can be remembered using the Lum words. What are those silly words

Answer: WART.Com +no E and no J

Congress can’t declare war, tax, regulate commerce; Congress can’t ensure domestic tranquility (the dot), and there is no executive or judicial

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Revolutionary War diplomacy with the French—comment

France allies with U.S. in 1778 after Saratoga; provides troops, supplies, ships; French aid essential

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Mistreated within colonies; U.S. breaks ’83 treaty promise to restore property-who are they?


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Britain recognizes U.S. sovereignty and independence; war over; U.S. wins—name the treaty

Treaty of Paris

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State constitution making--comment Second Continental Congress says (1776)

states should draft new constitutions ; states draft constitutions republican in form, with bills of rights

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U.S. organizing document (constitution); WART.COM + no E = no J—name the document

Articles of Confederation

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Survey western lands; 36 sq. mile townships; one section for education; great law—name it

Land Ordinance of 1785

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Up to five state to come out of northwest territory; no slavery; fugitive slave provision—name the law

Northwest Ordinance

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Farmers in Western Massachusetts rebel, prevent courts from meeting and foreclosing on farms; put down by Mass. Militia; shows weakness of Articles—name the event

Shays Rebellion

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Senate = 2/state; House representation based on population of state—what do we call this?

Great Compromise

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For taxes and representation in the House of Representatives, 3/5ths of slave population can be counted—what do we call this?

3/5 Compromise

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States choose electors who vote for president and vice president—what do we call this?

Electoral College

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What are the names of the two groups who either supported or opposed ratification of the Constitution?

Answer: Federalists (pro) and Anti-Federalists (con)

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Name two reasons why Anti-Federalists opposed ratification

1--Too strong of a central government and 2--there was no provision for a bill of rights (remember that the states put bills of rights in their constitutions)

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Name the 85 essays written by Hamilton, Madison, Jay to support ratification of Constitution

The Federalist, or The Federalist Papers

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1st ten amendments protect freedoms of speech, religion, life, liberty, property—what do we call them?

Bill of Rights

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Fund national debt at par; assume state debts; good for speculators and rich; tie wealthy to national government—name the report

Hamilton’s Report on Public Credit #1

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Calls for BUS, the BA in BART (Congress accepts); 1st BUS runs from 1791-1811

Hamilton’s Report on Public Credit #2

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Calls for the R and T in BART (Congress doesn’t accept)

Hamilton’s Report on Manufacturing

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Strict v. Loose construction = origins of first party system Who represents loose construction and who

represents strict construction? Same question: Who was first Secretary of the

Treasury and who was the first Secretary of State?

Hamilton and Jefferson

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1776 on

Educated moms must teach civic virtue to sons in a republic based on popular sovereignty Name the revolutionary concept that elevates the

status of women and inferentially calls for better educational opportunities for women

Republican Motherhood

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War between Britain and France--Washington wants to stay out of French Revolutionary war; isolationism here Name the proclamation Washington issued

Neutrality Proclamation

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Eli Whitney invents this; revolutionizes cotton processing; demand for slaves increases

Cotton Gin

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Eli Whitney invents process with muskets; begins mass production capability

Interchangeable parts

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Washington crushes Western Penn. rebels opposed to tax on whiskey—name the event

Whiskey Rebellion

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After Fallen Timbers (Gen. Wayne), Miamis cede vast tract in Ohio valley to U.S.—name the treaty

Treaty of Greenville

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1794/95 (’94 negotiated; ’95 ratified) Avoids war with Britain; Britain finally gets out

of west. forts; Brit. pays damagesname the treaty

Jay Treaty

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Spain grants free navigation of Mississippi and right of deposit at New Orleans; gives up claim to the old West Florida between 31° and 32°28'; good deal that follows Jay treaty—name the treaty

Pinckney Treaty

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U.S. refuses to pay bribe to talk with French; ignites war fever in U.S.—name the event

XYZ Affair

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U.S.-France seizing ships; near to full war; Convention of 1800 defuses issue—what do we call this “war”?

Undeclared Naval War with France

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Sedition act punishes Jeffersonians for speaking out against Adams; bad law is a violation of 1st Amendment freedom of speech; a second law deals with aliens—name the acts

Alien and Sedition Acts

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Responding to Sedition act, Mad/Jeff assert right of a state to nullify federal law—what do we call Mad/Jeff writings?

