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Greece is a country where traditions and customs are a part of everyday life.

Most holidays in Greece are celebrated traditionally, and Christmas in no exception.

In Greece schools will be closed for 15 days !

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PREPARATIONS AND MENUES!As Christmas drew near, preparations began so all would be ready for the big holiday. Houses would be cleaned with extra care, and a few days before Christmas housewives would prepare the Christmas cookies, which would be eaten on Christmas Day when the fasting ended.

In the past the honey cookies (melomakarona -the left picture) were made exclusively for Christmas, while sugar cookies, or kourabiedes (kourabiethes, the right picture), were prepared for the New Year. Today, though, that distinction is not observed and both melomakarona and kourabiedes are prepared and consumed during the Christmas and New Year holidays period.

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Recipe for “Melomakarona”


For the cookies:1 cup olive oil, 1 cup vegetable oil, 3/4 cup sugar, Zest of one orange, 3/4 cup orange juice, 1/4 cup brandy, 2 tsp. baking powder, 1 tsp. baking soda, Pinch of salt, 7 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, 3/4 cup walnuts, ground coarsely, Ground cinnamon for sprinklingFor the syrup: 1 cup honey, 1 cup sugar, 1 1/2 cups water, 1 cinnamon stick, 3-4 whole cloves, 1-2-inch piece lemon rind, 1 tsp. lemon juice

Preparation:Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. In a small bowl, using your fingers, combine the orange zest with the sugar – rubbing the grains as if you were playing with sand to release the orange oils into the sugar. Using an electric mixer, beat the oil with the orange sugar until well mixed. In a separate bowl, sift the flour with the baking powder, baking soda and salt. Add the orange juice and brandy to mixer and mix well. Slowly incorporate the flour cup by cup until the mixture forms a dough that is not too loose but not quite firm either. It will be dense and wet but not sticky. Once the flour is incorporated fully stop mixing. To roll cookies, pinch a portion of dough off about the size of a walnut. Shape in your palms into a smooth oblong shape, almost like a small egg. Place on an ungreased cookie sheet. Shape and roll cookies until the sheet is filled. Press the tines of a large fork in a crosshatch pattern in the center of each cookie. This will flatten them slightly in the center. The cookies should resemble lightly flattened ovals when they go in the oven. Bake in a preheated 350-degree oven for 25 – 30 minutes until lightly browned. (The cookies will darken when submerged in syrup.) While the cookies are baking, prepare the syrup. In a saucepan, combine the honey, sugar, water, cinnamon, cloves, and lemon rind. Bring the mixture to a boil then lower the heat and simmer uncovered for about 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the cinnamon, cloves, and lemon rind and stir in lemon juice. Place the ground walnuts in a shallow plate or bowl next to the stove top. When the cookies come out of the oven and while they are still very warm, carefully float the cookies in the syrup and allow the cookies to absorb syrup on both sides. Using a fork or small spatula, remove the cookie from the syrup and place on a platter or plate. Press ground walnuts lightly into the tops of the cookies (syrup will help it adhere) and sprinkle lightly with ground cinnamon.

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CHRISTMAS IN GREECEDuring the Christmas time we celebrate Juices Christ’s birthday (25th of December). According to our religion Mary gave birth to the son God Juices Christ that night. Very early in the morning we are going to churches and pray listening beautiful vizantine hymns.

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Later we celebrate the change of the year –New Years Eve (31th of December).

Agios Vassilis (Santa Claus) is coming and gives presents to every child during that night. The families are gathering together, having a dinner with several food, drinking wine and champagne.

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After 40 days of fasting, the Christmas feast is looked forward to with great anticipation by adults and children alike.

On almost every table are loaves of christopsomo ("Christ Bread"). This bread is made in large sweet loaves of various shapes and the crusts are engraved and decorated in some way that reflects the family's profession.

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Vasilopita is a New Year's Day bread or which contains a hidden coin or trinket which gives good luck to the receiver. It is made of a variety of doughs, including tsoureki. It is associated with Agios Vassilis day, January 1, in most of Greece, but in some regions, the traditions surrounding a cake with a hidden coin are attached to Epiphany or to Christmas.

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St. Nicholas is important in Greece as the patron saint of sailors. According to Greek tradition, his clothes are drenched with brine, his beard drips with seawater, and his face is covered with perspiration because he has been working hard against the waves to reach sinking ships and rescue them from the angry sea.

That’s why In older times people in Greece use to decorate little boats instead of the Christmas tree.

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At the past, young boys from the neighbourhoods began to work together constructing model ships, The outcome was so impressive and the competition –for the bigger and better boat- became tougher, so much so that on New Year’s Eve they would all go down to the town square with the accompaniment of music and penemata (verses that they would write themselves) and display their ship to passers-by.

In recent years on the last day of the year children that have constructed model commercial ships or battleships, up to 5m, are singing penemata and compete for the best boat and best presentation. The penemata and the melody are influenced by the Minor Asia carols. Here you can see a video :


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Christmas caroling is very popular during those days. The custom is that children go from house to house singing the carol, with the accompaniment of a triangle, and residents of the houses give them a small amount of money , sweets and dried fruits. . Greek Christmas carols (calanda) are sung on the mornings of Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve and January 5, the Eve of the Epiphany

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The pomegranate traditionIn many parts of Greece, people hang a pomegranate above the front door of their house. By the New Year, when the fruit will have dried, Greeks throw it on the ground so it breaks, and step into their house on their right foot. According to tradition, this brings good luck for the year to come.

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And here are some Greek Christmas Songs!