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

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Fears cause states to adopt laws restricting communications, learning, travel among slaves—what caused the slaveowners to be fearful—name the revolts

Answer: Slave revolts (Stono, South Carolina, 1739; Gabriel Prosser, Virginia, 1800; Denmark Vesey, South Carolina 1822; Nat Turner, Virginia, 1831, are among the more notable revolts)

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U.S.-France cancel 1778 alliance; peace not war here—name the treaty

Convention of 1800

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“Revolution” (election) of 1800 causes peaceful transfer of power from Federalists to Jeffersonians—what do we call this phenomenon?

“Revolution” of 1800

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Significance of Jefferson’s presidency He was strict in theory, loose in practice (e.g.,

Louisiana, where he went ahead and bought it, arguing that he did not have the authority but a constitutional amendment could authorize what he did—he never got the amendment—thus strict in theory, loose in practice); also he did not attack Hamilton’s BUS

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U.S. doubles in size for $15 million; New Orleans finally belongs to U.S.—name the event

Louisiana Purchase

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Jefferson commissions this expedition that is America’s grand adventure—name it

Louis and Clark Expedition (the Corps of Discovery)

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In this case, the principle of judicial review is established (articulated by Hamilton in Federalist #78)

Marbury v. Madison

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Jeff’s VEEP kills Hamilton; organizes conspiracy in southwest; tried for treason but not convicted—name him

Aaron Burr

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A reluctant Jefferson beats Tripoli who wanted tribute to allow U.S. ships to sail in the Mediterrean—name the war

War with Tripoli

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British, looking for deserters, attack U.S. warship; almost leads to war—name this incident

Chesapeake affair

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Following Chesapeake affair, Jefferson approves this as a response to the British

Embargo (recall the bitterness over Jefferson’s embargo among New England Federalists, merchants and traders)

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Early 1800s

British seize men (including U.S. citizens) to serve in Royal navy; U.S. hates this—name this practice


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Embargo repealed in favor of trade but not with Britain and France—name the act

Non-intercourse Act

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This supersedes non-intercourse: trade OK with Brit/Fr; if one stop offenses, embargo will be put on the other—name the act

Macon’s Bill #2

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1812-15 War of 1812

War of 1812 causes—name them CMEN + warhawks (Chesapeake,

Impressment, Embargo-1807, Nonintercourse--1809, Macon’s Bill #2--1810, and Calhoun/Clay elected to House in 1810—westerners clamoring for suppression of Indians and possibly expansion into Canada)

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Early 1800s

Shawnee chief; forces defeated at Tippecanoe/1811; killed at Thames/1813—name him


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1793-1824 U.S. Foreign Policy: approach to essay question on How do you approach a foreign policy question from

1793 to 1824?? European distresses = American successes, from

’95 Greenville to ’23 Monroe Doc (as Britain, France go to war, U.S. takes advantage—Greenville ’94, Jay ’95, Pinckney ’95, Convention of 1800, Louisiana Purchase ’03, seizure of West Florida 1810-13, Convention of 1818, Adams-Onís Treaty 1819, Monroe Doctrine ’23, Russo-American Treaty ’24)

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Christmas Eve, 1914

Name the treaty ending the War of 1812 Traty of Ghent

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After Treaty of Ghent, he beats British and becomes national hero—name him and the battle

Andrew Jackson and Battle of New Orleans

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Late 1814-early 1815

Anti-war Federalists oppose Madison; Federalist Party dies at Hartford—name the event

Hartford Convention

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1815-c. 1824

War of 1812 consequences Answer: BART called for; era of good

feelings and one-party rule; Clay’s Amer. System (BART=bank, internal improvements, tariff: 2nd BUS runs 1816-1826; Erie Canal completed 1825 (have states do internal improvements); first tariff for protection in 1816)

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1800 on

Political (Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark, War of 1812), Judicial (Marshall decisions); economic (BART); cultural (BIC and HR School) (BIC = Bryant, Irving, Cooper; HR = Hudson River School, Thomas Cole’s “Oxbow=romanticized landscapes)—name the “ism” here


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1816—this one is a “duh”

1st tariff for protective purposes (to protect “infant manufacturing” spawned by War of 1812)—name it, duh

Tariff of 1816

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c. 1815-24

Henry Clay supported BART; the So and West benefit too with R carrying stuff to market—name this

American System

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1815-c. 1824

Monroe’s terms; one-party; but Panic of 1819 and conflicts over BART occurred—name the era

Era of Good Feelings

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Let’s free the slaves and move them to Africa; Liberia created on African coast—name the organization

American Colonization Society

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Disarms Great Lakes (U.S.-Britain)—name the treaty

Rush-Bagot Disarmament Treaty

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U.S. and Britain agree to joint occupation of Oregon; also sets Louisiana Purchase boundary from Lake of Woods to Rocky Mountains (49th parallel)—name the treaty

Convention of 1818

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Speculation in western lands sparks unemployment, bank failures, debtors’ prison

Answer: Panic of 1819

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MD tax law struck down; federal supremacy here; necessary and proper here too—name the decision

McCulloch v. Maryland

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Spain cedes Florida and gives up vague Oregon claim; southern/western border of Louisiana fixed along “step” line (step = Sabean R. north to Red R., west to 100th, north to Arkansas R., due north from headwaters of Arkansas to 42nd, then west to ocean)—name the treaty

Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819 (do not say “Florida Cession” lest you forget the step line

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MO slave; ME free; no slavery in LA territory above 36°30' north latitude—name the event

Missouri Compromise What did Jefferson call it? The [death] “knell” of the Union

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Europe/American continents different, so nonintervention/noncolonization demanded—name the PEP here

Monroe Doctrine

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Austin gets Mexican land grant; Americans settle; conflicts arise—name the area


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NE farm girls work in company textile factory and live in company housing—name the PEP here

Lowell System

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1st 3rd party; anti-Mason, anti-Jackson—name the party

Anti-Masonic Party

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Early 1800s

States drop property qualifications to vote; contributes to Jackson “Era of Common Man”--what is happening here?

Expansion of suffrage

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Expand votes/ appeal to LAFS; hate monopoly; start spoils; hurt Indians: in 1840s, settle Oregon and take “Mexican Cession”—what name do we give to this era?

Jacksonian Democracy

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Jackson attacks 2nd BUS as monopolistic monster; success of attack creates $ instability—name the event

Bank War

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Jackson says you must use gold/silver to buy western lands; paper can’t be used—name the PEP

Specie Circular

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Jackson OKs this act in ’30; tribes move; Cherokee Trail of Tears ’38-’39—name the entire process

Indian Removal

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1828 on

Jackson thinks government work easy; gives government jobs to friends and cronies; bad system—name the PEP here

Spoils System

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1840-c. 1852

Democrats and Whigs form this; Whigs strongly pro-BART + --what is “this”?

2nd party system (1st=Feds, Jeffs)

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Jackson vetoes funds for highway in KY because it’s only in KY (blow to BART)—what do we call this veto?

Maysville Road veto

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Webster: constitution=supreme law of land; Hayne: U.S.= compact among states—name this 1830 event that occurred in the U.S. Senate

Webster-Hayne Debate (one of the best speeches in U.S. history is Webster’s second reply to Hayne, January 26-27, 1830, in which he attacks nullification and ends with “Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!”)

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1828 Tariff of Abominations; Calhoun=South Carolina Exposition and Protest; 1832 tariff too high and SC nullifies; Jackson gets Force Bill; Clay brokers lower tariff; SC repeals ordinance of nullification but nullifies the Force Bill; nullification theory = states are sovereign—what do we call this crisis?

Nullification Crisis

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USSC says only feds, not states, can regulate Indian affairs; federal supremacy—name the decision

Worcester v. Georgia

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Tocqueville: Africans and Indians lose in U.S.; women do better than in Europe—name the book

Democracy in America

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Speculation led to panic; Jacksonians call for independent treasury—name this economic event

Panic of 1837

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Idea!! Put fed. $ in independent vaults, not state banks; will stop speculation—name this idea

Independent treasury (Whigs repeal but Polk puts it back when he’s pres.)

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This party elected 2 pres (Harrison ’40; Taylor ’48); agenda was BART + moral reforms, public education—name the party


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1828-48 Summary

1830s: Good: expands vote, handles tariff controversy well; Bad: attack on BUS, Specie circular, Panic of ’37, treatment of Indians; 1840s: Good: establishes Independent treasury, gains from Mexican War, settles Oregon; Bad: imperialistic war with Mexico—what to we call this entire period?

Jacksonian Democracy (Jackson ‘29-‘37; Van Buren ‘37-‘41; Polk ‘45-‘49)

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Public road from MD to IL helps transportation and movement of goods—name the road

National Road

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NY builds canal from Buffalo to Albany; west can get goods to market now—name the canal

Erie Canal

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1828 on

This form of transportation contributes to national market; major industry in later 1800s—name the mode of transportation


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Cheap labor; keep Catholicism; prompts nativist reaction; stayed on east coast—what are we talking about here?

Irish immigration

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1840s on

Wealthier than Irish, moved inland, cultural diversity (kindergarten, beer), reformers—what are we talking about here?

German immigration

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Political party reacts against immigrants; anti-German, anti-Irish, anti-Catholic—name the party

American or Know-Nothing Party

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1840s on

A woman’s place=home (artistic, moral are good), but too sensitive for labor market—put a name on this idea

Cult of Domesticity

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1848 on

Denied econ./polit. opportunity and freedom (married/property), women object; women fight for abolition and reforms; Wyoming Terr. grants vote 1869—what are we talking about here?

Women’s rights movement

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Who wrote Women in the Nineteenth Century, a manifesto of the women’s rights movement?

Margaret Fuller

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Stanton, Mott, Declaration of Sentiments modeled on Dec of Ind; demands rights—name the event

Seneca Falls Convention

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Horace Mann fights for longer hours, better teachers, improved curriculum—what are we talking about here?

Education reform

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Finney leads revivals; reforms gain ground (PAW); Meth/Bapt gains are huge—name the event

Second Great Awakening

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Name the great preacher of the Second Great Awakening and identify the reform movements he promoted.

Charles G. Finney—prohibition, abolition, women’s rights (PAW, as in Finney put his “paw” on several antebellum reform movements

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Joseph Smith starts; Brigham Young leads them to Utah—name this religious group


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Bible communism; complex marriage/selective breeding marginalizes sect—name this community

Oneida Community

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Transcendentalists lead communitarian lifestyle on 200 acre farm that fails but demonstrates utopian fervor of mid-century idealists—name the community

Brook Farm

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Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller elevate individual dignity; reformers; self-reliance—what group of people are we talking about here?


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1820s on

Thomas Cole; romanticized landscapes; break from Europe; cultural nationalism—name the art “school”

Hudson River School

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1820s on

Bryant, Irving, Cooper=BIC=cultural nationalismname the “school”

Knickerbocker School

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1830s on

Douglass, Garrison, Truth promote this reform


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1850s on

Neil Dow and women fight for this Prohibition

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1840s on

Who fought for humane treatment of mentally ill?

Dorothea Dix

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God ordained U.S. to take all to Pacific, then in ‘50s reach into Latin America—name this idea

Manifest Destiny

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Alamo (’36) leads to independence; slavery issue keeps this area out of U.S. until 1845—name the area


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Polk/Britain agree to 49th parallel to divide this territory: good deal for both—name the area


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Polk prompts war; gets all from TX to Pacific; Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo (2-2-48)—name the war

Mexican War

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Pennsylvania representative proposes no slavery in lands taken from Mexico in upcoming war; fails (2)—name this

Wilmot Proviso

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Name the treaty ending the Mexican War Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo

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MO slave; ME free; no slavery in LA territory above 36°30' north latitude—name this

Missouri Compromise

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1831 on

Radical abolitionist; Liberator (1st=1-1-31); Southerners start to defend slavery after he starts his campaign—name him

William Lloyd Garrison

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Supports immediate abolition; later for Liberty, Free-Soil, and Republican parties—name the organization

American Anti-Slavery Society

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Name the institution that was the heart of the sectional controversy in the antebellum period

Slavery (read this lengthy note on the notes page—you have to know this)

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1837 speech in Senate

This So. Car. Senator argues that slavery is a positive good; blasts North. Bosses—name him

John C. Calhoun

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Brilliant orator and writer; most prominent of the black abolitionists—name him

Frederick Douglass

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Right of the people in territories to vote to have slavery or no slavery--name this idea

Popular Sovereignty

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CA=free; no slave trade in D.C.; NM/UT terr.=pop.sov.; strong fug. slave act; Texas boundary adjusted for $10 million—name these five acts

Compromise of 1850

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Part of Comp. of ’50; NO passes personal liberty laws ; resentment in NO and SO builds—name the act

Fugitive Slave Act

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Enflamed passions in both NO and SO; written in response to Fug. Slave Act--name the book

Answer: Uncle Tom’s Cabin Who wrote it? Harriet Beecher Stowe

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Part of Mexico (now AZ/NM) for $10 mill.; to build southern railroad—name this purchase

Gadsden Purchase

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Remainder of LA terr.=pop.sov.; KS and NE terr. formed; free-soilers enraged; Republican Party emerges—name the act

Kansas-Nebraska Act

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North based party; for BART and no slavery in territories; higher educ; homesteads—name the party

Republican Party

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Slaves can’t sue; MO Comp.=unconst.; free blacks can’t be citizens; bad decision—name it

Dred Scott decision

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KS constitution is pro-slave; Douglas opposes and loses SO Dem. Support—name this constitution

Lecompton Constitution and crisis

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IL senate race debate with Lincoln; Douglas articulates this doctrine, that people can vote vs. slavery in a territory if they want to and slavery will “stay down”—name this “doctrine”

Freeport Doctrine

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Cotton is King; no one dare make war on cotton; SO arrogance here is misplaced—name this idea

“King Cotton”

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Abolitionist radical=violent assault on Harper’s Ferry; becomes martyr for North—name this man

John Brown

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1860 party platform

No slavery in territories; BART; public education; homesteads—this is the platform of what party

Republican Party

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Fort at Charleston, SC: Confederates open fire, starting Civil War—name the fort

Fort Sumter

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20 million in NO vs. 9 in SO; 5X as many mfg. plants in NO.; SO needs quick war—name this in general

North v. South in Civil War (see the notes)

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Lincoln could not alienate four slave states still in Union (DEL, MD, KY, MO)--What do we call these states?

Border States

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Union war goal—name it Preserve union (later add emancipation)

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180,000 served; 38,000 killed; 54th Mass.=1st regiment in ’63; full pay by 1864—name these soldiers in general

African American soldiers

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C.S.A. commerce raider; points to delicate diplomatic issue with Britain—name the ship

C.S.S. Alabama

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Law grants 160 acres for small fee to settlers (previous: land sales=revenue)—name the act

Homestead Act

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Union “victory” shows Br/Fr Union power; Emancipation Proclamation follows—name the battle


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All slaves in land still in rebellion are free as of 1-1-63; turns War into crusade—name this event

Emancipation Proclamation

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Rep. education act for land-grant colleges (Texas A&M, e.g.); far-sighted—name the act

Morrill Act

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To provide food, clothing shelter, education for freed slaves; education a big ++++--name this agency

Freedmen’s Bureau

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This amendment frees the slaves 13th Amendment

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1865 on

Freed slaves share crop proceeds (50/50) or become tenants on farms and forever indebted to owners and stores; this reconfigures SO agriculture after the Civil War—what do we call this?

Tenant farming/sharecropping

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SO states pass laws restricting freedmen to stabilize workforce and keep them down

Black Codes

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1863, 1865

10% of voters in 1860 election can start gov’t; Johnson adds pardons required—name this

Presidential reconstruction

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Cong. Radicals divide SO into 5 military districts; SO states must ratify 14th Amend.—what do we call this?

Congressional (radical, military) reconstruction

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1865, 1868, 1879

13th=free slaves; 14th=citizenship to Africans; 15th=vote for Africans-but no women

Civil War Amendments

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Sec. of State Seward gets this land for $7.2 million; Russia off No. Amer. Now—name this purchase


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Johnson opposes Congress; House impeaches; one vote short of removal in Senate—name this event

Impeachment of President Andrew Johnson

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Hayes promises to pull troops out of South; ends Reconstruction—name this

Compromise of 1877

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1870s on

This group of people installed Jim Crow/tenant farming/sharecropping/crop liens and took over Southern state governments—what do we call them in general?

Southern “redeemers”

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The name we use to indicate the systematic legal separation of whites and blacks to keep blacks “in their place”

Jim Crow

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This occurred mainly on the Great Plains—provide the general name

Plains Indian Wars

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This treaty guaranteed Sioux lands after Red Cloud beat the U.S. Army—name the treaty

Treaty of Fort Laramie But in the 1870s, violations of the treaty led to

Plains Indian Wars

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Crazy Horse annihilates U.S. 7th Cavalry under Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer—name the battle

Little Big Horn

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1877, 1890

Great Sioux leaders at Little Big Horn; both killed by Army (one in ’77, one in ’90)—name them

Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull

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At Washita (’68); Little Big Horn (’76); and reconstituted at Wounded Knee (’90)—name the unit

U.S. 7th Cavalry

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Chief runs with people toward Canada; fails; “I will fight no more forever” quote—name the chief

Chief Joseph of the Nez Percé

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U.S. 7th Cavalry wipes out Sioux under Bigfoot; ends Plains Indian wars—name the battle

Wounded Knee
